import 'bulma'; import $ from 'jquery'; import * as Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import '@/assets/css/icons.css'; import '@/assets/global.scss'; import './meeting1.scss'; import ButtonControl from '@/utils/ButtonControl'; import { isSafari, isMobileSize, isChrome, isFirefox } from '@/utils/BrowserCheck'; import Notify from '@/utils/Notify'; import Renderer from '@/utils/Render'; import { SHARE_ID, RESOLUTION_ARR, APP_ID } from '@/utils/Settings'; import { logger, log } from '../../utils/Logger'; // eslint-disable-next-line import Polyfill from '@/utils/Polyfill'; // If display a window to show video info const DUAL_STREAM_DEBUG = false; let options = {}; let client = {}; let localStream = {}; let streamList = []; let shareClient = null; let shareStream = null; let mainId; let mainStream; const globalLog = logger.init('global', 'blue'); const shareLog = logger.init('share', 'yellow'); const localLog = logger.init('local', 'green'); const optionsInit = () => { let options = { videoProfile: '480p_4', videoProfileLow: '360p_4',//Cookies.get('videoProfileLow'), // cameraId: Cookies.get('cameraId'), // microphoneId: 'tQCyXDVTkQpcku5lzh3kUh7YNcZdCSmEWZKKhUT3QSk=', channel: 'test',//window.paramFromParent, transcode: 'h264_interop', attendeeMode: 'audio-only', baseMode: 'avc', displayMode: 2, // 0 Tile, 1 PIP, 2 screen share uid: undefined, // In default it is dynamically generated resolution: undefined }; // let tempProfile = RESOLUTION_ARR[Cookies.get('videoProfile')]; let tempProfile = RESOLUTION_ARR['480p_4']; options.resolution = tempProfile[0] / tempProfile[1] || 4 / 3; if (options.baseMode === 'avc') { options.key = APP_ID; } return options; }; const uiInit = options => { Renderer.init('ag-canvas', 9 / 16, 8 / 5); // Mobile page should remove title and footer if (isMobileSize()) { Renderer.enterFullScreen(); } // Only firefox and chrome support screen sharing if (!isFirefox() && !isChrome()) { ButtonControl.disable('.shareScreenBtn'); } $('#room-name').html(; switch (options.attendeeMode) { case 'audio-only': ButtonControl.hide(['.videoControlBtn', '.shareScreenBtn']); break; case 'audience': ButtonControl.hide(['.videoControlBtn', '.audioControlBtn', '.shareScreenBtn']); break; default: case 'video': break; } }; const clientInit = (client, options) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.init(options.key, () => { globalLog('AgoraRTC client initialized'); let lowStreamParam = RESOLUTION_ARR[options.videoProfileLow]; client.join( options.key,, options.uid, uid => { log(uid, 'brown', `User ${uid} join channel successfully`); log(uid, 'brown', new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); client.setLowStreamParameter({ width: lowStreamParam[0], height: lowStreamParam[1], framerate: lowStreamParam[2], bitrate: lowStreamParam[3] }); // Create localstream resolve(uid); }, err => { reject(err); } ); }); }); }; /** * * @param {*} uid * @param {*} options global option * @param {*} config stream config */ const streamInit = (uid, options, config) => { let defaultConfig = { streamID: uid, audio: true, video: false, screen: false }; switch (options.attendeeMode) { case 'audio-only': = false; break; case 'audience': = false; = false; break; default: case 'video': break; } // eslint-disable-next-line let stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(merge(defaultConfig, config)); stream.setVideoProfile(options.videoProfile); return stream; }; const shareEnd = () => { try { shareClient && shareClient.unpublish(shareStream); shareStream && shareStream.close(); shareClient && shareClient.leave( () => { shareLog('Share client succeed to leave.'); }, () => { shareLog('Share client failed to leave.'); } ); } finally { shareClient = null; shareStream = null; } }; const shareStart = () => { ButtonControl.disable('.shareScreenBtn'); // eslint-disable-next-line shareClient = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: options.transcode }); let shareOptions = merge(options, { uid: SHARE_ID }); clientInit(shareClient, shareOptions).then(uid => { let config = { screen: true, video: false, audio: false, extensionId: 'minllpmhdgpndnkomcoccfekfegnlikg', mediaSource: 'screen' }; shareStream = streamInit(uid, shareOptions, config); shareStream.init( () => { ButtonControl.enable('.shareScreenBtn'); shareStream.on('stopScreenSharing', () => { shareEnd(); shareLog('Stop Screen Sharing at' + new Date()); }); shareClient.publish(shareStream, err => { shareLog('Publish share stream error: ' + err); shareLog('getUserMedia failed', err); }); }, err => { ButtonControl.enable('.shareScreenBtn'); shareLog('getUserMedia failed', err); shareEnd(); if (isChrome()) { // If (! { let msg = `Please install chrome extension before using sharing screen.
