Dec 6 22:15:01.324579 spine-1 INFO liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="5776" x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed Dec 6 22:15:33.477572 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:15:33 NOTICE CORE_API: Initialize Bin Allocator delay: 55 Dec 6 22:15:38.586195 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:15:38,585 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:15:40.856906 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 40, in reinit_data#012 self.update_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in update_data#012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in #012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS:oid:0x1000000000170'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:15:40.871926 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: No managment ports found in b'MGMT_PORT|' Dec 6 22:15:43.915886 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:15:38,585 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:15:53.477859 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:15:53.477594018Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/exec/b5cc4f68e09b6e2682fe82b1f30e6b4ab7dd5ba2107a2616cb7009e2fb936907/resize returned error: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"containerd: processs not found for container\"" Dec 6 22:16:41.079928 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 46, in start#012 self.update_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 99, in update_data#012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 99, in #012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS:oid:0x1000000000170'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:17:41.286877 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 79, in reinit_data#012 mibs.init_sync_d_queue_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 277, in init_sync_d_queue_tables#012 queue_name_map = db_conn.get_all(COUNTERS_DB, COUNTERS_QUEUE_NAME_MAP, blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS_QUEUE_NAME_MAP'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:17:41.301871 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: No managment ports found in b'MGMT_PORT|' Dec 6 22:18:41.533761 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 46, in start#012 self.update_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 193, in update_data#012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 193, in #012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS:oid:0x1000000000170'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:18:41.549385 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: No managment ports found in b'MGMT_PORT|' Dec 6 22:19:00.841362 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories... Dec 6 22:19:00.855982 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Dec 6 22:19:40.009221 spine-1 ERR ntpd[5765]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:19:40.010072 spine-1 ERR ntpd[5765]: unable to create socket on eth0 (8) for Dec 6 22:19:40.010757 spine-1 INFO ntpd[5765]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:19:41.754509 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 40, in reinit_data#012 self.update_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in update_data#012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in #012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS:oid:0x1000000000170'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:19:41.769461 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: No managment ports found in b'MGMT_PORT|' Dec 6 22:19:41.773356 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: Invalid interface name in *' in APP_DB, skipping Dec 6 22:19:41.774090 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] INFO: AgentX socket connection established. Initiating opening handshake... Dec 6 22:20:41.965036 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 40, in reinit_data#012 self.update_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in update_data#012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 49, in #012 for sai_id in self.if_id_map}#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS:oid:0x1000000000170'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:20:45.989344 spine-1 INFO config: 'reload' executing... Dec 6 22:20:46.003087 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:20:46.043425 spine-1 INFO[7714]: 2018-12-06 22:20:46,042 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:20:46.044187 spine-1 INFO[7714]: 2018-12-06 22:20:46,043 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:20:46.046668 spine-1 INFO[7714]: 2018-12-06 22:20:46,046 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:20:46.182924 spine-1 INFO[8442]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:20:46.189873 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:20:46.206165 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping SNMP container... Dec 6 22:20:46.253222 spine-1 INFO[7587]: 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:20:46.254154 spine-1 INFO[7587]: 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:49.257815 spine-1 INFO[7587]: 2018-12-06 22:20:49,257 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:50.319826 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:20:50.319918 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:50.319974 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:49,257 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:52.262079 spine-1 INFO[7587]: 2018-12-06 22:20:52,261 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:55.266392 spine-1 INFO[7587]: 2018-12-06 22:20:55,265 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:20:56.253098 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:20:56.252880032Z" level=info msg="Container 6edf099728713a20d3ccf973b8fc8b64c3129ec64df4133cd108a66972acdc5a failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:20:56.380061 spine-1 INFO[8466]: snmp Dec 6 22:20:56.385442 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: snmp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:20:56.387310 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped SNMP container. Dec 6 22:20:56.388157 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: snmp.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:20:56.388861 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: snmp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:20:56.389922 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping switch state service... Dec 6 22:20:56.709870 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:56,709 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:20:56.710650 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:56,709 INFO waiting for vrfmgrd, neighsyncd, intfsyncd, portmgrd, buffermgrd, portsyncd, intfmgrd, vlanmgrd, nbrmgrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:20:56.712619 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:56,712 INFO stopped: nbrmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:57.716541 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:57,715 INFO stopped: vrfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:58.720006 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:58,719 INFO stopped: buffermgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:58.722757 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:58,722 INFO stopped: portmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:58.725454 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:58,724 INFO stopped: intfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:58.727843 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:58,727 INFO stopped: vlanmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:20:59.730308 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:20:59,729 INFO waiting for neighsyncd, intfsyncd, portsyncd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:21:00.732889 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:21:00,732 INFO stopped: neighsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:21:00.735041 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:21:00,734 INFO stopped: intfsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:21:00.736895 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:21:00,736 INFO stopped: portsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:21:01.741785 spine-1 INFO[5785]: 2018-12-06 22:21:01,741 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:21:01.899691 spine-1 INFO[8489]: swss Dec 6 22:21:01.923585 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping syncd service... Dec 6 22:21:02.305815 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd_request_shutdown: :- main: requested COLD shutdown Dec 6 22:21:02.321408 spine-1 INFO[8585]: requested COLD shutdown Dec 6 22:22:26.588230 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: swss.service: Stopping timed out. Terminating. Dec 6 22:22:26.590575 spine-1 INFO[8489]: Terminated Dec 6 22:22:26.608728 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: swss.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=143 Dec 6 22:22:26.609383 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped switch state service. Dec 6 22:22:26.609967 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: swss.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:22:26.610573 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: swss.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 6 22:22:26.647953 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping LLDP container... Dec 6 22:22:26.689935 spine-1 INFO[7368]: 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:22:26.690626 spine-1 INFO[7368]: 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:28.119823 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:22:28.119891 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:29.693891 spine-1 INFO[7368]: 2018-12-06 22:22:29,693 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:32.088407 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: syncd.service: Stopping timed out. Terminating. Dec 6 22:22:32.090890 spine-1 INFO[6236]: Terminated Dec 6 22:22:32.092543 spine-1 INFO[8585]: Terminated Dec 6 22:22:32.096676 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=143/n/a Dec 6 22:22:32.697927 spine-1 INFO[7368]: 2018-12-06 22:22:32,697 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:35.701979 spine-1 INFO[7368]: 2018-12-06 22:22:35,701 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:36.690757 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:22:36.690544285Z" level=info msg="Container 36e93ec2bd25580d4d974ee953ba696bbcc82ba07b197b436105bc48037d6b1b failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:22:37.160192 spine-1 INFO[12797]: lldp Dec 6 22:22:37.163895 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: lldp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:22:37.176849 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped LLDP container. Dec 6 22:22:37.177564 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: lldp.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:22:37.178191 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: lldp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:22:37.201332 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping Platform monitor container... Dec 6 22:22:37.243776 spine-1 INFO[7055]: 2018-12-06 22:22:37,243 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:22:37.244071 spine-1 INFO pmon#xcvrd: Caught SIGTERM - exiting... Dec 6 22:22:37.245013 spine-1 INFO[7055]: 2018-12-06 22:22:37,244 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:40.248179 spine-1 INFO[7055]: 2018-12-06 22:22:40,247 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:43.252658 spine-1 INFO[7055]: 2018-12-06 22:22:43,251 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:45.323987 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:37,243 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:22:45.323987 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:37,244 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:45.323987 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:40,247 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:45.323987 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:43,251 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:46.255884 spine-1 INFO[7055]: 2018-12-06 22:22:46,255 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:22:47.243858 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:22:47.243625507Z" level=info msg="Container ea004f381e04ad1c72e3feddef34e6200981999e44867f1d952db61c377c6469 failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:22:47.366562 spine-1 INFO[13341]: pmon Dec 6 22:22:47.371454 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: pmon.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:22:47.374775 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped Platform monitor container. Dec 6 22:22:47.377295 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: pmon.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:22:47.377894 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: pmon.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:22:47.390012 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping BGP container... Dec 6 22:22:57.429284 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:22:57.429060724Z" level=info msg="Container cb104541808f8e642701c2842e50d825cbf828dbfa979b1cd969f4b9c7375335 failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:22:57.544494 spine-1 INFO[13869]: bgp Dec 6 22:22:57.551921 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped BGP container. Dec 6 22:22:57.569380 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping TEAMD container... Dec 6 22:22:57.611178 spine-1 INFO[6469]: 2018-12-06 22:22:57,610 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:22:57.611882 spine-1 INFO[6469]: 2018-12-06 22:22:57,611 INFO waiting for teamsyncd, rsyslogd, teammgrd to die Dec 6 22:22:57.612959 spine-1 INFO[6469]: 2018-12-06 22:22:57,612 INFO stopped: teammgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:22:57.614393 spine-1 INFO[6469]: 2018-12-06 22:22:57,613 INFO stopped: teamsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:22:57.619237 spine-1 INFO[6469]: 2018-12-06 22:22:57,616 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:22:57.743850 spine-1 INFO[14399]: teamd Dec 6 22:22:57.753232 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped TEAMD container. Dec 6 22:22:58.359685 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update hostname based on configdb... Dec 6 22:22:58.949586 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update hostname based on configdb. Dec 6 22:24:02.338245 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: syncd.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing. Dec 6 22:24:02.338891 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Killing process 8585 ( with signal SIGKILL. Dec 6 22:24:02.340024 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Killing process 17763 (sleep) with signal SIGKILL. Dec 6 22:24:02.341073 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Control process exited, code=killed status=9 Dec 6 22:24:02.343963 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped syncd service. Dec 6 22:24:02.345373 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:24:02.346695 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: syncd.