package; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig; import javax.websocket.CloseReason; import javax.websocket.CloseReason.CloseCodes; import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.UpgradeException; import org.json.JSONObject; import*; public class HybridConnectionListener implements RelayTraceSource, AutoCloseable { static final AutoShutdownScheduledExecutor EXECUTOR = AutoShutdownScheduledExecutor.Create(); private final InputQueue connectionInputQueue; private final ControlConnection controlConnection; private final Object thisLock = new Object(); private boolean openCalled; private volatile boolean closeCalled; private Duration operationTimeout; private int maxWebSocketBufferSize; private String cachedString; private Function acceptHandler; private Consumer requestHandler; private URI address; private TrackingContext trackingContext; private TokenProvider tokenProvider; private Throwable injectedFault; private Consumer connectingHandler; private Consumer offlineHandler; private Runnable onlineHandler; /** * Create a new HybridConnectionListener instance for accepting * HybridConnections. * * @param address The address on which to listen for HybridConnections. * This address should be of the format * "sb://". * @param tokenProvider The TokenProvider for connecting this listener to * ServiceBus. */ public HybridConnectionListener(URI address, TokenProvider tokenProvider) { if (address == null || tokenProvider == null) { throw RelayLogger.argumentNull("address or tokenProvider", this); } else if (!address.getScheme().equals(RelayConstants.HYBRID_CONNECTION_SCHEME)) { throw RelayLogger.throwingException( new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid scheme. Expected: " + RelayConstants.HYBRID_CONNECTION_SCHEME + ", Actual: " + address.getScheme() + "."), this); } this.address = address; this.tokenProvider = tokenProvider; this.operationTimeout = RelayConstants.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT; this.trackingContext = TrackingContext.create(this.address); this.connectionInputQueue = new InputQueue<>(EXECUTOR); this.controlConnection = new ControlConnection(this); } /** * Create a new HybridConnectionListener instance for accepting * HybridConnections. * * @param connectionString The connection string to use. This connection string * must include the EntityPath property. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown when the format of the connectionSring is * incorrect */ public HybridConnectionListener(String connectionString) throws URISyntaxException { this(connectionString, null, true); } /** * Creates a new instance of HybridConnectionListener from a connection string * and the specified HybridConection path. Use this overload only when the * connection string does not use the RelayConnectionStringBuilder.EntityPath * property. * * @param connectionString The connection string to use. This connection string * must not include the EntityPath property. * @param path The path to the HybridConnection. * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown when the format of the connectionSring is * incorrect */ public HybridConnectionListener(String connectionString, String path) throws URISyntaxException { this(connectionString, path, false); } /** * This private .ctor handles both of the public overloads which take * connectionString * * @param connectionString The connection String used. This connection * string must not include the EntityPath * property. * @param path path The path to the HybridConnection. * @param pathFromConnectionString True if path is implicitly defined in the * connection string * @throws URISyntaxException Thrown when the format of the connectionSring is * incorrect */ HybridConnectionListener(String connectionString, String path, boolean pathFromConnectionString) throws URISyntaxException { if (StringUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString)) { throw RelayLogger.argumentNull("connectionString", this); } RelayConnectionStringBuilder builder = new RelayConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); builder.validate(); if (pathFromConnectionString) { if (StringUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(builder.getEntityPath())) { throw RelayLogger.argumentNull("entityPath", this); } } else { if (StringUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { throw RelayLogger.argumentNull("path", this); } else if (!StringUtil.isNullOrWhiteSpace(builder.getEntityPath())) { throw RelayLogger.throwingException( new IllegalArgumentException("EntityPath must not appear in connectionString"), this); } builder.setEntityPath(path); } this.address = new URI(builder.getEndpoint() + builder.getEntityPath()); this.tokenProvider = builder.createTokenProvider(); this.operationTimeout = builder.getOperationTimeout(); this.trackingContext = TrackingContext.create(this.address); this.connectionInputQueue = new InputQueue<>(EXECUTOR); this.controlConnection = new ControlConnection(this); } public boolean isOnline() { return this.controlConnection.isOnline(); } public Function getAcceptHandler() { return acceptHandler; } /** * Installing a custom handler which can inspect request headers, control response headers, * decide whether to accept or reject a websocket upgrade request, and control the status code/description if rejecting. * If choosing to reject the websocket connection request, the response code and description can be set through the * response object of the RelayedHttpListenerContext instance provided. * * @param acceptHandler A Function which takes in the websocket connection request context * and returns true/false if the request should be accepted/rejected */ public void setAcceptHandler(Function acceptHandler) { this.acceptHandler = acceptHandler; } public Consumer getRequestHandler() { return requestHandler; } /** * Install a custom handler which will be run upon receiving a HTTP request. * The corresponding HTTP response can be set through the response object of the given context instance. * * @param requestHandler A Consumer which takes in the incoming HTTP request context */ public void setRequestHandler(Consumer requestHandler) { this.requestHandler = requestHandler; } /** * The address on which to listen for HybridConnections. This address should be * of the format "sb://". */ public URI getAddress() { return this.address; } /** * The TokenProvider for authenticating this HybridConnection listener. */ public TokenProvider getTokenProvider() { return this.tokenProvider; } /** * The TrackingContext for this listener. */ public TrackingContext getTrackingContext() { return this.trackingContext; } public Duration getOperationTimeout() { return this.operationTimeout; } public int getMaxWebSocketBufferSize() { return maxWebSocketBufferSize; } public void setMaxWebSocketBufferSize(int maxWebSocketBufferSize) { if (maxWebSocketBufferSize > 0) { this.maxWebSocketBufferSize = maxWebSocketBufferSize; } else { RelayLogger.logEvent("objectNotSet", this, "maxWebSocketBufferSize"); } } /** * Returns the handler that will be run when the listener disconnects unexpectedly. * The listener will attempt to reconnect after this handler runs. */ public Consumer getConnectingHandler() { return connectingHandler; } /** * Sets the handler that will be run when the listener disconnects unexpectedly. * The listener will attempt to reconnect after this handler runs. */ public void setConnectingHandler(Consumer onConnecting) { this.connectingHandler = onConnecting; } /** * Returns the handler which will be run after the listener has become offline. * Reconnection will not be attempted after this handler. */ public Consumer getOfflineHandler() { return offlineHandler; } /** * Sets the handler which will be run after the listener has become offline. * Reconnection will not be attempted after this handler. */ public void setOfflineHandler(Consumer onOffline) { this.offlineHandler = onOffline; } /** * Returns the handler that will be run after the listener has established connection to the cloud service. */ public Runnable getOnlineHandler() { return onlineHandler; } /** * Sets the handler that will be run after the listener has established connection to the cloud service. */ public void setOnlineHandler(Runnable onOnline) { this.onlineHandler = onOnline; } /** * Opens the HybridConnectionListener and registers it as a listener in * ServiceBus. * * @return A CompletableFuture which completes when the control connection is * established with the cloud service */ public CompletableFuture openAsync() { return this.openAsync(this.operationTimeout); } /** * Opens the HybridConnectionListener and registers it as a listener in * ServiceBus. * * @param timeout The timeout duration for this openAsync operation * @return A CompletableFuture which completes when the control connection is * established with the cloud service */ public CompletableFuture openAsync(Duration timeout) { TimeoutHelper.throwIfNegativeArgument(timeout); synchronized (this.thisLock) { try { this.throwIfDisposed(); this.throwIfReadOnly(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(e); } this.openCalled = true; } return this.controlConnection.openAsync(timeout); } /** * Disconnects all connections from the cloud service * * @return A CompletableFuture which completes when all connections are * disconnected with the cloud service */ public CompletableFuture closeAsync() { return this.closeAsync(this.operationTimeout); } /** * Disconnects all connections from the cloud service within the timeout * * @param timeout The timeout duration for this closeAsync operation * @return A CompletableFuture which completes when all connections are * disconnected with the cloud service */ public CompletableFuture closeAsync(Duration