{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":470837979,"defaultBranch":"v3","name":"Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Web-OpenSource","ownerLogin":"AmityCo","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2022-03-17T03:42:25.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/80117195?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1719237829.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"4952afb914061ab82ab0e276dab53fd86a55ff83","after":"712e42002f96a717f495c4a6ca5264c102766d71","ref":"refs/heads/v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T14:04:56.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore(release): 3.7.0 (#69)\n\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore(release): 3.7.0 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component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22035 - customizations (#378)\r\n\r\n* feat: ThemeProvider, CustomizationProvider and IconComponent\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: useAmityComponentProps\r\n\r\n* feat: useAmityPage, useAmityComponent, useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* chore: update foundation\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit hook bug\r\n\r\n* fix: update core foundation (theme, modal)\r\n\r\n* fix: default color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: fix isExcluded\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* fix: typing\r\n\r\n* fix: fix a testing workflow\r\n\r\n* chore: Apply suggestions from code review\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab show with member only (#383)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22036 - stylelint (#379)\r\n\r\n* chore: stylelint\r\n\r\n* chore: add postcss\r\n\r\n* chore: update lint scripts\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22039 - browserslist (#380)\r\n\r\n* chore: setup browserslist\r\n\r\n* chore: run prettier\r\n\r\n* fix: draft video should loop (#369)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22040 - node 20 (#381)\r\n\r\n* chore: add asdf and change engines field of node version to 20\r\n\r\n* chore: pnpm v9\r\n\r\n* chore: remove pull_request_template.md\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: update node version\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix: fix a staging workflow (#389)\r\n\r\n* fix: add pnpm install step (#390)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22340 - CommunitySearchResults (#391)\r\n\r\n* feat: CommunitySearchResults\r\n\r\n* fix: update avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22294 - PostContent (#392)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostContent\r\n\r\n* fix: lint\r\n\r\n* chore: update package.json\r\n\r\n* fix: elements/index\r\n\r\n* feat: TopSearchBar (#393)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialHomePage (#394)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialGlobalSearchPage (#395)\r\n\r\n* feat: MyCommunities (#396)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostDetailPage (#397)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22335 - update routes (#398)\r\n\r\n* feat: update route\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: Drawer (#402)\r\n\r\n* fix: text overflow (#400)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22335 - update SocialGlobalSearchPage route (#399)\r\n\r\n* feat: add SocialGlobalSearchPage routing\r\n\r\n* fix: update useUserQueryByDisplayName\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22335 - VideoViewer styles (#401)\r\n\r\n* fix: fix VideoViewer\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21508 - hyperlink to show confirm when back with data (#404)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink to show confirm when back with data\r\n\r\n* fix: bring bank old cold\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId no need to pass prop\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20694 - react story condition for non member (#370)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story react condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: params\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22312 - moderator badge (#384)\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray stories\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: sub story community rte\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22893 - create post menu & select post target page (#405)\r\n\r\n* style: change create menu color\r\n\r\n* feat: implement ui CreatePostMenu\r\n\r\n* feat: add event when click createPostMenuButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateStoryButtons\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreatePollButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateLivestreamButton\r\n\r\n* fix: text Livestream\r\n\r\n* fix: changeable text\r\n\r\n* feat: implement SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: onBack\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId\r\n\r\n* fix: text static\r\n\r\n* style: pointer\r\n\r\n* feat: integrate API communites to SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: custom communities avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: add UserAvatar\r\n\r\n* feat: apply infinity scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: map key\r\n\r\n* feat: add userId\r\n\r\n* style: change px to rem\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme styles\r\n\r\n* reafactor: remove blank line\r\n\r\n* style: add pointer\r\n\r\n* fix: pr comments\r\n\r\n* refactor: wrap button in IconComponent\r\n\r\n* style: adapt global var\r\n\r\n* fix: optional pageId\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22888 - hide create post menu for current release (#413)\r\n\r\n* feat: comment code create post menu for current release\r\n\r\n* fix: remove SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink confirm remove link (#406)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23219 - story view page onClose (#408)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: removed deprecated\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20522 - navigate view story in mobile overlay (#409)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: global story hook import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22720 - view story full width and height (#410)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* feat(message): handle optimistic on message creation (#377)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22081 - notification v4 (#411)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: file name\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - delete first multiple story go to next story (#412)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23136 - fix social v3 issues (#388)\r\n\r\n* fix: bring back reply i18n\r\n\r\ni18n\r\n\r\n* fix: icon size\r\n\r\n* fix: comments do not load\r\n\r\n* chore: story in v3\r\n\r\n* fix: isFlaggedByMe rate limit issue\r\n\r\n* fix: fix PageBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: ViewStoryPage navigation\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicate\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page prop\r\n\r\n* fix: draft story page storyType prop\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - tech debt livechat (#416)\r\n\r\n* fix: unconfigurable style\r\n\r\n* fix: modify avatar v4 to support defaultImage\r\n\r\n* fix: livechat avatar to use avatar component v4\r\n\r\n* fix: user icon in message bubble to use v4 compo\r\n\r\n* fix: change defaul image for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4 component on story preview\r\n\r\n* fix: to use v4 components in reply message placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix: mention item to use v4 avatar components\r\n\r\n* fix: defaultImage on share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: theme on AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: LiveChatMessageList to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: remove condition variable\r\n\r\n* fix: configuration value\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: to use same value on light and dark theme for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: remove /index\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page context (#420)\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23233 - disabled button when file is uploading and fix 429 issue (#422)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled remove button when file is uploading\r\n\r\n* fix: add handle document event when menu opened\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23288 - disabled submit vote button (#424)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled submit vote button\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: formatDuration (#429)\r\n\r\n* fix: link text color (#426)\r\n\r\n* fix: reduce comment api network call amount (#427)\r\n\r\n* fix: like button color (#425)\r\n\r\n* fix: play icon (#428)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-23090 - LinkPreview (#414)\r\n\r\n* feat: LinkPreview\r\n\r\n* fix: error handling\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: move post creator out of infinite scroll (#430)\r\n\r\n* fix: append a created poll post (#432)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22315 - error noti when user upload unsupported file (#417)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: height\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20535 - deleted reply block (#418)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20356 - story tab should navigate to unseen (#419)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add pageId to confirm\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21809 - upload video story on mobile device (#423)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* chore: add react-aria-component\r\n\r\n* fix: hooks\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type