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 6 22:24:02.348530 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update interfaces configuration... Dec 6 22:24:02.515867 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17772]: Killed old client process Dec 6 22:24:02.516680 spine-1 INFO[17765]: Killed old client process Dec 6 22:24:03.535982 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17772]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:24:03.537280 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17772]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:24:03.538374 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17772]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:24:03.539413 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17772]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:24:04.010635 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17795]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:24:04.011528 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17795]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:24:04.012412 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17795]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:24:04.012993 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17795]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:24:05.538402 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping ifupdown2 networking initialization... Dec 6 22:24:05.562606 spine-1 INFO networking[17822]: networking: Deconfiguring network interfaces Dec 6 22:24:05.841922 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped ifupdown2 networking initialization. Dec 6 22:24:05.844742 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting ifupdown2 networking initialization... Dec 6 22:24:05.853446 spine-1 INFO networking[17839]: networking: Configuring network interfaces Dec 6 22:24:06.236546 spine-1 WARNING systemd-udevd[17860]: Could not generate persistent MAC address for mgmt: No such file or directory Dec 6 22:24:06.267760 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17861]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:24:06.268612 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17861]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:24:06.269559 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17861]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:24:06.270267 spine-1 ERR dhclient[17861]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:24:06.675716 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1210.266469] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready Dec 6 22:24:06.675748 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1210.266475] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0 Dec 6 22:24:06.720022 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17882]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8 Dec 6 22:24:06.784163 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 3 Dec 6 22:24:08.009414 spine-1 INFO ntpd[5765]: Deleting interface #3 eth0, fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2#123, interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=591 secs Dec 6 22:24:09.595699 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1213.185088] igb 0000:00:14.0 eth0: igb: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX Dec 6 22:24:09.666712 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 4 Dec 6 22:24:09.703695 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1213.292828] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready Dec 6 22:24:11.009411 spine-1 INFO ntpd[5765]: Listen normally on 9 eth0 [fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2]:123 Dec 6 22:24:13.263048 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 6 Dec 6 22:24:13.264355 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:24:13.265511 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPOFFER of from Dec 6 22:24:13.266417 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: DHCPACK of from Dec 6 22:24:13.352884 spine-1 INFO dhclient[17900]: bound to -- renewal in 2842 seconds. Dec 6 22:24:13.559183 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started ifupdown2 networking initialization. Dec 6 22:24:13.955473 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update interfaces configuration. Dec 6 22:24:13.974153 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update NTP configuration... Dec 6 22:24:14.570964 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Start NTP daemon... Dec 6 22:24:14.594538 spine-1 NOTICE ntpd[5765]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 (Terminated) Dec 6 22:24:14.615078 spine-1 INFO ntp[17975]: Stopping NTP server: ntpd. Dec 6 22:24:14.620462 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Start NTP daemon. Dec 6 22:24:14.626464 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start NTP daemon... Dec 6 22:24:14.654180 spine-1 NOTICE ntpd[17993]: ntpd 4.2.8p10@1.3728-o Sun Feb 25 21:22:55 UTC 2018 (1): Starting Dec 6 22:24:14.656779 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1218.245992] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135054.647:17): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="sbin" pid=17993 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:24:14.656811 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1218.246024] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135054.647:18): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="bin" pid=17993 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:24:14.656819 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1218.246055] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135054.647:19): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="image-master.0-dirty-20181203.155003/rw/usr/sbin" pid=17993 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:24:14.656824 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1218.246084] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135054.647:20): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="image-master.0-dirty-20181203.155003/rw/usr/bin" pid=17993 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:24:14.654594 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17993]: Command line: /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ -g -u 105:109 Dec 6 22:24:14.654963 spine-1 INFO ntp[17985]: Starting NTP server: ntpd. Dec 6 22:24:14.656478 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started LSB: Start NTP daemon. Dec 6 22:24:14.657191 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: proto: precision = 0.230 usec (-22) Dec 6 22:24:14.658069 spine-1 WARNING ntpd[17996]: restrict KOD does nothing without LIMITED. Dec 6 22:24:14.658768 spine-1 WARNING ntpd[17996]: restrict ::: KOD does nothing without LIMITED. Dec 6 22:24:14.659950 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Listen normally on 0 lo Dec 6 22:24:14.660912 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update NTP configuration. Dec 6 22:24:14.661771 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(17) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:24:14.662651 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (1) for Dec 6 22:24:14.663434 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:24:14.664206 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Listen normally on 2 lo [::1]:123 Dec 6 22:24:14.664716 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Listen normally on 3 eth0 [fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2]:123 Dec 6 22:24:14.665211 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Listening on routing socket on fd #19 for interface updates Dec 6 22:24:14.675769 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update rsyslog configuration... Dec 6 22:24:15.267191 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging Service... Dec 6 22:24:15.269476 spine-1 INFO liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="5776" x-info=""] exiting on signal 15. Dec 6 22:24:15.270758 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped System Logging Service. Dec 6 22:24:15.274924 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting System Logging Service... Dec 6 22:24:15.281908 spine-1 INFO liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="18007" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:15.282918 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started System Logging Service. Dec 6 22:24:15.288922 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update rsyslog configuration. Dec 6 22:24:15.303976 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started switch state service. Dec 6 22:24:15.323003 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting BGP container... Dec 6 22:24:15.879634 spine-1 INFO[18016]: OK Dec 6 22:24:15.995256 spine-1 INFO[18016]: OK Dec 6 22:24:16.105444 spine-1 INFO[18016]: OK Dec 6 22:24:16.655899 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:24:16.656532 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (4) for Dec 6 22:24:16.657018 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:24:16.848107 spine-1 INFO[18026]: Starting existing bgp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:17.018734 spine-1 INFO[18026]: bgp Dec 6 22:24:17.020472 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started BGP container. Dec 6 22:24:17.041568 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting TEAMD container... Dec 6 22:24:17.781812 spine-1 INFO[18016]: Starting existing swss container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:17.974495 spine-1 INFO[18016]: swss Dec 6 22:24:18.207312 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started syncd service. Dec 6 22:24:18.353639 spine-1 INFO[18016]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:18.354257 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:18.388716 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:18,388 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:18.392598 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:18,388 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:18.411864 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:18,410 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:18.412465 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:18,410 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:18.664318 spine-1 INFO[18327]: Starting existing teamd container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:18.772687 spine-1 INFO bgp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="34" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:18.807728 spine-1 INFO[18321]: [....] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd#033[?25l#0337#033[1G[#033[32m ok #033[39;49m#0338#033[?12l#033[?25h. Dec 6 22:24:18.853036 spine-1 INFO[18477]: OK Dec 6 22:24:18.858641 spine-1 INFO[18327]: teamd Dec 6 22:24:18.867513 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started TEAMD container. Dec 6 22:24:18.868325 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:24:18.906498 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Platform monitor container... Dec 6 22:24:18.924439 spine-1 INFO[18321]: Starting Frr daemons (prio:10):. zebra2018/12/06 22:24:18 warnings: ZEBRA: Disabling MPLS support (no kernel support) Dec 6 22:24:18.925768 spine-1 INFO[18321]: 2018/12/06 22:24:18 errors: ZEBRA: vty_read_config: failed to open configuration file /etc/frr/zebra.conf: Permission denied Dec 6 22:24:18.926409 spine-1 INFO[18321]: 2018/12/06 22:24:18 errors: ZEBRA: can't open configuration file [/etc/frr/zebra.conf] Dec 6 22:24:19.020431 spine-1 INFO[18717]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:19.021273 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:19.057039 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:19,054 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:19.057753 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:19,055 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:19.083260 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:19,082 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:19.088032 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:19,083 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:19.119903 spine-1 INFO[18321]: . bgpd2018/12/06 22:24:19 errors: BGP: vty_read_config: failed to open configuration file /etc/frr/bgpd.conf: Permission denied Dec 6 22:24:19.120653 spine-1 INFO[18321]: 2018/12/06 22:24:19 errors: BGP: can't open configuration file [/etc/frr/bgpd.conf] Dec 6 22:24:19.139218 spine-1 INFO[18321]: . Dec 6 22:24:19.174535 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: watchfrr 4.0 watching [zebra bgpd] Dec 6 22:24:19.415511 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Starting MST (Mellanox Software Tools) driver set Dec 6 22:24:19.424103 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:19,413 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:19.441003 spine-1 INFO[18477]: [warn] mst_pci is already loaded, skipping Dec 6 22:24:19.454351 spine-1 INFO[18477]: [warn] mst_pciconf is already loaded, skipping Dec 6 22:24:19.455204 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Create devices Dec 6 22:24:19.880463 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: zebra state -> up : connect succeeded Dec 6 22:24:19.969936 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: bgpd state -> up : connect succeeded Dec 6 22:24:19.969936 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: Watchfrr: Notifying Systemd we are up and running Dec 6 22:24:20.091972 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:20,086 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:20.175290 spine-1 INFO[18321]: Starting Frr monitor daemon: watchfrr. Dec 6 22:24:20.308607 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:20,307 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 14 Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:57,610 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:57,611 INFO waiting for teamsyncd, rsyslogd, teammgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:57,612 INFO stopped: teammgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:57,613 INFO stopped: teamsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:57,616 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:19,054 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:19,055 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:19,082 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:19,083 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:20,086 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:20,307 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 14 Dec 6 22:24:20.328343 spine-1 INFO teamd#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="14" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:20.362444 spine-1 INFO[18321]: line 4: Failure to communicate[13] to zebra, line: log file /var/log/frr/frr.log Dec 6 22:24:20.363093 spine-1 INFO[18321]: #015 Dec 6 22:24:20.376831 spine-1 INFO[18321]: Configuration file[/etc/frr/frr.conf] processing failure: 13 Dec 6 22:24:20.385058 spine-1 INFO[18321]: Exiting from the script Dec 6 22:24:20.392249 spine-1 INFO[18321]: root@spine-1:/# Waiting for fpm-client connection... Dec 6 22:24:20.420942 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:20,419 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:20.632562 spine-1 INFO[18721]: Starting existing