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Mielke & Carvalho 2022 ‘Chimpanzee play sequences are structured hierarchically as games’


Social play is ubiquitous in the development of many animal species and involves players adapting actions flexibly to their own previous actions and partner responses. Play differs from other behavioural contexts for which fine-scale analyses of action sequences are available, such as tool use and communication, in that its form is not defined by its functions, making it potentially more unpredictable. In humans, play is often organised in games, where players know context-appropriate actions but string them together unpredictably. Here, we use the sequential nature of play elements to explore whether play elements in chimpanzees are structured hierarchically and follow predictable game-like patterns. Based on 5711 play elements from 143 bouts, we extracted individual-level play sequences of 11 Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of different ages from the Bossou community. We detected transition probabilities between play elements that exceeded expected levels and show that play elements form hierarchically clustered and interchangeable groups, indicative of at least six ‘games’ that can be identified from transition networks, some with different roles for different players. We also show that increased information about preceding play elements improved predictability of subsequent elements, further indicating that play elements are not strung together randomly but that flexible action rules underlie their usage. Thus, chimpanzee play is hierarchically structured in short ‘games’ which limit acceptable play elements and allow players to predict and adapt to partners’ actions. This ‘grammar of action’ approach to social interactions can be valuable in understanding cognitive and communicative abilities within and across species.

Data Preparation

Videos were coded in BORIS with the developed coding scheme - the manual is available on GitHub and in the Supplementary. The below R script extracts play elements from BORIS output and assigns them into bouts. Bouts are defined as all elements that happen between the start (first play element of either partner) and the end (neither individual shows play elements for more than 5 seconds).

The following script extracts basic descriptive information about all bouts, how many players exchanged how many elements for how long etc.

Load Elements

The play elements were defined in an additional file that can be found on GitHub. The file also contains conventions about lumping elements in case too few cases were observed. The lumping convention was determine a priori when developing the coding scheme based on similarity of movement between elements.

# get elements and their possible replacements from the .csv file in the repository
element_table <-
  read_csv("~/GitHub/Mielke-Carvalho_Chimpanzee-Play/elements.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
elements <- element_table$elements

Some bouts do not contain any usable play elements and should be removed (e.g., if they are only solitary play).

# remove bouts that do not contain any of the elements specified above
remove <- sapply(unique($, function(x) {
  nrow(filter(, == x,
    !Behavior %in% c(
  )) == 0
remove <- unique($[remove]
if (length(remove) > 0) { <- filter(,$ != remove)

Prepare Individual-Level Bouts

What we want to end up with is a list that contains all individuals’ sequences of elements within each bout. We want other lists that contain the respective information on the Time, the Individual, and which bout this was taken from, for later processing.

# go through each bout, remove useless information <- lapply(unique($, function(x) {
  # select bout and sort by subject and time <-
    filter(, == x,
      !Behavior %in% c(
    ) %>%
    arrange(Subject, Time)
  # vector with focals
  focal <-$Subject
  # bout nr <- sub(".*/", "", unique($
  # vector with time
  Time <-$Time
  # put elements into list
  bout.elements <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow( {
    yy <-
        unlist([i, ]),
        split = ",", fixed = T
    yy <- intersect(yy, elements)
    bout.elements[[i]] <- yy
  # elements that co-occur in event are combined by % symbol
  bout.elements <- sapply(bout.elements, paste, collapse = "%")
  # empty cells (i.e. those not containing a recognised element) get NA
  bout.elements[bout.elements == ""] <- NA
  return(data.frame(focal,, Time, bout.elements))
# combine all bouts into one frame <- bind_rows(
# create individual-level bout identifier$ <- %>%
  unite(,, focal, sep = "_", remove = T) %>%
  select($ <-

# create list that has one vector of elements per individual-bout
elements.bout <-
  lapply(unique($, function(x) { <- filter(, == x)

# create list that has one vector of times per individual-bout
elements.time <-
  lapply(unique($, function(x) { <- filter(, == x)

# create list of focal ID per individual-bout
bout.focal <- lapply(unique($, function(x) { <- filter(, == x)

# create list of bout ID per individual-bout <- lapply(unique($, function(x) { <- filter(, == x)

# name element-list and time-list using individual-bout id
names(elements.bout) <- unique($
names(elements.time) <- unique($

Now, we should be left with four objects:

  • elements.bout, a list named with the individual-bout IDs, containing all the elements performed by the focal player in this bout, ordered in sequence.
  • elements.time, another list, named with the individual-bout IDs, containing all corresponding time stamps
  • bout.focal, another list, containing the corresponding focal IDs
  •, another list, containing the corresponding bout IDs

Data are separated by bout and ID and analysed as sequence of all elements of an individual within that bout. This leads us currently to have 143 bouts across 35 videos in which play has been identified containing between 3 and 181 (mean = 30.3 ) elements per bout. As we split bouts by individual, we are working with 306 individual performances and 4970 events, giving a total of 7025 individual play elements (after accounting for co-occurrence). A total of 11 individuals were observed playing at least once.

