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So I have, honestly,  I can’t remember how many blogs. I’ve been trying to find my blog “voice” if you will. I’m still not sure what I want to officially blog about, which is why I came up with the name BJW Post, my initials tied in with post in an homage to  Arriangton Huffington, Huffingtonpost.com.


Not that I think I am her in the least, but not only is she an icon, but she is a journalist that I admire and respect. So here with my first post with my official new name, I think I will just blog. Whatever comes out, comes out. So be it.

flutter: , protected: false}, excerpt: {rendered:

So I have, honestly,  I can’t remember how many blogs. I’ve been trying to find my blog “voice” if you will. I’m still not sure what I want to officially blog about, which is why I came up with the name BJW Post, my initials tied in with post in an homage to  Arriangton Huffington, […]

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