diff --git a/custom-words.txt b/custom-words.txt index 111367025086..a845a6c57b48 100644 --- a/custom-words.txt +++ b/custom-words.txt @@ -2585,4 +2585,6 @@ AppFigures Twilio getazresiliencystatus cadl +azuresqldbkeyrotation +DBCMK DTCs diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseExtensions.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseExtensions.json index 2d13fad77c8e..4a584bad4833 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseExtensions.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseExtensions.json @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingImportExportInputParameters - Missing ImportExport input parameters.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportInputParameter - The import/export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 PolybaseImportAuthenticationTypeNotSupported - Authentication type parameter is not support for PolybaseImport operation.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidOperationMode - Invalid operationMode parameter for database extension.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidStorageKeyType - The storage key type must by 'StorageAccessKey'.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsMissingStorageUri - Storage URI cannot be empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidOperationType - Provide a valid operation type.\n\n * 400 ImportExportJobError - The ImportExport operation has failed.\n\n * 400 BlockedByOutboundFirewall - The outbound firewall rules blocked the request.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ImportExportOperationIdNotFound - The operation Id for import or export cannot be found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ImportExportOperationInProgress - There is an import or export operation in progress on the database." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingImportExportInputParameters - Missing ImportExport input parameters.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportInputParameter - The import/export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 PolybaseImportAuthenticationTypeNotSupported - Authentication type parameter is not support for PolybaseImport operation.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidOperationMode - Invalid operationMode parameter for database extension.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidStorageKeyType - The storage key type must by 'StorageAccessKey'.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsMissingStorageUri - Storage URI cannot be empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportParameter - The Import/Export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidOperationType - Provide a valid operation type.\n\n * 400 ImportExportJobError - The ImportExport operation has failed.\n\n * 400 BlockedByOutboundFirewall - The outbound firewall rules blocked the request.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ImportExportOperationIdNotFound - The operation Id for import or export cannot be found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ImportExportOperationInProgress - There is an import or export operation in progress on the database." }, "202": { "description": "Import/Export operation is in progress." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseOperations.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseOperations.json index ab9c588dcb8b..906471fde468 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseOperations.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseOperations.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropPrimary - The Geo-primary database cannot be dropped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ "description": "The request for cancel has been executed successfully." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 CannotCancelOperation - The management operation is in a state that cannot be cancelled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropPrimary - The Geo-primary database cannot be dropped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 CannotCancelOperation - The management operation is in a state that cannot be cancelled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json index 8d50561bc7ea..9371973dff96 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json @@ -470,7 +470,6 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/BenchmarkReference" }, - "x-ms-identifiers": [], "readOnly": true } } diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json index e016f4a8d806..8869394c3cf3 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json @@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanError" }, - "x-ms-identifiers": [], "readOnly": true }, "server": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseUsages.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseUsages.json index 8e6f635ee898..dfbc369d9c27 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseUsages.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DatabaseUsages.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Databases.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Databases.json index a7b4ace579b7..98315afa15f7 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Databases.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Databases.json @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingMaxSizeBytes - MaxSizeBytes is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSkuName - Sku name is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - The specified license type is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedWithSpecifiedCreateMode - IsLedgerOn is not allowed with the specified create mode.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedOnSampleDatabase - Database creation is not allowed with IsLedgerOn for a sample database.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNameDoesNotMatchSourceDatabaseId - The database name specified doesn’t match the database name in sourceDatabaseId.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotSupportedForExternalBackupRestore - Elastic pool is not supported for external backup restore\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoverableDatabaseId - Invalid recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Invalid recovery services recovery point identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseDeletionDate - The restorable dropped database deletion date given is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MissingRecoverableDatabaseId - Missing recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Missing recovery services recovery point Id.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Missing restorableDroppedDatabaseId\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseDeletionDate - Missing source database deletion date\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentitiesOnDatabase - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentityDelegationsOnDatabase - Only one identity delegation is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryDelegatedIdentityClientId - In order to use delegated identities please provide a primary delegated identity client id.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestNotSupported - Subscription is not allowed LTR backup Migration feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationCrossClusterRequestNotSupported - Source and target subscriptions are not allowed to communicate for LTR backup copy feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationParameterMissing - Required parameter missing for the operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSameServerNotSupported - LTR Copy feature is not supported to copy LTR backups within same server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetServerNotFound - Target server does not exists or is not ready for LTR backup copy operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetDatabaseNotFound - Target Database does not exists on the server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageTypeNotSupported - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageMismatch - Active backup redundancy of database does not match backup redundancy requested by customer.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationDatabaseTypeNotSupported - LTR migration is only supported for managed instance and Azure SQL DB LTR backups.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupStorageRedundancyNotAllowed - Changing backup storage redundancy is not allowed for LTR Copy operations.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSubscriptionNotFound - The subscription could not be found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupNotFound - LTR backup specified does not exists.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestConflict - A conflict operation on this LTR backup is still in progress.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupConflict - Another LTR backup with same backup time for target database exists.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestFailedToStartOnTarget - Failed to start LTR backup copy request in target region.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestCopyFailed - Copy operation failed for LTR backup blobs.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerExceeded - Restore verification failed after max attempts were reached.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerFailed - Restore verification failed.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingMaxSizeBytes - MaxSizeBytes is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSkuName - Sku name is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - The specified license type is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedWithSpecifiedCreateMode - IsLedgerOn is not allowed with the specified create mode.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedOnSampleDatabase - Database creation is not allowed with IsLedgerOn for a sample database.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNameDoesNotMatchSourceDatabaseId - The database name specified doesn’t match the database name in sourceDatabaseId.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotSupportedForExternalBackupRestore - Elastic pool is not supported for external backup restore\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoverableDatabaseId - Invalid recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Invalid recovery services recovery point identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseDeletionDate - The restorable dropped database deletion date given is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MissingRecoverableDatabaseId - Missing recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Missing recovery services recovery point Id.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Missing restorableDroppedDatabaseId\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseDeletionDate - Missing source database deletion date\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentitiesOnDatabase - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentityDelegationsOnDatabase - Only one identity delegation is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryDelegatedIdentityClientId - In order to use delegated identities please provide a primary delegated identity client id.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestNotSupported - Subscription is not allowed LTR backup Migration feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationCrossClusterRequestNotSupported - Source and target subscriptions are not allowed to communicate for LTR backup copy feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationParameterMissing - Required parameter missing for the operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSameServerNotSupported - LTR Copy feature is not supported to copy LTR backups within same server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetServerNotFound - Target server does not exists or is not ready for LTR backup copy operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetDatabaseNotFound - Target Database does not exists on the server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageTypeNotSupported - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageMismatch - Active backup redundancy of database does not match backup redundancy requested by customer.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationDatabaseTypeNotSupported - LTR migration is only supported for managed instance and Azure SQL DB LTR backups.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupStorageRedundancyNotAllowed - Changing backup storage redundancy is not allowed for LTR Copy operations.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSubscriptionNotFound - The subscription could not be found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupNotFound - LTR backup specified does not exists.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestConflict - A conflict operation on this LTR backup is still in progress.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupConflict - Another LTR backup with same backup time for target database exists.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestFailedToStartOnTarget - Failed to start LTR backup copy request in target region.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestCopyFailed - Copy operation failed for LTR backup blobs.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerExceeded - Restore verification failed after max attempts were reached.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerFailed - Restore verification failed.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Creating or updating the database is in progress." @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingMaxSizeBytes - MaxSizeBytes is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSkuName - Sku name is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - The specified license type is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedWithSpecifiedCreateMode - IsLedgerOn is not allowed with the specified create mode.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedOnSampleDatabase - Database creation is not allowed with IsLedgerOn for a sample database.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNameDoesNotMatchSourceDatabaseId - The database name specified doesn’t match the database name in sourceDatabaseId.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotSupportedForExternalBackupRestore - Elastic pool is not supported for external backup restore\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoverableDatabaseId - Invalid recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Invalid recovery services recovery point identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseDeletionDate - The restorable dropped database deletion date given is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MissingRecoverableDatabaseId - Missing recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Missing recovery services recovery point Id.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Missing restorableDroppedDatabaseId\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseDeletionDate - Missing source database deletion date\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentitiesOnDatabase - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentityDelegationsOnDatabase - Only one identity delegation is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryDelegatedIdentityClientId - In order to use delegated identities please provide a primary delegated identity client id.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestNotSupported - Subscription is not allowed LTR backup Migration feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationCrossClusterRequestNotSupported - Source and target subscriptions are not allowed to communicate for LTR backup copy feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationParameterMissing - Required parameter missing for the operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSameServerNotSupported - LTR Copy feature is not supported to copy LTR backups within same server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetServerNotFound - Target server does not exists or is not ready for LTR backup copy operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetDatabaseNotFound - Target Database does not exists on the server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageTypeNotSupported - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageMismatch - Active backup redundancy of database does not match backup redundancy requested by customer.