The next steps will be to determine and replace rare elements, and to handle the continuous elements.

Replace rare elements

First we need to set a threshold for what determines a ‘rare’ element. Here, we will use elements that occur at least 20 times. All elements falling below this threshold will be changed to their potential replacement, as determined a priori.

The change_elements function allows for fast replacement of elements. The unlist_list and unlist_vector functions are designed to unlist element vectors and lists that contain co-occurring elements (i.e., those that happen at the same time). Those elements are marked by a percentage symbol (‘%’) between them.

We need to find out which elements occur fewer than the set number of times. There are a few elements that do not have a natural replacement and will be retained despite being rare.

# set threshould
threshold <- 20
# unlist elements
unlisted_elements_table <-
  table(unlist_vector(elements.bout, method = "random"))
# detect elements below threshold
rare_elements <-
  unlisted_elements_table[unlisted_elements_table <= threshold]
# show rare elements to replace
rare_elements_replace <- element_table %>%
  filter(elements %in% names(rare_elements))
# go through rare elements and change them
for (i in seq_along(rare_elements_replace$elements)) {
  # some elements do not have a natural replacement; instead, they had a '-' in the table
  ## ignore those
  if (rare_elements_replace$potential_replacement[i] != "-") {
    # use 'change_elements' function to change elements one by one
    elements.bout <- change_elements( = rare_elements_replace$elements[i],
      new = rare_elements_replace$potential_replacement[i],
      elem.bout = elements.bout

############ Repeat the same thing again in case some elements got missed
unlisted_elements_table <-
  table(unlist_vector(elements.bout, method = "random"))
# detect elements below threshold
rare_elements <-
  unlisted_elements_table[unlisted_elements_table <= threshold]
# show rare elements to replace
rare_elements_replace <- element_table %>%
  filter(elements %in% names(rare_elements))
# go through rare elements and change them
for (i in seq_along(rare_elements_replace$elements)) {
  if (rare_elements_replace$potential_replacement[i] != "-") {
    elements.bout <- change_elements( = rare_elements_replace$elements[i],
      new = rare_elements_replace$potential_replacement[i],
      elem.bout = elements.bout

After removing the rare elements, we have reduced the number of individual elements from 118 to 69 elements.

Remove continuous elements from combinations

After we have removed elements at the low end of the scale, it is worth also checking why some elements occur at much higher frequency than others. The seven most common elements (Bipedal, Hold, Follow-Other, Approach, Retreat-backwards, Retreat, Flee) all share the fact that they are continuous and therefore are noted every time a change occurs while they are active. This is hard to explain from a language perspective, but easy if you imagine a musical piece on the piano: sometimes one note is held while others are played. In play, a chimpanzee can go bipedal, but then do all kinds of other actions while the Bipedal is marked at every change in event. This is not optimal. Ideally, we want a sequence that reflects when individuals made the choice to use a specific element - thus, they first go bipedal, then they do all the other things. What we do in this case is that we use a function that goes through each bout, finds cases where one of those seven elements occurs multiple times in a row, and only retains the first case in which they are observed (remove_serial). If they stop doing the continuous action (e.g., stop fleeing, then start again) the element is counted again. Here is an example of what such a sequence looks like, with Bipedal here occurring three times in a row.

## Warning in !is.null(rmarkdown::metadata$output) && rmarkdown::metadata$output
## %in% : 'length(x) = 4 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Bipedal Hit%Bipedal Bipedal%Arm-raise Follow-Other Charge NA

Here is a function that removes those serial occurrences of the same elements. As the time stamps would potentially be mixed if we would not account for them, they will be changed accordingly.

Now that we have this function, we want it to go over all the data for each of the continuous elements and adjust them.

for (i in names(sort(unlisted_elements_table, decreasing = T))[1:7]) {
  serial.removed <-
      elem.bout = elements.bout,
      elem.time = elements.time,
      to.remove = as.character(i),
      move.first = TRUE
  elements.bout <- serial.removed$elements
  elements.time <- serial.removed$times

If we look at the sequence from before, we can see that Bipedal now only occurs once - in the beginning of the sequence. Thus, instead of the player going bipedal, then being bipedal and hitting, then being bipedal and arm raising; they are now considered to go bipedal, then hit the partner, then raise their arm.

