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split Item in two, the half containing item definitions is ItemKind
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Mikolaj committed Mar 25, 2011
1 parent 3efa011 commit 4e344cc
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Showing 10 changed files with 157 additions and 140 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LambdaHack.cabal
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ executable LambdaHack
Display, Dungeon, DungeonState, File,
FOV, FOV.Common, FOV.Digital, FOV.Permissive, FOV.Shadow,
Frequency, Geometry, GeometryRnd, Grammar,
HighScores, Item, ItemState,
HighScores, Item, ItemKind, ItemState,
Keys, Keybindings, LambdaHack, Level, LevelState,
Message, MovableAdd, MovableKind, Movable, MovableState,
Multiline, Perception, Random,
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Actions.hs
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Geometry
import Grammar
import qualified HighScores as H
import Item
import ItemKind
import ItemState
import qualified Keys as K
import Level
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Dungeon.hs
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Level
import Item
import Random
import Terrain
import qualified ItemKind

-- | The complete dungeon is a map from level names to levels.
-- We usually store all but the current level in this data structure.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,9 +307,9 @@ rollItems cfg lvl ploc =
nri <- nrItems cfg
replicateM nri $
t <- newItem (depth cfg) itemFrequency
t <- newItem (depth cfg) ItemKind.itemFrequency
l <- case ikind t of
Sword _ ->
ItemKind.Sword _ ->
-- swords generated close to monsters; MUAHAHAHA
findLocTry 200 lvl
(const floor)
Expand Down
37 changes: 24 additions & 13 deletions src/Grammar.hs
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import Movable
import MovableKind
import State
import ItemState
import ItemKind
--import qualified ItemKind

-- | How to refer to a movable in object position of a sentence.
objectMovable :: MovableKind -> String
Expand All @@ -26,19 +28,6 @@ subjectMovableVerb x v = subjectMovable x ++ " " ++ verbMovable x v
compoundVerbMovable :: MovableKind -> String -> String -> String
compoundVerbMovable m v p = verbMovable m v ++ " " ++ p

-- TODO: move the item names to Item.hs and make the code below
-- independent on what item kinds are defined
objectItem :: State -> Int -> ItemKind -> String
objectItem _ n Ring = makeObject n id "ring"
objectItem _ n Scroll = makeObject n id "scroll"
objectItem s n (Potion t) = makeObject n (identified (sassocs s) (sdiscoveries s) (Potion t)) "potion"
objectItem _ n Wand = makeObject n id "wand"
objectItem _ n Amulet = makeObject n id "amulet"
objectItem _ n Gem = makeObject n id "gem"
objectItem _ n Gold = makeObject n id "gold piece"
objectItem _ n (Sword i) = makeObject n id ("(+" ++ show i ++ ") sword")
objectItem _ n Dart = makeObject n id "dart"

subjectVerbIObject :: State -> Movable -> String -> Item -> String -> String
subjectVerbIObject state m v o add =
subjectMovable (mkind m) ++ " " ++
Expand All @@ -57,3 +46,25 @@ subjectCompoundVerbIObject state m v p o add =
subjectMovable (mkind m) ++ " " ++
compoundVerbMovable (mkind m) v p ++ " " ++
objectItem state (icount o) (ikind o) ++ add ++ "."

makeObject :: Int -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
makeObject 1 adj obj = let b = adj obj
in case b of
(c:_) | c `elem` "aeio" -> "an " ++ b
_ -> "a " ++ b
makeObject n adj obj = show n ++ " " ++ adj (obj ++ "s")

objectItem :: State -> Int -> ItemKind -> String
objectItem _ n Ring = makeObject n id "ring"
objectItem _ n Scroll = makeObject n id "scroll"
objectItem s n (Potion t) = makeObject n (identified (sassocs s) (sdiscoveries s) (Potion t)) "potion"
objectItem _ n Wand = makeObject n id "wand"
objectItem _ n Amulet = makeObject n id "amulet"
objectItem _ n Gem = makeObject n id "gem"
objectItem _ n Gold = makeObject n id "gold piece"
objectItem _ n (Sword i) = makeObject n id ("(+" ++ show i ++ ") sword")
objectItem _ n Dart = makeObject n id "dart"
124 changes: 1 addition & 123 deletions src/Item.hs
@@ -1,49 +1,22 @@
module Item where

