Below are the instructions on how to install, configure and generate a VMware vROps As Built report.
The following PowerShell modules are required for generating a VMware vROps As Built report.
Each of these modules can be easily downloaded and installed via the PowerShell Gallery
Open a Windows PowerShell terminal window and install each of the required modules as follows;
install-module AsBuiltReport
install-module VMware.PowerCLI
Open a Windows PowerShell terminal window and pull the latest version of PowervROps from Github.
git clone
import-module \PowervROps\PowervROPs.psm1
To generate a VMware vROps report, a user account with Read-Only rights to all objects within vROps is required. Ideally, a Local User Account is used.
The vROps As Built Report utilises a JSON file to allow configuration of report information, options, detail and healthchecks.
A vROps report configuration file can be generated by executing the following command;
New-AsBuiltReportConfig -Report VMware.vROps -Path <User specified folder> -Name <Optional>
Executing this command will copy the default vROps report JSON configuration to a user specified folder.
All report settings can then be configured via the JSON file.
The following provides information of how to configure each schema within the report's JSON file.
The Report sub-schema provides configuration of the vSphere report information
Schema | Sub-Schema | Description |
Report | Name | The name of the As Built Report |
Report | Version | The report version |
Report | Status | The report release status |
The Options sub-schema allows certain options within the report to be toggled on or off
Schema | Sub-Schema | Setting | Description |
Options | AuthSource | Local/Authentication Source Name | Set location of where to authenticate user running report. |
Options | AlertFilter | String value | Used to report only on Alerts with specified value in name. |
The InfoLevel sub-schema allows configuration of each section of the report at a granular level. The following sections can be set
Schema | Sub-Schema | Default Setting |
InfoLevel | GlobalSettings | 1 |
InfoLevel | Authentication | 1 |
InfoLevel | Roles | 1 |
InfoLevel | Groups | 2 |
InfoLevel | Users | 0 |
InfoLevel | Adapters | 1 |
InfoLevel | RemoteCollectors | 1 |
InfoLevel | Alerts | 2 |
InfoLevel | SuperMetrics | 1 |
InfoLevel | ServiceStatus | 1 |
InfoLevel | CustomGroups | 1 |
InfoLevel | Reports | 1 |
There are 4 levels (0-3) of detail granularity for each section as follows;
Setting | InfoLevel | Description |
0 | Disabled | does not collect or display any information |
1 | Summary** | provides summarised information for a collection of objects |
2 | Informative | provides condensed, detailed information for a collection of objects |
3 | Detailed | provides detailed information for individual objects |
** future release
The Healthcheck sub-schema is used to toggle health checks on or off. Currently no health checks are configured.
- Generate HTML & Word reports with Timestamp
Generate a vROps As Built Report for vROps Server
using specified credentials. Export report to HTML & DOC formats. Use default report style. Append timestamp to report filename. Save reports toC:\Users\User\Documents
New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.vROps -Target 'vrops-01.corp.local' -Username 'admin' -Password 'VMware1!' -Format Html,Word -OutputPath 'C:\Users\User\Documents' -Timestamp
- Generate HTML & Text reports with Health Checks
Generate a vROps As Built Report for vROps Server
using stored credentials. Export report to HTML & Text formats. Use default report style. Highlight environment issues within the report. Save reports toC:\Users\User\Documents
New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.vROps -Target 'vrops-01.corp.local' -Credential $Creds -Format Html,Text -OutputPath 'C:\Users\User\Documents' -EnableHealthCheck
- Generate report with multiple vROps Servers using Custom Style
Generate a single vROps As Built Report for vROps Servers
using specified credentials. Report exports to WORD format by default. Apply custom style to the report. Reports are saved to the user profile folder by default.
New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.vROps -Target 'vrops-01.corp.local','vrops-02.corp.local' -Username 'admin' -Password 'VMware1!' -StylePath C:\Scripts\Styles\MyCustomStyle.ps1
- Generate HTML & Word reports, attach and send reports via e-mail
Generate a vROps As Built Report for vROps Server
using specified credentials. Export report to HTML & DOC formats. Use default report style. Reports are saved to the user profile folder by default. Attach and send reports via e-mail.
New-AsBuiltReport -Report VMware.vROps -Target 'vrops-01.corp.local' -Username 'admin' -Password 'VMware1!' -Format Html,Word -OutputPath C:\Users\User\Documents -SendEmail