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PhoneGap plug-in methods

You can use Android PhoneGap Plug-in methods to complete a variety of tasks.

In html files where you want to use tracking, add the following to the <head> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ADB_Helper.js"></script>

Configuration methods

  • getPrivacyStatus

    Returns the privacy status for current user.

    Here are the available statuses:

    • ADB.optedIn: The hits are sent immediately.

    • ADB.optedOut: The hits are discarded.

    • ADB.optUnknown: If your report suite is timestamp-enabled, hits are saved until the privacy status changes to opt-in (hits are sent) or opt-out (hits are discarded). If your report suite is not timestamp-enabled, hits are discarded until the privacy status changes to opt in.

      The default value is set in the ADBMobileConfig.json file.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      getPrivacyStatus(function (value) { myTempVal = value; }, function () {myTempVal = null;}); 
  • setPrivacyStatus

    Sets the privacy status for the current user to status.

    You can set one of the following statuses:

    • ADB.optedIn: The hits are sent immediately.

    • ADB.optedOut: The hits are discarded.

    • ADB.optUnknown: If your report suite is timestamp-enabled, hits are saved until the privacy status changes to opt-in (hits are sent) or opt-out (hits are discarded). If your report suite is not timestamp-enabled, hits are discarded until the privacy status changes to opt in.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • getLifetimeValue

    Returns the lifetime value of the current user. The default value is 0.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.getLifetimeValue(function (value) { myTempVal = value }, function () { myTempVal = null; }); 
  • setDebugLogging

    Enables (true) or disables (false) viewing debug information. By default, this variable is false.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • getVersion

    Gets the library version.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.getVersion(function (value) { versionNum = value }, function () { versionNum = 1.0;});
  • trackingIdentifier

    Returns the automatically generated visitor identifier.

    This is an app-specific, unique visitor ID that is generated when the app is initially launched and is stored and used from that point. This ID is preserved between app upgrades and is removed when the app is uninstalled.

    Tip: If your app upgrades from the Experience Cloud 3.x to 4.x SDK, the previous visitor ID (custom or automatically generated) is retrieved and stored as the custom user identifier. For more information, see getUserIdentifier below. This ID preserves visitor data between SDK upgrades.

    For new installations on the 4.x SDK, the user identifier is null and tracking identifier is used.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackingIdentifier(function (value) { myTempVal = value; }, function () { myTempVal = null; }); 
  • getUserIdentifier

    If a customer user identifier has been set, returns this identifier; if the identifier has not been set, returns null. The default value is null.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      getUserIdentifier(function(value) { myTempVal = value; }, function () { myTempVal = null; });
  • setUserIdentifier

    Sets the user identifier to identifier.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • setPushIdentifier

    Sets the device token for push notifications.

    getUserIdentifier(function (value) { myTempVal = value; }, function () { myTempVal = null; });
    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.setPushIdentifier(pushIdentifier, success, fail);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.setPushIdentifier('test_push_identifier',function (value) { alert('success'); },function (value) { alert('fail'); }); 
  • keepLifecycleSessionAlive

    Sets the preference of lifecycle session keep alive.

    Important: Calling keepLifecycleSessionAlive prevents your app from launching a new session the next time it is resumed from background. You should only use this method if your app registers for notifications in the background.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackingSendQueuedHits

    Forces the library to send all queued hits regardless of current batch options.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackingGetQueueSize

    Gets or sets the number of stored tracking calls in the offline queue.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackingGetQueueSize(function (value) { myTempVal = value;}, function () { myTempVal = null;}); 
  • trackingClearQueue

    Removes all stored tracking calls from the offline queue.

    Warning: Be careful when clearing the queue manually, because it cannot be reversed.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackingClearQueue(function (value) { myTempVal = value; }, function () { myTempVal = null; }); 

PII methods

  • collectPII

    Submits a PII collection request.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:
    ADB.collectPII(piiData,success, fail);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.collectPII({'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':'v3'}, function (value) { alert('success') },function (value) { alert('fail') ;});

Tracking methods

  • trackAdobeDeepLink

    Tracks an Adobe Deep Link click-through.