dhcp_relay container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:20.737297 spine-1 INFO[18743]: Starting existing pmon container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:20.827260 spine-1 INFO[18721]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:24:20.843873 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:24:20.983311 spine-1 INFO[18743]: pmon Dec 6 22:24:20.987845 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Platform monitor container. Dec 6 22:24:21.012555 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting LLDP container... Dec 6 22:24:21.188354 spine-1 INFO[19394]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:21.189195 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:21.225996 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,225 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:21.226680 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,225 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:21.230419 spine-1 INFO[19394]: Unlinking stale socket /var/run/supervisor.sock Dec 6 22:24:21.235243 spine-1 ERR mlxfwmanager: LIBMVPD: MVPD_READ4 failed on offset:0, RC[2] Dec 6 22:24:21.312232 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,311 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:21.313201 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,311 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:21.323244 spine-1 ERR mlxfwmanager: LIBMVPD: MVPD_READ4 failed on offset:0, RC[2] Dec 6 22:24:21.327105 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:21.451817 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Mellanox firmware is up to date Dec 6 22:24:21.493873 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Reloading udev: Dec 6 22:24:21.556004 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,549 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:21.556605 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,550 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:21.557155 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,549 INFO spawned: 'teammgrd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:21.604403 spine-1 NOTICE teamd#teammgrd: :- main: --- Starting teammrgd --- Dec 6 22:24:21.674822 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Loading SX driver:[ OK ] Dec 6 22:24:21.759835 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:21,749 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:56,709 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:56,709 INFO waiting for vrfmgrd, neighsyncd, intfsyncd, portmgrd, buffermgrd, portsyncd, intfmgrd, vlanmgrd, nbrmgrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:56,712 INFO stopped: nbrmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:57,715 INFO stopped: vrfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:58,719 INFO stopped: buffermgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772019 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:58,722 INFO stopped: portmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772065 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:58,724 INFO stopped: intfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772101 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:58,727 INFO stopped: vlanmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772101 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:59,729 INFO waiting for neighsyncd, intfsyncd, portsyncd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:21.772101 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:21:00,732 INFO stopped: neighsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772121 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:21:00,734 INFO stopped: intfsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772155 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:21:00,736 INFO stopped: portsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:24:21.772155 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:21:01,741 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:21.772185 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:18,388 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:21.772185 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:18,388 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:21.772203 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:18,410 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:21.772219 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:18,410 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:21.772219 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:19,413 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:21.772244 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:20,419 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:21.772261 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,749 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:24:21.772261 spine-1 INFO swss#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="37" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:22.381808 spine-1 INFO[19315]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:22.383002 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:22.395603 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,394 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.396480 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,395 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.416013 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,415 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.416798 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,416 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.555163 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,553 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.556261 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,553 INFO success: teammgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.559420 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teammgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:22.759826 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,753 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.768408 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:22.770452 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,769 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.778683 spine-1 INFO[19408]: Starting existing lldp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:22.789775 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,781 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.790577 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:22,789 INFO spawned: 'teamsyncd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:49,343 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:49,343 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:50,355 INFO stopped: xcvrd (exit status 143) Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:52,358 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:53,362 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:23,028 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.813730 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:23,028 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.813782 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:23,049 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.813782 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:23,050 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.813825 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:24,053 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.813825 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:24,540 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.813825 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:24,562 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.813871 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,577 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.813871 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,868 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.813890 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,869 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.813907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,232 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.813907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,233 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.813945 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,714 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 30 Dec 6 22:24:22.813945 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,720 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.813964 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,783 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.813980 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,895 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.813980 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,077 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814020 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:42,961 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.814020 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:42,962 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814020 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:45,965 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814020 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:48,969 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814068 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:51,973 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814068 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:21,503 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.814092 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:21,503 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.814092 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:21,844 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.814133 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:21,845 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.814133 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:22,853 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.814133 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:23,171 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814181 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:23,182 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.814181 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,186 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814207 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,407 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.814207 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,408 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814230 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,703 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.814230 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,704 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814268 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:25,099 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814268 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:25,126 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:24:22.814268 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:25,136 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814315 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:25,224 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814315 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,682 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814340 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:43,853 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.814340 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:43,854 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814364 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:46,858 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814364 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:49,862 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814393 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:52,867 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814393 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:28,845 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.814435 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:28,847 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.814435 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:29,181 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.814454 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:29,182 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.814454 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:30,185 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.814485 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:30,426 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814485 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:30,436 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.814508 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,439 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814508 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,748 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.814538 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,748 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814538 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,138 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.814580 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,139 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814580 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,708 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814607 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,879 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:24:22.814607 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,881 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814625 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,941 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814641 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,569 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814641 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:06,472 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.814665 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:06,472 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814682 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:09,477 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814682 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:12,481 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814720 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:15,485 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.814720 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:46,213 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.814720 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:46,213 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.814769 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:46,556 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.814769 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:46,557 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.814794 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:47,563 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:24:22.814794 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:47,910 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814817 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:47,921 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:22.814817 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,926 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814845 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,197 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:22.814845 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,198 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,660 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:22.814883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,661 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,020 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,077 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:24:22.814907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,079 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.814907 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,134 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814965 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,027 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.814965 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:46,457 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.814988 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:46,457 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815005 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:49,462 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815005 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:52,466 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815044 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:55,470 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815044 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:25,677 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.815044 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:25,677 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.815077 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:26,003 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.815094 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:26,008 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.815094 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:27,011 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.815118 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:27,420 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815135 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:27,446 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.815135 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,449 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815159 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,707 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.815176 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,719 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815176 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,276 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.815217 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,276 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815217 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,508 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815242 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,802 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:24:22.815242 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,803 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815266 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,867 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815266 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:30,844 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815290 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,686 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.815307 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,687 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815307 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:17,690 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815344 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:20,694 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815344 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:23,697 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.815369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,066 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.815369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,068 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.815408 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,391 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.815408 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,392 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.815433 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:48,396 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.815433 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:48,577 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815456 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:48,585 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.815472 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,588 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815472 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,776 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.815497 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,777 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815514 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,959 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.815514 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,960 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815555 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,157 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:22.815555 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,157 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.815555 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,181 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815589 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,427 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815589 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,819 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.815678 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,966 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,967 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:58,970 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:01,975 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:04,979 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,239 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,240 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,562 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,563 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.816797 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:16,566 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:22.816866 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:16,742 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.816866 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:16,752 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 14 Dec 6 22:24:22.816911 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:17,755 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.816911 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:17,945 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:22.816929 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:17,945 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.816929 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,131 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:22.816975 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,132 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.816975 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,332 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:22.816994 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,332 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817010 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,361 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817010 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,577 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817048 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,962 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817048 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:46,358 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.817072 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:46,359 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817072 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:49,363 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817109 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:52,368 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817109 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:55,373 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817128 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:23,365 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.817144 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:23,366 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.817144 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:23,689 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.817181 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:23,700 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.817181 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:24,703 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.817205 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:24,912 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817205 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:24,922 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.817242 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,925 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817242 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,160 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:22.817266 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,161 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817266 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,363 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:22.817304 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,365 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817304 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,590 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:22.817322 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,591 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817338 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,616 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817338 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,749 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817375 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,598 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:22.817375 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:37,243 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:22.817394 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:37,244 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817410 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:40,247 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817410 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:43,251 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817446 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:46,255 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:22.817446 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,225 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:22.817470 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,225 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:22.817470 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,549 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:22.817511 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,550 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:22.817511 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,553 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:22.817529 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,769 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:22.817545 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,781 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:22.817545 spine-1 INFO pmon#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="12" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:22.823462 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teamsyncd Listens to teamd events... Dec 6 22:24:22.962497 spine-1 INFO[19408]: lldp Dec 6 22:24:22.966040 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started LLDP container. Dec 6 22:24:22.995810 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting SNMP container... Dec 6 22:24:23.133851 spine-1 INFO[19601]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:23.134537 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:23.153748 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,152 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:23.154393 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,153 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:23.157111 spine-1 INFO[19601]: Unlinking stale socket /var/run/supervisor.sock Dec 6 22:24:23.221465 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,220 INFO spawned: 'orchagent' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:24:23.393429 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Starting existing syncd container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:23.424184 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,418 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:23.430568 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:24:23.425729970Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/containers/syncd/start returned error: Container already started" Dec 6 22:24:23.431256 spine-1 INFO[18477]: syncd Dec 6 22:24:23.480136 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,478 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:23.480779 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,479 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:23.609307 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- main: --- Starting Orchestration Agent --- Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- clear_local_state: clearing local state Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611456 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611456 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611491 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611491 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611530 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611530 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611553 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611553 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611586 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611586 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611654 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611654 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611692 