This is a simple temperature display based on EMW3165 module and cheap SSD1306 OLED display. It receives data with MQTT protocol (using potato-bus library) and displays inside and outside temperatures along with weather forecast symbol. I have also sensor that measures house electricity usage so that is displayed too.
In addition to current values, it collects history for some hours and displays a trend/bar graph from it at bottom of display. There is also a weather symbol that shows forecast for next 8 hours. Forecast data comes from Finnish Meteorological Institute.
Inside temperature is measured by DS1820.
After building firmware and loading it to WifiMCU, type "help" at console prompt to get started. "sta" will connect to system to existing access point. Incoming MQTT messaging is currently not very configurable, ie. topic names and json attributes are built into code and thus need to be modified to be useful to someone else than me.
GPIO connections:
Module Pin | Pin | GPIO |
DS1820 | D3 | PB10 |
- | D14 | PA11 SPI4_MISO |
OLED CLK | D12 | PB13 SPI4_CLK |
OLED CS | D13 | PA5 (not really used by OLED module) |
OLED C/D | D7 | PA12 |
OLED RST | D15 | PB1 |
WIFI LED | D17 | PA4 |
SWDIO | D6 | |
SWCLK | D5 | |
Weather forecast symbol font is created from files available at fmidev github
To build this following modules are needed:
- Pico]OS
- picoos-micro
- picoos-micro-spiffs
- picoos-lwip
- picoos-ow
- wiced-driver
- cmsis-ports
- potato-bus
- eshell
There is a short story about the project here.