Bipedal Hit Arm-raise Follow-Other Charge

Creating a distribution plot (Figure 1), we can see that now, none of the elements has an excessive occurrence probability any more.

# How often does each element occur?
unlisted_elements_table <-
  unlist_vector(elements.bout, method = "random") %>% 
# Data frame containing words and their frequency
word_count <- unlisted_elements_table %>%
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
  rename("element" = '.', "count" = Freq) %>%
  arrange(desc(count)) %>% 
  mutate(element = as.character(element))
zipfs_plot <- zipf_plot(
  element = word_count$element,
  occurrance = word_count$count,
  zipf = FALSE,
  title = "Distribution of Element Frequencies"

Distribution of Element Occurrences. This distribution controls for the over-exposure of some continuous elements.

Distribution of Element Occurrences. This distribution controls for the over-exposure of some continuous elements.

Methods and Results

All functions are available in the GitHub repository and can be loaded like a package. Most of them require data to be structured as a list, with each list element being a vector of elements order by their occurrence in the sequence. Co-occurring elements are marked by the % symbol, e.g., Hit%Hold indicates that the individual was simultaneously hitting and holding the partner.


Now that we have the dataset, we want to see which elements transition into each other in sequences. The transitions_frame function creates a basic summary of the bigram (antecedent and consequent) and their individual occurrence probabilities. The elem_info function allows users to get different output measures to quantify the transition - either their sum, joint probability, conditional probability, or pointwise mutual information. Here, we create the observed counts and conditional probabilities of A transitioning to B. The parameter it determines how many permutations of co-occurring elements should be produced, and ran.method determines that these co-occurring elements should be shuffled randomly but all used.

# create basic table of possible transitions
transitions <- transitions_frame(elem.bout = elements.bout,
                                 all.possible = FALSE)

# how often does A lead to B
transitions$observed.sum <- elem_info(
  antecedent = transitions$antecedent,
  consequent = transitions$consequent,
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  it = 1000,
  measure = c("sum"),
  ran.method = 'random'

# conditional probability of A leading to B
transitions$observed.probs <- round(
    antecedent = transitions$antecedent,
    consequent = transitions$consequent,
    elem.bout = elements.bout,
    it = 1000,
    measure = c("prob"),
    ran.method = 'random'


Users who would want to replicate the results using a different approach (bag-of-words or using one randomly selected co-occurring element rather than shuffling them and keeping all) can do so using the ran.method parameter (change to ‘sample’) or using the bag_of_words function. In most following function, adding a gap and elem.time parameter will automatically trigger the bag-of-words approach. The gap parameter specified below indicates that two elements should be counted as transitioning if they occur within 0 to 1 sec of each other.

# bigrams with observed probabilities of occurring within the same 'bag'
transitions_bow <-
  bag_of_words(elem.bout = elements.bout,
               elem.time = elements.time,
               gap = c(0, 1))

Transition Distribution

We visualise the output of the transitions data frame by showing the head of the table and the overall distribution of observed conditional transition probabilities. There are overall 1622 transitions that were observed at least one time. The histogram shows that most elements are followed by a number of different consequents - only 4 transitions constituted more than 1/3 of all possible transitions of that antecedent. At the same time, each element was observed to be followed by between 7 and 53 elements. Thus, there is no tight coupling between any two elements. This might indicate random assignment - any elements could be followed by any other. However, it might also mean situation-specific responses that are tailored to the players’ own previous action and the partners’ reaction. To work this out, we will look at which elements follow each other more than expected under the assumption of randomness.

antecedent consequent observed.sum observed.probs
Approach Approach 1.000 0.004
Approach Armprotect 2.000 0.008
Approach Armraise 1.513 0.006
Approach Armswing 10.297 0.039
Approach Armwave 3.509 0.013
Approach Bendsapling 3.000 0.011
Approach Bipedal 30.000 0.113
Approach Bite 1.488 0.006
Approach Bop 2.026 0.008
Approach Bow 3.590 0.013
ggplot(transitions, aes(x = observed.probs)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "grey", bins = 50, color = 'black') +
  theme_classic() +
  xlab("Conditional Transition Probabilities")

