From 8c50d565ab05e4291697450523d39432338b66e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Abwasserrohr <> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 16:24:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Added steemworlds inventory menu This new menu allows the player to open it with /steemworlds, /sw or /sc. There, the player can currently change some settings like gamerules, time and weather. Later, players can view comments, votes and the history of the world through the menu. --- STEEM.CRAFT/addons/ | 351 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 351 insertions(+) create mode 100644 STEEM.CRAFT/addons/ diff --git a/STEEM.CRAFT/addons/ b/STEEM.CRAFT/addons/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4df7400 --- /dev/null +++ b/STEEM.CRAFT/addons/ @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +# +# ============== +# v0.0.1 +# ============== +# is part of the STEEM.CRAFT addons (addon to +# ============== +# > steemworlds-gui allows players to open a menu which can execute +# > steemworlds functions through it in an easy way. +# ============== + +# +# > Options +# > These settings can be changed to fit your needs. +options: + # + # > The background item is used as background in inventory menues. + backgrounditem: black stained glass pane + # + # > The loading item is used in the loading bar inventory menu. + loadingitem: yellow stained glass pane + # + # > The settings item is the item which moves the player to the settings menu if clicked. + settingsitem: getcustomhead("Settings","eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTViZTIyYjVkNGE4NzVkNzdkZjNmNzcxMGZmNDU3OGVmMjc5MzlhOTY4NGNiZGIzZDMxZDk3M2YxNjY4NDkifX19","80272ba4-e5b6-48a7-8bfb-59212b25e1dd") + # + # > The history item will move the player to the world save history menu. + historyitem: clock + # + # > The vote item will move the player to the world vote menu. + votesitem: enchanted book + # + # > The comment item will move the player to the world comment menu. + commentsitem: book and quill + # + # > The disabled item shows that something is switched off. + disableditem: red stained glass pane + # + # > The enabled item shows that something is switched on. + enableditem: green stained glass pane + # + # > The back item will move the player back to the previous menu. + backitem: redstone + +# +# > Command - /steemworlds [ /sw, /sc ] +# > Opens the steem world main menue for the current world of the player. +command /steemworlds: + aliases: /sw, /sc + trigger: + if "%player's world%" contains "steemworlds-": + openSteemWorldMainMenu(player's world, player) + +# +# > Function - openSteemWorldMainMenu +# > Opens a menu in which the player can get to other sub-menues. +# > Parameters: +# > the menu has world specific content, select the right world +# > the player who wants too view the menu +function openSteemWorldMainMenu(world:world,player:player): + + # + # > The current menu is just 27 slots big, as there are not that much things to display yet. + opengui({_player},27,"&lSteemworlds") + + # + # > Cover all slots to prevent item loss, since players could put items into empty slots. + loop 27 times: + setguiitem({_player},loop-number - 1, {@backgrounditem},1, " ","") + + # + # > Add inventory menu content. + set {_votesitem} to {@votesitem} + setguiitem({_player},10, {_votesitem},1, "&rVotes","&7This feature is going to be\n&7added in a upcoming version.","") + + set {_commentitem} to {@commentsitem} + setguiitem({_player},11, {_commentitem},1, "&rComments","&7This feature is going to be\n&7added in a upcoming version.","") + + set {_historyitem} to {@historyitem} + setguiitem({_player},12, {_historyitem},1, "&rWorld history","&7This feature is going to be\n&7added in a upcoming version.","") + + setguiitem({_player},16, {@settingsitem},1, "&rSettings","&7Click here to open the\n&7settings for this world.","openSteemWorldSettingsMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + +# +# > Function - openSteemWorldSettingsMenu +# > Opens a menu in which the world settings can be changed. +# > Parameters: +# > the world which should be affected by the setting changes +# > the player who wants to change the settings +function openSteemWorldSettingsMenu(world:world,player:player): + # + # > Just call our main settings menu "Settings". + opengui({_player},27,"&lSettings") + + # + # > Cover all inventory menu slots with a background item + # > to prevent item loss for players. + loop 27 times: + setguiitem({_player},loop-number - 1, {@backgrounditem},1, " ","") + + # + # > Menu part - randomTickSpeed + # > This part of the menu is going to allow the player to change + # > the randomTickSpeed gamerule of his world. + + # + # > Get the current randomTickSpeed parsed as a number. + set {_randomtickspeed} to "%getSteemWorldGamerule({_world},""randomTickSpeed"")%" parsed as number + + # + # > If the number