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611692 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611710 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611725 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611725 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611758 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611758 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:24:23.611781 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- startRecording: started recording: /var/log/swss/sairedis.rec Dec 6 22:24:23.611797 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initSaiRedis: Enable redis pipeline Dec 6 22:24:23.611797 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: sending syncd INIT view Dec 6 22:24:23.614092 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_internal_notify_syncd: wait for notify response Dec 6 22:24:23.622130 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,621 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,042 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,043 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,046 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,394 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,395 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,415 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:23.638780 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,416 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:23.638828 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,418 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:23.638828 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,621 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:23.638863 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="23" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:23.786001 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,785 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:23.788703 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:23.825688 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,825 INFO success: teamsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:23.828816 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teamsyncd: started Dec 6 22:24:23.848090 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,847 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:23.931930 spine-1 INFO[18321]: Connected! Dec 6 22:24:23.988112 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,985 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:23.988728 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:23,986 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:23.998297 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors: started Dec 6 22:24:24.182509 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,181 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:24.183553 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,182 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.192742 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: ledd: started Dec 6 22:24:24.224475 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,223 INFO success: orchagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.227926 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: orchagent: started Dec 6 22:24:24.243841 spine-1 INFO pmon#ledd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:24:24.384816 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,384 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:24.385774 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,384 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.389767 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: xcvrd: started Dec 6 22:24:24.408371 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,407 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:24.464497 spine-1 INFO pmon#xcvrd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:24:24.483242 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,482 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:24.499709 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors Starting sensor daemon: sensord Dec 6 22:24:24.508582 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors . Dec 6 22:24:24.508582 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: sensord started Dec 6 22:24:24.509513 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,508 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:24.509896 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: mlxsw-virtual-0 Dec 6 22:24:24.510046 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: Virtual device Dec 6 22:24:24.536795 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 40.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.536795 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: coretemp-isa-0000 Dec 6 22:24:24.536795 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: ISA adapter Dec 6 22:24:24.536795 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 0: 22.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.536795 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 1: 22.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.536840 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 2: 24.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.536871 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 3: 24.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.536871 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: lm75-i2c-7-4a Dec 6 22:24:24.537027 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6) Dec 6 22:24:24.540387 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 27.0 C (limit = 80.0 C, hysteresis = 75.0 C) Dec 6 22:24:24.540387 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: pmbus-i2c-5-27 Dec 6 22:24:24.540387 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 4) Dec 6 22:24:24.540387 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vin: +11.89 V (min = +10.00 V, max = +15.00 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.540387 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout1: +3.31 V (min = +3.04 V, max = +3.56 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.540433 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout2: +1.20 V (min = +1.10 V, max = +1.29 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.540463 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 27.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.540463 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp2: 26.9 C Dec 6 22:24:24.540619 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: mlxsw-i2c-2-48 Dec 6 22:24:24.540619 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 1) Dec 6 22:24:24.556247 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan1: 15932 RPM Dec 6 22:24:24.572165 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan2: 16737 RPM Dec 6 22:24:24.588148 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan3: 17396 RPM Dec 6 22:24:24.604167 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan4: 17396 RPM Dec 6 22:24:24.624560 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,623 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.625737 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,624 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.628225 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 40.0 C Dec 6 22:24:24.628225 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: lm75-i2c-7-4b Dec 6 22:24:24.628287 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6) Dec 6 22:24:24.630785 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 26.5 C (limit = 80.0 C, hysteresis = 75.0 C) Dec 6 22:24:24.630785 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: pmbus-i2c-5-41 Dec 6 22:24:24.630785 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 4) Dec 6 22:24:24.631069 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vin: +11.89 V (min = +10.00 V, max = +15.00 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.632856 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:24.638532 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout1: +0.95 V (min = +0.87 V, max = +1.02 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.643877 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout2: +1.82 V (min = +1.66 V, max = +1.94 V) Dec 6 22:24:24.643877 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 24.3 C Dec 6 22:24:24.643877 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp2: 24.5 C Dec 6 22:24:24.749621 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,748 INFO spawned: 'restore_neighbors' with pid 54 Dec 6 22:24:24.750962 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,750 INFO success: restore_neighbors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:24.751988 spine-1 INFO[19609]: Starting existing snmp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:24.769781 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors: started Dec 6 22:24:24.952768 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:24,952 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.018905 spine-1 INFO[19609]: snmp Dec 6 22:24:25.270251 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,269 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:24:25.282073 spine-1 INFO[19609]: /usr/bin/ line 31: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,057 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,057 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,078 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,079 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:17,081 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.295763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:17,659 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.295814 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,662 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.295814 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,663 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.295860 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,848 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.295860 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:19,933 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.295860 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:20,114 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.295879 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:21,118 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.295895 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:21,300 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.295895 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:22,303 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.295939 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:22,331 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.295939 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,378 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.295958 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,379 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.295996 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:29,382 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.295996 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:32,386 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.295996 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:35,389 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296017 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,278 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.296033 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,278 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.296048 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,603 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.296048 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,605 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.296086 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:35,608 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:25.296086 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:36,178 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:24:25.296105 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,181 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296143 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,182 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296143 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,381 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:25.296143 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:38,454 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296164 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:38,637 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:25.296164 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:39,990 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296202 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:40,171 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:24:25.296202 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:41,175 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296221 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:41,202 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.296239 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,736 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.296254 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,736 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296254 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:21,741 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:24,745 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:27,750 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:26,704 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:26,706 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:27,035 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:27,036 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:28,039 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:28,608 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,611 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,611 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,810 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:30,906 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:31,086 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:32,090 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:32,272 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:34,219 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:34,248 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,764 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,764 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:49,769 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:52,773 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:55,778 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:55,804 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:55,805 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:56,131 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:56,132 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:57,135 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:57,713 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,715 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,716 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,908 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:00,003 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:00,201 