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationDatabaseTypeNotSupported - LTR migration is only supported for managed instance and Azure SQL DB LTR backups.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupStorageRedundancyNotAllowed - Changing backup storage redundancy is not allowed for LTR Copy operations.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSubscriptionNotFound - The subscription could not be found.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupNotFound - LTR backup specified does not exists.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestConflict - A conflict operation on this LTR backup is still in progress.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupConflict - Another LTR backup with same backup time for target database exists.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestFailedToStartOnTarget - Failed to start LTR backup copy request in target region.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestCopyFailed - Copy operation failed for LTR backup blobs.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerExceeded - Restore verification failed after max attempts were reached.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerFailed - Restore verification failed.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingMaxSizeBytes - MaxSizeBytes is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSkuName - Sku name is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - The specified license type is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedWithSpecifiedCreateMode - IsLedgerOn is not allowed with the specified create mode.\n\n * 400 LedgerNotAllowedOnSampleDatabase - Database creation is not allowed with IsLedgerOn for a sample database.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNameDoesNotMatchSourceDatabaseId - The database name specified doesn’t match the database name in sourceDatabaseId.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotSupportedForExternalBackupRestore - Elastic pool is not supported for external backup restore\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoverableDatabaseId - Invalid recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Invalid recovery services recovery point identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseDeletionDate - The restorable dropped database deletion date given is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MissingRecoverableDatabaseId - Missing recoverable database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRecoveryServicesRecoveryPointId - Missing recovery services recovery point Id.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Missing restorableDroppedDatabaseId\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseDeletionDate - Missing source database deletion date\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentitiesOnDatabase - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MultipleIdentityDelegationsOnDatabase - Only one identity delegation is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryDelegatedIdentityClientId - In order to use delegated identities please provide a primary delegated identity client id.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestNotSupported - Subscription is not allowed LTR backup Migration feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationCrossClusterRequestNotSupported - Source and target subscriptions are not allowed to communicate for LTR backup copy feature.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationParameterMissing - Required parameter missing for the operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSameServerNotSupported - LTR Copy feature is not supported to copy LTR backups within same server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetServerNotFound - Target server does not exists or is not ready for LTR backup copy operation.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationTargetDatabaseNotFound - Target Database does not exists on the server.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageTypeNotSupported - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationStorageMismatch - Active backup redundancy of database does not match backup redundancy requested by customer.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationDatabaseTypeNotSupported - LTR migration is only supported for managed instance and Azure SQL DB LTR backups.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupStorageRedundancyNotAllowed - Changing backup storage redundancy is not allowed for LTR Copy operations.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMigrationSubscriptionNotFound - The subscription could not be found.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupNotFound - LTR backup specified does not exists.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestConflict - A conflict operation on this LTR backup is still in progress.\n\n * 409 LongTermRetentionMigrationBackupConflict - Another LTR backup with same backup time for target database exists.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestFailedToStartOnTarget - Failed to start LTR backup copy request in target region.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRequestCopyFailed - Copy operation failed for LTR backup blobs.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerExceeded - Restore verification failed after max attempts were reached.\n\n * 500 LongTermRetentionMigrationRestoreVerFailed - Restore verification failed.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Updating the database is in progress." @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ "description": "Successfully upgraded the data warehouse." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 UpgradeOnlyAllowedOnDataWarehouseInstances - User attempted to upgrade non-datawarehouse instance.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoReadScale - User attempted to enable read scale on a standby geo database that does not support it.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKKeyRotationAttemptedWhileOldThumbprintInUse - Key Rotation for the TDE Protector at the database level is blocked when active transactions are holding up the log encrypted with old keys. Please refer to aka.ms/azuresqldbkeyrotation for possible strategies to workaround this issue.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToMemoryOptimizedObject - The database cannot update its sku because it has memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 PerDBCMKNotSupportedWithLTR - Database-level CMK is not supported when Long-term Backup Retention is enabled on the database.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateMode - Invalid request to create a database.\n\n * 400 MissingAsymmetricKeyOnTargetServer - Target server does not have access to an asymmetric key.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MultipleDroppedDatabasesWithTheSameName - Found multiple dropped databases with the same name on server.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientError - The Azure Key Vault client encountered an error.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultClientInfoError - An error occurred while obtaining information for the Azure Key Vault client.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 IsLedgerDatabaseIsNotSupportedOnResourceType - Changing the ledger property is not supported for this resource type.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupStorageAccountType - User passed zrs/lrs during create/update of a database but it failed either because the customer is not whitelisted or because zrs is not available in the specified region.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateToFreeDatabase - Updating a database to the free sku is not supported.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaPerDatabaseLimitExceeded - User tried create a named replica that would exceed the allowed number per primary database\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancyForEdition - The requested backup storage redundancy is not supported for edition\n\n * 400 DatabaseIsCurrentlyPinned - Microsoft has pinned your database SQL Server engine version. To ensure your database does not hit production issues, any future scale operations on your database will be blocked until it has been un-pinned. Please contact Microsoft support for assistance with scaling.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficient - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the current allocated size of the source.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedBackupStorageRedundancy - Specified Backup Storage Redundancy is not supported in target region.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityId - One or more identity id(s) provided are not valid ARM resource id(s). Please input valid id(s) and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 OfferDisabledOnSubscription - Subscription offer type is restricted from provisioning the requested resource.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateGeoChain - User attempted to create secondary database (chaining) even though automatic upload of ledger digests has been configured\n\n * 400 InvalidNumberOfIdentities - Only one user assigned managed identity is supported at the Database Level.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaChainingNotAllowed - User tried to create a named replica of a named replica which is not allowed.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidOperation - User attempted an unsupported operation on a named replica.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNamedReplicaInvalidSourceDatabase - User attempted to create a named replica in a different subscription or region than the source database.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 CannotAssignIdentityToMaster - Cannot assign an identity to a system database. Database identity cannot be assigned to 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 DatabaseCreationBlockedForNonActivatedCMKServer - SQL Pool creations are blocked for CMK enabled workspaces until the workspace is activated. First, enable purge protection and grant the workspace Managed Identity the required permissions (Get, Wrap Key, Unwrap Key) on the Azure Key Vault of the workspace key. Next, activate your workspace after you have granted access.\n\n * 400 PartnerServerNotCompatible - The user is attempting to copy a database from a SAWA V1 server to a Sterling server or vice versa.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 TargetElasticPoolDoesNotExist - The elastic pool does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolSkuCombinationInvalid - Elastic pool and sku can be specified together only if sku is specified as 'ElasticPool'.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolTierCombinationInvalid - The database tier is different than the elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNameRequired - User tried to create or update database to elastic pool service objective without specifying the name of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprintCrm - The restore operation of a CRM database failed because a required TDE certificate was missing. Please retry the restore operation to an existing elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 RestoreTargetEditionSizeInsufficientV2 - User attempted to restore a database to an edition that is a smaller size than the allocated size of the restored database.\n\n * 400 TierChangeUnsupportedDueToCDCEnabledDatabase - The database cannot update its sku because it is enabled for CDC.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseCountOverLimit - Attempting to create or add database to elastic pool when the database count limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 ResourcePoolStorageLimitHitDuringRestore - The restored database can't be restored into the resource pool due to the remaining storage capacity in the pool.\n\n * 400 CannotChangeToOrFromDataWarehouseTier - User attempted to change the sku of a database from DataWarehouse tier to non DataWarehouse tiers or vice versa.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKGeoReplicationNotSupported - Geo Replication and Database Copy is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidStandbyGeoEdition - User attempted to create a DTU based standby geo.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedOnPausedDatabase - User attempted to perform an update on a paused database.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleEdition - User attempted to enable read scale on a database type that does not support it.\n\n * 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 GeoSecondaryMaxSizeUpdateFailed - The geo-secondary database is of a SLO that does not support the requested maxsize value or the geo-secondary is in an unsupported region or an update operation is already in progress on the geo-secondary database.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 RequestedDatabaseSizeRequiresShrink - User attempted to ALTER DATABASE MODIFY MAXSIZE to modify the MAXSIZE for a database to a smaller size then the current size.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsDbMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedInCurrentReplicationState - The operation is disallowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicaLimitReached - The per-replica replication limit was reached.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedCapacity - User tried to create or update database with capacity which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustHaveSameName - The replication source and target databases must have the same name.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ReplicationSourceAndTargetMustBeInDifferentServers - The replication source and target databases must be in different logical servers.\n\n * 400 CannotUpdateIsLedgerDatabase - The ledger property of an existing database cannot be updated.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 RestoreToFreeEditionNotSupported - Restore and GeoRestore target cannot be free database.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 RestoreNotSupportedForFreeEdition - Restore and GeoRestore are not supported for free database.\n\n * 400 JobAgentDatabaseEditionUnsupported - The specified database's service level objective is not supported for use as a job agent database.\n\n * 400 InvalidDroppedDatabase - Source database dropped does not exist on server within the supported recovery period.\n\n * 400 InvalidLiveDatabase - Source database does not exist on server within the supported recovery period. If restoring a dropped database, please specify its deletion date.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRecoverySlo - The Hyperscale edition recovery requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 InvalidVldbRestoreSlo - The Hyperscale edition Point-In-Time restore requires both source and target databases to use Hyperscale service level objective.\n\n * 400 CannotSpecifyPoolOrSlo - Specifying an elastic pool and/or changing the service level objective or edition is not supported for edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 MaintenanceWindowNotSupportedForNamedReplica - User tried to create or update named replica with non-default maintenance window which is not supported.\n\n * 400 ChangeUnsupportedOnEntity - User attempted an unsupported create/update/delete operation on a given entity.\n\n * 400 UpgradeOnlyAllowedOnDataWarehouseInstances - User attempted to upgrade non-datawarehouse instance.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 FreeDbAlreadyExists - Only one free database can exist for a subscription per region.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictRequestToUpdateBackupRedundancy - A conflict request to change backup storage redundancy is still in progress.\n\n * 409 SkuAssignmentInProgress - The current assignment request cannot be processed because a previous request has not completed.\n\n * 409 DatabaseElasticPoolMaintenanceConflict - User tried to create or update a database with a specified maintenance configuration that conflicted with that of the elastic pool of the database.