is equal or higher than 3, the next randomTickSpeed hasStorm + # > to be 0, since we're not allowing a higher number, since it could lag the + # > server. + if {_randomtickspeed} >= 3: + set {_nextrandomtickspeed} to 0 + + # + # > If the value is smaller than 3, the next randomTickSpeed will be 1 higher + # > than the current randomTickSpeed value. + else: + set {_nextrandomtickspeed} to {_randomtickspeed} + 1 + + # + # > If the randomTickSpeed is 0, it is disabled. Use the disabled item in that case. + set {_item} to {@enableditem} + if {_randomtickspeed} is 0: + set {_item} to {@disableditem} + + # + # > Set the subtext of the item (also called lore) for that item. + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6%{_randomtickspeed}%\n&7Click here to change it to &6%{_nextrandomtickspeed}%&7." + + setguiitem({_player},10, {_item},1, "&rRandom tick speed",{_randomtickspeedlore},"changeSteemWorldGameruleInMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""randomTickSpeed"",%{_nextrandomtickspeed}%, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + # + # > Menu part - Time + # > This part of the menu will open another sub menu to + # > set the time of the world. + + # + # > Set the lore and add the current time to it. + set {_lore} to "&7Currently: &6%time in {_world}%\n&7Click here to change the time." + + setguiitem({_player},11, {@enableditem},1, "&rTime ",{_lore},"openSteemWorldTimeMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world,""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + # + # > Menu part - Daylight cycle + # > This part of the menu allows the player to change if + # > a daylight cycle should happen or not. + + # + # > Get the current setting for the doDaylightCycle gamerule. + set {_doDaylightCycle} to getSteemWorldGamerule({_world},"doDaylightCycle") + + # + # > If the daylight cycle is currently on (true), set the next setting to off (false), + # > set the menu item to a enabled item and the subtext of the item (lore). + if {_doDaylightCycle} is true: + set {_nextsetting} to false + set {_item} to {@enableditem} + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6Enabled\n&7Click here to change it to &6disable&7." + else: + set {_nextsetting} to true + set {_item} to {@disableditem} + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6Disabled\n&7Click here to change it to &6enable&7." + + setguiitem({_player},12, {_item},1, "&rDaylight cycle",{_randomtickspeedlore},"changeSteemWorldGameruleInMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""doDaylightCycle"",%{_nextsetting}%, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + # + # > Change weather setting + if {_world}.hasStorm() is true: + if {_world}.isThundering() is false: + set {_weather} to "Rain" + set {_nextweather} to "Thunder" + else: + set {_weather} to "Thunder" + set {_nextweather} to "Clear" + else: + set {_weather} to "Clear" + set {_nextweather} to "Rain" + + set {_item} to {@enableditem} + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6%{_weather}%\n&7Click here to change it to &6%{_nextweather}%&7." + + setguiitem({_player},13, {_item},1, "&rWeather",{_randomtickspeedlore},"changeSteemWorldSettingInMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""weather"",""%{_nextweather}%"", ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + # + # > Weather cycle boolean setting + set {_doDaylightCycle} to getSteemWorldGamerule({_world},"doWeatherCycle") + if {_doDaylightCycle} is true: + set {_nextrandomtickspeed} to false + set {_item} to {@enableditem} + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6Enabled\n&7Click here to change it to &6disable&7." + else: + set {_nextrandomtickspeed} to true + set {_item} to {@disableditem} + set {_randomtickspeedlore} to "&7Currently: &6Disabled\n&7Click here to change it to &6enable&7." + + setguiitem({_player},14, {_item},1, "&rWeather cycle",{_randomtickspeedlore},"changeSteemWorldGameruleInMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""doWeatherCycle"",%{_nextrandomtickspeed}%, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + + setguiitem({_player},18, {@backitem},1, "&rBack","&7Click here to get\n&7back to the\n&7previous menu.","openSteemWorldMainMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + +# +# > Function - openSteemWorldTimeMenu +# > Opens a menu in which the world time can be set. +# > Parameters: +# > the world which should be affected by the time change +# > the player who wants to change the time +function openSteemWorldTimeMenu(world:world,player:player): + # + # > Opens a big menu named settings. + opengui({_player},54,"&lSettings") + # + # > Create a background item for every slot to prevent the player + # > from putting items into there. + loop 54 times: + setguiitem({_player},loop-number - 1, {@backgrounditem},1, " ","") + + # + # > Create a menu which allows to select every hour of the