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Mikolaj committed Mar 31, 2011
1 parent 6a8b25f commit c529e07
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Showing 5 changed files with 108 additions and 103 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/EffectAction.hs
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ effectToAction (Effect.Wound nDm) source target power msg = do
updateAnyActor target $ \ m -> m { mhp = newHP } -- Damage the target.
when killed $ do
-- Place the actor's possessions on the map.
dropItemsAt (mitems tm) (mloc tm)
modify (updateLevel (dropItemsAt (mitems tm) (mloc tm)))
-- Clean bodies up.
pl <- gets splayer
if target == pl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,9 +237,6 @@ calculateTotal :: State -> Int
calculateTotal s =
L.sum $ itemPrice $ L.concatMap mitems (levelHeroList s)

dropItemsAt :: [Item] -> Loc -> Action ()
dropItemsAt is loc = modify (updateLevel (scatterItems is loc))

-- | Handle current score and display it with the high scores. Scores
-- should not be shown during the game, because ultimately the worth of items might give
-- information about the nature of the items.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Grammar.hs
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ subjectVerbMObject m v o add =
verbMovable (mkind m) v ++ " " ++
objectMovable (mkind o) ++ add ++ "."

subjectCompoundVerbIObject :: State -> Movable -> String -> String ->
subjCompoundVerbIObj :: State -> Movable -> String -> String ->
Item -> String -> String
subjectCompoundVerbIObject state m v p o add =
subjCompoundVerbIObj state m v p o add =
subjectMovable (mkind m) ++ " " ++
compoundVerbMovable (mkind m) v p ++ " " ++
objectItem state o ++ add ++ "."
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Item.hs
Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ letterLabel (Just c) = c : " - "

-- | Adds an item to a list of items, joining equal items.
-- Also returns the joined item.
-- TODO: the resulting list can contain items with the same letter.
-- TODO: name [Item] Inventory and have some invariants, e.g. no equal letters.
joinItem :: Item -> [Item] -> (Item, [Item])
joinItem i is =
case findItem (equalItemIdentity i) is of
Expand Down
194 changes: 100 additions & 94 deletions src/ItemAction.hs
Expand Up @@ -41,15 +41,14 @@ import EffectAction

-- | Display inventory
inventory :: Action a
inventory =
items <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
if L.null items
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything"
else do
displayItems "This is what you are carrying:" True items
session getConfirm
abortWith ""
inventory = do
items <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
if L.null items
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything"
else do
displayItems "This is what you are carrying:" True items
session getConfirm
abortWith ""

-- | Let the player choose any item with a given group name.
-- Note that this does not guarantee an item from the group to be chosen,
Expand All @@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ applyGroupItem groupName verb = do
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything."
else do
iOpt <- getGroupItem is groupName
("What to " ++ verb ++ "?") "in your inventory"
("What to " ++ verb ++ "?") "in your inventory"
case iOpt of
Just item@(Item { ikind = ik }) -> do
-- only one item consumed, even if several in inventory
Expand All @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ applyGroupItem groupName verb = do
consumed = item { icount = 1 }
message (subjectVerbIObject state pbody v consumed "")
pl <- gets splayer
b <- itemEffectAction consumed pl pl
b <- itemEffectAction consumed pl pl
when b $ removeFromInventory consumed
Nothing -> neverMind True
Expand All @@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ zapGroupItem groupName verb = do
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything."
else do
iOpt <- getGroupItem is groupName
("What to " ++ verb ++ "?") "in your inventory"
("What to " ++ verb ++ "?") "in your inventory"
case iOpt of
Just item@(Item { ikind = ik }) -> do
-- only one item consumed, even if several in inventory
Expand All @@ -122,10 +121,10 @@ zapGroupItem groupName verb = do
Just ta -> do
b <- itemEffectAction consumed pl ta
when (not b) $
modify (updateLevel (scatterItems [consumed] loc))
modify (updateLevel (dropItemsAt [consumed] loc))
Nothing -> do
message (subjectVerbIObject state pbody verb consumed "")
modify (updateLevel (scatterItems [consumed] loc))
modify (updateLevel (dropItemsAt [consumed] loc))
else abortWith "target not reachable"
Nothing -> neverMind True
Expand All @@ -143,24 +142,22 @@ throwItem :: Action ()
throwItem = zapGroupItem "dart" "throw"

