Proof of concept for Factorio recipe explorer tool.
- copy&paste to Factorio console (press ` in a game)
- go to User Data directory and get
files - clone this repo and replace json files with those extracted from game
- copy icons from your mods to
- open index.html in Firefox
- TODO: make a mod for exporting via console command or shortcut or automatically when loading/saving
- recipes sorted by dependencies to 8 columns, recipes on right require ingredients from products of recipes on the left (note: columns are wrapping on narrow screens)
- each recipe has ingredients on the left, products on the right, energy and unlocking technology at the bottom
- tooltips display the internal "name" property of recipe/item/fluid/technology (no localization yet)
- background color based on technology availability: green = available, yellow = possible to research next, red = possible to research later, gray = not possible to research - only to enable via console command:
/c["recipe-name"].enabled = true
- TODO: change json to js scripts so opening from file system works in Chrome, load icons from mods (popular ones maybe on github too), ... switch from paper to github issues