\n\n * 409 ServerDtuQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota.\n\n * 409 UnableToAlterDatabaseInReplication - User altered edition on a database in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 CurrentMemoryUsageExceedsSkuQuota - User attempted an sku update operation that cannot be completed due to the higher resource consumption.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloFailedDatabaseTooBusy - Update SLO operation could not complete because database was too busy.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 TargetElasticPoolBeingUpdated - The update of elastic pool cannot be started because there is copy operation in progress for one of the databases in this elastic pool\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 DatabaseCopyLimitPerReplicaReached - User reached the limit of concurrent database copies.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Upgrading the data warehouse is in progress." @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DistributedAvailabilityGroups.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DistributedAvailabilityGroups.json index 371e1ac45d48..dc66700def7a 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DistributedAvailabilityGroups.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/DistributedAvailabilityGroups.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasHekatonFile - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty on the SQL Server source database when replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance General Purpose service tier. Consider emptying the memory optimized filegroup on the source database and try again. Alternatively consider using Managed Instance Business Critical service tier without making any changes.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasMultipleLogFiles - Source database on SQL Server needs to have a single log file instead of multiple log files for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider using a single log file on the source database and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkUnsupportedNumberOfFilesOnSourceDb - Maximum number of '{0}' files was reached on Azure SQL Managed Instance preventing data replication. Consider reducing the number of files on the source and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasFilestream - Source database on SQL Server must not use FileStream or FileTables for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider removing FileStream and FileTables on the source database on SQL Server and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasDefunctFiles - Source database '{0}' on SQL Server must not contain files in DEFUNCT state for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance to work.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkForProvidedAvailabilityGroupsAlreadyExists - It is not possible to add an additional database to an existing Managed Instance link as a single link can contain only one database. Please use a different distributed availability group name and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkIsNotFound - The link with Managed Instance was not successfully created or was deleted before data copy operation has completed.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkIsNotInTheCatchupState - The link with Managed Instance is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasHekatonFile - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty on the SQL Server source database when replicated to Azure SQL Managed Instance General Purpose service tier. Consider emptying the memory optimized filegroup on the source database and try again. Alternatively consider using Managed Instance Business Critical service tier without making any changes.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasMultipleLogFiles - Source database on SQL Server needs to have a single log file instead of multiple log files for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider using a single log file on the source database and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkUnsupportedNumberOfFilesOnSourceDb - Maximum number of '{0}' files was reached on Azure SQL Managed Instance preventing data replication. Consider reducing the number of files on the source and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasFilestream - Source database on SQL Server must not use FileStream or FileTables for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance. Consider removing FileStream and FileTables on the source database on SQL Server and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkSourceDbHasDefunctFiles - Source database '{0}' on SQL Server must not contain files in DEFUNCT state for data replication to Azure SQL Managed Instance to work.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkForProvidedAvailabilityGroupsAlreadyExists - It is not possible to add an additional database to an existing Managed Instance link as a single link can contain only one database. Please use a different distributed availability group name and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkIsNotFound - The link with Managed Instance was not successfully created or was deleted before data copy operation has completed.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLinkIsNotInTheCatchupState - The link with Managed Instance is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted request for creating the distributed availability group." @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted distributed availability group." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted request for deleting the distributed availability group." @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted request for updating the distributed availability group replication mode." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ElasticPools.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ElasticPools.json index dd751eb116da..7967daf98ce7 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ElasticPools.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ElasticPools.json @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ "description": "Deleted the elastic pool" }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the elastic pool is in progress." @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSkuName - Invalid SKU name.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndCapacity - Mismatch between SKU name and capacity.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndTier - Mismatch between SKU name and tier.\n\n * 400 MismatchedSkuNameAndFamily - Mismatch between SKU name and family.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.\n\n * 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.\n\n * 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.\n\n * 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.\n\n * 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.\n\n * 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.\n\n * 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/EncryptionProtectors.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/EncryptionProtectors.json index bcae6775b3bc..b607262257e5 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/EncryptionProtectors.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/EncryptionProtectors.json @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ "description": "Successfully revalidated the encryption protector." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 DatabaseLevelEncryptionProtectorDoesNotExist - Database-level encryption protector does not exist.\n\n * 400 RevertDatabaseLevelKeyOnlySupportedWithSMK - Database-level encryption protector can only be reverted to the server level encryption when the server is configured with Microsoft Managed Key.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/InstanceFailoverGroups.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/InstanceFailoverGroups.json index 6f9abdec804d..fa68fc2d3ca5 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/InstanceFailoverGroups.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/InstanceFailoverGroups.json @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the failover group." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json index 6311b4ded558..e4ff293d6ee5 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/LongTermRetentionPolicies.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMissingWeekOfYear - WeekOfYear is required to be set between 1 and 52 in order to set yearly retention.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMissingWeekOfYear - WeekOfYear is required to be set between 1 and 52 in order to set yearly retention.\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetails.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetails.json index bd0ad62172cc..ccd9169a76a4 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetails.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetails.json @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNotInRestoringState - Managed database is not in Restoring state." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 RestoreDetailsNotAvailableOrExpired - Requested restore details are not available, or have expired.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesInBackupSet - Operation was aborted because RESTORE detected one or more corrupted pages in the backup set.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesListMaintenance - Operation was aborted because an internal error occurred while processing the backup taken without checksum.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNotInRestoringState - Managed database is not in Restoring state." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -225,8 +225,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetailsBackupSetProperties" }, - "readOnly": true, - "x-ms-identifiers": [] + "readOnly": true }, "diffBackupSets": { "description": "Diff backup sets.", @@ -234,8 +233,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetailsBackupSetProperties" }, - "readOnly": true, - "x-ms-identifiers": [] + "readOnly": true }, "logBackupSets": { "description": "Log backup sets.", @@ -243,8 +241,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetailsBackupSetProperties" }, - "readOnly": true, - "x-ms-identifiers": [] + "readOnly": true }, "unrestorableFiles": { "description": "Unrestorable files.", @@ -252,8 +249,7 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetailsUnrestorableFileProperties" }, - "readOnly": true, - "x-ms-identifiers": [] + "readOnly": true } } }, diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption.json index e52c08b1680d..d02b9cc00e50 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionUpdateRequest - Please enter a valid state. Please use \"Enabled\" or \"Disabled\".\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionName - The transparent data encryption key name is not supported.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionUpdateRequest - Please enter a valid state. Please use \"Enabled\" or \"Disabled\".\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionName - The transparent data encryption key name is not supported.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." }, "201": { "description": "Successfully created the database transparent data encryption state.", diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabases.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabases.json index a5e565506e10..208287395e93 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabases.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedDatabases.json @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidLongTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupId - Invalid long term retention backup identifier for Managed Instances.\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 RetriableMissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidLongTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupId - Invalid long term retention backup identifier for Managed Instances.\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesInBackupSet - Operation was aborted because RESTORE detected one or more corrupted pages in the backup set.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesListMaintenance - Operation was aborted because an internal error occurred while processing the backup taken without checksum.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the managed database." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropPrimary - The Geo-primary database cannot be dropped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotPrimary - The operation cannot be performed since the database '{0}' is a replication target.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 DropDisallowedDuringFailover - Can not drop database because a failover operation is in progress on the failover group.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropPrimary - The Geo-primary database cannot be dropped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropJobAccountDatabase - Cannot drop database associated with job account.\n\n * 400 CannotMoveOrDropSyncMetadataDatabase - Cannot drop database used as sync metadata database.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotPrimary - The operation cannot be performed since the database '{0}' is a replication target.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 DropDisallowedDuringFailover - Can not drop database because a failover operation is in progress on the failover group.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the managed database is in progress." @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCreateOrUpdateRequest - The request body for the create or update database operation is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidSourceDatabaseId - Invalid source database identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidRestorableDroppedDatabaseId - Invalid restorable dropped database identifier\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MissingCollation - Collation is required.\n\n * 400 MissingSourceDatabaseId - Missing source database identifier.\n\n * 400 MissingRestorePointInTime - Missing restore point in time\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerSasToken - Missing storage container SAS token\n\n * 400 MissingStorageContainerUri - Missing storage container URI\n\n * 400 RestorableDroppedDatabaseIdGivenForRestoreWithSourceDatabaseId - Cannot specify restorableDroppedDatabaseId when sourceDatabaseId is already given in restore create mode\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Updating the managed database is in progress." @@ -277,6 +277,110 @@ } } }, + "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/cancelMove": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "ManagedDatabases" + ], + "description": "Cancels a managed database move operation.", + "operationId": "ManagedDatabases_CancelMove", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ResourceGroupParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/ManagedInstanceNameParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/DatabaseNameParameter" + }, + { + "name": "parameters", + "in": "body", + "description": "Parameters of the cancel managed database move operation.", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseMoveDefinition" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/SubscriptionIdParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ApiVersionParameter" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "Successfully canceled move request." + }, + "default": { + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceManagedDatabaseMoveRequest - Invalid Managed Instance database move request.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedDatabaseMoveTargetResourceId - Invalid Managed Instance database move target resource ID in the properties.\n\n * 400 InvalidMoveTargetResourceId - The target resource identifier in move request is invalid.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 XtpServerStateMismatch - Both source and target servers do not support memory optimized data.\n\n * 400 TargetInsufficientStorage - Attempt to move/restore/copy database on the destination instance with insufficient space.\n\n * 400 CrossResourceOperationNotSupported - Cross resource operation is not supported.