Distribution of Conditional Transition Probabilities

Distribution of Conditional Transition Probabilities

Robustness of transitions

Before statistically testing which conditional probabilities are statistically meaningful, it makes sense to visualize how robust they are. We are working with very small samples - many transitions will be based on a small number of events. For example, if an element only occurs 10 times, even at random assignment, the transition probabilities to all consequents will be at least 0.1. However, each new or missing data point would dramatically change this pattern. This is not optimal. To check this, we bootstrap the transition probabilities using the boot_element function: by repeatedly taking random subsets of bouts (1000 iterations, random sampling with replacement), we can create an interval around the observed transition probabilities, and check how broad those intervals are. We plot the coefficient of variance for the 1000 bootstraps against the number of times the consequent was observed. What we see is that for some rare elements, the transition probabilities become volatile. Transition probabilities of rare elements will therefore be interpreted with caution, and elements will be filtered to exclude rare or highly volatile transitions.

# use 'boot_elements()' function
boot.probabilities <- boot_elements(
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  antecedent = transitions$antecedent,
  consequent = transitions$consequent,
  measure = "prob",
  trials = 1000,
  it = 10,
  cores = 16,
  ci.range = c(0.025, 0.975),
  output = "summary",
  ran.method = 'random'

######### compare randomized and observed
transitions$ <- boot.probabilities$
transitions$ <- boot.probabilities$
transitions$ <- boot.probabilities$
transitions$sd <- boot.probabilities$
transitions$cv <- boot.probabilities$

ggplot(data = transitions, aes(x = count.antecedent, y = +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("Range Credible Interval") +
  xlab("Count Element")

Range of conditional transition probabilities for bigrams, plotted against how often the antecedent occurred in the dataset.

Range of conditional transition probabilities for bigrams, plotted against how often the antecedent occurred in the dataset.

Randomization approach

To test which elements reliably follow which others, we have to create a null model of ‘expected’ transitions. To do this, we repeatedly randomize the order of elements across bouts: while the number of elements per bout and the position of breaks and NAs in bouts are kept the same, we randomly assign which element occurs where in which bout. Thus, two elements are considered to transition significantly if the combination is observed more often than would be expected if play elements were just strung together at random. We run 1,000 randomisations (each containing 10 random assignments of co-occurring elements for relevant events) to create the expected distribution for each transition and compare whether the observed transition probability falls within this distribution or not. To compare the observed and expected values, we provide a p-value (how many of the 10,000 randomisations show higher transition probabilities than observed), a z-value (how many standard deviations larger than the expected probabilities were observed values), and the ratio of observed and expected probabilities (e.g., a probability increase of 2 means that the observed probability was twice as large as the expected probability). To be conservative, and given the low robustness of the data, we set the significance level to 0.01 - thus, a transition probability is considered significant if it is larger than 990 out of 1000 random assignments. We also only consider transitions that are based on at least 5 observations of the transition itself. Because of the large number of randomisations, this function is parallelised. For the bag-of-words approach, a randomized_bag_of_words function exists.

Please remember that these analyses are based on resampling, so each user will have slightly different results.

randomizations <- randomized_elem_info(
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  antecedent = transitions$antecedent,
  consequent = transitions$consequent,
  observed = transitions$observed.probs,
  it = 10,
  cores = 16,
  trials = 1000,
  type = "across",
  output = "expected"

transitions$expected.sum <- randomizations$sum
transitions$expected.probs <- round(randomizations$prob, 3)
transitions$pvalue <- round(randomizations$pvalue, 3)
transitions$z <- round(randomizations$z, 3)
transitions$prob.increase <-
  round(transitions$observed.probs / transitions$expected.probs, 3)

In total, 146 transitions were significant at 0.01 level and occurred at least 5 times (i.e., we can be very certain that the observed transition probability was outside the expected probability range). This constitutes 9% of all observed, and 5.41% of all possible transitions. Below is a table of all significant transitions, organised by their increase in probability compared to expected. As can be seen, many of those are repeated actions - if we see a chimpanzee player drum a tree, we can be fairly certain that the next move will also involve drumming a tree. Almost all possible elements (51 out of 68) showed at least one significant transition, ranging from 1 to 11. We will explore these connections further later-on when discussing network clusters of transitions - for now, this result confirms our first prediction: There are reliably predictable transition rules between play elements.

