{"payload":{"header_redesign_enabled":false,"results":[{"body":"How to setup player roles on your community server. These roles can be used to give players access to specific commands, and give them unique colors in chat! Modifying Player Roles Important Note: The server must be stopped while editing server files. You must save your edits and restart your server for any edits to take effect. You must edit the Commands.ini to modify player roles.\nPath: /Config/WindowsServer/Commands.ini Add some player roles. For each player role you must create a section with the title [Role:RoleName] where RoleName is the name of the role you want to create. Add some command permissions to your player role so that someone with this role can execute those commands. In order to add a permission, you must add a line underneath your role: +Permission=PermissionName , where PermissionName is the name of the command permission to allow. You can find a list of commands here . Add a custom color to your new role. Adding a color is similar to adding a command permission: ChatColor={R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255} where the R,G,B values range from 0 - 255 and combine to make up the color. Changing the A value will do nothing as it controls transparency and is locked to 255. The default color if left undefined is white. Assign your new role to a player. You can do this by creating a new section [PlayerRoles] , and underneath, you can enter the Alderon Games ID (AGID) of the player, followed by = , followed by the role name. Alternatively, as a server admin, you can use the command /promote (playername) (rolename) and /demote (playername) in-game to assign or unassign player roles. There is additional customization you can add to your player role. To use them, add any of following lines under your player role section and set their value: OverrideAdminChatColor=True/False - Set to True to allow the specific player role chat color to override the default whitelisted admin chat color. Default value = False AllowSpectatorAccess=True/False - Set to True to allow the specific player role to access the \"Spectator\" mode and the admin panel. Default value = False ReservedSlot=True/False - Set to True to allow the specific player role to have a reserved slot in the server. Default value = False CreatorModeAccess=True/False - Set to True to allow creator mode access for a player. Default value = False Hierarchy=0 - Determines the hierarchy of player roles. A lower role cannot do specific commands on a higher role. Default value = 0 Commands That Use Hierarchy: ban kick promote demote Example Commands.ini: [Role:Teleporter]\n+Permission=teleport\n+Permission=teleportall\nChatColor=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255)\nOverrideAdminChatColor=True\nReservedSlot=True\n\n[PlayerRoles]\n123-456-789=Teleporter","filename":"Add-or-Remove-Player-Roles.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"How to setup player roles on your community server. These roles can be used to give players access to specific commands, and give them unique colors in chat! Modifying Player Roles Important Note: The ...","hl_title":"Add or Remove Player Roles","id":"4818dd5a710a40818609e6c320efa2b2d67aaded","path":"Add-or-Remove-Player-Roles.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Add or Remove Player Roles","updated_at":"2022-01-05T00:42:06.000+11:00"},{"body":"How to setup admins on your community server! You can add admins to your server two ways, either by turning off your server and editing the Game.ini file, or by logging into your server and using some chat commands. If you plan on bulk adding many users, we suggest editing your Game.ini file. Add Admins to Game.ini Important Note: The server must be stopped / restarted for these changes to take effect. You must edit Game.ini to add Server Admins Path: /Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini Underneath the [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession] header, enter the Alderon Games ID (AGID) of your admins, one player per line. You can add additional lines to enable more then one admin at once. To remove an admin, simply remove the line with their AGID. TIP: You can use in-line comments (using a semicolon) to add notes about admins for better organization. Example Game.ini [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession]\nServerAdmins=048-236-424\n;Best friends with KangarooBoing88\nServerAdmins=123-456-789\nServerAdmins=543-226-532 Add with Chat Command You can also add and remove server admins via the in-game chat commands \"Promote\" or \"Demote\". This can be used while your server is running. More information here. /promote < user > < adminrole > Example: /promote Jiggy dinomaster Promotes the player to the specified admin role. +Permission=promote /demote user Example: /demote Jiggy Removes all admin roles of that player. +Permission=promote If you want to create different admin roles, see this article: Add or Remove Player Roles","filename":"Add-or-Remove-Server-Admins.