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseGPFileSizeLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a managed database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate data file size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceGPStorageAccountLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate storage account size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 SystemDatabaseUnsupportedOperation - Unsupported operation for system database.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 CrossManagedInstanceDatabaseMovementNotExist - Database movement does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + }, + "202": { + "description": "Canceling move is in progress." + } + }, + "x-ms-long-running-operation": true, + "x-ms-examples": { + "Cancels a managed database move.": { + "$ref": "./examples/ManagedDatabaseCancelMove.json" + } + } + } + }, + "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/completeMove": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "ManagedDatabases" + ], + "description": "Completes a managed database move operation.", + "operationId": "ManagedDatabases_CompleteMove", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ResourceGroupParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/ManagedInstanceNameParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/DatabaseNameParameter" + }, + { + "name": "parameters", + "in": "body", + "description": "Parameters of the complete managed database move operation.", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseMoveDefinition" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/SubscriptionIdParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ApiVersionParameter" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "Successfully completed move request." + }, + "default": { + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceManagedDatabaseMoveRequest - Invalid Managed Instance database move request.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedDatabaseMoveTargetResourceId - Invalid Managed Instance database move target resource ID in the properties.\n\n * 400 InvalidMoveTargetResourceId - The target resource identifier in move request is invalid.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 XtpServerStateMismatch - Both source and target servers do not support memory optimized data.\n\n * 400 TargetInsufficientStorage - Attempt to move/restore/copy database on the destination instance with insufficient space.\n\n * 400 CrossResourceOperationNotSupported - Cross resource operation is not supported.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseGPFileSizeLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a managed database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate data file size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceGPStorageAccountLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate storage account size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 SystemDatabaseUnsupportedOperation - Unsupported operation for system database.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 CrossManagedInstanceDatabaseMovementNotExist - Database movement does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + }, + "202": { + "description": "Completing move is in progress." + } + }, + "x-ms-long-running-operation": true, + "x-ms-examples": { + "Completes a managed database move.": { + "$ref": "./examples/ManagedDatabaseCompleteMove.json" + } + } + } + }, "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/completeRestore": { "post": { "tags": [ @@ -315,7 +419,7 @@ "description": "Successfully completed restore request." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCompleteRestoreRequest - The complete database restore request is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCompleteRestoreRequestLastBackupName - The last backup name is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 RetriableMissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCompleteRestoreRequest - The complete database restore request is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseCompleteRestoreRequestLastBackupName - The last backup name is invalid\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 TargetServerDoesNotExist - The target server {0} does not exist or is not ready yet. Please check that it exists and retry the restore request.\n\n * 400 TargetServerRestoreNotAllowed - The target server {0} is currently not in a state that allows a restore to be started.\n\n * 400 BackupSetNotFound - No backups were found to restore the database. Please contact support to restore the database.\n\n * 400 FullBackupNotFound - Full backup can not be found.\n\n * 400 MissingThumbprint - Can not find server certificate.\n\n * 400 RestoreFromStripedBackupsNotEnabled - Restoring from striped backups is not supported.\n\n * 400 BackupSetBroken - Backup set is broken.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanNoFullBackup - The restore plan is broken because there is no full backup.\n\n * 400 SqlRestoreError - Non retriable error occurred while restoring backup with index {0} - {1} {2}\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongLogBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not <= lastLsn of next log backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBackupLSN - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of diff backup is not >= firstLsn of full backup.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanGapInLogBackups - The restore plan is broken because firstLsn of current log backup is not equal to lastLsn of prev log backup.\n\n * 400 PartiallyContainedDatabaseUnsupported - \"Backup for a partially contained database is not supported.\"\n\n * 400 RequiredBackupIsNotLastRestored - Migration cannot be completed because provided backup file name is not the name of the last backup file that is restored.\n\n * 400 XtpInitializedDuringRestore - Memory-optimized filegroup must be empty in order to be restored on General Purpose tier of SQL Database Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 FullBackupMissingChecksum - Provided full backup is missing checksum.\n\n * 400 FullBackupDamaged - Provided full backup is damaged.\n\n * 400 MissingStripeInBackupSet - Provided backup set has one or more missing stripes.\n\n * 400 BrokenRestorePlanWrongDiffBaseGUID - The restore plan is broken because DifferentialBaseGuid of diff backup does not match BackupSetGuid of full backup.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooFewDataFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. No data files are found in the backup.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesInBackupSet - Operation was aborted because RESTORE detected one or more corrupted pages in the backup set.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineDataFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online data files exist.\n\n * 400 CorruptedPagesListMaintenance - Operation was aborted because an internal error occurred while processing the backup taken without checksum.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutWrongNumberOfLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple log files are not supported.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutNonOnlineLogFilesExist - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Non-online log files exist.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyNonDataLogFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Too many non-data/log files.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupAlreadySignaledToComplete - The restore request has already been signaled to complete.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupRestoreHasNotBeenStarted - The restore request can only be completed once the restore has started.\n\n * 400 ExternalBackupUpgradeInProgress - The restore request cannot be completed, since upgrade is in progress.\n\n * 400 IncompatiblePhysicalLayoutTooManyXTPFiles - Database backup contains incompatible physical layout. Multiple files found in the filegroup that contains MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageFailure - Blob storage failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerFromTheStart - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedFromTheStart - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceStorageLimitHit - The managed instance has reached its storage limit.\n\n * 400 AutoCompleteMissingLastBackupName - Auto complete restore request must have lastBackupName parameter provided.\n\n * 400 BlobStorageServerFailure - Blob storage server failure has occurred.\n\n * 400 BackupsFromMultipleDatabasesDetectedInTheContainerWhileRestoreInProgress - There are backups from multiple databases in the container. Please make sure the container has backups from a single database.{0}\n\n * 400 ManagedIdentityIssueDetectedWhileRestoreInProgress - Managed identity is not set up properly. Please verify and try again.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." }, "202": { "description": "Completing restore request is in progress." @@ -329,6 +433,61 @@ } } }, + "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/databases/{databaseName}/startMove": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "ManagedDatabases" + ], + "description": "Starts a managed database move operation.", + "operationId": "ManagedDatabases_StartMove", + "parameters": [ + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ResourceGroupParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/ManagedInstanceNameParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/parameters/DatabaseNameParameter" + }, + { + "name": "parameters", + "in": "body", + "description": "Parameters of the start managed database move operation.", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedDatabaseStartMoveDefinition" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/SubscriptionIdParameter" + }, + { + "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/parameters/ApiVersionParameter" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "Successfully started move request." + }, + "default": { + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedInstanceBackupMode - Invalid Managed Instance backup mode in the properties.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedInstanceCompleteMode - Invalid Managed Instance complete mode in the properties.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceManagedDatabaseMoveRequest - Invalid Managed Instance database move request.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedDatabaseMoveTargetResourceId - Invalid Managed Instance database move target resource ID in the properties.\n\n * 400 InvalidMoveTargetResourceId - The target resource identifier in move request is invalid.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseMoveSourceAndTargetNameDoNotMatch - The specified database name '{0}' at the source instance and the specified database name '{1}' at the destination instance must be the same.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPrimary - The given primary field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidPartner - The given partners field in create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestDuplicatePartner - One or more of the provided partner servers are already part of the instance failover group. Please make sure the primary server and all of the given partner servers are unique.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidManagedInstanceRegion - The provided partner managed instance region in the instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPartnerCount - Only one partner region is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestUnsupportedPairCount - Only one managed instance pair is supported.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpoint - The readWriteEndpoint field is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalid - The create or update instance failover group request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupUpdateOrDeleteRequestOnSecondary - Modifications to the instance failover group are not allowed on a secondary server. Execute the request on the primary server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestNegativeGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the read-write endpoint must be non-negative.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestLessThanMinimumGracePeriodValues - Grace period value for the instance failover group must be greater than or equal to the '{0}' minutes minimum grace period\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFields - The property failoverWithDataLossGracePeriodMinutes must be provided when failover policy Automatic is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteFailoverPolicy - The failoverPolicy field for the read-write endpoint is required for create or update requests.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestInvalidReadWriteEndpointFieldsForManualPolicy - Grace period value should not be provided when failover policy Manual is selected for the read-write endpoint.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupCreateOrUpdateRequestReadOnlyPropertyModified - The create or update instance failover group request body should not modify the read-only property '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupFailoverRequestOnPrimary - The failover request should be initiated on the secondary server of instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupPartnerManagedInstanceFromDifferentSubscription - Primary server and the partner server of failover group are from different subscriptions. Cross subscription for servers of failover group is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 XtpServerStateMismatch - Both source and target servers do not support memory optimized data.\n\n * 400 TargetInsufficientStorage - Attempt to move/restore/copy database on the destination instance with insufficient space.\n\n * 400 CrossResourceOperationNotSupported - Cross resource operation is not supported.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseGPFileSizeLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a managed database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate data file size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceGPStorageAccountLimitExceeded - Creating a copy of a database on different SQL Managed Instance with General Purpose service tier would violate storage account size limit. See: 'https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/managed-instance/resource-limits#service-tier-characteristics'.\n\n * 400 SystemDatabaseUnsupportedOperation - Unsupported operation for system database.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 FailoverGroupRegionMismatch - Partner region specified in Failover Group need to match the region of the partner managed instance indicated.\n\n * 400 ServerEditionMismatch - Edition must be the same as the primary server when creating a replica server.\n\n * 400 DnsZoneMismatch - The DNSZone on the partner server is different from the DNSZone on the source server. This breaks InstanceFailoverGroup functionality.\n\n * 400 InvalidTargetSubregion - The target server of a non-readable secondary is not in a DR paired Azure region.\n\n * 400 GeoDrInstanceSizeMismatch - Primary managed instance and partner managed instance do not have the same storage size.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 GeoDrSecondaryInstanceNotEmpty - Secondary managed instance has user databases. To create an instance failover group the secondary managed instance needs to be empty.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupIncorrectNetworkingConfiguration - Networking configuration is incorrect. Primary server's replication traffic cannot reach secondary server.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 RemoteDatabaseCopyPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to create a database copy on the specified server.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidFailoverGroupRegion - Servers specified in an Instance Failover Group need to reside in different regions to provide isolation.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupNotSecondary - Failover cannot be initiated from the primary server in a instance failover group.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidAddSecondaryPermission - User does not have sufficient permission to add secondary on the specified server.