Antecedent and consequent transition statistics for the dataset: listed are transitions that were significant at 0.01 and occurred at least 5 times in the dataset
Antecedent Consequent Conditional Probability Expected Conditional Probability p-value Increase in Probability
Kickdirt Kickdirt 0.515 0.005 0.000 103.000
Hitobject Hitobject 0.368 0.007 0.000 52.571
Branchpull Branchpull 0.222 0.007 0.000 31.714
Climb Fall 0.153 0.007 0.000 21.857
Hitobject Exploreobject 0.147 0.008 0.000 18.375
Slapground Bow 0.346 0.019 0.000 18.211
Hideswing Climb 0.197 0.011 0.000 17.909
Bow Slapground 0.226 0.014 0.000 16.143
Jump Bendsapling 0.281 0.018 0.000 15.611
Bendsapling Jump 0.093 0.006 0.000 15.500
Embrace Pressdown 0.170 0.011 0.000 15.455
Carryobject Rollobject 0.090 0.006 0.000 15.000
Hang Fall 0.090 0.006 0.000 15.000
Slapground Slapground 0.186 0.013 0.000 14.308
DrumTree DrumTree 0.300 0.021 0.000 14.286
Kick Hang 0.236 0.017 0.000 13.882
Branchshake Branchshake 0.110 0.008 0.000 13.750
Bendsapling Branchpull 0.095 0.007 0.000 13.571
Mount Bite 0.148 0.011 0.000 13.455
Bite Mount 0.119 0.009 0.000 13.222
Liedown GrabbleWrestle 0.224 0.017 0.000 13.176
Waveobject Waveobject 0.115 0.009 0.000 12.778
Hold Trip 0.051 0.004 0.000 12.750
Branchpull Bendsapling 0.224 0.018 0.000 12.444
Bendsapling Bendsapling 0.215 0.018 0.000 11.944
Bendsapling Branchshake 0.092 0.008 0.000 11.500
Bite Bite 0.137 0.012 0.000 11.417
Hang Kick 0.067 0.006 0.000 11.167
Stomp Stomp 0.134 0.012 0.000 11.167
Climb Hang 0.166 0.015 0.000 11.067
Mount Pressdown 0.117 0.011 0.000 10.636
Branchshake Bendsapling 0.186 0.018 0.000 10.333
Flee Armprotect 0.082 0.008 0.000 10.250
Touch Touch 0.109 0.011 0.000 9.909
Shakeoff Shakeoff 0.136 0.014 0.000 9.714
Flee Hideswing 0.134 0.014 0.000 9.571
Swing Swing 0.143 0.015 0.000 9.533
Climb Swing 0.132 0.014 0.000 9.429
Hang Hang 0.134 0.015 0.000 8.933
Circlepartner Circlepartner 0.086 0.010 0.000 8.600
Circletree Circletree 0.162 0.019 0.000 8.526
Swing Hang 0.135 0.016 0.000 8.438
Branchshake Swing 0.114 0.014 0.000 8.143
Hang Swing 0.111 0.014 0.000 7.929
FollowOther Chase 0.071 0.009 0.000 7.889
Hide Feint 0.199 0.027 0.000 7.370
Circletree Feint 0.187 0.026 0.000 7.192
Stomp Bop 0.086 0.012 0.000 7.167
Mount GrabbleWrestle 0.119 0.017 0.000 7.000
Bop Stomp 0.080 0.012 0.001 6.667
Bow Bop 0.080 0.012 0.000 6.667
Hang Shakeoff 0.093 0.015 0.000 6.200
Shakeoff Hang 0.099 0.016 0.000 6.188
Approach Headshake 0.030 0.005 0.000 6.000
Armswing Swagger 0.036 0.006 0.000 6.000
Bop Bow 0.114 0.019 0.000 6.000
Carryobject Carryobject 0.089 0.015 0.000 5.933
Bendsapling Stomp 0.071 0.012 0.000 5.917
Retreatbackwards Armprotect 0.053 0.009 0.000 5.889
Feint Flee 0.195 0.034 0.000 5.735
Hold Moveother 0.017 0.003 0.000 5.667
FollowOther Circletree 0.113 0.020 0.000 5.650
Hitattempt FollowOther 0.263 0.047 0.001 5.596
Hang Bendsapling 0.100 0.018 0.000 5.556
Chase FollowOther 0.241 0.044 0.000 5.477
Bite GrabbleWrestle 0.087 0.016 0.003 5.437
Bendsapling Hang 0.085 0.016 0.000 5.312
Pressdown GrabbleWrestle 0.088 0.017 0.000 5.176
FollowOther Reach 0.062 0.012 0.000 5.167
GrabbleWrestle Crouch 0.072 0.014 0.000 5.143
Hold Embrace 0.040 0.008 0.000 5.000
Circletree Reach 0.059 0.012 0.001 4.917