timeout) { TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout); CompletableFuture[] closeTasks; synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (this.closeCalled) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } RelayLogger.logEvent("closing", this); this.closeCalled = true; // If the input queue is empty this completes all pending waiters with null and // prevents any new items being added to the input queue. this.connectionInputQueue.shutdown(); // Close any unaccepted rendezvous. DequeueAsync won't block since we've called // connectionInputQueue.Shutdown(). closeTasks = new CompletableFuture[this.connectionInputQueue.getPendingCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.connectionInputQueue.getPendingCount(); i++) { closeTasks[i] = this.connectionInputQueue.dequeueAsync(timeoutHelper.remainingTime()).thenAccept(connection -> { connection.closeAsync(new CloseReason(CloseReason.CloseCodes.NORMAL_CLOSURE, "Client closing the socket normally")); }); } } return CompletableFuture.allOf(closeTasks) .thenCompose($void -> this.controlConnection.closeAsync(timeoutHelper.remainingTime())) .whenComplete(($void, ex) -> { this.connectionInputQueue.dispose(); RelayLogger.logEvent("closed", this); if (ex != null) { throw RelayLogger.throwingException(ex, this); } }); } @Override public void close() { this.closeAsync().join(); } /** * Asynchronously wait for a websocket connection from the sender to be connected. When the listener closes, * all pending CompletableFutures that are still waiting to accept a connection will complete with null. * * @return A CompletableFuture which completes when a websocket connection from the sender is established. */ public CompletableFuture acceptConnectionAsync() { synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (!this.openCalled) { throw RelayLogger.invalidOperation("cannot accept connection because listener is not open.", this); } } return this.connectionInputQueue.dequeueAsync(); } @Override public String toString() { if (this.cachedString == null) { this.cachedString = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + this.trackingContext + ")"; } return this.cachedString; } CompletableFuture sendControlCommandAndStreamAsync(ListenerCommand command, ByteBuffer buffer, Duration timeout) { return this.controlConnection.sendCommandAndStreamAsync(command, buffer, timeout); } void throwIfDisposed() { if (this.closeCalled) { throw RelayLogger.invalidOperation("Invalid operation. Cannot call open when it's already closed.", this); } } void throwIfReadOnly() { synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (this.openCalled) { throw RelayLogger.invalidOperation("Invalid operation. Cannot call open when it's already open.", this); } } } private CompletableFuture onCommandAsync(String message, ClientWebSocket controlWebSocket) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(message); ListenerCommand listenerCommand = new ListenerCommand(jsonObj); AcceptCommand accept = listenerCommand.getAccept(); RequestCommand request = listenerCommand.getRequest(); if (accept != null) { // Don't block the pump waiting for the rendezvous return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(accept).thenComposeAsync(acceptCommand -> { return this.onAcceptCommandAsync(acceptCommand); }, EXECUTOR); } else if (request != null) { return HybridHttpConnection.createAsync(this, request, controlWebSocket); } else { return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HybridConnection command was received.")); } } private CompletableFuture onAcceptCommandAsync(ListenerCommand.AcceptCommand acceptCommand) { try { URI rendezvousUri = new URI(acceptCommand.getAddress()); URI requestUri = this.generateAcceptRequestUri(rendezvousUri); RelayedHttpListenerContext listenerContext = new RelayedHttpListenerContext(this, requestUri, acceptCommand.getId(), "GET", acceptCommand.getConnectHeaders()); listenerContext.getRequest().setRemoteEndPoint(acceptCommand.getRemoteEndpoint()); Function acceptHandler = this.acceptHandler; boolean shouldAccept = acceptHandler == null; RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezvousStart", this, acceptCommand.getAddress()); if (acceptHandler != null) { // Invoke and await the user's AcceptHandler method try { shouldAccept = acceptHandler.apply(listenerContext); } catch (Exception userException) { listenerContext.getResponse().setStatusCode(HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY_502); listenerContext.getResponse().setStatusDescription("The Listener's custom AcceptHandler threw an exception. See Listener logs for details. TrackingId: " + listenerContext.getTrackingContext().getTrackingId()); throw RelayLogger.throwingException(userException, this); } } return this.completeAcceptAsync(listenerContext, rendezvousUri, shouldAccept); } catch (Exception