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOutForDatabase - User invoked planned failover, it timed out, and a specific database appears to be to blame.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 PitrPointInTimeInvalid - The point in time {0} is not valid. Valid point in time range from {1} days early to now and not before source server creation time.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 StorageAccountFull - Managed Instance has reached the total capacity of underlying Azure storage account. Azure Premium Storage account is limited to 35TB of allocated space.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 InvalidBackupRetentionPeriod - The retention days of {0} is not a valid configuration. Valid backup retention in days must be between {1} and {2}\n\n * 400 ManagedDatabaseNameInUse - Database '{0}' already exists. Choose a different database name.\n\n * 400 NoMoreSpaceInManagedInstance - The managed instance has reached its storage limit. The storage usage for the managed instance cannot exceed (%d) MBs.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 SourceServerNotFound - The server part of a source database id provided in a CreateDatabaseAsCopy API call doesn't map to an existing server.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to reduce the max size for a database to a size smaller than the current usage.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Collation is not recognized by the server.\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 UnsupportedServiceName - The specified name is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.\n\n * 400 CurrentDatabaseLogSizeExceedsMaxSize - User attempted to change the database to a sku with lower max log size than the current usage.\n\n * 400 DatabaseNumberLimitReached - Maximum number of databases for SQL Database Managed Instance reached.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 CrossManagedInstanceDatabaseMovementNotExist - Database movement does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SourceDatabaseNotFound - The source database does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 CannotFindServerCertificateWithThumbprint - Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '{0}'. Please use PowerShell Cmdlet 'Add-AzureRmSqlManagedInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionCertificate' to create the certificate.\n\n * 404 CannotFindObject - Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 RestoreSourceDatabaseNotFound - Could not find database '{0}' at time '{1}' that can be restored.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 405 UnsupportedReplicationOperation - An unsupported replication operation was initiated on the database.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceHasHybridLink - User tried to initiate operation that is not supported when managed instance has a hybrid link configured.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupAlreadyExists - Failover group already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupBusy - Instance failover group is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 InstanceFailoverGroupDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 InvalidFailoverGroupName - Invalid Instance Failover Group name was supplied.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 InvalidDatabaseStateForOperation - The operation is not allowed on the database in its current replication state.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 RemoteDatabaseExists - The destination database name already exists on the destination server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingDatabaseOperation - There is already some operation on the database and the current operation should wait till it is done.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 ActivateOrDeactivateWorkflowThrottling - Activation or deactivation workflow failed because there are too many concurrent workflows\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 DatabaseUnavailable - The operation failed because the database is unavailable.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + }, + "202": { + "description": "Starting move is in progress." + } + }, + "x-ms-long-running-operation": true, + "x-ms-examples": { + "Starts a managed database move with no optional parameters specified.": { + "$ref": "./examples/ManagedDatabaseStartMoveMin.json" + }, + "Starts a managed database move with all optional parameters specified.": { + "$ref": "./examples/ManagedDatabaseStartMoveMax.json" + } + } + } + }, "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/inaccessibleManagedDatabases": { "get": { "tags": [ @@ -424,6 +583,19 @@ } } }, + "ManagedDatabaseMoveDefinition": { + "description": "Contains the information necessary to perform a managed database move.", + "required": [ + "destinationManagedDatabaseId" + ], + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "destinationManagedDatabaseId": { + "description": "The destination managed database ID", + "type": "string" + } + } + }, "ManagedDatabaseProperties": { "description": "The managed database's properties.", "type": "object", @@ -583,6 +755,32 @@ } } }, + "ManagedDatabaseStartMoveDefinition": { + "description": "Contains the information necessary to start a managed database move.", + "required": [ + "destinationManagedDatabaseId" + ], + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "destinationManagedDatabaseId": { + "description": "The destination managed database ID", + "type": "string" + }, + "operationMode": { + "description": "The move operation mode.", + "default": "Move", + "enum": [ + "Move", + "Copy" + ], + "type": "string", + "x-ms-enum": { + "name": "MoveOperationMode", + "modelAsString": true + } + } + } + }, "ManagedDatabaseUpdate": { "description": "An managed database update.", "type": "object", diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.json index 5ab09f7af6c5..2c020c3b0712 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectors.json @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ "description": "Successfully revalidated the encryption protector." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 InvalidEncryptionProtectorName - The encryption protector key name is not supported.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerKeyNotFound - The requested server key was not found on the current subscription.\n\n * 409 EncryptionProtectorChangeInProgress - Cannot update database encryption key protector while protector change is already in progress\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceKeys.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceKeys.json index d9747c0e2ece..de6bf7628e41 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceKeys.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceKeys.json @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the managed instance key." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicies.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicies.json index 29110a3d2a95..a90e36fdcc33 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicies.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicies.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMissingWeekOfYear - WeekOfYear is required to be set between 1 and 52 in order to set yearly retention.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceRequestBody - The resource or resource properties in the request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionMissingWeekOfYear - WeekOfYear is required to be set between 1 and 52 in order to set yearly retention.\n\n * 400 LTRNotSupportedForPerDBCMK - Long-term Backup Retention is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyNotSupported - Long Term Retention is not supported on this database.\n\n * 400 LongTermRetentionPolicyInvalid - Long Term Retention policy is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstances.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstances.json index 8698313293c6..f12f47eee13b 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstances.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedInstances.json @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsZonePartner - The resource URI of the geo-primary managed instance specified in the create request is invalid. Please ensure that the property is of the format /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidMinimalTlsVersion - Invalid minimal TLS version.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorLogin - Invalid or missing external administrator login name.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorSid - Invalid or missing external administrator object id.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorTenantId - Invalid or missing external administrator tenant id.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorPrincipalType - Invalid or missing external administrator principal type. Please select from User, Application or Group.\n\n * 400 MissingExternalAdministratorWithAadOnlyAuth - In order to use Azure AD Only Authentication, please provide details of an external administrator.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorLoginSameAsSqlAdmin - The names of the Azure Active Directory administrator and of the server admin account must be different. Please provide different values.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ManagedInstanceNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified managed instance does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsZonePartner - The resource URI of the geo-primary managed instance specified in the create request is invalid. Please ensure that the property is of the format /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidMinimalTlsVersion - Invalid minimal TLS version.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 400 UpdateOfParameterNotSupported - Update of '{0}' is not supported.\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorLogin - Invalid or missing external administrator login name.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorSid - Invalid or missing external administrator object id.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorTenantId - Invalid or missing external administrator tenant id.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorPrincipalType - Invalid or missing external administrator principal type. Please select from User, Application or Group.\n\n * 400 MissingExternalAdministratorWithAadOnlyAuth - In order to use Azure AD Only Authentication, please provide details of an external administrator.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorLoginSameAsSqlAdmin - The names of the Azure Active Directory administrator and of the server admin account must be different. Please provide different values.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ManagedInstanceNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified managed instance does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidMinimalTlsVersion - Invalid minimal TLS version.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorLogin - Invalid or missing external administrator login name.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorSid - Invalid or missing external administrator object id.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorTenantId - Invalid or missing external administrator tenant id.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorPrincipalType - Invalid or missing external administrator principal type. Please select from User, Application or Group.\n\n * 400 MissingExternalAdministratorWithAadOnlyAuth - In order to use Azure AD Only Authentication, please provide details of an external administrator.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorLoginSameAsSqlAdmin - The names of the Azure Active Directory administrator and of the server admin account must be different. Please provide different values.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ManagedInstanceNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified managed instance does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 MiGeoRestoreWithWrongBackupStorageRedundancy - Geo-Restore is not allowed for managed instances with LRS/ZRS backup storage redundancy.\n\n * 400 UpdatingInstanceAndBackupRedundancy - Instance zone redundancy and backup storage redundancy cannot be updated in the same request.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidMinimalTlsVersion - Invalid minimal TLS version.\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 AadOnlyAuthenticationIsEnabled - Azure Active Directory Only Authentication is enabled. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorLogin - Invalid or missing external administrator login name.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorSid - Invalid or missing external administrator object id.\n\n * 400 InvalidExternalAdministratorTenantId - Invalid or missing external administrator tenant id.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorPrincipalType - Invalid or missing external administrator principal type. Please select from User, Application or Group.\n\n * 400 MissingExternalAdministratorWithAadOnlyAuth - In order to use Azure AD Only Authentication, please provide details of an external administrator.\n\n * 400 ExternalAdministratorLoginSameAsSqlAdmin - The names of the Azure Active Directory administrator and of the server admin account must be different. Please provide different values.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 400 UpdateOfParameterNotSupported - Update of '{0}' is not supported.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 404 ManagedInstanceNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified managed instance does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 409 ConflictingManagedInstanceOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the managed instance.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateAndInstanceRedundancyConflict - The instance is multi-az but backup storage is being updated from zone redundant to non-zone redundant.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateWhileBackupRedundancyUpdateInProgress - Cannot update instance redundancy because backup storage redundancy update is in progress.\n\n * 409 InstanceRedundancyUpdateAndBackupRedundancyConflict - The backup storage is non-zone redundant but instance redundancy is being updated to zone redundant.\n\n * 409 BackupRedundancyUpdateConflict - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because a backup storage redundancy update is already in progress.\n\n * 409 MiDropFailedOnAuthLocks - User tried to drop last Managed Instance in subnet that has Lock applied on resource(s).\n\n * 409 MiCreateFailedNonDelegatedSubnet - User tried to deploy Managed Instance or Managed Instance pool in subnet that is not delegated to Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances.\n\n * 412 InstanceNotReadyForBackupRedundancyUpdate - Cannot update backup storage redundancy because the instance is not ready.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ }, "sku": { "$ref": "../../../common/v1/types.json#/definitions/Sku", - "description": "Managed instance SKU. Allowed values for sku.name: GP_Gen4, GP_Gen5, BC_Gen4, BC_Gen5" + "description": "Managed instance SKU. Allowed values for sku.name: GP_Gen5, GP_G8IM, GP_G8IH, BC_Gen5, BC_G8IM, BC_G8IH" }, "properties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ManagedInstanceProperties", @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ }, "storageSizeInGB": { "format": "int32", - "description": "Storage size in GB. Minimum value: 32. Maximum value: 8192. Increments of 32 GB allowed only.", + "description": "Storage size in GB. Minimum value: 32. Maximum value: 16384. Increments of 32 GB allowed only. Maximum value depends on the selected hardware family and number of vCores.", "type": "integer" }, "collation": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedServerDnsAliases.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedServerDnsAliases.json index 8a7d1ddb3766..8b222c3cf229 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedServerDnsAliases.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ManagedServerDnsAliases.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the managed server DNS alias." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequest - The acquire managed server DNS alias request body is empty or invalid.