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:01,545 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:01,730 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 68 Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:02,733 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:02,762 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:19,729 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:19,730 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:22,733 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296853 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:25,737 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:28,741 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.296897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,606 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.296897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,607 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.296897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,948 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.296924 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,949 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.296924 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:15,952 INFO spawned: '' with pid 15 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,954 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,053 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,055 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,305 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,406 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,610 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,218 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,407 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:23,271 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:23,298 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:19,450 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:19,451 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:22,454 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:25,458 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:28,464 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,252 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,252 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,573 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,574 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:13,577 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,490 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,492 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,492 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,714 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,818 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,059 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,576 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,802 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,638 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,673 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:24,492 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:24,492 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:27,496 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:30,500 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297431 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:33,505 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297431 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,190 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.297471 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,190 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.297471 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,513 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.297471 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,515 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.297515 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:19,522 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:24:25.297515 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,367 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.297534 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,371 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297550 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,371 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297550 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,607 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,706 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,953 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,699 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,916 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 88 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,679 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,716 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,182 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,183 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:04,187 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:07,191 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:10,196 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:09,720 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:09,720 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:10,043 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:10,044 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:11,048 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:11,597 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,599 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,600 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,805 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:13,885 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:14,067 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:15,363 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:15,548 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:16,551 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:16,581 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:48,368 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:48,368 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:51,373 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:54,377 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:57,381 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.297952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,365 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.298030 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,365 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.298062 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,688 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.298062 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,689 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.298062 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:42,692 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.298087 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,566 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.298087 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,571 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298127 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,571 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298127 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,801 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.298145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,878 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298176 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:46,099 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.298176 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,527 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298176 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,735 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.298202 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,738 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298202 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,771 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,796 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,797 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:32,801 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:35,803 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:38,807 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,206 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,206 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,529 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,531 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:03,535 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:04,088 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,091 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,092 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,283 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:06,371 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:06,552 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:07,858 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:08,041 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 68 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:09,043 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:09,073 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:44,861 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:44,862 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:47,866 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:50,870 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:53,874 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,173 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,175 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,501 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,502 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:48,505 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:49,072 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:25.298586 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,075 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298686 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,075 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298686 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,279 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:25.298686 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:51,362 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298706 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:51,547 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.298724 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:52,861 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298724 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:53,045 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:24:25.298763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:54,048 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.298763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:54,076 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.298780 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:33,690 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.298813 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:33,691 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298813 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:36,696 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298813 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:39,700 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298839 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:42,705 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.298839 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,222 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,222 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,543 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,544 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:29,546 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,463 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,470 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,470 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,809 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,886 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,118 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,595 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,799 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,778 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,804 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,587 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,587 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:40,592 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:43,596 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:46,599 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,421 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,422 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,746 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,748 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:12,752 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:13,328 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,331 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,332 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,525 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:15,667 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:15,849 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:17,158 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:17,342 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:24:25.299240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:18,345 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.299320 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:18,376 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.299320 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:43,717 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:43,717 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:46,721 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:49,725 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:52,729 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,159 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,159 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,480 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,481 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:39,485 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,369 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,373 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,373 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,739 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,826 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,086 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,609 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,816 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 82 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,057 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,084 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:43,130 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:43,130 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:46,134 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:49,138 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:52,142 