Hold Bite 0.058 0.012 0.000 4.833
Bite Pull 0.101 0.021 0.000 4.810
Pull Pull 0.101 0.021 0.000 4.810
Push Hold 0.269 0.056 0.000 4.804
Approach Hitattempt 0.019 0.004 0.001 4.750
Reach Circletree 0.090 0.019 0.000 4.737
Hit Hit 0.127 0.027 0.000 4.704
Flee Climb 0.051 0.011 0.000 4.636
Stomp Bendsapling 0.085 0.019 0.000 4.474
Swagger Armswing 0.152 0.034 0.000 4.471
GrabbleWrestle Shakeoff 0.061 0.014 0.000 4.357
Reach Hold 0.241 0.056 0.000 4.304
Dropobject Bipedal 0.333 0.078 0.000 4.269
GrabbleWrestle Hold 0.232 0.055 0.000 4.218
Flee Hide 0.070 0.017 0.000 4.118
Pirouette Approach 0.200 0.049 0.003 4.082
Feint Circletree 0.077 0.019 0.000 4.053
Approach Swagger 0.028 0.007 0.000 4.000
Bipedal Flail 0.028 0.007 0.000 4.000
Crouch GrabbleWrestle 0.068 0.017 0.002 4.000
Approach Carryobject 0.059 0.015 0.000 3.933
Bow Stomp 0.050 0.013 0.003 3.846
Retreat Carryobject 0.057 0.015 0.000 3.800
Approach Grabobject 0.034 0.009 0.000 3.778
Pull Hold 0.211 0.056 0.000 3.768
Bipedal DrumTree 0.073 0.020 0.000 3.650
Hideswing Feint 0.094 0.026 0.001 3.615
Bipedal Waveobject 0.032 0.009 0.000 3.556
Hide Hide 0.060 0.017 0.003 3.529
Hide Flee 0.123 0.035 0.000 3.514
Fall Retreat 0.147 0.042 0.007 3.500
Feint Circlepartner 0.035 0.010 0.006 3.500
Feint Hide 0.059 0.017 0.000 3.471
Hold Pressdown 0.038 0.011 0.000 3.455
FollowOther Pressground 0.024 0.007 0.007 3.429
Armswing Bop 0.040 0.012 0.001 3.333
Retreat Shakeoff 0.050 0.015 0.000 3.333
Bipedal Armraise 0.023 0.007 0.000 3.286
Bipedal Armwave 0.013 0.004 0.008 3.250
Hit Pressdown 0.039 0.012 0.006 3.250
Pressdown Hold 0.174 0.054 0.000 3.222
Hit Hold 0.177 0.056 0.000 3.161
Hold Headdown 0.018 0.006 0.009 3.000
Parry Retreat 0.126 0.042 0.000 3.000
Feint FollowOther 0.137 0.046 0.000 2.978
Bipedal Armswing 0.101 0.034 0.000 2.971
Reach FollowOther 0.128 0.044 0.002 2.909
Touch Hold 0.160 0.055 0.002 2.909
Hide Retreat 0.122 0.042 0.000 2.905
FollowOther Feint 0.078 0.027 0.000 2.889
Parry Hold 0.164 0.057 0.000 2.877
Approach FollowOther 0.132 0.046 0.000 2.870
Bipedal Hideswing 0.040 0.014 0.000 2.857
Feint Retreat 0.116 0.041 0.000 2.829
Retreatbackwards Parry 0.053 0.019 0.000 2.789
Retreatbackwards Flee 0.091 0.033 0.000 2.758
Hold Circlepartner 0.030 0.011 0.003 2.727
Charge Bipedal 0.215 0.081 0.007 2.654
Hold FollowOther 0.122 0.046 0.000 2.652
Hold Mount 0.021 0.008 0.010 2.625
Hold Pull 0.053 0.021 0.000 2.524
Bipedal Hit 0.068 0.028 0.000 2.429
Retreatbackwards Shakeoff 0.036 0.015 0.008 2.400
Retreat Flee 0.081 0.034 0.001 2.382
Carryobject Bipedal 0.186 0.079 0.002 2.354
Hold Crouch 0.031 0.014 0.010 2.214
Shakeoff Hold 0.117 0.055 0.010 2.127
Bipedal Hold 0.119 0.056 0.000 2.125
Retreatbackwards Armswing 0.071 0.034 0.000 2.088
Flee Armswing 0.070 0.034 0.009 2.059
Retreatbackwards Feint 0.055 0.027 0.006 2.037
Retreat Bipedal 0.158 0.078 0.000 2.026
Bipedal Retreatbackwards 0.092 0.046 0.000 2.000
Retreat Approach 0.081 0.048 0.010 1.688
ggplot(transitions, aes(x = prob.increase)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "grey", bins = 50, color = 'black') +
  geom_vline(mapping = aes(xintercept = 1), linetype = 2) +
  theme_classic() +
  xlab("Ratio Observed/Expected Probabilities")

