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Link to Backend repo: Harbe




  • Harbe is an ecommerce system utilizing microservices architecture, using NextJS, ReactJS, TailwindCSS for frontend.
  • I use SpringBoot to for services, Spring Cloud to make gateway, config server for microservices, Resilience4j to handle error, RabbitMQ to sync between services and Zipkin for tracing.
  • The database I choose for this project is MySQL and Redis for cart service.
  • You can see the report here
Application Architecture

Application Architecture

Technologies and Framework

  • Back-end
    • Java 17
    • Spring Boot 3: Authorization Server (OAuth 2), Statemachine ...
    • Spring Cloud Gateway, Open Feign, Stream ...
    • Elastic stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Filebeat
    • Grafana stack: Prometheus, Grafana
    • Zipkin
    • Redis
  • Front-end
    • NextJS 14
    • ReactJS
    • TailwindCSS
    • RadixUI
    • ShadcnUI


Some of the pictures of this Application


Login Screen

Home page

Homepage Screen

Detail product

Detail product Screen

Admin product

Admin product Screen

Admin detail product

Admin detail product Screen

Admin update product

Admin update product Screen


Cart Screen