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Patrick Thoral edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 3 revisions

admissions table

This table contains all admissions and demographic data of the patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU, Dutch abbreviation: IC) or medium care unit (MCU, high dependency unit, Dutch abbreviation: MC).

Note: reason for admission can be found by examining the Apache II or IV diagnostic categories from the listitems table.


Name Type Description
patientid integer unique value to identify individual patients throughout their admission(s)
admissionid integer unique value to identify the admission to the ICU. Patients may have multiple admissionid's during the same or another hospitalization, when they are discharge from the ICU or MC unit. Admissionid is used as an identifier in all other tables.
admissioncount integer for each patient, each additional ICU/MCU admission will increase this counter by one
location string the department the patient has been admitted to, either IC, MC or both (IC&MC or MC&IC)
urgency bit determines wheter the admission was urgent (1) (i.e. unplanned) or not (0) (planned)
origin string department the patient originated from (e.g. Emergency department, regular ward)
admittedat integer number of milliseconds since the first admission. For the first admission this is set to zero.
admissionyeargroup string year of admission, categorised
dischargedat integer time of discharge in number of milliseconds since the first admission
lengthofstay integer length of stay of the admission in hours
destination string department the patient has been discharged to or 'Overleden' if the patient died during the ICU/MCU admission
gender string gender, 'Man' for male, 'Vrouw' for female
agegroup string age at admission (years), categorised
dateofdeath integer the date on which the patient died calculated as the number of milliseconds since the first admission, if applicable (non-null)
weightgroup string weight at admission (kg), categorised
weightsource string method used to determine the weight at ICU/MCU admission, either measured ('gemeten'), estimated ('geschat') or asked ('anamnestisch')
heightgroup string height of the patient (cm), categorised
heightsource string method used to determine the height at ICU/MCU admission, either measured ('gemeten'), estimated ('geschat') or asked ('anamnestisch')
specialty string medical specialty the patient has been admitted for