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"How to setup admins on your community server! You can add admins to your server two ways, either by turning off your server and editing the Game.ini file, or by logging into your server and using some ...","hl_title":"Add or Remove Server Admins","id":"9f075c38e9798d5cd64a2dba89657312afdbf9bd","path":"Add-or-Remove-Server-Admins.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Add or Remove Server Admins","updated_at":"2021-12-20T23:27:27.000-05:00"},{"body":"You can ban users two ways, either by adding them manually to the bans.txt file or by using a chat command in-game. Ban via bans.txt file Important Note: The bans.txt file will hot reload once a minute if changed and there is an in-game command to add / remove items from the list (see below). We recommend adding bans with RCON commands or in-game chat commands! In the Saved folder you must create a file called bans.txt Add the banned users for your server in the text file and click \"Save\". Path: Saved/bans.txt Formatting: You must add each ban on a new line. Ban by Alderon ID Each line in your text file must follow this format: AGID:UnixTimestamp:AdminReason:UserReason Variable Example Description AGID 123-443-512 The Alderon Games ID of the player. UnixTimestamp 1644464516 If the ban is temporary, enter the Unix Timestamp of the date the player will be unbanned. You can generate the timestamp here https://www.epochconverter.com/ . If the ban is permanent, set this to 0 AdminReason Admin message here! An internal message that will only be visible by admins. Useful for keeping notes. Can be left blank. NOTE: you cannot use a colon : in this description or else it will break your bans. UserReason Banned for spamming the chat. The message the user will see when attempting to join your server. Ensure this is descriptive so the player understand why they were banned. NOTE: you cannot use a colon : in this description or else it will break your bans. Example bans.txt 525-053-709:0:Reason for admins here:Stay out of my server\n123-456-678:1645059401:I have banned them:Broke rule number three\n543-226-532:1645059400:admin note here:You are banned because you were rude\n766-980-003:0::Broke rule 12 so you are permabanned. Banning Players In-Game Via Chat Commands Ban A User Log into your server and issue the following command: /ban < playername > < kick reason > Example: /ban Jiggy Breaking rule 12 You can leave the ban reason blank if desired. Unban A User /unban PlayerID - Unbans the user. Reload Ban List /reloadbans - The bans list will be refreshed ever 1 minute, however this command will reload it immiedately. Via Spectator Tool While in Spectator Mode, you are able to click \"Ban\" next to the player's name to ban them from the server. Upon banning a player, it will prompt you for a ban reason. This is optional, and can be left blank if desired. Bans via this method are permanent.","filename":"Banning-and-Unbanning-Players.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"You can ban users two ways, either by adding them manually to the bans.txt file or by using a chat command in-game. Ban via bans.txt file Important Note: The bans.txt file will hot reload once a minute ...","hl_title":"Banning and Unbanning Players","id":"2c1ad767886505446739f656fa261eedb3025010","path":"Banning-and-Unbanning-Players.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Banning and Unbanning Players","updated_at":"2022-02-16T20:06:28.000-05:00"},{"body":"BattlEye / BattlEye Rcon has been removed as of Patch 16825. You must move over to the new SourceRCON setup. Use Source RCON instead: https://github.com/Alderon-Games/pot-community-servers/wiki/Source-RCON You can use BattlEye Anticheat's RCON tool to help moderate your server. You can configure and setup RCON with the following steps. Important Note: The server must be stopped / restarted for these changes to take effect. Inside the WindowsServer folder, edit the Game.ini file.\nPath: /Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini Underneath the [BattlEye] header, create the entries specified in the below example. Example Game.ini [BattlEye]\n; Enabled / true / false\nbEnabled=true\n; Logs eg PathOfTitans/Plugins/BattlEye/ThirdParty/Win64/BEServer_x64.log\nbLogging=false\n; Port Number for Rcon (0 = Auto Detect / Game Port + 2) eg 7779\n; 7777 = Default Game Port\n; 7778 = Default Query Port + 1\n; 7779 = Default BattlEye Port + 2\n; 7780 = Default Stats Port + 3\nRconPort=0\n; Rcon Password (Empty = Disabled)\nRconPassword=\"\"\n; Max Ping (0 = Disabled)\nMaxPing=0 Connecting to RCON We recommend installing an RCON Client, in this example we will use the battleWarden RCON found here: https://battlewarden.net/downloads/ Create a server with the server manager, enter your RCON login details Press connect and join your server, you will see yourself join in RCON. Example: (2021-05-22 | 09:27:35) : Player #0 AlderonMatt (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2058) connected\n(2021-05-22 | 09:27:46) : Player #0 AlderonMatt - BE GUID: 29688ed81c1e2c84a2d4503168163bc2\n(2021-05-22 | 09:27:47) : Verified GUID (29688ed81c1e2c84a2d4503168163bc2) of player #0 AlderonMatt\n(2021-05-22 | 