dropItem :: Action ()
dropItem =
state <- get
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
ploc <- gets (mloc . getPlayerBody)
items <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
if L.null items
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything."
else do
i <- getAnyItem "What to drop?" items "inventory"
case i of
Just i' ->
removeFromInventory i'
message (subjectVerbIObject state pbody "drop" i' "")
dropItemsAt [i'] ploc
Nothing -> neverMind True
dropItem = do
state <- get
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
ploc <- gets (mloc . getPlayerBody)
items <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
if L.null items
then abortWith "You are not carrying anything."
else do
iOpt <- getAnyItem "What to drop?" items "inventory"
case iOpt of
Just i -> do
removeFromInventory i
message (subjectVerbIObject state pbody "drop" i "")
modify (updateLevel (dropItemsAt [i] ploc))
Nothing -> neverMind True

-- | Remove given item from the hero's inventory.
removeFromInventory :: Item -> Action ()
Expand All @@ -171,58 +168,63 @@ removeFromInventory i =
removeFromLoc :: Item -> Loc -> Action ()
removeFromLoc i loc =
modify (updateLevel (updateLMap adj))
adj = M.adjust (\ (t, rt) -> (remove t, rt)) loc
remove t = t { titems = removeItemByIdentity i (titems t) }
adj = M.adjust (\ (t, rt) -> (remove t, rt)) loc
remove t = t { titems = removeItemByIdentity i (titems t) }

actorPickupItem :: Actor -> Action ()
actorPickupItem actor =
state <- get
pl <- gets splayer
per <- currentPerception
lmap <- gets (lmap . slevel)
movable <- gets (getActor actor)
let loc = mloc movable
let t = lmap `at` loc -- the map tile in question
let perceived = loc `S.member` ptvisible per
let isPlayer = actor == pl
-- check if something is here to pick up
case titems t of
[] -> abortIfWith isPlayer "nothing here"
(i:rs) -> -- pick up first item; TODO: let player select item; not for monsters
case assignLetter (iletter i) (mletter movable) (mitems movable) of
Just l ->
let (ni, nitems) = joinItem (i { iletter = Just l }) (mitems movable)
-- message is dependent on who picks up and if the hero can perceive it
if isPlayer
then message (letterLabel (iletter ni) ++ objectItem state ni)
else when perceived $
message $ subjectCompoundVerbIObject state movable "pick" "up" i ""
removeFromLoc i loc
-- add item to actor's inventory:
updateAnyActor actor $ \ m ->
m { mitems = nitems, mletter = maxLetter l (mletter movable) }
Nothing -> abortIfWith isPlayer "you cannot carry any more"
advanceTime actor
actorPickupItem actor = do
state <- get
pl <- gets splayer
per <- currentPerception
lmap <- gets (lmap . slevel)
body <- gets (getActor actor)
let loc = mloc body
t = lmap `at` loc -- the map tile in question
perceived = loc `S.member` ptvisible per
isPlayer = actor == pl
-- check if something is here to pick up
case titems t of
[] -> abortIfWith isPlayer "nothing here"
i:rs -> -- pick up first item; TODO: let player select item;not for monsters
case assignLetter (iletter i) (mletter body) (mitems body) of
Just l -> do
let (ni, nitems) = joinItem (i { iletter = Just l }) (mitems body)
-- message depends on who picks up and if a hero can perceive it
if isPlayer
then message (letterLabel (iletter ni) ++ objectItem state ni)
else when perceived $
message $ subjCompoundVerbIObj state body "pick" "up" i ""
removeFromLoc i loc
-- add item to actor's inventory:
updateAnyActor actor $ \ m ->
m { mitems = nitems, mletter = maxLetter l (mletter body) }
Nothing -> abortIfWith isPlayer "you cannot carry any more"
advanceTime actor

