To do some custom needs , do not forget to fork and to rtfm Documentation.
You must :
- have a symfony2 projet : >= v2.1
- have a DoYouBuzz API Key and API Secret
- have a local webserver with cURL installed
- know if you have a Partner or Application access
##With composer
"require": { "dyb/api-bundle": "dev-master" },
Register Bundle :
Add this line to your AppKernel.php :
new Dyb\ApiBundle\DybApiBundle(),
Declare the route in your routing.yml :
resource: "@DybApiBundle/Controller/Showcase/"
type: annotation
prefix: /dyb/showcase/
Add the line below to your config. For example in your app/config/config.yml :
key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
##Showcase :
###Get the list of your users, paginated :
Go to this url : /dyb/showcase/list
###Get a choice list of your users
"1":"John Doe",
"2":"Jane Doe"
Go to this url : /dyb/showcase/choice