A tiny HTTP server with support for SSL and POST requests only
- easy code integration into other projects
- less dependency when nginx/apache is not needed
- non blocking multithread I/O
- linux and macOS compatible
- open source development environment and dependencies
- library and command line executable
- kiss (keep it stupid simple) : minimal code
- Foundation, SwiftNIO, SwiftNIOSSL
Development tools
- VSCode
- Sourcekit-LSP
Testing platforms
- macOS 10.15
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04.
$ swift build -c release
Launch the server :
$ ./.build/release/listener
Use : $ listener <host> <port> <certFile> <keyFile> <numberOfThreads> <maxBodySize>
Example : $ listener localhost 8888 cert.pem key.pem 4 4096
host: localhost, port: 8888, cert: cert.pem, key: key.pem, nbThread: 4, maxBodySize: 65535
Server started and listening on [IPv6]::1/::1:8888 with 4 threads and maxBodySize 65535
Test (post some data to the https server launched ) using curl
$ echo "content to be sent" > myTextFile.txt
$ curl -k --data-binary "@myTextFile.txt" --output - https://localhost:8888
content to be sent
In a swift program :
try HTTPServer().serve(host:host, port:port, cert:cert, key:key, nbThread:nbThread, maxBodySize:maxBodySize, action: Echo())
VSCode files are located in the .vscode
They provide launch and task configurations for debug and test.
These configurations can be used with "Native Debug" or "CodeLLDB" extensions.
$ swift test
[8/8] Linking listenPackageTests.xctest
Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2020-02-11 11:57:46.592
Test Suite 'debug.xctest' started at 2020-02-11 11:57:46.596
Test Suite 'listenTests' started at 2020-02-11 11:57:46.596
Test Case 'listenTests.testExample' started at 2020-02-11 11:57:46.596
host: localhost, port: 8888, cert: cert.pem, key: key.pem, nbThread: 4, maxBodySize: 65535
Server started and listening on [IPv4] with 4 threads and maxBodySize 65535