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:32,911 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:32,911 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:33,237 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:33,243 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:34,246 INFO spawned: '' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:35,028 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,031 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,031 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,231 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 36 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:37,293 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:37,487 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 46 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:38,819 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:39,004 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:40,007 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:40,043 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:00,684 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:00,685 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:03,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:06,694 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:09,698 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,990 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,991 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:13,318 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:13,319 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:14,322 INFO spawned: '' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:14,861 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,863 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,864 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:16,049 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:17,471 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:17,656 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:19,637 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:19,824 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 73 Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:20,941 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:20,967 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,493 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,493 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:52,496 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:55,499 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303731 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:58,503 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,334 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,335 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,660 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,661 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:56,664 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:57,232 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,235 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,235 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,432 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:59,510 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:59,690 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:01,002 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:01,185 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:02,187 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:02,216 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:10,761 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:10,762 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:13,767 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:16,770 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:19,775 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,322 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,322 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,650 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,652 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:06,654 INFO spawned: '' with pid 15 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,609 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,611 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,612 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,861 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,935 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:10,147 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:11,909 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,138 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,814 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,847 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,379 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,380 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:51,383 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:54,387 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:57,392 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,291 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,291 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,615 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,616 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:56,619 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:57,184 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,187 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,187 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,389 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:59,486 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:59,668 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:00,974 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:01,158 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:02,161 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:02,189 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:19,341 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:19,342 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:22,346 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:25,350 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:28,354 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,572 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,572 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,903 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.303943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,910 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:13,913 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:14,759 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,762 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,762 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:16,022 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,109 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,533 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,158 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,702 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,826 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,894 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:07,980 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:07,980 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:10,985 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:13,989 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:16,994 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,622 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,622 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,957 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,958 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:01,965 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:02,922 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,925 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,925 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:04,234 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,330 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,564 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,263 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,591 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,605 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,655 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:09,380 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:09,380 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:12,384 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:15,387 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:18,391 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:03,917 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:03,917 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:04,253 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:04,258 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:05,261 INFO spawned: '' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:05,978 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,982 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,982 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,320 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 35 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,374 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,791 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 44 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,472 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,932 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 89 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,769 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,831 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:54,203 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:54,204 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:57,208 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:45:00,213 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:45:03,218 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:54,866 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:54,866 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:55,189 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:55,191 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:56,195 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:56,755 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,758 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304124 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,758 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,963 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:59,058 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:59,240 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:00,564 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:00,747 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:01,750 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:01,780 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:39,127 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:39,128 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:42,132 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,136 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,782 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,840 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:55,902 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:55,903 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:58,907 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:01,912 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:04,915 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,522 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,522 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,856 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,859 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,863 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,707 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,710 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,710 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,958 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,026 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,295 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,204 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,783 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,787 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,864 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:35,896 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:35,897 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:38,902 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:41,906 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:44,910 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,143 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,143 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,472 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,479 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,485 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:30,475 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,479 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,480 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,712 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:32,781 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,210 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,638 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:35,023 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,047 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,090 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,684 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,684 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:17,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:20,692 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:23,696 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,312 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,313 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,638 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,639 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:48,642 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.304445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,196 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,199 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,199 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,417 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:51,517 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:51,715 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:53,021 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:53,205 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:54,209 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:54,237 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,985 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,986 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:58,990 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:01,995 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:05,064 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,420 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,423 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,744 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,745 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:16,748 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:17,293 