Add chrome extension `; Notify.danger(msg, 5000); // } } } ); }); }; window.installSuccess = (...args) => { globalLog(...args); }; window.installError = (...args) => { globalLog(...args); Notify.danger( 'Failed to install the extension, please check the network and console.', 3000 ); }; const removeStream = id => {, index) => { if (item.getId() === id) { streamList[index].close(); $('#video-item-' + id).remove(); streamList.splice(index, 1); return 1; } return 0; }); // if (streamList.length <= 4 && options.displayMode !== 2) { // ButtonControl.enable('.displayModeBtn'); // } // Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); }; const addStream = (stream, push = false) => { let id = stream.getId(); // Check for redundant let redundant = streamList.some(item => { return item.getId() === id; }); if (redundant) { return; } // Do push for localStream and unshift for other streams push ? streamList.push(stream) : streamList.unshift(stream); // if (streamList.length > 4) { // options.displayMode = options.displayMode === 1 ? 0 : options.displayMode; // ButtonControl.disable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']); // } // Renderer.rendererFactory(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); }; const getStreamById = id => { return streamList.filter(item => { return item.getId() === id; })[0]; }; const enableDualStream = () => { // 开启双流模式 client.enableDualStream( function() { localLog('Enable dual stream success!'); }, function(e) { localLog(e); } ); }; const setHighStream = (prev, next) => { if (prev === next) { return; } let prevStream; let nextStream; // Get stream by id for (let stream of streamList) { let id = stream.getId(); if (id === prev) { prevStream = stream; } else if (id === next) { nextStream = stream; } else { // Do nothing } } // Set prev stream to low prevStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(prevStream, 1); // Set next stream to high nextStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(nextStream, 0); }; /** * Add callback for client event to control streams * @param {*} client * @param {*} streamList */ const subscribeStreamEvents = () => { // 该回调通知 App 远程音视频流已添加。 client.on('stream-added', function(evt) { let stream =; let id = stream.getId(); localLog('New stream added: ' + id); localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); localLog('Subscribe ', stream); if (id === SHARE_ID) { options.displayMode = 2; mainId = id; mainStream = stream; if (!shareClient) { ButtonControl.disable('.shareScreenBtn'); } ButtonControl.disable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']); } if (id !== mainId) { if (options.displayMode === 2) { client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(stream, 1); } else { mainStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(mainStream, 1); mainStream = stream; mainId = id; } } client.subscribe(stream, function(err) { localLog('Subscribe stream failed', err); }); }); // 该回调通知 App 对方用户已离开频道,即对方调用了 Client.leave client.on('peer-leave', function(evt) { let id = evt.uid; localLog('Peer has left: ' + id); localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); if (id === SHARE_ID) { options.displayMode = 0; if (options.attendeeMode === 'video') { ButtonControl.enable('.shareScreenBtn'); } ButtonControl.enable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']); shareEnd(); } if (id === mainId) { let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : localStream.getId(); setHighStream(mainId, next); mainId = next; mainStream = getStreamById(mainId); } removeStream(evt.uid); }); // 该回调通知 App 已接收远程音视频流。 client.on('stream-subscribed', function(evt) { let stream =; localLog('Got stream-subscribed event'); localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); localLog('Subscribe remote stream successfully: ' + stream.getId()); addStream(stream); }); // 该回调通知 App 已删除远程音视频流,即对方调用了 Client.unpublish。 client.on('stream-removed', function(evt) { let stream =; let id = stream.getId(); localLog('Stream removed: ' + id); localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()); if (id === SHARE_ID) { options.displayMode = 0; if (options.attendeeMode === 'video') { ButtonControl.enable('.shareScreenBtn'); } ButtonControl.enable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']); shareEnd(); } if (id === mainId) { let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : localStream.getId(); setHighStream(mainId, next); mainId = next; mainStream = getStreamById(mainId); } removeStream(stream.getId()); }); }; const subscribeMouseEvents = () => { // $('.displayModeBtn').on('click', function(e) { // if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || streamList.length <= 1) { // return; // } // // 1 refer to pip mode // if (options.displayMode === 1) { // options.displayMode = 0; // ButtonControl.disable('.disableRemoteBtn'); // } else if (options.displayMode === 0) { // options.displayMode = 1; // ButtonControl.enable('.disableRemoteBtn'); // } else { // // Do nothing when in screen share mode // } // Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); // }); $('.exitBtn').on('click', function() { try { shareClient && shareEnd(); client && client.unpublish(localStream); localStream && localStream.close(); client && client.leave( () => { localLog('Client succeed to leave.'); }, () => { localLog('Client failed to leave.'); } ); } finally { shareEnd(); // Redirect to index // window.location.href = 'index.html'; } }); $('.videoControlBtn').on('click', function() { $('.videoControlBtn').toggleClass('off'); localStream.isVideoOn() ? localStream.disableVideo() : localStream.enableVideo(); }); $('.audioControlBtn').on('click', function() { $('.audioControlBtn').toggleClass('off'); localStream.isAudioOn() ? localStream.disableAudio() : localStream.enableAudio(); }); $('.shareScreenBtn').on('click', function(e) { if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled')) { return; } if (shareClient) { shareEnd(); } else { shareStart(); } }); $('.disableRemoteBtn').on('click', function(e) { if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || streamList.length <= 1) { return; } $('.disableRemoteBtn').toggleClass('off'); let list; let id = localStream.getId(); list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`.video-item:not(#video-item-${id})`)); => { if ( === 'none') { = 'block'; return 1; } = 'none'; return 0; }); }); // $(window).resize(function(_) { // if (isMobileSize()) { // Renderer.enterFullScreen(); // } else { // Renderer.exitFullScreen(); // } // Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); // }); // Dbl click to switch high/low stream $('.ag-container').dblclick(function(e) { let dom =; while (!dom.classList.contains('video-item')) { dom = dom.parentNode; if (dom.classList.contains('ag-main')) { return; } } let id = parseInt('-')[2], 10); if (id !== mainId) { let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : id; // Force to swtich setHighStream(mainId, next); mainId = next; mainStream = getStreamById(mainId); } Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId); }); $(document).mousemove(function(_) { if (global._toolbarToggle) { clearTimeout(global._toolbarToggle); } $('.ag-btn-group').addClass('active'); global._toolbarToggle = setTimeout(function() { $('.ag-btn-group').removeClass('active'); }, 2500); }); }; const infoDetectSchedule = () => { let no = streamList.length; for (let i = 0; i < no; i++) { let item = streamList[i]; let id = item.getId(); let box = $(`#video-item-${id} .video-item-box`); let width; let height; let frameRate; let HighOrLow; // Whether high or low stream if (id === mainId) { HighOrLow = 'High'; } else { HighOrLow = 'Low'; } if (i === no - 1) { HighOrLow = 'local'; } item.getStats(function(e) { if (i === no - 1) { width = e.videoSendResolutionWidth; height = e.videoSendResolutionHeight; frameRate = e.videoSendFrameRate; } else { width = e.videoReceivedResolutionWidth; height = e.videoReceivedResolutionHeight; frameRate = e.videoReceiveFrameRate; } let str = `

uid: ${id}

${width}*${height} ${frameRate}fps


`; box.html(str); }); } }; // ------------- start -------------- // ---------------------------------- options = optionsInit(); uiInit(options); // eslint-disable-next-line client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: options.transcode }); subscribeMouseEvents(); subscribeStreamEvents(); clientInit(client, options).then(uid => { // 获取麦克风和摄像头id AgoraRTC.getDevices(function(devices) { let cameraId = ''; let microphoneId = ''; devices.forEach(function(item) { if (item.kind === 'audioinput') { microphoneId = item.deviceId; } // if (item.kind === 'videoinput') { // cameraId = item.deviceId; // } }); if(microphoneId == '') { alert('没有检测到麦克风,请您插入麦克风。'); return; } // Use selected device let config = { // cameraId: cameraId, microphoneId: microphoneId }; localStream = streamInit(uid, options, config); // Enable dual stream // if (options.attendeeMode !== 'audience') { // // MainId default to be localStream's ID // mainId = uid; // mainStream = shareStream; // } enableDualStream(); localStream.init( () => { if (options.attendeeMode !== 'audience') { addStream(localStream, true); client.publish(localStream, err => { localLog('Publish local stream error: ' + err); }); } }, err => { localLog('getUserMedia failed', err); } ); }); shareStart(); // // Use selected device // let config = isSafari() // ? {} // : { // // cameraId: options.cameraId, // microphoneId: options.microphoneId // }; // localStream = streamInit(uid, options, config); }); if (DUAL_STREAM_DEBUG) { setInterval(infoDetectSchedule, 1000); }