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestInvalidOldManagedServerDnsAliasResourceId - The old managed server DNS alias id in request body is empty or invalid (it should have the format: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/{managedInstanceName}/dnsAliases/{dnsAliasName}).\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasSubscriptionMismatch - The old managed server DNS subscription id in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ManagedServerDnsAliasAcquireRequestOldManagedServerDnsAliasNameMismatch - The old managed server DNS alias name in request body is different than the one in request URI.\n\n * 400 ServerDnsAliasDoesNotExist - Server DNS Alias does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForDbOnServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for database that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditing - The Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server that has table auditing turned on.\n\n * 400 UnableToCreateServerDnsAliasDueToTableAuditingForDb - Server DNS Alias cannot be created for server '{0}' because database '{1}' has Table Auditing or Security Enabled Access feature enabled.\n\n * 400 LimitOfServerDnsAliasesPerServerExceeded - Creating new Server Dns Alias will exceed the allowed number of Server DNS Aliases per server.\n\n * 400 UnableToTurnOnTableAuditingForServerWithServerDnsAlias - Server Dns Aliases are not working correctly for server that has Table Auditing turned on\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasNameForNamedInstance - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDnsAliasName - Invalid Server DNS Alias name was supplied.\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasBusy - Server DNS Alias is busy with another operation.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ManagedServerAliasDnsZoneMismatch - Managed Server Alias Dns Zone Mismatch\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasDnsRecordInUse - A duplicate DNS record exists for the requested endpoint.\n\n * 409 ServerDnsAliasAlreadyExists - Server DNS Alias already exists on a given server.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -337,6 +337,11 @@ "description": "The fully qualified DNS record for managed server alias", "type": "string", "readOnly": true + }, + "publicAzureDnsRecord": { + "description": "The fully qualified public DNS record for managed server alias", + "type": "string", + "readOnly": true } } } diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ReplicationLinks.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ReplicationLinks.json index 364b12035b40..c802b7eac1cc 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ReplicationLinks.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ReplicationLinks.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksDeleteIsNotSupported - This action is not yet available, please use 2014-04-01 for this action.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksDeleteIsNotSupported - This action is not yet available, please use 2014-04-01 for this action.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -140,12 +140,16 @@ ], "responses": { "200": { - "description": "Successfully deleted the replication link." + "description": "Successfully deleted." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksDeleteIsNotSupported - This action is not yet available, please use 2014-04-01 for this action.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + }, + "202": { + "description": "Deletion operation is in progress." } }, + "x-ms-long-running-operation": true, "x-ms-examples": { "Delete replication link on server": { "$ref": "./examples/ReplicationLinkDelete.json" @@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." }, "202": { "description": "Failover operation is in progress." @@ -245,7 +249,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 ReplicationLinksReplicationLinkNameIsInvalid - Replication link name should be a valid guid.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 LedgerNoDropLink - Geo-replication cannot be stopped because the database has Ledger Digest Uploads enabled. Disable Ledger Digest Uploads and retry the operation.\n\n * 400 CannotUseTrailingWhitespacesInDatabaseName - The database name validation failed.\n\n * 400 GeoReplicationDatabaseNotSecondary - The operation expects the database to be a replication target.\n\n * 400 CannotUseReservedDatabaseName - Cannot use reserved database name in this operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 PlannedFailoverTimedOut - User invoked planned failover, and it timed out while trying to contact the partner management service.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 IncorrectReplicationLinkState - The operation expects the database to be in an expected state on the replication link.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 InvalidOperationForDatabaseNotInReplicationRelationship - A replication seeding operation was performed on a database that is already in a replication relationship.\n\n * 409 GeoReplicationCannotBecomePrimaryDuringUndo - User attempted to failover or force-terminate a geo-link while the secondary is in a state where it may not be physically consistent and so cannot enter the primary role.\n\n * 409 DuplicateGeoDrRelation - The databases are already in a replication relation. This is a duplicate request.\n\n * 409 UpdateSloInProgress - User tried to initiate an incompatible operation while a SLO update was in progress.\n\n * 409 ManagementServiceDatabaseBusy - Database '{0}' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.\n\n * 409 ConflictingSystemOperationInProgress - A system maintenance operation is in progress on the database and further operations need to wait until it is completed.\n\n * 409 FailoverGroupAlreadySetup - The operation cannot be performed because the geo-replication link is part of a Failover Group. You must remove the database from the group in order to individually terminate or failover.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." }, "202": { "description": "Failover operation is in progress." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerDevOpsAudit.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerDevOpsAudit.json index b12f9f8ad3d1..6e701c3ca911 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerDevOpsAudit.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerDevOpsAudit.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found" + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found" + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDevOpsAuditSettingsCreateRequest - The create server DevOps audit policy request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 DataSecurityInvalidUserSuppliedParameter - An invalid parameter value was provided by the client.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDevOpsAuditSettingsName - Invalid server DevOps policy name.\n\n * 400 DevOpsAuditInvalidStorageAccountCredentials - The provided storage account or access key is not valid.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 409 ServerDevOpsAuditSettingsInProgress - Set server DevOps audit is already in progress." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDevOpsAuditSettingsCreateRequest - The create server DevOps audit policy request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 DataSecurityInvalidUserSuppliedParameter - An invalid parameter value was provided by the client.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerDevOpsAuditSettingsName - Invalid server DevOps policy name.\n\n * 400 DevOpsAuditInvalidStorageAccountCredentials - The provided storage account or access key is not valid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 409 ServerDevOpsAuditSettingsInProgress - Set server DevOps audit is already in progress." }, "202": { "description": "Updating the audit DevOps settings is in progress." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerKeys.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerKeys.json index 6a86fd5085e3..8104f039f464 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerKeys.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerKeys.json @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the server key." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyName - An invalid value was given for the server key name.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyType - The create server key type is not supported.\n\n * 400 InvalidUpsertKeyType - Service-managed TDE keys are managed by the service. Service-managed TDE keys don't support Create or Update by the user.\n\n * 400 InvalidKeyUpsertRequest - The create server key request does not exist or has no properties object.\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information ." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted" diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerTrustCertificates.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerTrustCertificates.json index 234f78d2139a..7aa9ee9eb255 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerTrustCertificates.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/ServerTrustCertificates.json @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingPublicBlob - The public blob is missing.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicBlob - Invalid public blob specified, reason: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 MissingCertificateName - The certificate name is missing.\n\n * 400 CertificateAlreadyExists - A certificate with a given name already exists or this certificate already has been added to the database.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 MissingPublicBlob - The public blob is missing.\n\n * 400 InvalidPublicBlob - Invalid public blob specified, reason: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 MissingCertificateName - The certificate name is missing.\n\n * 400 CertificateAlreadyExists - A certificate with a given name already exists or this certificate already has been added to the database.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted request for creating server trust certificate." @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ "description": "Certificate successfully deleted." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingCertificateName - The certificate name is missing.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 400 MissingCertificateName - The certificate name is missing.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." }, "202": { "description": "Accepted request for deleting server trust certificate." @@ -239,8 +239,7 @@ "properties": { "publicBlob": { "description": "The certificate public blob", - "type": "string", - "x-ms-secret": true + "type": "string" }, "thumbprint": { "description": "The certificate thumbprint", diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Servers.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Servers.json index d9118dc6a8ce..8922c0f4a193 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Servers.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/Servers.json @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingImportExportInputParameters - Missing ImportExport input parameters.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportInputParameter - The import/export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 PolybaseImportAuthenticationTypeNotSupported - Authentication type parameter is not support for PolybaseImport operation.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidOperationMode - Invalid operationMode parameter for database extension.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidStorageKeyType - The storage key type must by 'StorageAccessKey'.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsMissingStorageUri - Storage URI cannot be empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidOperationType - Provide a valid operation type.\n\n * 400 ImportExportJobError - The ImportExport operation has failed.\n\n * 400 BlockedByOutboundFirewall - The outbound firewall rules blocked the request.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ImportExportOperationIdNotFound - The operation Id for import or export cannot be found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ImportExportOperationInProgress - There is an import or export operation in progress on the database." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 MissingImportExportInputParameters - Missing ImportExport input parameters.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportInputParameter - The import/export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 PolybaseImportAuthenticationTypeNotSupported - Authentication type parameter is not support for PolybaseImport operation.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidOperationMode - Invalid operationMode parameter for database extension.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsInvalidStorageKeyType - The storage key type must by 'StorageAccessKey'.\n\n * 400 DatabaseExtensionsMissingStorageUri - Storage URI cannot be empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.\n\n * 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.\n\n * 400 DatabaseInvalidSkuPropertyCombination - The properties of the requested sku are inconsistent. Please check that a valid combination is specified. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/sql/capabilities/listbylocation#serviceobjectivecapability for more details.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaxSizeTierCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified database max size.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 InvalidImportExportParameter - The Import/Export request failed due to an invalid input parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.\n\n * 400 InvalidOperationType - Provide a valid operation type.\n\n * 400 ImportExportJobError - The ImportExport operation has failed.\n\n * 400 BlockedByOutboundFirewall - The outbound firewall rules blocked the request.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - Invalid request specifying a non-existent resource.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 ImportExportOperationIdNotFound - The operation Id for import or export cannot be found.\n\n * 404 ServerNotInSubscription - Specified server does not exist on the specified subscription.\n\n * 409 ImportExportOperationInProgress - There is an import or export operation in progress on the database." }, "202": { "description": "Importing the database is in progress." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json index 57f4043decdf..b2ab972ab498 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult.json @@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/BenchmarkReference" }, - "x-ms-identifiers": [], "readOnly": true } } diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json index 9b90740c61c4..f6c59a53a620 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScans.json @@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanError" }, - "x-ms-identifiers": [], "readOnly": true }, "server": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncAgents.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncAgents.json index 1e0a0ca1b2d1..64b186c3263b 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncAgents.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncAgents.json @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Creating or updating the sync agent is in progress." @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the sync agent." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the sync agent is in progress." @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 CannotDeleteInUseSyncAgent - Cannot delete sync agent because it is used by sync member.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_AgentIdAlreadyExists - The sync agent with the same id already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncGroups.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncGroups.json index 6b805d7cf73d..cb4719d4afe7 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncGroups.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncGroups.json @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Creating or updating the sync group is in progress." @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the sync group." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the sync group is in progress." @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Updating the sync group is in progress." @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ "description": "Successfully cancel a sync group synchronization." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ "description": "Successfully refreshed a sync hub schema." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." }, "202": { "description": "The sync hub schema refresh operation is on going." @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ "description": "Successfully triggered a sync group synchronization." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 FeatureDisabledOnSelectedEdition - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled on current database edition.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncGroupDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync group due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupDrop - The sync group is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_UpdateSyncGroupWhenDropping - Cannot update the sync group because it is currently being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidSyncInterval - Cannot create or update sync group because the sync interval is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncGroupName - Cannot create sync group because the sync group with the same name already exists.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." } }, "x-ms-examples": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncMembers.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncMembers.json index e6778c81ea53..26874e264266 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncMembers.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/SyncMembers.json @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Creating or updating the sync member is in progress." @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the sync member." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the sync member is in progress." @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." }, "202": { "description": "Updating the sync member is in progress." @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ "description": "Successfully refreshed a sync member schema." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation." }, "202": { "description": "The sync member schema refresh operation is on going." @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroupCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync group request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMemberCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync member request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentCreateOrUpdateRequest - The create or update sync agent request body is empty.\n\n * 400 InvalidDatabaseResourceId - Invalid database resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgentResourceId - Invalid sync agent resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 MissingServerName - The Server name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingDatabaseName - The Database name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncGroupName - The Sync Group name is missing\n\n * 400 MissingConflictResolutionPolicy - The Conflict Resolution Policy is missing\n\n * 400 MissingSyncAgentName - The Sync Agent name is missing\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_GenericFailure - Failed to perform data sync operation.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncGroup - Sync group is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMember - Sync member is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncAgent - Sync agent is invalid.\n\n * 400 CannotCreateSyncMemberDueToQuotaExceeded - Cannot create sync member due to quota exceeded.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberDrop - The sync member is already being dropped.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_WrongSyncDatabase - The sync database specified does not match the existing one.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_DwInSyncGroup - Cannot use datawarehouse edition in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_MasterDbInSyncGroup - Cannot use logical master in data sync.\n\n * 400 SyncOperation_InvalidCredential - Credential of database is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidSyncMetadataDatabase - Sync metadata database is invalid.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 DatabaseDoesNotExist - User has specified a database name that does not exist on this server instance.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_HubServerNotFound - Hub logical server does not exist.\n\n * 404 SyncOperation_InvalidHubDatabase - Hub database is invalid.\n\n * 409 SyncOperation_DuplicateSyncMemberName - Cannot create sync member because the sync member with the same name already exists." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TimeZones.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TimeZones.json index 04319dcf3c82..b06f0077cbf1 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TimeZones.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TimeZones.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 NameAlreadyExists - The provided name already exists.\n\n * 400 InvalidCollation - Invalid collation.\n\n * 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.\n\n * 400 UnableToResolveRemoteServer - The remote partner server name could not be resolved due to an invalid server name or DNS connectivity issues.\n\n * 400 HkCannotSwitchToInactive - The database cannot proceed with pricing-tier update as it has memory-optimized objects. Please drop such objects and try again.\n\n * 400 TokenTooLong - The provided token is too long.\n\n * 400 CloudLifterUnsupportedFeature - The functionality is not available on the Managed Instance at this time.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceSloUpdateFailed - SLO '{0}' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '{1}' exceeds the quota.\n\n * 400 OperationCanNotStartDueToMiLink - The '{0}' operation cannot be completed as there exists a database in a process of creation through Managed Instance link. Please wait for the link creation to complete, or delete the link, and retry the operation again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceLocalStorageUpdateSloDisabled - Update SLO for managed instances with local storage is not supported yet.\n\n * 400 InvalidSubnetResourceId - The provided subnet resource ID for the managed instance create or update is invalid.\n\n * 400 VnetInWrongRegion - Virtual network is in wrong region.\n\n * 400 AlterDbDeactivatedNotSupported - Database Operation failed for Server '{0}', Database '{1}' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.\n\n * 400 VnetAddressRangeError - Virtual network address range is invalid.\n\n * 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigIsNotAllowed - Virtual network configuration is not allowed.\n\n * 400 InstanceFailoverGroupDoesNotExist - Failover group does not exist on a server.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceClassicVnetNotSupported - Managed Instance cannot be joined to a classic virtual network.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNsg - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with Network Security Groups.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasNoUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet without default User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidUdr - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid User Defined Route Table.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasInvalidDns - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with invalid custom DNS.\n\n * 400 VnetConfigHasServiceEndpoints - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet with service endpoints.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsInUse - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is not empty.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsLocked - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is in locked scope.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsGateway - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that is Gateway subnet.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetIsUnknown - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that does not exist.\n\n * 400 VnetSubnetConflictWithIntendedPolicy - User tried to inject Managed Server subnet that has a conflict with IntendedPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidEditionForSku - The specified edition {0} is not consistent with the specified SKU {1}.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidLicenseType - The specified license type {0} is not valid.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceUpdateSloInProgress - \"The operation could not be completed because a service tier change is in progress for managed instance '{0}.' Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\"\n\n * 400 VnetResourceNotFound - Resource not found: '{0}'.\n\n * 400 InstanceCollationUpdateNotSupported - User cannot change instance collation on Managed Instance.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultCollationNotSupported - User can create a Managed Instance only with collation 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceOperationInProgress - The operation could not be completed because {0} operation is in progress. Please wait for the operation in progress to complete and try again.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceExceedMaxAzureStorage - The operation could not be completed because total allocated storage size for General Purpose instance would exceed {0}. Please reduce the number of database files and retry operation.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceHasGeoReplica - The operation could not be completed because instance has configured geo replicated secondary instance.\n\n * 400 InvalidDnsZone - The operation has failed because you are attempting to deploy managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to the subnet {0} in which there already exists a managed instance. Deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary is supported only in cases when managed instance is the first instance deployed in a subnet. Consider deploying managed instance as a geo-replication secondary to a different subnet in which there are no existing managed instances, or if deploying to a subnet with existing managed instance disable the geo-replication option.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceInvalidStorageSizeLessThenCurrentSizeUsed - Invalid storage size: Storage size limit ({0} GB) is less that current storage used ({1} GB). Please specify higher storage size limit.\n\n * 400 InvalidTimezone - Invalid timezone.\n\n * 400 InstanceTimezoneUpdateNotSupported - Instance timezone update not supported.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceWithNonDefaultTimezoneNotSupported - Create Managed Instance with non-default timezone not supported.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit - Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation.\n\n * 400 VnetDelegationNotAllowed - User tried to inject Managed Server to subnet which is delegated.\n\n * 400 SubnetHasResourcesOfDifferentType - User tried to create MI in subnet that has resources of different type.\n\n * 400 UpdateManagedServerWithMaintenanceWindowNotAllowed - Update of Managed Instance with maintenance window settings is not allowed.\n\n * 400 VnetPrepareNIPFailed - User tried to prepare subnet that has a conflict with NetworkIntentPolicy.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceDeprecatedHardwareFamily - Changing the hardware generation to deprecated {0} generation is not possible.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceBackupStorageTypeNotSupported - Backup storage type parameter is not allowed in the instance update operation.\n\n * 400 EmptyPDCInvalidDnsZone - This managed instance cannot be deployed because its DNS-zone does not match the DNS-prefix of its intended virtual cluster for subnet {0}. Although this virtual cluster is empty, its DNS-prefix cannot be changed. Empty virtual clusters will be automatically removed after several hours. Consider waiting for this virtual cluster to expire or manually deleting this virtual cluster and then creating the managed instance.\n\n * 400 MissingIdentityId - No user assigned identity is provided when the identity type is set to UserAssigned\n\n * 400 InvalidPrimaryIdentityId - User provides a value for PrimaryUserIdentityId but the same is not listed in the IdentityId parameter\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureNotSupported - ZoneRedundant feature is not supported for the selected service tier. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-service-tier-characteristics.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeEnabled - Enabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceZoneRedudantFeatureCantBeDisabled - Disabling zoneRedundant feature is not possible once managed instance is created. For more details visit aka.ms/sqlmi-high-availability.\n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 MissingPrimaryIdentity - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SubnetIdCantBeUpdated - Changing managed instance subnet is not supported operation. Please remove this parameter from the request.\n\n * 400 MigrationToAnotherVNetNotSupported - Selected subnet is in another Virtual Network. Moving managed instance to another Virtual Network is not possible. Please provide subnet from Virtual Network {0}.\n\n * 400 MigrationToSubnetWithDifferentDnsZoneNotSupported - Provided subnet is having different DNS zone from the current. Changing instance DNS zone is not supported. Please provide subnet with same DNS zone, create a new subnet or provide empty one.\n\n * 400 MigrationToGen4SubnetNotSupported - It is not possible to update subnet while running on Gen4 hardware as it is being deprecated. Please upgrade your hardware from Gen4 to Gen5 as part of the changing managed instance subnet operation by specifying both parameters at the same time: destination subnet and hardware generation.\n\n * 400 PrimaryIdentityMissingPermissionForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId is not provided in the API call\n\n * 400 InvalidIdentityTypeForKeyId - KeyId is provided by user during create but identity type is not set to 'UserAssigned'\n\n * 400 ServerNotFound - The requested server was not found.\n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceFileExceededMaxAzureStorageFileSizeLimit - The operation could not be completed because some of the database files are exceeding maximum General Purpose file size limit of {0} GB.\n\n * 400 InstancePoolNotEnoughCapacity - An instance pool does not have enough capacity\n\n * 400 SourceAndTargetSubnetsMustBeVnetPeered - Subnet currently used by managed instance and provided destination subnet are part of the virtual networks that are not connected with virtual network peering, or have peering established but don't have allowed traffic. In order to move managed instance from one subnet to another, virtual network peering needs to be established from both source and target virtual network. Please configure virtual network requirements and then try the operation again. Learn more https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/tutorial-connect-virtual-networks-portal#peer-virtual-networks. \n\n * 400 ManagedInstanceAndSubnetAreNotOnTheSameSubscription - Subnet provided for managed instance deployment is located on subscription different than the one submitted for managed instance. Managed instance and subnet used for deploying the instance must be on the same subscription. Please provide another subnet or switch to the subnet subscription and then try the operation again.\n\n * 400 CreateManagedInstanceInvalidSubnetSize - User attempted to create managed instance in a subnet that is smaller than the allowed minimal subnet size.