Verifying dependencies for animdustry@0.0.1 Info: Dependency on already satisfied Verifying dependencies for fau@#e9de0bd052a38d8e8e1d55a0a66a5cf0575b9964 Info: Dependency on already satisfied Verifying dependencies for staticglfw@#26bdc433a3b8d493bbdb6fef94d0de56a49b6942 Info: Dependency on already satisfied Verifying dependencies for glfm@#be73f6862533c4cccedfac512d7766c8a30f3122 Info: Dependency on already satisfied Verifying dependencies for nimsoloud@#c74878dcb60fd2e2af84f894a8a8ffe901aecd51 Info: Dependency on polymorph@>= 0.3.0 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for polymorph@0.3.0 Info: Dependency on cligen@>= 1.5.19 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for cligen@1.5.23 Info: Dependency on chroma@>= 0.2.5 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for chroma@0.2.5 Info: Dependency on pixie@>= 4.0.1 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for pixie@4.1.0 Info: Dependency on vmath@>= 1.1.0 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for vmath@1.1.4 Info: Dependency on chroma@>= 0.2.5 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for chroma@0.2.5 Info: Dependency on zippy@>= 0.9.7 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for zippy@0.9.7 Info: Dependency on flatty@>= 0.2.4 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for flatty@0.2.4 Info: Dependency on nimsimd@>= 1.0.0 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for nimsimd@1.0.0 Info: Dependency on bumpy@>= 1.0.3 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for bumpy@1.1.0 Info: Dependency on vmath@>= 1.0.0 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for vmath@1.1.4 Info: Dependency on vmath@>= 1.0.8 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for vmath@1.1.4 Info: Dependency on stbimage@>= 2.5 already satisfied Verifying dependencies for stb_image@2.5 Info: Dependency on msgpack4nim@>= 0.3.1 already satisfied Warning: Package 'msgpack4nim' has an incorrect structure. The top level of the package source directory should contain at most one module, named 'msgpack4nim.nim', but a file named 'msgpack4collection.nim' was found. This will be an error in the future. Hint: If this is the primary source file in the package, rename it to 'msgpack4nim.nim'. If it's a source file required by the main module, or if it is one of several modules exposed by 'msgpack4nim', then move it into a 'msgpack4nim/' subdirectory. If it's a test file or otherwise not required to build the the package 'msgpack4nim.nim', prevent its installation by adding `skipFiles = @["msgpack4collection.nim"]` to the .nimble file. See for more info. Verifying dependencies for msgpack4nim@0.3.1 Installing animdustry@0.0.1 Building animdustry/main using c backend /bin/sh: 1: faupack: not found Tip: 37 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them. Error: Build failed for package: animdustry ... Execution failed with exit code 1 ... Command: /usr/bin/nim c --colors:on --noNimblePath -d:release -d:NimblePkgVersion=0.0.1 --path:'/root/.nimble/pkgs/fau-#e9de0bd052a38d8e8e1d55a0a66a5cf0575b9964' --path:'/root/.nimble/pkgs/staticglfw-#26bdc433a3b8d493bbdb6fef94d0de56a49b6942' --path:'/root/.nimble/pkgs/glfm-#be73f6862533c4cccedfac512d7766c8a30f3122' --path:'/root/.nimble/pkgs/nimsoloud-#c74878dcb60fd2e2af84f894a8a8ffe901aecd51' --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/polymorph-0.3.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/cligen-1.5.23 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/pixie-4.1.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-1.1.4 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/zippy-0.9.7 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/flatty-0.2.4 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/nimsimd-1.0.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/bumpy-1.1.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-1.1.4 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-1.1.4 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/stb_image-2.5 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/msgpack4nim-0.3.1 --hints:off -o:/root/animdustry/jni/main /root/animdustry/src/main.nim