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Receive events from Azure Event Hubs using Java

This sample shows how to receive events from a particular Event Hub partition based on a n absolute offset. This is a lower-level API gesture that most applications will not use, but rather lean on the Event Processor Host to manage partition ownership and check-pointing. The Event Processor Sample shows this higher level functionality.

To run the sample, you need to edit the sample code and provide the following information:

    final String namespaceName = "----EventHubsNamespaceName-----";
    final String eventHubName = "----EventHubName-----";
    final String sasKeyName = "-----SharedAccessSignatureKeyName-----";
    final String sasKey = "---SharedAccessSignatureKey----";


Please refer to the overview README for prerequisites and setting up the sample environment, including creating an Event Hubs cloud namespace and an Event Hub.

Build and run

The sample can be built independently with

mvn clean package

and then run with (or just from VS Code or another Java IDE)

java -jar ./target/receiveusingoffset-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar