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77 lines (67 loc) · 4.84 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (67 loc) · 4.84 KB


Example using Kotlin, Model-View-ViewModel, AndroidX, Constraint Layout, Coroutines, Fused Location, LiveData, Navigation, View Binding, Bottom Navigation, Koin, Room, WorkManager, Retrofit and Unit Tests with Mockk

What is:

  • Kotlin New supported language, very readable, very concise, interoperable, null safety, more info here
  • MVVM Model-View-ViewModel, solid architectural pattern, using android's View Models clearly separates view, business logic and data sources
  • AndroidX Compatibility and recommended code solutions, more info here
  • Constraint Layout allows a layout to adjust to different screen sizes and avoids view annidation, more info here
  • Coroutines safe threading, managed by view models, more info here
  • Fused Location receive location updates from available sources, more info here
  • LiveData observable data source, respond to changes and events, lifecycle aware, more info here
  • Navigation provides easy to use "endpoints" as fragments and safe arguments to start them, more info here
  • View Binding easy and safe interaction with views, more info here
  • Bottom Navigation Bottom Navigation bar using Material Components, more info here
  • Koin Dependency injection, define once, use anywhere, more info here
  • Room Data persistance over SQLite, more info here
  • WorkManager safe async deferable tasks, more info here
  • Retrofit type safe HTTP calls, more info here
  • Unit Tests ensure correct code logic and error handling, more info here
  • Mockk allows the creation of "mock" instances of objects to ease unit testing, more info here
  • Shared Preferences allows storage of simple data, more info here
  • Recycler View a more efficient List View, more info here
  • Sharesheet share simple data with other apps, more info here
  • Firebase Instance Id When using Firebase, server can send a notification to a specific user with this id, more info here
  • Clean Architecture ensure modularization, scalability and testability, more info here

Learn the basics with this simple App:

  • Create and store User with Room
  • Pattern with Regex to match alphabetic user names
  • Create Notification after creating User
  • View users in a Recycler View with a Click Listener to delete the user from Room
  • Download an image file from a valid url with Retrofit, monitor the download % and then save the file in a predefined folder to share with Intent Action Send
  • Pick one image and copy file to app designated folder and share it
  • Use Fused Location Client to get the user location and update server using a retrying worker
  • Share location with Intent Action Send
  • Get the Firebase Instance Id device token and send it to your server using a retrying worker
  • Coroutine Worker as well as Coroutines implemented in the Local and Remote Data Sources
  • Demos on 2d graphics
  • Plotting a line chart and a pie chart
  • View Binding and Navigation from Android Jetpack
  • Unit Tests for the View Models and the Workers using KoinTest and Mockk
  • Some neat utils
  • Clean Architecture

Git Cheatsheet

Pull from master

  1. git fetch
  2. git pull origin master

Create new branch

  1. git checkout -b branch_name
  2. git push -u origin branch_name

Commit and push

  1. git add .
  2. git commit -m "message"
  3. git push origin branch_name


  • git reset --soft "HEAD^"

Amend last commit and push

  1. git add .
  2. git commit --amend
  3. git push -f

Rebase from master and push to branch, if there are no conflicts, skip steps 2 and 3

  1. git rebase master
  2. {solve conflicts} git add .
  3. git rebase --continue
  4. git push -f

Squash commits into 1 commit, N is number of commits

  1. git rebase -i HEAD~N
  2. {squash commits}
  3. git push -f