import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Put
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad

import qualified Attr
import Geometry
import Random
import ItemKind

data Item = Item
{ icount :: Int,
ikind :: ItemKind,
iletter :: Maybe Char } -- inventory identifier
deriving Show

data ItemKind =
| Scroll
| Potion PotionKind
| Wand
| Amulet
| Gem
| Gold
| Sword Int
| Dart
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data PotionKind =
| PotionHealing
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

data Appearance =
| White
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

type Assocs = M.Map ItemKind Appearance
type Discoveries = S.Set ItemKind

equalItemKind :: Item -> Item -> Bool
Expand All @@ -52,81 +25,10 @@ equalItemKind = (==) `on` ikind
equalItemLetter :: Item -> Item -> Bool
equalItemLetter = (==) `on` iletter

potionKind :: PotionKind -> String -> String
potionKind PotionWater s = s ++ " of water"
potionKind PotionHealing s = s ++ " of healing"

appearance :: Appearance -> String -> String
appearance Clear s = "clear " ++ s
appearance White s = "white " ++ s

instance Binary Item where
put (Item icount ikind iletter) = put icount >> put ikind >> put iletter
get = liftM3 Item get get get

instance Binary ItemKind where
put Ring = Put.putWord16le 0
put Scroll = Put.putWord16le 1
put (Potion t) = Put.putWord16le 2 >> put t
put Wand = Put.putWord16le 3
put Amulet = Put.putWord16le 4
put Gem = Put.putWord16le 5
put Gold = Put.putWord16le 6
put (Sword i) = Put.putWord16le 7 >> put i
put Dart = Put.putWord16le 8
get = do
tag <- Get.getWord16le
case tag of
0 -> return Ring
1 -> return Scroll
2 -> liftM Potion get
3 -> return Wand
4 -> return Amulet
5 -> return Gem
6 -> return Gold
7 -> liftM Sword get
8 -> return Dart

instance Binary PotionKind where
put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum
get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) getWord8

instance Binary Appearance where
put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum
get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) getWord8

itemFrequency :: Frequency ItemKind
itemFrequency =
(80, Gold),
(70, Sword (-1)),
(40, Dart),
(20, Gem),
(10, Ring),
(10, Scroll),
(30, Wand),
(10, Amulet),
(30, Potion PotionWater),
(20, Potion PotionHealing)

itemQuantity :: Int -> ItemKind -> Rnd Int
itemQuantity n Gold = (2 * n) *~ d 8
itemQuantity _ Dart = 3 *~ d 3
itemQuantity _ _ = return 1

itemStrength :: Int -> ItemKind -> Rnd ItemKind
itemStrength n (Sword _) =
r <- d (2 + n `div` 2)
return $ Sword $ (n + 1) `div` 3 + r
itemStrength _ tp = return tp

itemLetter :: ItemKind -> Maybe Char
itemLetter Gold = Just '$'
itemLetter _ = Nothing

-- | Generate an item.
newItem :: Int -> Frequency ItemKind -> Rnd Item
newItem n ftp =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,23 +93,6 @@ letterLabel :: Maybe Char -> String
letterLabel Nothing = " "
letterLabel (Just c) = c : " - "

viewItem :: ItemKind -> Assocs -> (Char, Attr.Color)
viewItem i a = viewItem' i (M.lookup i a)
def = Attr.defFG
viewItem' (Sword {}) _ = (')', def)
viewItem' Dart _ = (')', def)
viewItem' Ring _ = ('=', def)
viewItem' Scroll _ = ('?', def)
viewItem' (Potion {}) (Just Clear) = ('!', Attr.BrBlue)
viewItem' (Potion {}) (Just White) = ('!', Attr.BrCyan)
viewItem' (Potion {}) _ = ('!', def)
viewItem' Wand _ = ('/', def)
viewItem' Gold _ = ('$', Attr.BrYellow)
viewItem' Gem _ = ('*', Attr.BrMagenta)
viewItem' Amulet _ = ('"', def)
viewItem' _ _ = ('~', def)