\n\n * 400 AddressRangeOfTargetSubnetAndSubnetOfGeoDRReplicaCantOverlap - Subnet selected for managed instance migration has address range that overlaps with address range of subnet that holds geo replicated secondary instance. Please verify that your subnet is configured according to guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 TargetSubnetMustBeConfiguredToAllowGeoDRReplication - Subnet selected for managed instance migration is not configured to enable communication with a geo replicated secondary instance. Please check if all of the required ports are open. To properly configure your subnet read the guidelines in https://aka.ms/move-managed-instance. \n\n * 400 InvalidIdentifier - The identifier contains NULL or an invalid unicode character.\n\n * 400 InvalidLoginName - The provided login name is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidUsername - Supplied user name contains invalid characters.\n\n * 400 PasswordTooShort - The provided password is too short\n\n * 400 PasswordTooLong - The provided password is too long.\n\n * 400 PasswordNotComplex - The provided password is not complex enough.\n\n * 400 GatewayInvalidEdition - '{0}' is not a valid database edition in this version of SQL Server.\n\n * 400 InvalidLocation - An invalid location was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to a parameter.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerName - Invalid server name specified.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 InstancePoolNotFound - An instance pool cannot be found\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 405 InvalidVcoreValue - vCore value {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid vCore value.\n\n * 405 InvalidHardwareGenerationValue - HardwareGeneration {0} is not valid. Please specify a valid HardwareGeneration value.\n\n * 405 InvalidStorageSizeValue - \"Invalid storage size: {0} GB. Storage size must be specified between {1} and {2} gigabytes, in increments of {3} GB.\n\n * 409 ConflictingServerOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the server.\n\n * 409 SubscriptionDisabled - Subscription is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerOverridePreconditionFailed - Failed to apply server override on category '{0}', because physical db or instance '{1}' in server '{2}' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.\n\n * 409 ManagedInstanceIsBusy - The server '{0}' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.\n\n * 409 ServerAlreadyExists - Duplicate server name.\n\n * 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.\n\n * 409 ServerQuotaExceeded - Server cannot be added to a subscription because it will exceed quota.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 500 GatewayInternalServerError - The server encountered an unexpected exception.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 504 RequestTimeout - Service request exceeded the allowed timeout." } }, "x-ms-examples": { diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TransparentDataEncryptions.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TransparentDataEncryptions.json index a35136c91517..4dd7787d6308 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TransparentDataEncryptions.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/TransparentDataEncryptions.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionUpdateRequest - Please enter a valid state. Please use \"Enabled\" or \"Disabled\".\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionName - The transparent data encryption key name is not supported.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SecurityAdalPrincipalCertExpiredError - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault principal certificate has expired.\n\n * 400 AkvHostNotResolvingFromNode - AKV host '{0}' is not resolvable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityInvalidAzureKeyVaultRecoveryLevel - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 KeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Remote server does not have access to key material used as a TDE protector.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultRsaKeyNotSupported - The provided key vault uses unsupported RSA Key Size or Key Type. The supported RSA key size is 2048 or 3072 and Key Type is RSA or RSA-HSM.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultKeyDisabled - The operation could not be completed on the server because the Azure Key Vault key is disabled.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidExpirationDate - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key expiration date is invalid.\n\n * 400 SameKeyUriNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material from the same key vault as the primary server's encryption protector with key auto-rotation enabled.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultUrlNullOrEmpty - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.\n\n * 400 SameKeyMaterialNotFoundOnRemoteServer - Secondary server does not have the key material of the primary server's encryption protector.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKRestoreNotSupported - Database restore is not supported when Database-level CMK is configured in preview.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultNoServerIdentity - The server identity is not correctly configured.\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKHSNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Hyperscale edition.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultInvalidUri - An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMissingPermissions - The server is missing required permissions on the Azure Key Vault. \n\n * 400 UmiMissingAkvPermissions - PrimaryUserAssignedIdentityId provided by user does not have access to KeyId provided\n\n * 400 AkvEndpointNotReachableFromNode - AKV endpoint '{0}' is not reachable from SQL, on server '{1}'.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultInvalidKeyName - The operation could not be completed because of an invalid Server Key name.\n\n * 400 AdalGenericError - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AdalServicePrincipalNotFound - The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory library Service Principal not found error was encountered.\n\n * 400 AzureKeyVaultMalformedVaultUri - The provided Key Vault uri is not valid.\n\n * 400 SecurityAzureKeyVaultGeoChainError - Creating secondary of secondary (a process known as chaining) is not supported when enabling Transparent Data Encryption using Azure Key Vault (BYOK).\n\n * 400 PerDatabaseCMKDWNotSupported - Database-level CMK in preview is not supported for Datawarehouse edition.\n\n * 400 ReadOnly - Cannot enable or modify database encryption on a database that is read-only, has read-only files or is not recovered.\n\n * 400 CanNotDropAlterOnMirror - Please modify Transparent Data Encryption on the primary databases.\n\n * 400 AttemptedEncryptionOnSystemDatabase - Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionUpdateRequest - Please enter a valid state. Please use \"Enabled\" or \"Disabled\".\n\n * 400 InvalidTransparentDataEncryptionName - The transparent data encryption key name is not supported.\n\n * 401 CanNotChangeReadOnlyDuringTdeScan - Cannot modify filegroup read-only/read-write state while an encryption transition is in progress.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyNameAlreadyExists - The server key already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyUriAlreadyExists - The server key URI already exists on the server.\n\n * 409 ServerKeyDoesNotExists - The server key does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyNameNotFound - The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name does not exist.\n\n * 409 AzureKeyVaultKeyInUse - The key is currently being used by the server.\n\n * 409 NeedsLogBackup - Please wait several minutes for a log backup to occur. \n\n * 409 EncryptionInProgress - Cannot modify encryption while an encryption scan in progress.\n\n * 409 KeyChangeInProgress - Cannot change database encryption key while an encryption, decryption, or key change scan is in progress.\n\n * 409 NoBulkOperationLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database. Try again later.\n\n * 409 AltStateConflict - The operation cannot be performed on database because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group.\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultConnectionFailed - The operation could not be completed on the server because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault have failed\n\n * 503 AzureKeyVaultGenericConnectionError - The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information .\n\n * 503 NoDekLock - CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on the database. Try again later." }, "201": { "description": "Successfully created the database transparent data encryption state.", diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/VirtualClusters.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/VirtualClusters.json index 5c7f35b238ec..bc6c18212d1a 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/VirtualClusters.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/VirtualClusters.json @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress with request\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress. Virtual cluster is automatically created with first instance creation, and automatically removed with last instance deletion. Learn more here: https://aka.ms/sqlmi-virtual-cluster-removal.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsNotEmpty - Virtual cluster is not empty and cannot be deleted.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsBusy - Virtual cluster is currently busy. Please retry operation later.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." } }, "x-ms-pageable": { @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress with request\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress. Virtual cluster is automatically created with first instance creation, and automatically removed with last instance deletion. Learn more here: https://aka.ms/sqlmi-virtual-cluster-removal.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsNotEmpty - Virtual cluster is not empty and cannot be deleted.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsBusy - Virtual cluster is currently busy. Please retry operation later.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." } }, "x-ms-examples": { @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "description": "Successfully deleted the virtual cluster." }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress with request\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress. Virtual cluster is automatically created with first instance creation, and automatically removed with last instance deletion. Learn more here: https://aka.ms/sqlmi-virtual-cluster-removal.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsNotEmpty - Virtual cluster is not empty and cannot be deleted.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsBusy - Virtual cluster is currently busy. Please retry operation later.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." }, "202": { "description": "Deleting the virtual cluster is in progress." @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ } }, "default": { - "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress with request\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." + "description": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.\n\n * 400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowSettings - Invalid maintenance window settings.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowProperty - Invalid maintenance window property was specified.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowPropertyNull - Invalid maintenance window with required properties null.\n\n * 400 InvalidMaintenanceWindowTypeWithPropertySpecified - Maintenance window type must not have certain properties specified.\n\n * 400 UpdateOfParameterNotSupported - Update of '{0}' is not supported.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.\n\n * 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.\n\n * 404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress. Virtual cluster is automatically created with first instance creation, and automatically removed with last instance deletion. Learn more here: https://aka.ms/sqlmi-virtual-cluster-removal.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsNotEmpty - Virtual cluster is not empty and cannot be deleted.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterIsBusy - Virtual cluster is currently busy. Please retry operation later.\n\n * 409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.\n\n * 409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.\n\n * 429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.\n\n * 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources." }, "202": { "description": "Updating virtual cluster is in progress." diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseAuditingSettingsList.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseAuditingSettingsList.json index 209df306cba3..49357b6e40b9 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseAuditingSettingsList.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseAuditingSettingsList.json @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ "auditActionsAndGroups": [], "storageAccountSubscriptionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse": false, - "isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled": false + "isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled": false, + "isManagedIdentityInUse": false } } ] diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseBlobAuditingGet.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseBlobAuditingGet.json index 448583484b12..f92224438e4a 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseBlobAuditingGet.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseBlobAuditingGet.json @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ "auditActionsAndGroups": [], "storageAccountSubscriptionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "isStorageSecondaryKeyInUse": false, - "isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled": false + "isAzureMonitorTargetEnabled": false, + "isManagedIdentityInUse": false } } } diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan.json index 3b4bdf5db455..b5cb8d23afc4 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan.json @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "server": "vulnerabilityassessmenttest-6411", "database": "testdb", "sqlVersion": "15.0.2000", - "startTime": "2020-06-23T09:49:00.6455136+03:00", + "startTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.6455136+00:00", "endTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.7236217Z", "highSeverityFailedRulesCount": 3, "mediumSeverityFailedRulesCount": 2, diff --git a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordsListByDatabase.json b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordsListByDatabase.json index ab4706553a86..45677a26b0f6 100644 --- a/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordsListByDatabase.json +++ b/specification/sql/resource-manager/Microsoft.Sql/preview/2022-02-01-preview/examples/DatabaseSqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordsListByDatabase.json @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "server": "vulnerabilityassessmenttest-6411", "database": "testdb", "sqlVersion": "15.0.2000", - "startTime": "2020-06-23T09:49:00.6455136+03:00", + "startTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.6455136+00:00", "endTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.7236217Z", "highSeverityFailedRulesCount": 3, "mediumSeverityFailedRulesCount": 2, @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "server": "vulnerabilityassessmenttest-6411", "database": "testdb", "sqlVersion": "15.0.2000", - "startTime": "2020-06-23T09:49:00.6455136+03:00", + "startTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.6455136+00:00", "endTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.7236217Z", "highSeverityFailedRulesCount": 3, "mediumSeverityFailedRulesCount": 2, @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ "server": "vulnerabilityassessmenttest-6411", "database": "testdb", "sqlVersion": "15.0.2000", - "startTime": "2020-06-23T09:49:00.6455136+03:00", + "startTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.6455136+00:00", "endTime": "2020-06-23T06:49:00.7236217Z", "highSeverityFailedRulesCount": 3, "mediumSeverityFailedRulesCount": 2, diff --git 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