This repository contains a BibTeX file for papers that have used or are related to the Alternating Variable Method (AVM). It was created by Phil McMinn and Gregory M. Kapfhammer, the researchers who created the open-source AVM framework, AMVf. You are free to use any of the entries in this file if you are interested in citing one of these research papers in your own LaTeX document.
If you have used the AVM or the AVMf in your research, and you have papers that you would like to be included in the bibliography please email Phil McMinn ( with the details, and we will add your paper(s) to the repository. Alternatively, you can raise an issue in this repository with a request to add a paper. Or you can fork this repository, add your new paper(s), and then create a pull request. Finally, if you find any papers you know of using the AVM, then please follow one of the aforementioned strategies to let us know.
You can type the following command if you want to clone this repository:
git clone
Now, you can type cd avm-bibliography
and use the BibTeX file in your own
LaTeX project.
Alternatively, you can use the repository as a git submodule of another repository. To do this, use the following command:
git submodule add -b master avm-bibliography
Furthermore, a document that cites all of the entries in this bibliography can
be created using pdflatex
and bibtex
; you may also compile to a PDF file
using a wide variety of other tools, such as latexmk
. You can type the
following commands to create the summary document:
pdflatex avm-bibliography
bibtex avm-bibliography.aux
pdflatex avm-bibliography
pdflatex avm-bibliography
If you find that some of the entries are incorrectly formatted and thus your LaTeX and BibTeX tools are not processing them correctly, then please open a new issue and one of us will attempt to resolve your concerns. Finally, if you find this repository useful, then we hope that you will star it.