and layout (#434)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21494 - non member can react in comment tray (#433)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: pass pageId and componentId\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: play pause button\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: onPress\r\n\r\n* fix: wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: rem\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* feat: skeleton loader (#407)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23278 - view story container (#435)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23385 - view story comment tray close after comment (#438)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment button width\r\n\r\n* fix: useGetActiveStoriesByTarget hook\r\n\r\n* fix: add story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: view story comment tray close after comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: community story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: speaker button condition ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story sub\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: button css\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.7 (#439)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.5\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.6\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#440)\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade version ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\nCo-authored-by: ChayanitBm ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#67)"}},{"before":"113650b420751f30fc768e706c1cb4be67ffc808","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:59:44.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":null,"after":"038dfcb9b43bf7ccd2898f6667973ab38ea809ac","ref":"refs/heads/v3-new","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:58:26.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#67)\n\n* chore: ASC-00000 - css module typescript config (#233)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21254 - align api signature for draft page (#210)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: fill color\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21249 - align story tab component props (#203)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21260 - align comment tray component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22035 - customizations (#378)\r\n\r\n* feat: ThemeProvider, CustomizationProvider and IconComponent\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: useAmityComponentProps\r\n\r\n* feat: useAmityPage, useAmityComponent, useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* chore: update foundation\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit hook bug\r\n\r\n* fix: update core foundation (theme, modal)\r\n\r\n* fix: default color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: fix isExcluded\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* fix: typing\r\n\r\n* fix: fix a testing workflow\r\n\r\n* chore: Apply suggestions from code review\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab show with member only (#383)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22036 - stylelint (#379)\r\n\r\n* chore: stylelint\r\n\r\n* chore: add postcss\r\n\r\n* chore: update lint scripts\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22039 - browserslist (#380)\r\n\r\n* chore: setup browserslist\r\n\r\n* chore: run prettier\r\n\r\n* fix: draft video should loop (#369)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22040 - node 20 (#381)\r\n\r\n* chore: add asdf and change engines field of node version to 20\r\n\r\n* chore: pnpm v9\r\n\r\n* chore: remove pull_request_template.md\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: update node version\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix: fix a staging workflow (#389)\r\n\r\n* fix: add pnpm install step (#390)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22340 - CommunitySearchResults (#391)\r\n\r\n* feat: CommunitySearchResults\r\n\r\n* fix: update avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22294 - PostContent (#392)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostContent\r\n\r\n* fix: lint\r\n\r\n* chore: update package.json\r\n\r\n* fix: elements/index\r\n\r\n* feat: TopSearchBar (#393)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialHomePage (#394)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialGlobalSearchPage (#395)\r\n\r\n* feat: MyCommunities (#396)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostDetailPage (#397)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22335 - update routes (#398)\r\n\r\n* feat: update route\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: Drawer (#402)\r\n\r\n* fix: text overflow (#400)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22335 - update SocialGlobalSearchPage route (#399)\r\n\r\n* feat: add SocialGlobalSearchPage routing\r\n\r\n* fix: update useUserQueryByDisplayName\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22335 - VideoViewer styles (#401)\r\n\r\n* fix: fix VideoViewer\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21508 - hyperlink to show confirm when back with data (#404)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink to show confirm when back with data\r\n\r\n* fix: bring bank old cold\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId no need to pass prop\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20694 - react story condition for non member (#370)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story react condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: params\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22312 - moderator badge (#384)\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray stories\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: sub story community rte\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22893 - create post menu & select post target page (#405)\r\n\r\n* style: change create menu color\r\n\r\n* feat: implement ui CreatePostMenu\r\n\r\n* feat: add event when click createPostMenuButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateStoryButtons\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreatePollButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateLivestreamButton\r\n\r\n* fix: text Livestream\r\n\r\n* fix: changeable text\r\n\r\n* feat: implement SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: onBack\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId\r\n\r\n* fix: text static\r\n\r\n* style: pointer\r\n\r\n* feat: integrate API communites to SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: custom communities avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: add UserAvatar\r\n\r\n* feat: apply infinity scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: map key\r\n\r\n* feat: add userId\r\n\r\n* style: change px to rem\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme styles\r\n\r\n* reafactor: remove blank line\r\n\r\n* style: add pointer\r\n\r\n* fix: pr comments\r\n\r\n* refactor: wrap button in IconComponent\r\n\r\n* style: adapt global var\r\n\r\n* fix: optional pageId\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22888 - hide create post menu for current release (#413)\r\n\r\n* feat: comment code create post menu for current release\r\n\r\n* fix: remove SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink confirm remove link (#406)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23219 - story view page onClose (#408)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: removed deprecated\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20522 - navigate view story in mobile overlay (#409)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: global story hook import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22720 - view story full width and height (#410)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* feat(message): handle optimistic on message creation (#377)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22081 - notification v4 (#411)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: file name\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - delete first multiple story go to next story (#412)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23136 - fix social v3 issues (#388)\r\n\r\n* fix: bring back reply i18n\r\n\r\ni18n\r\n\r\n* fix: icon size\r\n\r\n* fix: comments do not load\r\n\r\n* chore: story in v3\r\n\r\n* fix: isFlaggedByMe rate limit issue\r\n\r\n* fix: fix PageBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: ViewStoryPage navigation\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicate\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page prop\r\n\r\n* fix: draft story page storyType prop\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - tech debt livechat (#416)\r\n\r\n* fix: unconfigurable style\r\n\r\n* fix: modify avatar v4 to support defaultImage\r\n\r\n* fix: livechat avatar to use avatar component v4\r\n\r\n* fix: user icon in message bubble to use v4 compo\r\n\r\n* fix: change defaul image for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4 component on story preview\r\n\r\n* fix: to use v4 components in reply message placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix: mention item to use v4 avatar components\r\n\r\n* fix: defaultImage on share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: theme on AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: LiveChatMessageList to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: remove condition variable\r\n\r\n* fix: configuration value\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: to use same value on light and dark theme for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: remove /index\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page context (#420)\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23233 - disabled button when file is uploading and fix 429 issue (#422)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled remove button when file is uploading\r\n\r\n* fix: add handle document event when menu opened\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23288 - disabled submit vote button (#424)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled submit vote button\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: formatDuration (#429)\r\n\r\n* fix: link text color (#426)\r\n\r\n* fix: reduce comment api network call amount (#427)\r\n\r\n* fix: like button color (#425)\r\n\r\n* fix: play icon (#428)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-23090 - LinkPreview (#414)\r\n\r\n* feat: LinkPreview\r\n\r\n* fix: error handling\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: move post creator out of infinite scroll (#430)\r\n\r\n* fix: append a created poll post (#432)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22315 - error noti when user upload unsupported file (#417)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: height\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20535 - deleted reply block (#418)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20356 - story tab should navigate to unseen (#419)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add pageId to confirm\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21809 - upload video story on mobile device (#423)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* chore: add react-aria-component\r\n\r\n* fix: hooks\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type and layout (#434)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21494 - non member can react in comment tray (#433)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: pass pageId and componentId\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: play pause button\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: onPress\r\n\r\n* fix: wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: rem\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* feat: skeleton loader (#407)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23278 - view story container (#435)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23385 - view story comment tray close after comment (#438)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment button width\r\n\r\n* fix: useGetActiveStoriesByTarget hook\r\n\r\n* fix: add story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: view story comment tray close after comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: community story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: speaker button condition ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story sub\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: button css\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.7 (#439)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.5\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.6\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#440)\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade version ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\nCo-authored-by: ChayanitBm ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#67)"}},{"before":"15db43927c8068a3bf8ce68e5c76199ef96d4e6d","after":"113650b420751f30fc768e706c1cb4be67ffc808","ref":"refs/heads/v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:43:59.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release/v3.6.0 (#68)\n\n* chore: ASC-00000 - css module typescript config (#233)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21254 - align api signature for draft page (#210)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: fill color\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21249 - align story tab component props (#203)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21260 - align comment tray component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles\r\n\r\n* fix: npm\r\n\r\n* fix: npmrc\r\n\r\n* revert version from 4.0.0 => 3.4.0\r\n\r\n* fix version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 3.6.0\r\n\r\n* fix: remove v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove v4\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 3.6.0\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v3.6.0 (#68)"}},{"before":"40b2b81c923338300a337f20f0998c59e335421c","after":"fc002f6b3f9fe82c6afef4a857918e0b0517eebc","ref":"refs/heads/release/v3.6.0","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:43:35.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'v3' into release/v3.6.0","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'v3' into release/v3.6.0"}},{"before":"6b86e7e5304dbf40a0f3ea4c567fb20f8f6bea4b","after":"038dfcb9b43bf7ccd2898f6667973ab38ea809ac","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:32:41.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#67)\n\n* chore: ASC-00000 - css module typescript config (#233)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21254 - align api signature for draft page (#210)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: fill color\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21249 - align story tab component props (#203)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21260 - align comment tray component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22035 - customizations (#378)\r\n\r\n* feat: ThemeProvider, CustomizationProvider and IconComponent\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: useAmityComponentProps\r\n\r\n* feat: useAmityPage, useAmityComponent, useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* chore: update foundation\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit hook bug\r\n\r\n* fix: update core foundation (theme, modal)\r\n\r\n* fix: default color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: fix isExcluded\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* fix: typing\r\n\r\n* fix: fix a testing workflow\r\n\r\n* chore: Apply suggestions from code review\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab show with member only (#383)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22036 - stylelint (#379)\r\n\r\n* chore: stylelint\r\n\r\n* chore: add postcss\r\n\r\n* chore: update lint scripts\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22039 - browserslist (#380)\r\n\r\n* chore: setup browserslist\r\n\r\n* chore: run prettier\r\n\r\n* fix: draft video should loop (#369)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22040 - node 20 (#381)\r\n\r\n* chore: add asdf and change engines field of node version to 20\r\n\r\n* chore: pnpm v9\r\n\r\n* chore: remove pull_request_template.md\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: update node version\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix: fix a staging workflow (#389)\r\n\r\n* fix: add pnpm install step (#390)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22340 - CommunitySearchResults (#391)\r\n\r\n* feat: CommunitySearchResults\r\n\r\n* fix: update avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22294 - PostContent (#392)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostContent\r\n\r\n* fix: lint\r\n\r\n* chore: update package.json\r\n\r\n* fix: elements/index\r\n\r\n* feat: TopSearchBar (#393)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialHomePage (#394)\r\n\r\n* feat: SocialGlobalSearchPage (#395)\r\n\r\n* feat: MyCommunities (#396)\r\n\r\n* feat: PostDetailPage (#397)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22335 - update routes (#398)\r\n\r\n* feat: update route\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n* chore: Drawer (#402)\r\n\r\n* fix: text overflow (#400)\r\n\r\n* chore: ASC-22335 - update SocialGlobalSearchPage route (#399)\r\n\r\n* feat: add SocialGlobalSearchPage routing\r\n\r\n* fix: update useUserQueryByDisplayName\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22335 - VideoViewer styles (#401)\r\n\r\n* fix: fix VideoViewer\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21508 - hyperlink to show confirm when back with data (#404)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink to show confirm when back with data\r\n\r\n* fix: bring bank old cold\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId no need to pass prop\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20694 - react story condition for non member (#370)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story react condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: params\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22312 - moderator badge (#384)\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator badge\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray stories\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: sub story community rte\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22893 - create post menu & select post target page (#405)\r\n\r\n* style: change create menu color\r\n\r\n* feat: implement ui CreatePostMenu\r\n\r\n* feat: add event when click createPostMenuButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateStoryButtons\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreatePollButton\r\n\r\n* feat: implement CreateLivestreamButton\r\n\r\n* fix: text Livestream\r\n\r\n* fix: changeable text\r\n\r\n* feat: implement SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: onBack\r\n\r\n* fix: pageId\r\n\r\n* fix: text static\r\n\r\n* style: pointer\r\n\r\n* feat: integrate API communites to SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* feat: custom communities avatar size\r\n\r\n* feat: add UserAvatar\r\n\r\n* feat: apply infinity scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: map key\r\n\r\n* feat: add userId\r\n\r\n* style: change px to rem\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme styles\r\n\r\n* reafactor: remove blank line\r\n\r\n* style: add pointer\r\n\r\n* fix: pr comments\r\n\r\n* refactor: wrap button in IconComponent\r\n\r\n* style: adapt global var\r\n\r\n* fix: optional pageId\r\n\r\n* refactor: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22888 - hide create post menu for current release (#413)\r\n\r\n* feat: comment code create post menu for current release\r\n\r\n* fix: remove SelectPostTargetPage\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink confirm remove link (#406)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23219 - story view page onClose (#408)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: removed deprecated\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20522 - navigate view story in mobile overlay (#409)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: global story hook import\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22720 - view story full width and height (#410)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* feat(message): handle optimistic on message creation (#377)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22081 - notification v4 (#411)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: file name\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - delete first multiple story go to next story (#412)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23136 - fix social v3 issues (#388)\r\n\r\n* fix: bring back reply i18n\r\n\r\ni18n\r\n\r\n* fix: icon size\r\n\r\n* fix: comments do not load\r\n\r\n* chore: story in v3\r\n\r\n* fix: isFlaggedByMe rate limit issue\r\n\r\n* fix: fix PageBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: ViewStoryPage navigation\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicate\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page prop\r\n\r\n* fix: draft story page storyType prop\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - tech debt livechat (#416)\r\n\r\n* fix: unconfigurable style\r\n\r\n* fix: modify avatar v4 to support defaultImage\r\n\r\n* fix: livechat avatar to use avatar component v4\r\n\r\n* fix: user icon in message bubble to use v4 compo\r\n\r\n* fix: change defaul image for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4 component on story preview\r\n\r\n* fix: to use v4 components in reply message placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix: mention item to use v4 avatar components\r\n\r\n* fix: defaultImage on share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: theme on AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: LiveChatMessageList to use useAmityComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: remove condition variable\r\n\r\n* fix: configuration value\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: to use same value on light and dark theme for livechat\r\n\r\n* fix: remove /index\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page context (#420)\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23233 - disabled button when file is uploading and fix 429 issue (#422)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled remove button when file is uploading\r\n\r\n* fix: add handle document event when menu opened\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23288 - disabled submit vote button (#424)\r\n\r\n* fix: disabled submit vote button\r\n\r\n* chore: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: formatDuration (#429)\r\n\r\n* fix: link text color (#426)\r\n\r\n* fix: reduce comment api network call amount (#427)\r\n\r\n* fix: like button color (#425)\r\n\r\n* fix: play icon (#428)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-23090 - LinkPreview (#414)\r\n\r\n* feat: LinkPreview\r\n\r\n* fix: error handling\r\n\r\n* fix: types\r\n\r\n* fix: move post creator out of infinite scroll (#430)\r\n\r\n* fix: append a created poll post (#432)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22315 - error noti when user upload unsupported file (#417)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: height\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20535 - deleted reply block (#418)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20356 - story tab should navigate to unseen (#419)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: no comment word\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add pageId to confirm\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21809 - upload video story on mobile device (#423)\r\n\r\n* fix: story view page onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: overlay bug\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: add story arrow left right to customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: view story full width and height\r\n\r\n* fix: notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: delete first multiple stories go to next story\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-sdk peer dep\r\n\r\n* fix: delete comment\r\n\r\n* fix: i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: add margin-bottom to container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove packagemanager\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring empty state color\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab should navigate to unseen\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: background image\r\n\r\n* fix: element\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* chore: add react-aria-component\r\n\r\n* fix: hooks\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: create story button\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab render condition\r\n\r\n* fix: delete community story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: discard create story navigate condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: export create new story button\r\n\r\n* chore: add ui story for create new story button\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: close button color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused function\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: flicker render\r\n\r\n* fix: loading overlay width height\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page container\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: story wrapper height\r\n\r\n* fix: community story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio button to use useAmityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove inline function\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: prop\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type and layout (#434)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21494 - non member can react in comment tray (#433)\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab background color\r\n\r\n* fix: update navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab type\r\n\r\n* fix: noti css\r\n\r\n* fix: story avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button use amityElement\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: add default communityProfileImageBackground\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab community\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: red border story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: import and type\r\n\r\n* fix: remove error icon z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: pass pageId and componentId\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: community avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: play pause button\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab condition\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: onPress\r\n\r\n* fix: wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: rem\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* feat: skeleton loader (#407)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23278 - view story container (#435)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-23385 - view story comment tray close after comment (#438)\r\n\r\n* fix: create new story button prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story view\r\n\r\n* fix: remove package manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console\r\n\r\n* fix: unnecessary code\r\n\r\n* fix: elements\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment button width\r\n\r\n* fix: useGetActiveStoriesByTarget hook\r\n\r\n* fix: add story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: view story comment tray close after comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story progress bar\r\n\r\n* fix: community story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: community\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: speaker button condition ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story sub\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: button css\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.7 (#439)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.5\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.6\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#440)\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade version ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* build: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\nCo-authored-by: ChayanitBm ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.8 (#67)"}},{"before":"3f86078786b00bf6dcda3b4f96e63a0df3016a1b","after":"ddd0a0d5a694fbd9973d77294bbaa8a525ad8e60","ref":"refs/heads/release/v4.0.0-beta.8","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:29:10.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"github-actions[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/github-actions","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/15368?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.8"}},{"before":null,"after":"3f86078786b00bf6dcda3b4f96e63a0df3016a1b","ref":"refs/heads/release/v4.0.0-beta.8","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T13:26:18.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into release/v4.0.0-beta.8","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into release/v4.0.0-b…"}},{"before":"47f133c4717b9af339d2d055321703ec56d4df1c","after":"6b86e7e5304dbf40a0f3ea4c567fb20f8f6bea4b","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-06-24T12:48:11.