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Local Development Setup Guide

Frank Matranga edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 8 revisions

This guide will setup late and its dependencies on your computer as well as the required software you need for development.

Jump To: Video | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4

🧰 Step 1: Quickstart Script

If on Windows Install Ubuntu 18.04 (WSL) from PowerShell:
  1. Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  2. Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Ubuntu.appx -UseBasicParsing
  3. Add-AppxPackage .\Ubuntu.appx
  4. Open "bash" from the start menu and setup your account (don't forget your username and password!)
  5. Run the quickstart script below

Run this in a terminal in Linux or MacOS or in bash on WSL:

bash -c "$(curl -L -o-"
Script Details What does this script do?
  1. install nvm
  2. install node
  3. install git
  4. configure git
  5. clone the late repo in your home folder
  6. download all dependencies
  7. checkout to the `dev` branch

TODO: terminal recording

You will now have a folder in your home directory called late/, e.g. C:\Users\Frank\late or /home/frank/late. This is where all of LATE is stored locally on your computer.

🤐 Step 2: .env File

At this point you have the files for LATE on your computer but in order to actually run it you need all of our secrets and passwords that allows us to connect to the database, use Google APIs, etc. These are stored in a file named .env in the root folder of late/. THIS MUST BE NAMED .env and NOT env OR ANYTHING ELSE OR THE INFO CAN BE LEAKED

Frank will send you this file when joining the team. If this does not happen, message him and ask for it.

👩‍💻 Step 3: Visual Studio Code Editor

Install Visual Studio Code Editor here and install the following extensions:

If on Windows (WSL) VSCode will prompt you to install the WSL extension. **INSTALL IT**

Whenever you are working in the late/ folder, make sure you have opened it up in WSL:

Running LATE

To run LATE, open two terminals in VSCode like so and run:

  • npm run backend in one terminal
  • npm run frontend in the other running LATE

💻 Step 4: Vue Devtools Browser Extension

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