A simple game with two paddles and a ball BOYINGing around...
Written for the awesome Arduboy by Kevin Bates.
Download, compile in Arduino, upload to Arduboy, enjoy.
- Directional keys to navigate and select
- A or B to start the game
- Up/down to steer the left paddle
- A/B to steer the right paddle (in 2 players mode)
- Mode - who plays against whom
- 1 player - left paddle controlled by a human, right paddle by Arduboy (default)
- 2 players - both paddles controlled by humans
- demo - both paddles controlled by Arduboy
- Speed - initial veolocity of the ball
- slow, normal (default), fast, insane
- Points - points needed to win the game
- 3, 5, 7, 9
- AI - strength of Arduboy's play
- dumb - Arduboy misses the ball every now and then
- normal - Arduboy plays quite well (default)
- smart - Arduboy plays pretty good
- 100% - Arduboy never misses
- Acceleration - speed increase at every paddle hit in % of initial speed
- 0%, 1% (default), 3%, 5%