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.7 (#65)\n\n* chore: ASC-00000 - css module typescript config (#233)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21254 - align api signature for draft page (#210)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: fill color\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21249 - align story tab component props (#203)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21260 - align comment tray component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.5\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.6\r\n\r\n* fix: build include css (#421)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.7 (#65)"}},{"before":"dd89a828b8b83acca3e3fc45d6f4e76552de43fd","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/fix-doc-v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-20T09:26:50.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"bonanaaaaaa","name":"Bonn","path":"/bonanaaaaaa","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1984759?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"deea53c2c2439b073dab7677dab37c6562c2f235","after":"15db43927c8068a3bf8ce68e5c76199ef96d4e6d","ref":"refs/heads/v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-20T09:26:46.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"bonanaaaaaa","name":"Bonn","path":"/bonanaaaaaa","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1984759?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: update doc (#66)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: update doc (#66)"}},{"before":"deea53c2c2439b073dab7677dab37c6562c2f235","after":"dd89a828b8b83acca3e3fc45d6f4e76552de43fd","ref":"refs/heads/fix-doc-v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-20T09:23:06.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"topAmity","name":null,"path":"/topAmity","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/112688936?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"fix: update doc","shortMessageHtmlLink":"fix: update doc"}},{"before":null,"after":"deea53c2c2439b073dab7677dab37c6562c2f235","ref":"refs/heads/fix-doc-v3","pushedAt":"2024-06-20T09:20:14.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"topAmity","name":null,"path":"/topAmity","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/112688936?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore(release): 3.5.0","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore(release): 3.5.0"}},{"before":"46fbf3400907e470d9ab77dc6ff7f6cd3a6d590d","after":"084a11f27137de5a0f2cde5a71e47ec9e356e344","ref":"refs/heads/release/v4.0.0-beta.7","pushedAt":"2024-06-18T13:53:15.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"github-actions[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/github-actions","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/15368?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.7"}},{"before":null,"after":"46fbf3400907e470d9ab77dc6ff7f6cd3a6d590d","ref":"refs/heads/release/v4.0.0-beta.7","pushedAt":"2024-06-18T13:50:41.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/release/v4.0.0-beta.7' into release/v4.0.0-beta.7","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/release/v4.0.0-beta.7' into re…"}},{"before":"a09cf8a91e375a13cc27100f9a90d3b85dc73931","after":"47f133c4717b9af339d2d055321703ec56d4df1c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-06-18T13:38:33.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ptchayap","name":"Pitchaya T.","path":"/ptchayap","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33589608?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.6 (#64)\n\n* chore: ASC-00000 - css module typescript config (#233)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21254 - align api signature for draft page (#210)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: fill color\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21249 - align story tab component props (#203)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21260 - align comment tray component props (#202)\r\n\r\n* fix: can't upload story\r\n\r\n* fix: story image renderer\r\n\r\n* fix: align comment tray component props\r\n\r\n* fix: align story tab component props\r\n\r\n* fix: change export name to align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: ddraft page\r\n\r\n* fix: align signature api\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: comment tray\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21404 - AmityViewStoryPage signature alignment (#209)\r\n\r\n* fix z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: signature alignment\r\n\r\n* fix: view story page\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook (#238)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - use more env from secrets (#239)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - add more storybook user (#240)\r\n\r\n* feat: add to support 6 users for storybook\r\n\r\n* fix: add to read env from secrets\r\n\r\n* fix: add use secret on staging\r\n\r\n* fix: permission (#244)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21393 - refactor customization 4.0 (#211)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: hook\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - V4 fix customization (#248)\r\n\r\n* fix: config structure\r\n\r\n* fix: add hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: add validate\r\n\r\n* fix: config and hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: border radius\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: add storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: aspect ratio\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css var\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: css var module\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21789 - create story on view story page doesn't work (#249)\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - Chat V4 big chunk 1 (#214)\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat ui\r\n\r\n* feat: add chatButton and desktop view\r\n\r\n* fix: bg color\r\n\r\n* feat: move story to be under V4 storybook folder\r\n\r\n* feat: add customComponent\r\n\r\n* fix: change chat icon\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unread notification\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used hook\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used\r\n\r\n* fix: change style to module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add prefix`asc` to default css config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove chatIcon\r\n\r\n* fix: modal not open smoothly at the first time\r\n\r\n* fix: remove un-used styling\r\n\r\n* feat: update color pallate\r\n\r\n* feat: update spacing\r\n\r\n* feat: update color and fontSize\r\n\r\n* fix: box shadow on header\r\n\r\n* feat: re-structure folder to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: import global css\r\n\r\n* fix: use typograhy module css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list and bubbles\r\n\r\n* fix: wrap element\r\n\r\n* fix: change file name\r\n\r\n* feat: add compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add home indicator\r\n\r\n* feat: add sending a mesage action\r\n\r\n* fix: sorting message to be asc\r\n\r\n* feat: add badge for moderator\r\n\r\n* fix: overflow message\r\n\r\n* fix: sortBy segmentAsc\r\n\r\n* feat: add message list pagination\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): add draft-js as a compose bar\r\n\r\n* feat: add loading indicator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix submit\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix compose bar container\r\n\r\n* feat: add viewing reply message\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted message display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use default compose bar / remove draft-js\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove draft\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 done loading state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 restructure\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 apply infinite scroll\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 include error from sdk api to local hook\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-state): asc-20903 add error state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 create message with mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add popover action\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state for message action\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag and mention button\r\n\r\n* feat(chat-mention): asc-00000 click to mention\r\n\r\n* feat: add more action\r\n\r\n* fix: merge\r\n\r\n* fix: hide mention and flag\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - fix message list (#219)\r\n\r\n* fix: message list of the same user\r\n\r\n* fix: z-index\r\n\r\n* feat: confirm modal v3 to support dark mode\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use i18n\r\n\r\n* fix: TODO text display on Modal content\r\n\r\n* fix: merge className\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bring overflow-y back\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix pagination issue (#223)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-21243 - create message with reply message (#218)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): reply placeholder\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): create message with reply\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-00000 - dark mode hard code (#225)\r\n\r\n* fix: dark theme color palatte\r\n\r\n* fix: header color styling\r\n\r\n* fix: colors on message bubble\r\n\r\n* fix: color on popover\r\n\r\n* fix: color on optionIcon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 - fix loading state css broken (#221)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 loading state css missing\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-20222 - connection offline alert (#213)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - connection state\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - add more connection\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-20222 - update PR\r\n\r\n* feat: update PR\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update mention payload (#224)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention payload\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): mention ALL\r\n\r\n* fix: sample app to open sheet every selection\r\n\r\n* fix: hide heart reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix popover still show (#235)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* fix: resize messagelist container (#232)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - highlight mention message (#236)\r\n\r\n* fix: popover still show\r\n\r\n* fix: bring just ArrowTop code back\r\n\r\n* feat: add hilight for mention message\r\n\r\n* fix: truncate long text of replied message\r\n\r\n* fix: change getTextWithMention to be a component\r\n\r\n* fix: message not show as a new line\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix consequence message list (#237)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove consequence message list\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - api alignment for chat header (#241)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment chat header\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/AmityLiveChatHeader/livechatHeader.stories.tsx\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - export AmityLiveChatHeader\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21776 - reply message display on compose bar is over the screen (#242)\r\n\r\n* fix: reply display message over the screen\r\n\r\n* feat: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): duplicate useSocialMention => useMention and revert\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - change theme for message composer (#234)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - duplicate v4\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - check message length before submit\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 -update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-00000 - update styling\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): prettier remove code by accident\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21737 - update condition to prevent create duplicate message (#245)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21791 - fix mention payload (#243)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - message bubble api alignment (#247)\r\n\r\n* fix: message bubble api aligment\r\n\r\n* fix: to use action as params for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: export elements\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: change type name\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix: type name\r\n\r\n* feat: expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong type name\r\n\r\n* fix: modify expose component\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook's name\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21796 - query chat after connection back to normal + api alignment (#246)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-21796 reload data when connection back to normal\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api alignment for message list\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): export\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): api align for composer\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): remove all v4 component from useCustomComponent\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr - remove chat header\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - compose bar api alignment (#250)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): composebar alignment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code (#251)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - modal notification v4 (#252)\r\n\r\n* fix: add confirm modal v4\r\n\r\n* fix: change to use Notification v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: duplicate icon to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move confirm model component\r\n\r\n* fix: revert modal and confirm v3 components\r\n\r\n* fix: revert notification v3\r\n\r\n* fix: move Icon to v4 and remove unused icon\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): revert code\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - fix delete message display (#256)\r\n\r\n* fix: move component to v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix: delete message\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): ASC-21734 - Fix UI Bug (#255)\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update delete word\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): update mention ui\r\n\r\n* Update src/i18n/en.json\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): revert text\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update mention logic\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): popup width\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): font-color in light mode\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): placeholder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): fix moderator\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix mention\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): fix avatar in reply\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): use rem\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20213 - bug staging (#257)\r\n\r\n* fix: bug staging\r\n\r\n* fix: revert overflow-x\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20213 - livechat configuration merge (#253)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: color palette\r\n\r\n* fix: change global.css file\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: setup\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move mergedNavigationBehavior\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: uikit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: uncomment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused files\r\n\r\n* fix: remove\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: typography and style files\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: message type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: add background to livechat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config for message bubble\r\n\r\n* feat: fix cannot load next page\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* feat: add placeholder for compose bar configuration\r\n\r\n* feat: revert storybook user\r\n\r\n* fix: use primary color from theme\r\n\r\n* fix: nested component style\r\n\r\n* fix: to pass class\r\n\r\n* fix: change to be module.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused file\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused config\r\n\r\n* fix: typography\r\n\r\n* fix: default user avatar\r\n\r\n* feat: upgrade ts-sdk\r\n\r\n* fix: revet theme file\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* fix(chat): change tag\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-0000 - export compose bar (#258)\r\n\r\n* feat: export v4 provider (#259)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.1 (#262)\r\n\r\n* fix: update ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.1\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - export type (#263)\r\n\r\n* fix: export type\r\n\r\n* fix: update version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - fix provider v4 props (#261)\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: provider\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm lock\r\n\r\n* fix: deps\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.2 (#265)\r\n\r\n* fix: export wrong path (#264)\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.2\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20277 - flag unflag message (#267)\r\n\r\n* feat: add report button on message action sheet\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag ui on message bubble container\r\n\r\n* fix: cannot click report button\r\n\r\n* feat: add unFlag button\r\n\r\n* fix: unflag button text id\r\n\r\n* feat: add flag/unflag toast\r\n\r\n* feat: add livechat toast\r\n\r\n* fix: icon to support color changing\r\n\r\n* fix: message and id for report, unreport\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: use color from palette\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - remove sheet loading state (#271)\r\n\r\n* fix: remove sheet in loading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove wrong return\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - type and optional field on config (#268)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: add error state on delete message (#269)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21767 - mention border when got mention (#272)\r\n\r\n* fix: mention border when got mention\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21691 - add hyperlink style to primary color (#270)\r\n\r\n* feat: add hyperlink style to primary color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove className because Linktify does not support\r\n\r\n* fix: remove nested selector and open to new tab\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use internal path (#266)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-17980 - global feed story targets tab and story target circle (#254)\r\n\r\n* feat: add generateShadeColors func\r\n\r\n* feat: add AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* chore: add tsdoc to AmityUIKitManager\r\n\r\n* fix: merge from develop\r\n\r\n* fix: AmityUIKit manager\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: revert uikit 3\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: move to main v4\r\n\r\n* fix: move to v4\r\n\r\n* fix: export path\r\n\r\n* Refactor theme generation logic in\r\nThemeProvider.