exception) { RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezvousFailed", this, exception.toString()); RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezVousStop", this); return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(exception); } } /** /* Form the logical request Uri using the scheme://host:port from the listener /* and the path from the acceptCommand (minus "/$hc") /* e.g. sb:// **/ private URI generateAcceptRequestUri(URI rendezvousUri) throws URISyntaxException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String query = HybridConnectionUtil.filterQueryString(rendezvousUri.getQuery()); String path = rendezvousUri.getPath(); path = (path.startsWith("$hc/")) ? path.substring(4) : path; URI address = this.address; return new URI(address.getScheme(), address.getUserInfo(), address.getHost(), address.getPort(), path, query, address.getFragment()); } private CompletableFuture completeAcceptAsync(RelayedHttpListenerContext listenerContext, URI rendezvousUri, boolean shouldAccept) { CompletableFuture completeAcceptTask = new CompletableFuture(); if (shouldAccept) { synchronized (this.thisLock) { WebSocketChannel rendezvousConnection = new WebSocketChannel(listenerContext.getTrackingContext(), EXECUTOR); if (this.closeCalled) { RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezvousClose", this, rendezvousUri.toString()); completeAcceptTask = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } else { completeAcceptTask = rendezvousConnection.getWebSocket().connectAsync(rendezvousUri).thenRun(() -> this.connectionInputQueue.enqueueAndDispatch(rendezvousConnection, null, false)); } } } else { RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezvousRejected", this, String.valueOf(listenerContext.getResponse().getStatusCode()), listenerContext.getResponse().getStatusDescription()); completeAcceptTask = listenerContext.rejectAsync(rendezvousUri); } return completeAcceptTask.whenComplete((result, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { throw RelayLogger.throwingException(ex, this); } RelayLogger.logEvent("rendezvousStop", this); }); } void clearFault() { this.injectedFault = null; } /** * Inject a specific exception to the listener or its underlying websocket for testing purposes * @param throwable The following exceptions can be interpreted: *
UpgradeException - When this exception is injected, all listener websocket connection attempts will fail * until the fault has been cleared. *
ConnectionException - Injecting this exception will kill the listener's websocket (simulate a network disconnect), * but should cause the listener to try to reconnect. */ void injectFault(Throwable throwable) { if (throwable == null) { return; } if (throwable instanceof UpgradeException) { this.injectedFault = throwable; } if (throwable instanceof ConnectionLostException) { CompletableFuture controlConnectionTask = this.controlConnection.connectAsyncTask; if (controlConnectionTask != null) { controlConnectionTask.thenAccept(webSocket -> { webSocket.dispose(); }); } } } /** * Connects, maintains, and transparently reconnects this listener's control * connection with the cloud service. */ static final class ControlConnection implements AutoCloseable { private final HybridConnectionListener listener; private final URI address; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String path; private final TokenRenewer tokenRenewer; private final AsyncLock sendAsyncLock; private final Object thisLock = new Object(); private CompletableFuture connectAsyncTask; private AtomicInteger connectDelayIndexRef = new AtomicInteger(); private Throwable lastError; private volatile boolean closeCalled; ControlConnection(HybridConnectionListener listener) { this.listener = listener; this.address = listener.address; String rawPath = this.address.getPath(); this.path = (rawPath.startsWith("/")) ? rawPath.substring(1) : rawPath; this.sendAsyncLock = new AsyncLock(EXECUTOR); this.tokenRenewer = new TokenRenewer( this.listener, this.address.toString(), TokenProvider.DEFAULT_TOKEN_TIMEOUT); } boolean isOnline() { synchronized (this.thisLock) { return CompletableFutureUtil.isDoneNormally(connectAsyncTask) && connectAsyncTask.join().isOpen(); } } public Throwable getLastError() { return lastError; } /** * Establish websocket connection between the control websocket and the cloud * service, then start receiving command messages * * @param timeout The timeout to connect to cloud service within * @return Returns a completableFuture which completes when websocket connection * is established between the control websocket and the cloud service */ public CompletableFuture openAsync(Duration timeout) { // Establish a WebSocket connection right now so we can detect any fatal errors CompletableFuture connectTask = this.ensureConnectTask(timeout); return connectTask.thenAccept((webSocket) -> { this.tokenRenewer.setOnTokenRenewed((token) -> this.onTokenRenewed(token)); this.receivePumpAsync(); // This starts pumping but doesn't wait }).whenComplete(($void, err) -> { if (err != null) { RelayLogger.throwingException(err, this.listener); CloseReason closeReason = new CloseReason(CloseCodes.UNEXPECTED_CONDITION, "closing web socket connection because something went wrong trying to connect."); this.closeOrAbortWebSocketAsync(connectTask, closeReason); throw new CompletionException(err); } }); } /** * Ensures connection of the control websocket, then disconnects it from the cloud service * * @param duration The timeout to disconnect to cloud service within * @return Returns a completableFuture which completes when websocket connection * is established between the control websocket and the cloud service */ private CompletableFuture closeAsync(Duration duration) { CompletableFuture connectTask; synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (this.closeCalled) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } this.closeCalled = true; connectTask = this.connectAsyncTask; this.connectAsyncTask = null; } this.tokenRenewer.close(); if (connectTask != null) { return connectTask.thenCompose((webSocket) -> { return this.sendAsyncLock.acquireThenCompose(duration, () -> { CloseReason reason = new CloseReason(CloseCodes.NORMAL_CLOSURE, "Normal Closure"); return webSocket.closeAsync(reason); }); }); } // TODO: Wait for ReceivePump to complete? return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } /** * Sends the command through the control websocket, along with the message body * if it exists * * @param command The Listener command to be sent * @param buffer The message body to be sent, null if it doesn't exist * @param timeout The timeout to send within * @return Returns a completableFuture which completes when the command and * stream are finished sending */ private CompletableFuture sendCommandAndStreamAsync(ListenerCommand command, ByteBuffer buffer, Duration timeout) { return this.ensureConnectTask(timeout) .thenCompose(webSocket -> { return sendAsyncLock.acquireThenCompose(timeout, () -> { String json = null; if (command.getResponse() != null) { json = command.getResponse().toJsonString(); } else if (command.getRenewToken() != null) { json = command.getRenewToken().toJsonString(); } if (json != null) { RelayLogger.logEvent("sendCommand", this, json); return webSocket.writeAsync(json, timeout, true, WriteMode.TEXT) .thenCompose($void -> { if (buffer != null) { return webSocket.writeAsync(buffer); } else { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } }); } else { return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command to be sent by the listener to the cloud service")); } }); }); } /** * Establish websocket connection between the control websocket and the cloud * service if not already established. * * @param timeout The timeout to connect to cloud service within * @return Returns a completableFuture which completes when websocket connection * is established between the control websocket and the cloud service * @throws InterruptedException Throws when interrupted during the connection * delay */ private CompletableFuture ensureConnectTask(Duration timeout) { synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (this.connectAsyncTask == null || !this.isOnline()) { this.connectAsyncTask = this.connectAsync(timeout); } return this.connectAsyncTask; } } /** * Establish websocket connection between the control websocket and the cloud * service. * * @param timeout The timeout to connect to cloud service within * @return Returns a completableFuture which completes when websocket connection * is established between the control websocket and the cloud service */ private CompletableFuture connectAsync(Duration timeout) { try { this.listener.throwIfDisposed(); CompletableFuture delayTask = CompletableFutureUtil.delayAsync( RelayConstants.CONNECTION_DELAY_INTERVALS[connectDelayIndexRef.get()], EXECUTOR); CompletableFuture token = this.tokenRenewer.getTokenAsync(); // Set the authentication in request header Map> headers = new HashMap>(); headers.put(RelayConstants.SERVICEBUS_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, Arrays.asList(token.join().getToken())); HybridConnectionEndpointConfigurator configurator = new HybridConnectionEndpointConfigurator(); configurator.addHeaders(headers); ClientEndpointConfig config = ClientEndpointConfig.Builder.create().configurator(configurator).build(); // When we reconnect we need to remove the "_GXX" suffix otherwise trackingId // gets longer after each reconnect String trackingId = TrackingContext.removeSuffix(this.listener.trackingContext.getTrackingId()); // Build the websocket uri, e.g. // "wss://$hc/endpoint1?sb-hc-action=listen&sb-hc-id=E2E_TRACKING_ID" URI websocketUri = HybridConnectionUtil.buildUri(this.address.getHost(), this.address.getPort(), this.address.getPath(), this.address.getQuery(), HybridConnectionConstants.Actions.LISTEN, trackingId); ClientWebSocket webSocket = new