    Tip: If the Lifecycle call is a launch event, the Adobe Link data will be appended, otherwise an extra call will be sent.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackAdobeDeepLink(deeplinkURL, success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackAdobeDeepLink('xyz-deeplink-url',function (value) { alert('success'); },function (value) { alert('fail') }); 
  • trackState

    Tracks an app state with optional context data. States are the views that are available in your app, such as such as home dashboard, app settings, cart, and so on. These states are similar to pages on a website, and trackState calls increment page views.

    cData: JSON object with key-value pairs to send in context data.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackState(string stateName[,JSON cData]);
    • Here are code samples for this method:

        ADB.trackState("login page", {"user":"john","remember":"true"});
  • trackAction

    Tracks an action in your app. Actions include logins, banner taps, feed subscriptions, and other metrics that occur in your app and that you want to measure.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackAction(string action[,JSON cData]); 
    • Here are the code samples for this method:

        ADB.trackAction("login", {"user":"john","remember":"true"}); 
  • trackLocation

    Sends the current x y coordinates. Also uses points of interest defined in the ADBMobileConfig.json file to determine if the location provided as a parameter is within any of your POI. If the current coordinates are within a defined POI, a context data variable is populated and sent with the trackLocation call.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackLocation(x, y[,JSON cData]); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackLocation('40.431596', '-111.893713'); 
  • trackLifetime​ValueIncrease

    Adds amount to the user's lifetime value.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackLifetimeValueIncrease(amount[,JSON cData]); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackTimed​ActionStart

    Start a timed action with the name action.

    If you call this method for an action that has already started, the previous timed action is overwritten.

    Tip: This call does not send a hit.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackTimedActionStart(action[,JSON cData]);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackTimed​ActionUpdate

    Pass in cData to update the context data that is associated with the action>.

    The cData that is passed is appended to the existing data for the action and, if the same key is already defined for action, overwrites the data.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackTimedActionUpdate(String action[,JSON cData]);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackTimed​ActionEnd

    End a timed action.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • trackingTimedActionExists

    Returns whether a timed action is in progress.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackingTimedActionExists(function (value) { myTempVal = value }, function () { myTempVal = null; }); 

Beacon methods

  • trackBeacon

    Tracks when a user enters the proximity of a beacon.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.trackBeacon(uuid, major, minor, proximity, cData) 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.trackBeacon('2F234454-CF6D-4A0F-ADF2-F4911BA9FFA6', 1, 2, 
      ADB.beaconUnknown, {'hp':'hp_val','':'adobe'}
  • clearCurrentBeacon

    Clears the beacon data after a user leaves the proximity of the beacon.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.clearCurrentBeacon(success, fail)
    • Here is the code sample for this method:


Target methods

  • targetLoadRequest

    Sends a request to your configured Target server and returns the string value of the offer.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetLoadRequest(success, fail, name, defaultContent, parameters);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      {myTempVal = value }, function () { myTempVal = null;},'bannerOffer', 'none', {'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'}); 
  • targetLoadOrderConfirmRequest

    Sends a request to your configured Target server.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetLoadOrderConfirmRequest(success, fail name orderId, orderTotal, productPurchaseId, parameters); 
    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetLoadRequest(function (value) { myTempVal = value }
      , function ()
      { myTempVal = null; } 
      , 'name' 'orderId' 'total', 'purchaseId',
      {'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'}
  • targetClearCookies

    Clears the Targetcookies from shared cookie storage.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

  • targetLoadRequestWithNameWithLocationParameters

    Processes a Target service request.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

        success, fail, name, defaultContent, profileParameters, orderParameters, mboxParameters requestLocationParameters
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.targetLoadRequestWithNameWithLocationParameters  (function () { alert('success'); }, function () { alert('fail'); }, ;'bannerOffer', 'none', {'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'}, {'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'},{'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'},{'hp':'hp_val_new','':'adobe', 'hp.val2':'hp_val2'});
  • targetLoadRequestWithName

    Processes a Target service request.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetLoadRequestWithRequestName(success, fail, name, defaultContent, profileParameters, orderParameters, mboxParameters);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      function (value){ // handle target success} ,
      function() { // handle target failure }, 
      {"orderId" : "32FGJ4XK" , "orderTotal" : "123.33" , "purchasedProductIds":"[46,34]" }
  • targetSessionID

    Gets the value of the SessionID cookie returned for this visitor by the Target server.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetSessionID (success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.targetSessionID(function (value) { alert(value) },function (value){ alert('fail'); });  
  • targetPcID

    Gets the value of the PcID cookie that is returned for this visitor by the Target server.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetPcID (success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.targetPcID(function  (value) { alert(value) },function (value) { alert('fail'); });
  • targetSetThirdPartyID

