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T3-Stack inspired resources and tutorial | NextJS, TypeScript, tRPC, Postgres, Prisma, TailwindCSS, nextAuth, Railway, Vercel


Personal repo for documenting stuff as I go about learning and devving in the initial stack recommended by t3-oss/create-t3-app /, as of July 2022.

This is not educational material on any of the tech involved, just instructions on how to get them all from nothing to deployed and ready to go as quick and frictionless as possible.

They all work well together, it's intuitive to pick up, and really efficient to get going on actually creating useful stuff rather than spending hours boilerplating and trying to get disparate things playing nice. As time goes by I'll add other stack resources.

Initially a compression of a proposed tutorial which has more details for a newcomer. The following is more a quick refresher of just the hit points when you don't need explanations but just to follow the bouncing ball.

This is not exhaustive nor definitive, just the way I've honed my routine for setting up a full-stack deployed environment within 15 mins and no major headscratching, which includes a front-end, styling, a database, an API, server routing, authentication (soon), and deployment to public.

What's in it

In here is everything you need to quickly spin up and deploy a full-stack starter environment with most of the stuff any average app needs for quickly getting to work on your MVP.

Time required:

  • first time: 45-90mins
  • 2nd time: 20-40mins
  • subsequent: 10-15mins

Tech stack

All free and open source.

Technology Description
NextJS framework
Typescript language
TailwindCSS UI styling and UX fernagling
Postgres database
Prisma querying and stuff of data
nextAuth authentication / authorisation (coming soon)


These are all free and mostly open source.

Will only include stuff which fits my efficiency paradigm and which I've tested personally, so if you want Yarn or Linux or Vim or all-CLI etc seek elsewhere. But if you're just a regular schmoe dev this is all the stuff you need:

  • Windows
  • PowerShell
  • NPM
  • VSCode
  • GitHub Desktop


These have forever free "hobby" levels, and very cheap entry-level offers once you go into production and need more resources.



In case you missed it, everything here is free and nearly all open source.

It's only the online deployed services which you'll have to pay for if you need a ton of resources (good problem to have), but they all have forever free very generous allocations for messing around.

Also there's no vendor-lock-in, you can even self-host any of the services, these just represent the easiest for me to use on a whim without costing anything.


There's very little explanation from here on, it's just steps to get the environment up and running and deployed as quick as possible.


Video thumbnail Ash messing with T3-Stack

Setup and initial dry run on YouTube

I'm hardly a pro YouTuber, this is just my first dry-run following my own tutorial, with minimal explanation.

Total time: 31mins
Hands-on time: ~15mins

Initialise project


cd \your-repo-parent-folder
npx create-t3-app@latest

Name project

What will your project be called? (my-t3-app)

Illusion of choice

Will you be using JavaScript or TypeScript?

Select dev stack

Which packages would you like to enable?

( ) nextAuth
( ) Prisma
( ) TailwindCSS
( ) tRPC

I'll take them all thanks.

Git gud

Initialize new git repo?


Setup project structure

Run NPM install?


  • scaffold: ~30 secs
  • install packages: ~60 secs
  • Git init: ~1 sec

Publish repo

GitHub Desktop:

Add existing repository

Select new repo folder that was just set up (already has git stuff in it).

Test project works

Open in VSCode.


run npm dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000, should see the landing page.

Setup database


railway login

Hit enter and it should open a browser and log you into your Railway account. Can close that window when done.


railway init

Starting point:

Select Empty Project. (I haven't tried other options yet)

Enter project name:

Just use same name as current project, unless reasons.

Import (.env) environment variables?

No need right now.

It should auto-open a browser window to the Railway project.


railway add

Select database (postgresql).

It should populate the Railway project browser window with new empty database.

Populate db credentials

Railway browser:

  • select the database
  • click Connect
  • copy Postgres Connection URL





generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
    provider = "postgresql"
    url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Create database tables/schema/client


npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Migration takes about 30secs.


  • check tables have been generated


npx prisma generate  
npx prisma studio

Prisma Studio (http://localhost:5555) can now be used as a direct interface to the database.

Seed data and test app

Prisma Studio:

  • open Example table
  • click add record
  • click save 1 record

New row with a GUID entry in id field is created.


  • open in browser and check the example table has a record in it

VSCode terminal:

  • npm run dev
  • nav to http://localhost:3000/api/examples
  • check the API is running, should just return same record in JSON, eg.



npm add -D vercel

Import Git Repository

  • select your repo

Configure Project

Add environment variables - these need to be populated in a standard install:

Name Value
DATABASE_URL postgresql://postgres:{password}
NEXTAUTH_URL http://doesnotmatter:3000

Click Deploy.

Takes 1-2 mins.

Should now be deployed at


Personal repo for documenting stuff as I go about T3, Typescript, tRPC, Tailwind, Postgres, Railway, Vercel, etc







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