ClientWebSocket(this.listener.trackingContext, EXECUTOR); return delayTask.thenCompose(($void) -> { if (this.listener.injectedFault != null && this.listener.injectedFault instanceof UpgradeException) { return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(this.listener.injectedFault); } return webSocket.connectAsync(websocketUri, timeout, config) .thenApply(($void2) -> { this.onOnline(); return webSocket; }); }); } catch (URISyntaxException | IllegalStateException e) { return CompletableFutureUtil.fromException(e); } } private CompletableFuture closeOrAbortWebSocketAsync(CompletableFuture connectTask, CloseReason reason) { assert CompletableFutureUtil.isDoneNormally(connectTask); synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (connectTask == this.connectAsyncTask) { this.connectAsyncTask = null; } } return connectTask.thenCompose((webSocket) -> webSocket.closeAsync(reason)) .exceptionally((exception) -> { // catch and do not rethrow RelayLogger.handledExceptionAsWarning(exception, this.listener); return null; }); } @Override public void close() { this.closeAsync(RelayConstants.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT).join(); } /** * Ensure we have a connected control webSocket, listens for command messages, * and handles those messages. * * @return A boolean indicating whether or not the receive pump should keep * running. */ private CompletableFuture receivePumpAsync() { return receivePumpCoreAsync().handle((keepGoing, ex) -> { if (keepGoing) { receivePumpAsync(); } else { if (ex != null) { RelayLogger.throwingException(ex, this, TraceLevel.WARNING); } this.onOffline(ex); } return null; }); } /** * Ensure we have a connected control webSocket, listens for command messages, * and handles those messages. * * @return A CompletableFuture boolean which completes when the control * websocket is disconnected and indicates whether or not the receive * pump should keep running. */ private CompletableFuture receivePumpCoreAsync() { CompletableFuture connectTask = this.ensureConnectTask(null); return connectTask.handle((webSocket, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { this.lastError = ex; return null; } return webSocket; }).thenCompose(webSocket -> { if (webSocket == null || !webSocket.isOpen()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(this.onDisconnect(this.lastError)); } return webSocket.readTextAsync() .thenApply(receivedMessage -> { boolean keepGoing = true; try { if (!webSocket.isOpen()) { this.closeOrAbortWebSocketAsync(connectTask, webSocket.getCloseReason()); if (this.closeCalled) { keepGoing = false; } else { CloseReason reason = webSocket.getCloseReason(); keepGoing = this.onDisconnect(new ConnectionLostException(reason.toString())); } return keepGoing; } if (receivedMessage != null) { this.listener.onCommandAsync(receivedMessage, webSocket); } } catch (Exception exception) { RelayLogger.handledExceptionAsWarning(exception, this.listener); this.closeOrAbortWebSocketAsync(connectTask, null); keepGoing = this.onDisconnect(exception); } return keepGoing; }); }); } private void onOnline() { synchronized (this.thisLock) { if (this.isOnline()) { return; } this.lastError = null; this.connectDelayIndexRef.set(-1); } RelayLogger.logEvent("connected", this.listener); Runnable onlineHandler = this.listener.getOnlineHandler(); if (onlineHandler != null) {; } } private void onOffline(Throwable lastError) { if (lastError != null) { this.lastError = lastError; } RelayLogger.logEvent("offline", this); Consumer offlineHandler = this.listener.getOfflineHandler(); if (offlineHandler != null) { offlineHandler.accept(lastError); } } // Returns true if this control connection should attempt to reconnect after this exception. private boolean onDisconnect(Throwable lastError) { synchronized (this.thisLock) { this.lastError = lastError; if (this.connectDelayIndexRef.get() < RelayConstants.CONNECTION_DELAY_INTERVALS.length - 1) { this.connectDelayIndexRef.incrementAndGet(); } } // Inspect the close status/description to see if this is a terminal case // or we should attempt to reconnect. boolean shouldReconnect = this.shouldReconnect(lastError); RelayLogger.logEvent("disconnect", this, String.valueOf(shouldReconnect)); if (shouldReconnect) { Consumer connectingHandler = this.listener.getConnectingHandler(); if (connectingHandler != null) { connectingHandler.accept(lastError); } } return shouldReconnect; } private boolean shouldReconnect(Throwable exception) { return (!(exception instanceof EndpointNotFoundException)); } private void onTokenRenewed(SecurityToken token) { ListenerCommand listenerCommand = new ListenerCommand(null); listenerCommand.setRenewToken( RenewTokenCommand(null)); listenerCommand.getRenewToken().setToken(token.toString()); this.sendCommandAndStreamAsync(listenerCommand, null, null).exceptionally((ex) -> { RelayLogger.throwingException(ex, this.listener, TraceLevel.WARNING); return null; }); } } }