    Sets the custom visitor ID for Target.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetSetThirdPartyID(thirdPartyID, success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.targetSetThirdPartyID('test-third-party-id' function (value) { alert('success'); },function (value) { alert('fail'); }); 
  • targetThirdPartyID

    Gets the custom visitor ID for Target.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.targetThirdPartyID(success, fail);
    • Here is code sample for this method:

       ADB.targetThirdPartyID(function (value) { alert(value); },function (value) { alert('fail')__;});

Acquisition methods

  • acquisitionCampaignStartForApp

    Sends a request to your configured Target server and returns the string value of the offer.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.acquisitionCampaignStartForApp(appId, data, success, fail); 
    • Here are the code samples for this method:

      ADB.acquisitionCampaignStartForApp("appId", {‘key’:‘value’}, function() {…}, function() {…}));
      ADB.acquisitionCampaignStartForApp("appId", {‘key’:‘value’});  

Advertising identifier

In the main activity that is generated by Cordova, call Config.submitAdvertisingIdentifierTask() in the onResume() method. For more information, see Configuration Methods.

Audience Manager methods

  • audienceGetVisitorProfile

    Gets the visitor’s profile.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.audienceGetVisitorProfile(function(value) { profile = value;}, function() { profile = null; }); 
  • audienceGetDpuuid

    Returns the DPUUID.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.audienceGetDpuuid(success fail);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.audienceGetDpuuid(function(value) { dpuuid = value;}, function(){dpuuid = null; }); 
  • audienceGetDpid

    Returns the DPID.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.audienceGetDpid(success, fail);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.audienceGetDpid(function(value){dpid = value;}, function() {dpid =  null;}); 
  • audienceSetDpidAndDpuuid

    Sets the DPID and DPUUID.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.audienceSetDpidAndDpuuid(dpid, dpuuid, success, fail); 
    • Here are the code samples for this method:

      ADB.audienceSetDpidAndDpuuid(‘dpid’, ‘dpuuid’, function() {…}, function(){…};
      ADB.audienceSetDpidAndDpuuid(‘dpid’, ‘dpuuid’); 
  • audienceSignalWithData

    Processes an Audience Manager service request.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.audienceSignalWithData(success, fail, data);
    • Here are the code samples for this method:

       ADB.audienceSignalWithData(function() {}, function() {} {‘key1’: ’value1’ ‘key2’: ‘value2’}); 
      ADB.audienceSignalWithData({‘key1’: ’value1’, ‘key2’:‘value2’}); 
  • audienceReset

    Audience Manager UUID and purges the current visitor profile.

    • Here is the code sample for this method:


ID Service methods

  • visitorGetMarketingCloudId

    Returns the Experience Cloud ID from the ID Service.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.visitorGetMarketingCloudId(success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.visitorGetMarketingCloudId(function (value) { mcid = value;},function (){ mcid = null;});
  • visitorSyncIdentifiers

    Synchronizes the provided identifiers with the ID Service.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifiers(identifiers, success, fail); 
    • Here are the code samples for this method:

      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifiers({‘key_id_1’:’value_id_1’}, function() {…}, function() {…}));
      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifiers({‘key_id_1’: ‘value_id_1’});  
  • visitorSyncIdentifiersWithAuthenticationState

    Synchronizes the provided identifiers to the ID Service.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      (identifiers, authenticationState, success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifiersWithAuthenticationState({'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':'v3'}, ADB.mobileVisitorAuthenticationStateAuthenticated, function (value) { alert('success'); },function (value) { alert('fail'); }); 
  • visitorSyncIdentifierWithType

    Synchronizes the provided identifier to the ID Service.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifierWithType(identifierType, identifier authenticationState, success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.visitorSyncIdentifierWithType('test-identifier-type', 'test-identifier', ADB.mobileVisitorAuthenticationStateAuthenticated, function (value) { alert('success') },function (value) { alert('fail'); }); 
  • visitorAppendToURL

    Appends visitor identifiers to the given URL.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

       ADB.visitorAppendToURL(urlToAppend, success, fail); 
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.visitorAppendToURL('test_visitor_url', function (value) alert(value);},'');
  • visitorGetIDs

    Returns all visitorIDs that have been synced.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      ADB.visitorGetIDs (success, fail);
    • Here is the code sample for this method:

      ADB.visitorGetIDs(function (value) { alert(value); },function (value) { alert('fail') ;});