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: theme color generation\r\n\r\n* fix: theme provider\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add Typography component with css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add queryClient provider\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: v4\r\n\r\n* fix: conflict\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* feat: global feed story tab\r\n\r\n* fix: empty state\r\n\r\n* fix: css module\r\n\r\n* fix: official badge\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: update from comments\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item\r\n\r\n* feat: feed v4\r\n\r\n* fix: private condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ignore type\r\n\r\n* fix: progress ring\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: remove ts-ignore\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - Muted + Banned channel (#276)\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): isMuted done\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): asc-00000 remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): banned user\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(chat): ASC-00000 - fix composebar styling + limit 200 character (#275)\r\n\r\n* fix(social): asc-00000 use from v4 folder\r\n\r\n* fix(chat): asc-00000 fix mention styling in composebar\r\n\r\n* fix: update styling\r\n\r\n* fix: compose bar styling\r\n\r\n* feat: limit text\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: revert file\r\n\r\n* feat: remove deprecated func\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21913 - config type (#278)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* fix: use defaultConfig\r\n\r\n* fix: add blocked word + not allowed link (#280)\r\n\r\n* fix: icon (#281)\r\n\r\n* fix: using v3 and v4 provider separately for each stories (#284)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - confirm context (#285)\r\n\r\n* fix: confirm context\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/social/components/Comment/index.tsx\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T. <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - notification context (#286)\r\n\r\n* fix: NotificationProvider\r\n\r\n* fix: add NotificationProvider into UiKitProvider\r\n\r\n* chore: move LiveChatNotificationProvider to chat\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - add login step on UiKitProvider (#287)\r\n\r\n* fix: login\r\n\r\n* fix: Update src/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: message remain on compose bar after sending success (#289)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state (#293)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22026 - moderator cannot send message on muted channel (#294)\r\n\r\n* fix: user muted state\r\n\r\n* fix: moderator cannot send message on muted channel\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-219999 - incorrect comment count color (#283)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21979 - can't click header on video preview (#282)\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: move v4 story\r\n\r\n* fix: move folder\r\n\r\n* fix: remove index path\r\n\r\n* fix: styled to css module\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4 (#295)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - shouldAllowCreation condition (#296)\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20883 - remove latestComments prop (#290)\r\n\r\n* fix: pass latestComments to CommentList component\r\n\r\n* fix: remove latestComments prop\r\n\r\n* fix: add v3 provider (#298)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyper link background color (#299)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-21665 - darkmode config (#279)\r\n\r\n* fix: type and optional field on config\r\n\r\n* fix: remove undefined checking\r\n\r\n* fix: use config from customization provider\r\n\r\n* feat: handle switch light/dark mode\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration live chat page\r\n\r\n* feat: add config on livechat header\r\n\r\n* feat: add theme configuration message list\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration theme on message composer\r\n\r\n* fix: modal styling\r\n\r\n* feat: add configuration for livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: copy message to use livechat notification\r\n\r\n* fix: pr review\r\n\r\n* fix: pr\r\n\r\n* fix: user preferred theme\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - fix remove link button style (#300)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: character limit (#302)\r\n\r\n* fix: change permission to check if user is a moderator (#304)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - remove onBack() on draft page (#303)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21980 - hyperlink style (#301)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove line\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22063 - fix story global feed pagination (#305)\r\n\r\n* fix: use v4\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink position and bg color\r\n\r\n* fix: remove styled component\r\n\r\n* fix: button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink style\r\n\r\n* fix: style\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab item font color\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: remove onBack()\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed pagination\r\n\r\n* fix: add comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove new line\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: logic\r\n\r\n* fix: story style\r\n\r\n* chore: Update src/v4/styles/global.css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: official condition (#306)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-19646 - notification error when failed create story (#307)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - navigate to community when create story (#308)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21985 - navigate story target for global feed story (#309)\r\n\r\n* fix: official condition\r\n\r\n* fix: add error\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: onClose\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22060 - create story on view story page (#310)\r\n\r\n* fix: story global feed upload\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: navigate\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21970 - story uploading state (#297)\r\n\r\n* fix: font\r\n\r\n* fix: story tab gap\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: can't delete story\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: use css var\r\n\r\n* fix: modal\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 component\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: shouldAllowCreation\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: uploading state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: storyRing state\r\n\r\n* fix: remove fill in verified icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story ring\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\n\r\n* fix: notification style (#311)\r\n\r\n* fix: add onAllStoriesEnd (#312)\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.3 (#314)\r\n\r\n* chore: upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* fix: cherry-pick bugs from v3\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.3\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* chore(sdk): ASC-00000 - custom build ci (#316)\r\n\r\n* chore: custom build ci\r\n\r\n* chore: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* chore: fix ci\r\n\r\n* fix: revert ci\r\n\r\n* fix: remove pnpm cache step\r\n\r\n* fix: pnpm install step\r\n\r\n* fix: ci\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN\r\n\r\n* fix: update .npmrc\r\n\r\n* fix: update pnpm-lock.yaml\r\n\r\n* fix: path\r\n\r\n* chore: add cache step\r\n\r\n* feat: only creator or story permission can see impression (#319)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22084 - StoryPreview component for Console (#317)\r\n\r\n* feat: story preview component for console\r\n\r\n* fix: ui\r\n\r\n* fix: story preview prop\r\n\r\n* fix: export\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: story prop\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: trigger action\r\n\r\n* fix: action\r\n\r\n* update readme (#323)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-20558 - swipe down gesture to close story (#321)\r\n\r\n* feat: apply framer motion\r\n\r\n* feat: add transition\r\n\r\n* fix: swipe down for video\r\n\r\n* fix: video story should pause when drag\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused libs\r\n\r\n* fix: wrong spell function name\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* chore: change story component name\r\n\r\n* fix: v4 avatar component\r\n\r\n* feat: add ghost prop to button\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet component\r\n\r\n* fix: use rem\r\n\r\n* fix: load more wrapper\r\n\r\n* fix: draft page\r\n\r\n* fix: load more button\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: button dark theme\r\n\r\n* fix: custom css\r\n\r\n* fix: bottom sheet css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: import\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: avatar\r\n\r\n* fix: use clsx\r\n\r\n* fix: whitespace\r\n\r\n* fix: use icon from v4\r\n\r\n* fix: icon\r\n\r\n* fix: loading indicator\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink background (#326)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22263 - hyperlink doesn't show in view story page (#328)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css (#327)\r\n\r\n* fix: story\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22264 - reply