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Using the LA web generator with your old inventories

vjrj edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Option A: If you used the yeoman generator in the past

If you created previously some inventories using generator-living-atlas, you can still get benefits for the web interface.

Follow this steps:

  1. Follow the assistant in and fill the forms as much accurate as possible.
  2. Bookmark your generator URL for future uses (for instance, if you want to enable some service in the future)
  3. Generate & download your inventories and theme
  4. Copy the generated .yo-rc.json from the zip over your previously old .yo-rc.json generated in the past with the yo living-atlas command. This file should be in the parent of your old inventories directory.
  5. Rerun a recent version of the generator from the command line:
npm -g i generator-living-atlas
yo living-atlas --replay-dont-ask

This should update your old inventories using the new .yo-rc.json, that is where yeoman stores your answers.

Option B: You have some self made inventories

In this case you can still start to use this generated inventories (this is what we did, for instance in

In this case:

  1. Follow the previous three steps from option A
  2. Prior to do any change, keep track of the future changes in your /data/*/config directories.
  3. Start with some service (let's say ala-collectory). Deploy it using the ansiblew wrapper but only the properties (-p). Verify with git that if your /data/ala-collectory/config is correctly generated with the new inventories.
  4. If not, add the incorrect variable in your local-extra inventories and repeat the process til the config is correct. See this explanation for more details of how to find some wrong configured variable.
  5. Continue with the step 4 with all the services until all the configs are correct.
  6. Start to migrate your services to new ALA software versions running the ansiblew wrapper without the -p flag.
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