09:27:47) : Connected to BE Master You can use the UI to run commands, kick people, and more. Please Note: because this RCON is made for Arma 3, not all commands will work for Path of Titans. You can run commands on players and kick / ban them: Executable Commands You can execute chat commands through the BattlEye RCON client. The syntax for commands can differ depending on the type of command. The result of issued commands is displayed in the server console (not the BattlEye RCON client console). Standalone Commands Commands that don't require a player to be executed. These commands can be executed normally in the BattlEye RCON command line,\nhowever the prefix is # rather than / . Example: #teleportall talonspoint will teleport all players to Talons Point. Normal Commands Any command that is not a standalone command. These are executed similarly to a standalone command but they must specify a player to execute from with the $ character followed by their username, AGID or BattlEye ID. Example: #$123-456-789 heal will heal the player with AGID 123-456-789 . #$Dinoman setattr hunger 100 will set the hunger of the player with the username Dinoman to 100 #$0 goto TalonsPoint will make the player with BattlEye ID 0 goto TalonsPoint. List of all Standalone Commands The following commands are Standalone Commands , and all commands not listed here are normal commands. For detailed explanations of the commands, go to Admin Commands . #HealAll #ProfileServer [Start/Stop] #WaterQuality [Tag] [Quality] #WaystoneCooldown [Tag] [Cooldown] #Restart Seconds #CancelRestart #TimeOfDay [Time] #Day #Night #Morning #ClearBodies #Weather [Type] #Save #Load #Ban [Username] Reason #Unban [Username] #Kick [Username] Reason #Announce [Announcement] #TeleportAll [XYZ]","filename":"BattlEye-Config---RCON.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"BattlEye / BattlEye Rcon has been removed as of Patch 16825. You must move over to the new SourceRCON setup. Use Source RCON instead: https://github.com/Alderon-Games/pot-community-servers/wiki/Source-RCON ...","hl_title":"BattlEye Config RCON","id":"5da2931d6633af63b487925e7fcf2521b24f4150","path":"BattlEye-Config---RCON.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"BattlEye Config RCON","updated_at":"2022-01-05T01:28:08.000-05:00"},{"body":"You are able to edit base game dinosaur stats without the need to install mods. This allows you to balance dinosaurs or edit your gameplay without having to download the Dev Kit and create your own mod. However, if you plan on making a large number of edits we do suggest creating a mod as it can be easier to manage and more user-friendly. Follow this tutorial to learn how to edit base game dinosaur stats. Note: This will not work with modded dinosaurs. Important Note: The server must be stopped / restarted for these changes to take effect. To edit dinosaur stats, you must edit the Game.ini file. Path: Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini Editing Dinosaur Stats ▶ Download Link for Dinosaur Stats Here ◀ (Updated February 14th) Note: Each stat edit must be on it's own line and must be listed under the IGameSession header. To edit a dinosaurs stats without requiring mods, you must manually set each stat value for each dinosaur, including growth stages.\nThe format for stats are as follows: CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Core.MaxThirst\",Values=(1000,2000,3000,4000,5000)) Where the name of the dinosaur must correspond to the full name of the dino species, and the 5 numbers correspond to each growth stage of the dinosaur starting from Hatchling (Hatchling, Juvenile, Adolescent, Sub-Adult, Adult). The stats will linearly scale between each growth stage. Editable Core Stats: These are the core attributes of the dinosaur. They are in the format: CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Core.MaxThirst\",Values=(1000,2000,3000,4000,5000)) Stat Name Description MaxHealth Maximum health. Example: 150,250,350,500,650 MaxStamina Maximum stamina. Example: 100,100,100,100,100 CombatWeight The combat weight of a dinosaur that affects how much damage is taken from attacks. Heavy weights will take significantly less damaged compared to light weights. Example: 350,800,1100,2000,2700 Armor Additional damage reduction from combat. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 MovementSpeedMultiplier Adjusts all forms of movement speed. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 SprintingSpeedMultiplier Adjusts only sprinting speed. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 TrottingSpeedMultiplier Adjusts only trotting speed. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 BodyFoodAmount The amount of food the corpse of this dinosaur contains. Example: 100,200,300,400,500 MaxHunger Maximum food this dinosaur can eat until it's full. Example: 50,100,150,200,250 MaxThirst Maximum water this dinosaur can drink until it's full. Example: 50,100,150,200,250 HungerDepletionRate Hunger drained per second. Example: 0.03,0.07,0.10,0.13,0.17 ThirstDepletionRate Thirst drained per second. Example: 0.03,0.07,0.10,0.13,0.17 FoodConsumptionRate Food ingested per second while eating from a food item. Example: 20,25,35,45,50 WaterConsumptionRate Water ingested per second while drinking from a water source. Example: 20,25,35,45,50 MaxOxygen Maximum oxygen when underwater. Example: 100,100,100,100,100 OxygenDepletionRate Oxygen drained per second when underwater. Example: 2,2,2,2,2 OxygenRecoveryRate Oxygen recovered when above water. Example: 5,5,5,5,5 FallingLegDamage Damage applied to the leg of a dinosaur when it falls hard enough to break a leg. Example: 10,50,50,50,50 LegHealRate Bone break damage healed per second. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 BleedingRate Amount of active bleeding per second. Should be kept at 0 Example: 0,0,0,0,0 BleedingHealRate Amount of bleeding healed per second. Example: 0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032 PoisonRate Amount of active poison damage per second. Should be kept at 0 Example: 0,0,0,0,0 PoisonHealRate Amount of poison healed per second. Example: 0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032,0.032 VenomRate Amount of active venom damage per second. Should be kept at 0 Example: 0,0,0,0,0 VenomHealRate Amount of venom healed per second. Example: 0.016,0.016,0.016,0.016,0.016 HungerDamage Damage per second applied when starving, as a percentage of total health. Example: 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2 ThirstDamage Damage per second applied when dying of thirst, as a percentage of total health. Example: 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2 OxygenDamage Damage per second applied when drowning, as a percentage of total health. Example: 6,6,6,6,6 PoisonDamage Damage per second applied when dying of poison, as a percentage of total health. Example: 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2 LimpHealthThreshold Applies bone break when a dinosaur falls and has this amount or less of its total health bar. Example: 0.5,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3 BodyFoodCorpseThreshold Currently unused. HealthRecoveryRate Health recovered per second when out of combat. Example: 0.83,1.19,1.46,1.67,1.83 StaminaRecoveryRate Stamina recovered per second when out of combat. Example: 3.33,2.96,2.67,2.42,2.22 GrowthPerSecond Allows you to change the incoming growth amount per dinosaur. Is also affected by Server Growth Multipliers and Passive Growth. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 (Default value for all dinosaurs) FallDeathSpeed Velocity at impact on ground that will kill this dinosaur. Example: 2600,2600,2600,2600,2600 TurnRadiusMultiplier Adjusts the turn radius of the dinosaur when moving, excluding precise movement. Example: 2,1.75,1.5,1.25,1 TurnInPlaceRadiusMultiplier Adjusts the turning speed when using precise movement. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 BuffDurationMultiplier Adjusts the duration of all buffs applied to this creature. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 SpikeDamageMultiplier Adjusts the spike damage caused by this creature if it causes damage when attacked, such as Kentrosaurus or Amargasaurus. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 KnockbackMultiplier Adjust the amount of knockback this creature causes when attacking. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 GroundAccelerationMultiplier Adjusts how quickly this creature accelerates. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 GroundPreciseAccelerationMultiplier Adjusts how quickly this creature accelerates when using precise movement. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 SwimmingAccelerationMultiplier Adjusts how quickly this creature accelerates when swimming. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 KnockbackTractionMultiplier Adjusts how far this creature gets knocked back when hit. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when using attacks. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaJumpCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when jumping. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaSprintCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when sprinting. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaFastSwimCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when sprint swimming. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaFastDiveCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when sprint swimming underwater. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaFlyCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when flying. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 StaminaFastFlyCostMultiplier Adjusts how much stamina this creature depletes when sprint flying. Example: 1,1,1,1,1 Editable Multipliers: These are multipliers the dinosaur uses to alter its base stats depending on its specific state. For example, when a dinosaur sits down it will replenish health at a 15% increased rate. They are in the format: Styracosaurus.Multiplier.HealthRecovery.Resting,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.15 NOTE: You must also specify the locomotion state the multiplier applies to. All locomotion states are: Resting Sleeping Standing Walking Trotting Sprinting Swimming FastSwimming Diving FastDiving Crouching CrouchWalking Jumping Flying FastFlying Examples: CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Multiplier.PoisonHealRate.FastDiving\",Values=(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25)) CurveOverrides=(Styracosaurus.Multiplier.BleedingHealRate.Walking\",Values=(0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75)) CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Multiplier.HealthRecovery.Crouching\",Values=(1,1,1,1,1)) CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.BodyFoodDecayPerSecond\",Values=(2,1,1,1,0.95)) Stat Name Description HealthRecovery Rate at which you recover health. StaminaRecovery Rate at which you recover stamina. OxygenDepletion Rate at which you lose oxygen when you are underwater. OxygenRecovery Rate at which you recover oxygen when out of water. LegHealRate Rate at which you heal broken bones. BleedingRate Rate at which your creature takes bleed damage. BleedingHealRate Rate at which you recover from bleed. PoisonRate Rate at which your creature takes poison damage. PoisonHealRate Rate at which you recover from poison. VenomRate Rate at which your creature takes venom damage. VenomHealRate Rate at which you recover from venom. HungerDepletionRate Rate at which your creature loses hunger. ThirstDepletionRate Rate at which your creature loses thirst. HungerDamage Rate at which health is lost when starving. ThirstDamage Rate at which health is lost when dying of thirst. OxygenDamage Rate at which health is lost when drowning. IncomingDamage A flat damage multiplier on all incoming damage via attacks. BodyFoodDecayPerSecond The speed at which this creature's dead body will decay. Editing Combat Stats: You can directly edit damage that creatures deal, including bleed, venom, bone break, and more. However, you currently cannot add status effects to attacks if they do not already exist. For example, you cannot add Venom to the Styracosaurus Headbutt attack, as the stock attack does not have an attribute for it. You can, however, edit the amount of bleed the Headbutt causes, because the stock attack has a bleed attribute. To edit combat stats, you must look at the provided .CSV files (download link at the top of this page). Every attack has different names, so it will be important to refer to the stats provided to get the naming convention correct. Examples: CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.HeadbuttDamage\",Values=(30,50,70,90,120)) CurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.ChargeSpeedIncrease\",Values=(700,900,1500,1800,2000)) Example Contents of Game.ini Note: Each stat edit must be on it's own line and must be listed under the IGameSession header. TIP: You can use in-line comments (using a semicolon) to add notes about commands for better organization. [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession]\nCurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Core.MaxThirst\",Values=(500,600,700,800,900))\nCurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.Multiplier.StaminaRecovery.Standing\",Values=(1,2,3,4,5))\nCurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.HeadbuttDamage\",Values=(30,50,70,90,120))\nCurveOverrides=(CurveName=\"Styracosaurus.ChargeSpeedIncrease\",Values=(700,900,1500,1800,2000))","filename":"Changing-Dinosaur-Stats.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"You are able to edit base game dinosaur stats without the need to install mods. This allows you to balance dinosaurs or edit your gameplay without having to download the Dev Kit and create your own mod. ...","hl_title":"Changing Dinosaur Stats","id":"33ac2a6803d8f6adb110e3562a925e33460e2d22","path":"Changing-Dinosaur-Stats.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Changing Dinosaur Stats","updated_at":"2023-03-18T06:15:32.000-04:00"},{"body":"Common Issues 1. Where do I get my OAUTH token to host my server? You can generate one here: https://alderongames.com/oauth/hosting-token 2. My server won't load my mod map, and just uses Panjura? In addition to specifying your mod map in GameUserSettings.ini , you also need to set the Server Map in Game.ini . Learn how to do this here. The map name must be written exactly as specified in the mod files. Generally, this will be the same name as the mod, however you may want to check with the mod author to make sure you have the correct mod map name. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What can I edit on my server? A: You can edit many settings on your server to build your own dinosaur experience, such as playable characters, character stats, game modes, mods and much more. View full server documentation here: https://alderon.games/pot-server-wiki Q: Can hosted servers use banlists and allowlists? A: Yes. You can specify a banlists and allowlists. You can also use reserve slots to guarantee certain players being able to connect to your server. Q: Can I use Anticheat Software on my server? A: Yes. Path of Titans currently supports BattlEye Anticheat, which also gives you access to the RCon administration interface panel. More information can be found at https://www.battleye.com/ Q: How do I host a server on my own hardware? A: Please visit our Community Server Wiki to learn how to set up your own server and follow the tutorial. https://alderon.games/pot-server-wiki Q: Where do I download Path of Titans server files? A: You can download the Server Files from our Community Server Wiki found here: https://alderon.games/pot-server-wiki Q: I'm having trouble with my server, who do I contact for help? A: Please contact your server provider for help relating to your rented server. If you are hosting a server on your own machine, please refer to our Community Server Wiki for help and info about common issues. https://alderon.games/pot-server-wiki","filename":"Common-Issues-and-Frequently-Asked-Questions.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Common Issues 1. Where do I get my OAUTH token to host my server? You can generate one here: https://alderongames.com/oauth/hosting-token 2. My server won't load my mod map, and just uses Panjura? ...","hl_title":"Common Issues and Frequently Asked Questions","id":"5c3af7278256fa15e3e123610e61137118a450ac","path":"Common-Issues-and-Frequently-Asked-Questions.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Common Issues and Frequently Asked Questions","updated_at":"2021-12-21T11:45:46.000-05:00"},{"body":"About Whitelisting If you have a private server and only want specific players to join, you can create a Whitelist. This is more secure than using a password, as a password can be leaked or shared. There is no specific server config or command to enable whitelist. If you don't have a whitelist file, or the file is empty, the whitelist will not be enabled. The moment you add a user ID to the whitelist text file, the whitelist will come into effect. Important Note: The server must be stopped while editing server files. You must save your edits and restart your server for any edits to take effect. Changes to server files require a server restart, so we recommend adding whitelisted players with RCON commands or in-game chat commands! In the Saved folder you must create a file called whitelist.txt Add the whitelisted users for your server in the text file and click \"Save\". Path: Saved/whitelist.txt Formatting: Add the Alderon Games ID (AGID) of each whitelisted user on a new line. Example whitelist.txt 525-053-709\n525-123-709\n123-456-789","filename":"Create-a-Whitelist.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"About Whitelisting If you have a private server and only want specific players to join, you can create a Whitelist. This is more secure than using a password, as a password can be leaked or shared. There ...","hl_title":"Create a Whitelist","id":"7f8eb02173113d5ce850da9f7e978e41df80d929","path":"Create-a-Whitelist.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Create a Whitelist","updated_at":"2022-02-09T22:53:29.000-05:00"},{"body":"Important Note: The server must be stopped while editing server files. You must save your edits and restart your server for any edits to take effect. This will set up a whitelist of permitted dinosaurs on your server. The reason why this is a whitelist, and not a blacklist (eg. a list of disabled dinosaurs) is so that as new official dinosaurs are released to the game, this new dinosaur won't suddenly appear in your server without your permission. This way, you can test the new dinosaur ahead of time and see if it is fit for your server and enable it on your own terms. To enable/disable dinosaurs you must edit the Game.ini file on your server, and add the dinosaur names under the [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession] header. Path: Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini List of Dinosaur Names Note: Each option must be on its own line or else it will not work. Herbivores: Albertaceratops Amargasaurus Anodontosaurus Barsboldia Camptosaurus Deinocheirus Eotriceratops Iguanodon Kentrosaurus Lambeosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Stegosaurus Struthiomimus Styracosaurus Carnivores: Alioramus Allosaurus Ceratosaurus Concavenator Daspletosaurus Deinonychus Kaiwhekea Latenivenatrix Megalania Metriacanthosaurus Pycnonemosaurus Sarcosuchus Spinosaurus Suchomimus Thalassodromeus Tyrannosaurus You must use the format +AllowedCharacters=DinosaurName where DinosaurName is the name of the dinosaur you want to enable. For modded dinosaurs, you will need to find the name of the dinosaurs you want to enable and add it to this list. You can usually find the name of the dinosaur in the mod's description, or you can contact the creator of the mod. Example Game.ini [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession]\nAllowedCharacters=Struthiomimus\nAllowedCharacters=Suchomimus","filename":"Enabling-and-Disabling-Dinosaurs.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Important Note: The server must be stopped while editing server files. You must save your edits and restart your server for any edits to take effect. This will set up a whitelist of permitted dinosaurs ...","hl_title":"Enabling and Disabling Dinosaurs","id":"622aee7746ddb478571b24485b99c82a8d73ba55","path":"Enabling-and-Disabling-Dinosaurs.