Distribution of Ratio of Observed and Expected Probabilities

Distribution of Ratio of Observed and Expected Probabilities

In Table 2, we can see the 140 transitions that occurred at a higher-than-expected rate and occurred at least 5 times (0.0863132% of all transitions). There is a connection between sample size and effect size: very high probability increases are connected to very rare elements. They are also connected to loops: some of the most predictable transitions are between an element and itself (e.g., Kick-dirt), because individuals repeat the action multiple times.

Prediction of consequent elements

One thing that would be important is whether this number of predictable transitions indicates that it is easy for individuals to predict which elements follows which, and how much flexibility there is in the system. We will test the amount of predictability by applying the transition probabilities directly: we go through the bouts of the dataset one by one, create the probabilities for all other bouts, and then predict the elements of the bout one by one (‘leave-one-out’). So, let’s say we know that the first element in a bout is Approach. We then use the transition probabilities to predict the second element and record whether this prediction was correct. We then take the actual next element to predict the third, and so on. We will test what the expected correct classification would be if the consequent element is only determine by the occurrence probability of each element, without taking transition information into account (null model). The difference between this value and the observed prediction accuracy of the models will tell us how much knowledge of the antecedent increases our predictions. Aside from using one element as antecedent (describing a Markov Process), we will repeat the procedure using two and three elements as antecedents. If the prediction accuracy under those conditions is higher than for one element, this indicates hierarchical processes - for example, if hit leads to hold in 10% of the time, but stare at plus hit leads to hold in 80% of the time, then the preceding element adds information. This hierarchical structure is an important component of human syntax and other action systems, but has not been shown for primate interactions.

loo4 = prediction_loo(
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  it = 10,
  trials = 100,
  cores = 8,
  lvl = 4,
  out = 20,
  prediction = 'product',
  ran.method = 'random'

prediction.table <-
  data.frame(level = seq_along(loo4)-1,
             prediction_accuracy =
               sapply(loo4, function(x){x$accuracy}),
             prediction_accuracy_naive_bayes =
               sapply(loo4, function(x){x$naivebayes.accuracy}),
             prediction_accuracy_forest =
               sapply(loo4, function(x){x$forest.accuracy})

      row.names = F,
      caption = "Prediction accuracy of applied transition probabilities at different levels: level 0 is the prediction based on the simple occurrence probability of each element, level 1 has one antecedent element, level 2 has two antecedents, etc",
      col.names = c('Level', 'Prediction Accuracy', 'Prediction Accuracy Naive Bayes', 'Prediction Accuracy Random Forest'),
      digits = 3)

## Warning in !is.null(rmarkdown::metadata$output) && rmarkdown::metadata$output
## %in% : 'length(x) = 4 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Prediction accuracy of applied transition probabilities at different levels: level 0 is the prediction based on the simple occurrence probability of each element, level 1 has one antecedent element, level 2 has two antecedents, etc
Level Prediction Accuracy Prediction Accuracy Naive Bayes Prediction Accuracy Random Forest
0 0.031 0.067 0.067
1 0.055 0.128 0.051
2 0.090 0.155 0.035
3 0.079 0.144 0.038
4 0.080 0.136 0.046

Element Clusters - Occurrance of Games

Similarity between elements in usage

We can analyse the usage statistics of each element in this light. We can do this for each element, by studying which elements are likely antecedents and consequents of that element (Fig.3 for feint, showing that it is connect bidirectionally with circle-tree, follow, hide, retreat, and precedes circle-partner and rarely press ground, and follows hide-swing). We can also analyse which elements are used in similar ways and whether we find clusters of similar elements. This is similar to the identification of synonyms in language: for example, the words jump and hop will usually occur in similar situations. We do this by taking the transition probabilities of all elements with all other elements and calculating the distance between elements (Fig. 4). Similarity can be established on the conditional transitions probabilities or mutual information, a measure of how much the presence of one element informs the presence of the other one. Clusters are detected using UMAP dimension reduction algorithm and K-means clustering.

  element = "Feint",
  antecedent = transitions$antecedent,
  consequent = transitions$consequent,
  count.antecedent = transitions$count.antecedent,
  count.consequent = transitions$count.consequent,
  observed.probs = transitions$observed.probs,
  pvalue = transitions$pvalue, 
  cutoff = 5, 
  significance = 0.01

Ego Network of Feint, with elements that are likely to precede and follow it

Ego Network of Feint, with elements that are likely to precede and follow it

similar.cluster <- similiarity_clusters(
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  measure = c("prob"),
  k = NULL,
  it = 1000,
  facet = FALSE,
  level = "bigram",
  ran.method = 'random',
  n_epochs = 8000,
  trials = 1000

## Warning: `distinct_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `distinct()` instead.
## See vignette('programming') for more help
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.

