.. toctree:: :caption: GENERAL :hidden: Security-Best-Practices FAQ
.. toctree:: :caption: GETTING STARTED :hidden: GS-Configuration GS-Part-1 GS-Part-2
.. toctree:: :caption: TUTORIAL (LIGHT CONTROL) :hidden: LC-Introduction LC-Part-1 LC-Part-2 LC-Conclusion
.. toctree:: :caption: DOCUMENTATION :hidden: TD-Unity Node.JS SDK Technical Docs <https://www.npmjs.com/package/alexaplusunity>
The Games SDK for Alexa was built to help with the expansion of Amazon's Alexa into video games made with the Unity game engine, bringing a whole new layer of immersion into gaming.
Ready to get started? Follow the guides in the navigation bar to learn how to use the platform!
Need help? Send us an email at games-sdk-support@tauon.tech!