pickupItem :: Action ()
pickupItem = do
pl <- gets splayer
actorPickupItem pl

-- TODO: I think that player handlers should be wrappers around more general actor handlers, but
-- the actor handlers should be performing specific actions, i.e., already specify the item to be
-- picked up. It doesn't make sense to invoke dialogues for arbitrary actors, and most likely the
-- decision for a monster is based on perceiving a particular item to be present, so it's already
-- known. In actor handlers we should make sure that messages are printed to the player only if the
-- TODO: I think that player handlers should be wrappers
-- around more general actor handlers, but
-- the actor handlers should be performing
-- specific actions, i.e., already specify the item to be
-- picked up. It doesn't make sense to invoke dialogues
-- for arbitrary actors, and most likely the
-- decision for a monster is based on perceiving
-- a particular item to be present, so it's already
-- known. In actor handlers we should make sure
-- that messages are printed to the player only if the
-- hero can perceive the action.
-- Perhaps this means half of this code should be split and moved
-- to ItemState, to be independent of any IO code from Action/Display.

-- | Let the player choose any item from a list of items.
getAnyItem :: String -> -- prompt
[Item] -> -- all objects in question
String -> -- how to refer to the collection of objects, e.g. "in your inventory"
String -> -- how to refer to the collection of objects
Action (Maybe Item)
getAnyItem prompt is isn = getItem prompt (const True) "Objects" is isn

Expand All @@ -231,29 +233,33 @@ getItem :: String -> -- prompt message
(Item -> Bool) -> -- which items to consider suitable
String -> -- how to describe suitable objects
[Item] -> -- all objects in question
String -> -- how to refer to the collection of objects, e.g. "in your inventory"
String -> -- how to refer to the collection of objects
Action (Maybe Item)
getItem prompt p ptext is0 isn =
let is = L.filter p is0
choice | L.null is = "[*, ESC]"
| otherwise = "[" ++ letterRange (concatMap (maybeToList . iletter) is) ++ ", ?, *, RET, ESC]"
r = do
message (prompt ++ " " ++ choice)
let h = session nextCommand >>= h'
h' e = case e of
K.Char '?' -> do
-- filter for supposedly suitable objects
b <- displayItems (ptext ++ " " ++ isn) True is
if b then session (getOptionalConfirm (const r) h')
else r
K.Char '*' -> do
-- show all objects
b <- displayItems ("Objects " ++ isn) True is0
if b then session (getOptionalConfirm (const r) h')
else r
K.Char l -> return (find (\ i -> maybe False (== l) (iletter i)) is0)
K.Return -> return (case is of [] -> Nothing ; i : _ -> Just i)
_ -> return Nothing
in r
choice = if L.null is
then "[*, ESC]"
else let r = letterRange (concatMap (maybeToList . iletter) is)
in "[" ++ r ++ ", ?, *, RET, ESC]"
interact = do
message (prompt ++ " " ++ choice)
session nextCommand >>= perform
perform command =
case command of
K.Char '?' -> do
-- filter for supposedly suitable objects
b <- displayItems (ptext ++ " " ++ isn) True is
if b then session (getOptionalConfirm (const interact) perform)
else interact
K.Char '*' -> do
-- show all objects
b <- displayItems ("Objects " ++ isn) True is0
if b then session (getOptionalConfirm (const interact) perform)
else interact
K.Char l ->
return (find (\ i -> maybe False (== l) (iletter i)) is0)
K.Return -> -- TODO: i should be the first displayed (except $)
return (case is of [] -> Nothing ; i : _ -> Just i)
_ -> return Nothing
in interact
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Level.hs
Expand Up @@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ findLocTry k l@(Level { lsize = sz, lmap = lm }) p pTry =
then findLocTry (k - 1) l p pTry
else findLoc l p

-- Actually, do not scatter the items around, it's too much work for the player.
scatterItems :: [Item] -> Loc -> Level -> Level
scatterItems items loc lvl@(Level { lmap = lmap }) =
-- Actually, do not scatter items around, it's too much work for the player.
dropItemsAt :: [Item] -> Loc -> Level -> Level
dropItemsAt items loc lvl@(Level { lmap = lmap }) =
let joinItems items = L.foldl' (\ acc i -> snd (joinItem i acc)) items
t = lmap `at` loc
nt = t { titems = joinItems items (titems t) }
Expand Down

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