-- | Adds an item to a list of items, joining equal items.
-- Also returns the joined item.
joinItem :: Item -> [Item] -> (Item,[Item])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,10 +130,3 @@ strongestSword l =
let aux acc (Item { ikind = Sword i }) = max acc i
aux acc _ = acc
in foldl' aux 0 l

makeObject :: Int -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
makeObject 1 adj obj = let b = adj obj
in case b of
(c:_) | c `elem` "aeio" -> "an " ++ b
_ -> "a " ++ b
makeObject n adj obj = show n ++ " " ++ adj (obj ++ "s")
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions src/ItemKind.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
module ItemKind where

import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Put
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad

import qualified Attr
import Random

data ItemKind =
| Scroll
| Potion PotionKind
| Wand
| Amulet
| Gem
| Gold
| Sword Int
| Dart
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data PotionKind =
| PotionHealing
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

data Appearance =
| White
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

type Assocs = M.Map ItemKind Appearance

instance Binary ItemKind where
put Ring = Put.putWord16le 0
put Scroll = Put.putWord16le 1
put (Potion t) = Put.putWord16le 2 >> put t
put Wand = Put.putWord16le 3
put Amulet = Put.putWord16le 4
put Gem = Put.putWord16le 5
put Gold = Put.putWord16le 6
put (Sword i) = Put.putWord16le 7 >> put i
put Dart = Put.putWord16le 8
get = do
tag <- Get.getWord16le
case tag of
0 -> return Ring
1 -> return Scroll
2 -> liftM Potion get
3 -> return Wand
4 -> return Amulet
5 -> return Gem
6 -> return Gold
7 -> liftM Sword get
8 -> return Dart

instance Binary PotionKind where
put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum
get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) getWord8

instance Binary Appearance where
put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum
get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) getWord8

potionKind :: PotionKind -> String -> String
potionKind PotionWater s = s ++ " of water"
potionKind PotionHealing s = s ++ " of healing"

appearance :: Appearance -> String -> String
appearance Clear s = "clear " ++ s
appearance White s = "white " ++ s

itemFrequency :: Frequency ItemKind
itemFrequency =
(80, Gold),
(70, Sword (-1)),
(40, Dart),
(20, Gem),
(10, Ring),
(10, Scroll),
(30, Wand),
(10, Amulet),
(30, Potion PotionWater),
(20, Potion PotionHealing)

itemQuantity :: Int -> ItemKind -> Rnd Int
itemQuantity n Gold = (2 * n) *~ d 8
itemQuantity _ Dart = 3 *~ d 3
itemQuantity _ _ = return 1

itemStrength :: Int -> ItemKind -> Rnd ItemKind
itemStrength n (Sword _) =
r <- d (2 + n `div` 2)
return $ Sword $ (n + 1) `div` 3 + r
itemStrength _ tp = return tp

itemLetter :: ItemKind -> Maybe Char
itemLetter Gold = Just '$'
itemLetter _ = Nothing

viewItem :: ItemKind -> Assocs -> (Char, Attr.Color)
viewItem i a = viewItem' i (M.lookup i a)
def = Attr.defFG
viewItem' (Sword {}) _ = (')', def)
viewItem' Dart _ = (')', def)
viewItem' Ring _ = ('=', def)
viewItem' Scroll _ = ('?', def)
viewItem' (Potion {}) (Just Clear) = ('!', Attr.BrBlue)
viewItem' (Potion {}) (Just White) = ('!', Attr.BrCyan)
viewItem' (Potion {}) _ = ('!', def)
viewItem' Wand _ = ('/', def)
viewItem' Gold _ = ('$', Attr.BrYellow)
viewItem' Gem _ = ('*', Attr.BrMagenta)
viewItem' Amulet _ = ('"', def)
viewItem' _ _ = ('~', def)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ItemState.hs
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Data.Map as M
import Data.List as L

import Item
import ItemKind
import State
import Movable
import MovableState
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/LambdaHack.hs
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Turn
import qualified Config
import MovableAdd
import Item
import ItemKind

main :: IO ()
main = Display.startup start
Expand Down

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