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FAQ: Compatibility

Gido Manders edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Does this plugin work with WordPress MU?

Indeed it does.

Does this plugin work with BuddyPress (bbPress)?


Which WordPress versions are supported?

To use all features in the suite, a minimum version of 2.8 is required. Earlier versions will benefit from our Media Library Importer to get them back on the upgrade path and into a CDN of their choosing.

Will the plugin interfere with other plugins or widgets?

No, on the contrary if you use the minify settings you will improve their performance by several times.

Is this plugin compatible with other popular caching plugins?

No. Any disk based page caching plugin you're currently using would need to be completely uninstalled (not just disabled) in order to use this plugin. So if you have a development environment where you can try this out or testing during low traffic periods to get your preferences set, that is recommended. You can always backup your full WordPress installation before testing pretty quickly if you skip the /uploads/ (media library) directory.

Is this plugin compatible with GD Star Rating?

Yes. Follow these steps:

  • Enable dynamic loading of ratings by checking GD Star Rating -> Settings -> Features "Cache support option"
  • If Database cache enabled in W3 Total Cache add "wp_gdsr" to "Ignored query stems" field in the Database Cache settings tab, otherwise ratings will not updated after voting
  • Empty all caches

How do I get WPTouch to work properly together with W3 Total Cache?

You need to enable "User Agent Groups" high and low and add any user agents you think are missing.

Is this plugin compatible with TDO Mini Forms?

Captcha and recaptcha will work fine, however you will need to prevent any pages with forms from being cached. Add the page's URI to the "Never cache the following pages" box on the Page Cache Settings tab.

Is this plugin compatible with varnish or squid?

It is compatible with varnish.