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Enabling and Disabling Dinosaurs","updated_at":"2023-06-01T08:49:10.000-04:00"},{"body":"Setup Server Authentication Token Both AlderonGamesCmd and PathOfTitansServer will need user authentication to the Alderon Games Platform, this can be any account that has access to the game. If you want to hive the database of two servers together using -Database=Remote , they will need to the same account. These are specified in the examples as a email and password, however you can also optionally specify -AuthToken= for PathOfTitansServer by using the token generated via this page here after signing in. Due to Windows having a 1024 character limit on command line argument and it being a Json Web Token which is fairly long, we have added the ability to specify it via Process Environment Variable instead. You can use the environment variable AG_AUTH_TOKEN instead. ▶ Generate AUTH Token Here ◀ When accessing the AUTH Token page, you must be logged in with an account that owns the game. This account should be secure, as it will be the AUTH host account for your server. Please note that after you click \"Generate New Token\", the page will not display your same token twice if you leave or refresh the page. This is done for security reasons. If you have lost or forgotten your token, you can generate another one via the page, just make sure you update your server with the new token. When you generate a new token any old tokens will be revoked, which can cause issues if they are still in use.","filename":"Generate-AUTH-Token.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Setup Server Authentication Token Both AlderonGamesCmd and PathOfTitansServer will need user authentication to the Alderon Games Platform, this can be any account that has access to the game. If you want ...","hl_title":"Generate AUTH Token","id":"4a9b2dd2a365978c3eb413256248c1849a4251b2","path":"Generate-AUTH-Token.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Generate AUTH Token","updated_at":"2021-12-21T12:01:53.000-05:00"},{"body":"Welcome to the Path of Titans Community Server Wiki! Want to host your own Path of Titans community server? It's easy to set up your own custom server for your friends and community! Create a unique experience for players and manage every detail to create your unique dinosaur experience! Read more about server hosting here. Join the ▶ Path of Titans Discord Server ◀ and assign yourself the \"Server Owner\" role to chat with other server owners! By hosting your own Server or joining a hosted Server, you agree to our Server Hosting Agreement. Search This Wiki for Better Results! Because the default Github wiki search (above the Pages section to the right) isn't the greatest, you can search this wiki for keywords by using the Github search! https://github.com/Alderon-Games/pot-community-servers/search?type=Wikis To search for something: Go to the link above and click \"Advanced Search\" at the bottom. At the top of the page, enter your search term, and click \"Search\" Or, install the Chrome extension! NOTE: This extension is not created by Alderon Games, install at your own risk. Download Search Extension Here If you are hosting your server on your own hardware, start here! If you want to rent a server , please see our list of supported server providers here. Once you have installed the Path of Titans Server Software onto your server... Configure your server: Server Configuration Options Set up Server Rules Set up a Message Of The Day (MOTD) Add player and admin roles: Add or Remove Player Roles Add server admins: Add or Remove Server Admins If you have a community Discord server: Setup Discord Webhooks and Setup In-Game Player Reports Set up mods for your server: Setting up Mods Learn how to use admin tools: The Spectator Tool , Kicking and Banning Players , Creator Mode Launch your server and have fun! Do you have questions? Have you run into issues? Please see our Common Issues and Frequently Asked Questions.","filename":"Home.md","format":"markdown","hl_body":"Welcome to the Path of Titans Community Server Wiki! Want to host your own Path of Titans community server? It's easy to set up your own custom server for your friends and community! Create a unique ...","hl_title":"Home","id":"9808ea1166e8fa7f04e91dc6b884ab89f0180236","path":"Home.md","public":true,"repo":{"repository":{"id":367944281,"name":"pot-community-servers","owner_id":67236412,"owner_login":"Alderon-Games","updated_at":"2021-05-16T17:24:01.250Z","has_issues":true}},"repo_id":367944281,"title":"Home","updated_at":"2022-01-15T11:53:46.000-05:00"}],"type":"wikis","page":1,"page_count":4,"elapsed_millis":119,"errors":[],"result_count":32,"facets":[],"protected_org_logins":[],"topics":null,"query_id":"","logged_in":false,"sign_up_path":"/signup?source=code_search_results","sign_in_path":"/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Drepo%253AAlderon-Games%252Fpot-community-servers%2B%26type%3DWikis","metadata":null},"title":"Wiki search results"}