# similar.cluster$
# similar.cluster$silhouette.check
# similar.cluster$plot.similarity

Dendrogram of elements with similar usage statistics

Dendrogram of elements with similar usage statistics

What we observe is a relatively good cluster solution (0.8396785); any solution above 0.3 can be considered to show that there is more similarity within than between clusters. There are 12 clusters. These are usually composed of elements that involve similar actions. E.g, there is one containing all push, pull, wrestle, bite etc, so contact play. Another contains hanging and swinging of branches, pulling branches, climbing up etc - play in trees. One contains most of the object-related play, tug-of-war, wave_object etc. Elements in a cluster show similar usage patterns, so elements that fall into the same cluster can act as ‘synonyms’ - whether individuals press down the partner or hold them might not be important for the progression of play. This might also indicate that the coding scheme includes some distinctions that are less relevant for the chimpanzees - for example, rake ground and kick dirt differ in which limb is used, but might be used the same way (to get the partners attention).

Transition Networks

Similar usage of some elements is part of the puzzle of how elements are connected, and whether there are ‘games’ in chimpanzee play. The other question is: if elements show similar usage, how are they connected? In Figure 5, we can see a network where the nodes represent the elements and edges represent significant connections. Links are weighted and directed (AB is different from BA), with arrows indicating directionality. To account for uncertainty, we only include significant transitions that occurred at least 5 times. Clusters are represented by different colours. <- network_plot(
  elem.bout = elements.bout,
  edge.weight = "transition",
  min.prob = 0,
  min.count = 5,
  significance = 0.01,
  hide_unconnected = T,
  link = "weighted",
  clusters = T,
  plot.bubbles = F,
  title = "Transition Network Play Elements",
  remove_loops = T, 
  cores = 16,
  plot.layout = 'nicely',
  it = 2000

Transition Network

Transition Network

We can see that, similar to the similarity plot, there are clusters of highly connected elements that transition into each other regularly. It becomes clear that there are some elements (hold,bipedal) that have high usage probability and are at the centre of clusters. In total, 24.6% of transitions occurred within clusters, while 40.1% would be expected - a 1.6 times increase.

Below is a table summarising the cluster assignment for each element for the similarity and transition networks. The interpretation can be found in the manuscript.

Cluster assignment for play elements
element k.means.cluster community
Approach 1 1
Grabobject 3 1
Hitattempt 4 1
Chase 8 1
Circletree 8 1
FollowOther 8 1
Reach 8 1
Pirouette 9 1
Headshake 12 1
Pressground 12 1
Bipedal 1 2
Armswing 1 2
Armraise 3 2
Carryobject 3 2
DrumTree 3 2
Charge 4 2
Armwave 4 2
Swagger 4 2
Dropobject 10 2
Waveobject 10 2
Flail 10 2
Rollobject 12 2
Branchshake 5 3
Jump 5 3
Branchpull 5 3
Bendsapling 5 3
Embrace 6 4
Moveother 6 4
Bite 6 4
Trip 6 4
GrabbleWrestle 6 4
Pressdown 6 4
Headdown 6 4
Liedown 6 4
Mount 6 4
Crouch 9 4
Hit 9 4
Hold 9 4
Push 9 4
Touch 9 4
Pull 9 4
Slapground 7 5
Stomp 7 5
Bop 7 5
Bow 7 5
Hideswing 2 6
Climb 5 6
Fall 5 6
Swing 5 6
Shakeoff 9 6
Kick 11 6
Hang 11 6
Retreatbackwards 1 7
Retreat 1 7
Feint 2 7
Flee 2 7
Armprotect 2 7
Hide 2 7
Circlepartner 9 7
Parry 9 7
Hitobject 10 7
Exploreobject 10 7
Rock 4 NA
Stareat 8 NA
Lead 8 NA
Jumpon 11 NA
Kickdirt 12 NA
Presentbodypart 12 NA


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