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MoritzRohleder edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Ardas Legends Base Plugin Wiki

Here you will be able to find everything you need to know for using the Plugin or Contributing to it.

Overall information

The AL Base Plugin heavily relies on the Ardas Legends App running, to configure your instance of the Ardas Legends App, go to the config.yml to confiure the backend connection there. Some commands behave differently, should no backend be available, due to you not having an instance of it or your instance being offline for whatever reason.

The Roadmap for the Ardas Legends Plugin can be found here. Please note, that not all features may be implemented within the same plugin-file, should a feature become to big, it will be outsourced into a specific plugin. But all together the plugins will be connected and work together.

The current Changelog can be found here.

Commands explained

A small note on the syntax descriptions. The Syntax is always shown in a Block /like this with the / at the front. If you see a [parameter] than the parameter is required, when you see {parameter} it is optional. <text> is something you need to replace with the correct value, leave out the <> when replacing. [option1/option2/...] is a number of options you have to choose from.

Player Commands

Staff Commands

Other features of the plugin

Feature Toggle

The plugin provides the possibility to toggle the following features:

  • Stockpile (Default: on)
  • RPChar (Default: on)
  • Monthly Resources (Default: on)

Dynamic Faction List

The plugin fetches the current faction list from the connected backend upon each start of the server. This faction list can be updated manually with the reload command.

Bug Reporting and Feature Request

For Bug Reports and Feature Requests please use the Forms for those. There are Forms meant for the devs only.


Currently only Members of the Ardas Legends Dev Team are supposed to contribute to this project. For further questions contact Anedel over Discord.