comment margin (#329)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21792 - comment list infinite scroll (#330)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink background\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink icon color\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: add scroller\r\n\r\n* fix: comment\r\n\r\n* fix: scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: comment date css shrink\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: color\r\n\r\n* fix: comment scroll\r\n\r\n* fix: comment list\r\n\r\n* fix: use intersection observer instead\r\n\r\n* fix: padding\r\n\r\n* Release/v4.0.0 beta.4 (#334)\r\n\r\n* fix: github actions\r\n\r\n* chore: dropdown instead of free-text\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option\r\n\r\n* chore: add none option for pre-release input\r\n\r\n* fix: add NPM_TOKEN env\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.4\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot \r\n\r\n* fix: to support un config value (#340)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text (#335)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink custom text input max length (#336)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-220001 - share story button (#337)\r\n\r\n* fix: share story button\r\n\r\n* fix: use avatar v4\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21590 - hyperlink ui (#347)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink long text\r\n\r\n* fix: story hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: story commu condition (#346)\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22133 - custom reaction provider (#325)\r\n\r\n* feat: add custom reaction provider\r\n\r\n* feat: add to use reactionsContext\r\n\r\n* fix: rename provider\r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22127 - reaction preview message bubble (#331)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction preview container\r\n\r\n* feat: add abbreviateCount function\r\n\r\n* feat: add fallback reaction\r\n\r\n* feat: update pr\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22124 - message reaction picker (#332)\r\n\r\n* feat: add reaction container and button\r\n\r\n* feat: add active and hover state\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook display\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat: add checking for active state\r\n\r\n* feat: add open state on reaction picker\r\n\r\n* feat: add hover state on Quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* feat: seperate components\r\n\r\n* feat: close picker when clicking outside\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling on click reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: hover state\r\n\r\n* Update src/v4/chat/components/LiveChatMessageContent/MessageReaction/index.tsx\r\n\r\n* Delete src/v4/chat/hooks/useMessageReactions.ts\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\n\r\n* feat: ASC-22130 - add quick reaction (#339)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: change internal component name and export\r\n\r\n* fix: export from components\r\n\r\n* fix: message reaction components name\r\n\r\n* feat: add static file to include in storybook build\r\n\r\n* fix: remove duplicated file\r\n\r\n* fix: new design on my reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: not use z-index\r\n\r\n* fix: position of each reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: remove border on reaction preview for my reaction style\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): ASC-22136 - reaction panel (#344)\r\n\r\n* feat: add handling for quick reaction button\r\n\r\n* fix: add await to wait for add and remove reaction\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction pickert style\r\n\r\n* fix: storybook name\r\n\r\n* fix: reaction picker storybook\r\n\r\n* feat: add pageId, componentId and elementId\r\n\r\n* fix: remove comment\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction-list): add empty files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): reuse reaction tab from social\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): pass openReaction func to child\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): render data from config\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update panel style\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): add all state for reaction list\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): change unit\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): remove unused files\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update PR\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: ptchaya_p \r\nCo-authored-by: Pitchaya T <33589608+ptchayap@users.noreply.github.com>\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat S \r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22623 - story video (#349)\r\n\r\n* fix: story video\r\n\r\n* fix: video\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* feat(reaction): update condition (#350)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22611 - update missing ui and action to remove reaction from message (#348)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): missing ui and action to remove reaction from message\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22611 - update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): hide 0 reaction count\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pr\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): export reaction list\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition (#352)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-222740 - create story condition for global-admin role (#354)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): ASC-22622 - fix reaction UI bugs (#355)\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update pagination\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): use total reactor count from message / story / post / comments\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix(reaction): update ui\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22740 - create story permission condition to create story (#356)\r\n\r\n* fix: create story condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): test build\r\n\r\n* feat(SDK): upgrade ts-sdk version\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21529 - view story wrapper css (#359)\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* refactor: view story page condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20521 - story delete condition (#360)\r\n\r\n* fix: story delete condition\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20505 - condition for non member (#361)\r\n\r\n* fix: condition for non member\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hook (#362)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - hyperlink config bottom sheet condition (#367)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22949 - video story bug when delete (#366)\r\n\r\n* fix: video story bug when delete\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console.log\r\n\r\n* fix: condition\r\n\r\n* fix: close bottom sheet condition (#365)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20502 - comment condition (#363)\r\n\r\n* fix: comment condition\r\n\r\n* fix: story comment compose bar condition\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22484 - hyperlink config css (#345)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: color bg\r\n\r\n* fix: remove console log\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: type\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-20532 - deleted comment block (#364)\r\n\r\n* fix: deleted comment block\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused props\r\n\r\n* fix: css var\r\n\r\n* fix: category card responsive styles (#372)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-22947 - story can't add hyperlink (#373)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: css\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-00000 - bring back v3 code (#358)\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix: ASC-21481 - remove unnecessary request to prevent rate limit (#230)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit e9c82ec82889773dc875f812e7688e4363d20569.\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tpnpm-lock.yaml\r\n#\tsrc/core/providers/UiKitProvider/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/index.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/CommentList/styles.tsx\r\n#\tsrc/social/components/EngagementBar/UIEngagementBar.tsx\r\n\r\n* fix: reply comment text\r\n\r\n* fix: undefined .length\r\n\r\n* fix: video should pause when click item in action menu (#375)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink text color (#376)\r\n\r\n* fix: ASC-21507 - reset form when confirm remove hyperlink (#368)\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink action condition\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink css\r\n\r\n* fix: remove unused\r\n\r\n* fix: hyperlink config condition\r\n\r\n* fix: reset form when confirm remove hyperlink\r\n\r\n* chore(release): 4.0.0-beta.6\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Bonn \r\nCo-authored-by: Chaiwat Trisuwan \r\nCo-authored-by: Kiattirat Sujjapongse \r\nCo-authored-by: bmo-amity-bot ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Release/v4.0.0 beta.6 (#64)"}},{"before":"c3d005ce97203cd412fb38c9a6e8539b4e16613e","after":"40b2b81c923338300a337f20f0998c59e335421c","ref":"refs/heads/release/v3.6.0","pushedAt":"2024-06-07T16:59:11.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"github-actions[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/github-actions","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/15368?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"chore(release): 3.6.0","shortMessageHtmlLink":"chore(release): 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