day. + # > Could also simply create 24 times the setguiitem function, + # > but this is with just 16 lines smaller and faster to load. + set {_slot} to 10 + set {_time} to 0 + set {_item} to {@enableditem} + loop 24 times: + add 1 to {_slot} + add 1 to {_slotskip} + + # + # > To make the menu look better, skip 3 slots every 7 slots. + if {_slotskip} is 7: + add 3 to {_slot} + set {_slotskip} to 1 + + # + # > If the time is lower than 10, add a 0 in front of it. + if {_time} < 10: + set {_nextsetting} to "0%{_time}%:00" + else: + set {_nextsetting} to "%{_time}%:00" + + set {_lore} to "&7Click here to change \n&7the time to &6%{_nextsetting}%&7." + + setguiitem({_player},{_slot}, {_item},1, "&r%{_nextsetting}%",{_lore},"changeSteemWorldSettingInMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""time"",%{_nextsetting}%, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + + add 1 to {_time} + + setguiitem({_player},45, {@backitem},1, "&rBack","&7Click here to get\n&7back to the\n&7previous menu.","openSteemWorldSettingsMenu(""%{_world}%"" parsed as world, ""%{_player}%"" parsed as player)") + +# +# > Function - waitSteemWorldmenu +# > Opens a menu with a loading bar. +# > Parameters: +# > the player who should see the loading bar +# > start loading bar = true, stop loading bar = false +function waitSteemWorldmenu(player:player,start:boolean=true): + # + # > If the {_start} value is false, the wait menu stops. + if {_start} is false: + delete metadata value "waitSteemWorldmenu" of {_player} + stop + + # + # > If the loading bar menu is not running, start it. + if metadata value "waitSteemWorldmenu" of {_player} is not true: + + # + # > Open the gui and name it 'Please wait' to let the player know + # > that this is a loading process. + opengui({_player},27,"&lPlease wait...") + set metadata value "waitSteemWorldmenu" of {_player} to true + + # + # > Create a background which prevents players from putting items into the menu. + loop 27 times: + setguiitem({_player},loop-number - 1, {@backgrounditem},1, " ","") + + # + # > To make it look better, the loading bar loop starts in the gui slot 10. + set {_startslot} to 10 + + # + # > For the loading bar loop, the previous slot is needed, create it here. + set {_currentslot} to {_startslot} + set {_previousslot} to {_currentslot} - 1 + + # + # > Run this loading bar loop as long as the metadata value + # > 'waitSteemWorldmenu' is true. + while metadata value "waitSteemWorldmenu" of {_player} is true: + # + # > This created a loading bar which is going to loop forever + # > until it is stopped or closed. + if {_previousslot} < {_startslot}: + set {_previousslot} to {_startslot} + 6 + setguiitem({_player},{_previousslot}, {@backgrounditem},1, " ","") + setguiitem({_player},{_currentslot}, {@loadingitem},1, " ","") + set {_previousslot} to {_currentslot} + add 1 to {_currentslot} + if {_currentslot} > {_startslot}+6: + set {_currentslot} to {_startslot} + wait 5 ticks + +# +# > Function - changeSteemWorldSettingInMenu +# > Changes settings like weather or time and is used in menues. +# > Parameters: +# > the world which should be affected by the change +# > setting name which should be changed +# > the value to which the setting should be set +# > the player who requested the change +function changeSteemWorldSettingInMenu(world:world,setting:text,value:object,player:player): + # + # > Check if the player has the permission to execute this change. + if getWorldPermission({_world},{_player},"settings") is true: + + # + # > To store the now changed setting, we need the short name + # > of the world, which is the world name without 'steemworlds-'. + set {_name} to "%{_world}%" + replace all "steemworlds-" with "" in {_name} + + if {_setting} is "time": + set the time in {_world} to {_value} + if getGeneralStorageData("steemworlds",{_name},"doDaylightCycle") is "false": + saveGeneralStorageData("steemworlds",{_name},"time", "%{_value}%") + + if {_setting} is "weather": + setSteemWorldWeather({_world},{_value}) + close {_player}'s inventory + if getGeneralStorageData("steemworlds",{_name},"doWeatherCycle") is "false": + saveGeneralStorageData("steemworlds",{_name},"weather", {_value}) + +# +# > Function - changeSteemWorldGameruleInMenu +# > Changes a gamerule of the specified world. +# > Parameters: +# > the world which should be affected by the change +# > gamerule name which should be changed +# > the value to which the setting should be set +# > the player who requested the change +function changeSteemWorldGameruleInMenu(world:world,gamerule:text,value:object,player:player): + + # + # > Check if the player has the permission to execute this change. + if getWorldPermission({_world},{_player},"settings") is true: + + # + # > Change the settings and then re-open the menu for settings. + setSteemWorldGamerule({_world},{_gamerule},{_value}) + openSteemWorldSettingsMenu({_world},{_player})