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,295 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,296 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,496 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:19,605 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:19,787 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:21,104 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:21,287 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:22,289 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:22,320 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:36,134 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:36,135 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:39,139 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:42,144 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304893 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:45,147 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.304893 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,431 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.304893 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,431 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.304893 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,753 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.304923 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,754 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.304923 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,757 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,739 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,743 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,745 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,994 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,103 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,330 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,918 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.305012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,237 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.305064 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,781 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:25.305064 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,809 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.305084 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.305084 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.305111 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:29,693 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.305111 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:32,697 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:35,701 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,152 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,153 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,478 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,479 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,482 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,269 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:24:25.307145 spine-1 INFO lldp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="18" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:25.418262 spine-1 INFO pmon#ledd: Failed to locate platform-specific led_control module. Dec 6 22:24:25.426006 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,425 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.484829 spine-1 INFO[19609]: 0 Dec 6 22:24:25.496263 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started SNMP container. Dec 6 22:24:25.513602 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:24:25.541699 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,537 INFO spawned: 'portsyncd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:25.573687 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,572 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:25.574491 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,573 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:25.576246 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,571 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:25.576884 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,571 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:25.579923 spine-1 INFO[19315]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,578 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:25.592048 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.182482] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.592096 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.182490] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.599719 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.189676] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.599755 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.189683] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.607677 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.196847] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.607710 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.196852] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.611746 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.203738] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.611777 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.203743] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.623694 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.215104] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.623726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.215108] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.631718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.221837] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.631752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.221840] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.639717 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.228398] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.639751 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.228401] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.653727 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors restore_neighbors service is started Dec 6 22:24:25.653727 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors restore_neighbors service is skipped as warm restart not enabled Dec 6 22:24:25.655465 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:25,654 INFO exited: restore_neighbors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:25.660076 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.250534] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.660107 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.250538] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.666777 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.256373] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.666809 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.256377] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.671694 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.262183] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.671725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.262187] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.679682 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.269631] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.679718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.269635] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.683741 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.275277] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.683776 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.275280] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.691713 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.280961] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.691754 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.280963] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.695682 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.286640] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.695716 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.286644] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.703752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.292142] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.703792 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.292145] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.707717 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.297688] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:24:25.707751 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1229.297691] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Listen to link messages... Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Read port configuration file... Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'name' Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'lanes' Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'speed' Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'index' Dec 6 22:24:25.713194 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'alias' Dec 6 22:24:25.715384 spine-1 INFO[19824]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:24:25.724067 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:24:25.724748 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:24:26.274777 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:26.275480 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:26.287796 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:26.467669 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:26,466 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:26.487776 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol LLDP enabled Dec 6 22:24:26.487854 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol LLDP enabled Dec 6 22:24:26.487854 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol CDPv1 disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.487878 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol CDPv1 disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.487942 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol CDPv2 disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.488862 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol CDPv2 disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.488862 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol SONMP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.488862 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol SONMP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.488943 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol EDP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.489005 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol EDP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.489993 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: protocol FDP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.489993 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method Dec 6 22:24:26.489993 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/main] protocol FDP disabled Dec 6 22:24:26.489993 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/event] libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method Dec 6 22:24:26.578112 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:26,577 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:26.715665 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:26,715 INFO success: portsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:26.720601 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd: started Dec 6 22:24:26.882992 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet0 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.883690 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet0 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.883822 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet4 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.884409 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet4 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.884524 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet8 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.885264 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet8 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.885605 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet12 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.886302 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet12 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.886597 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet16 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.887388 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet16 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.887730 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet20 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.888545 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet20 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.888866 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet24 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.889720 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet24 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.890000 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet28 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.890721 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet28 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.891082 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet32 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.891568 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet32 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.892263 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet36 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.892799 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet36 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.893405 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet40 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.893997 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet40 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.894668 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet44 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.895245 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet44 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.895892 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet48 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.896478 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet48 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.897069 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet52 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.897622 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet52 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.898213 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet56 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.898772 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet56 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.899381 spine-1 WARNING lldp#lldpd[25]: error while receiving frame on Ethernet60 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.899981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [WARN/interfaces] error while receiving frame on Ethernet60 (retry: 0): Network is down Dec 6 22:24:26.900923 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpcli[24]: lldpd should resume operations Dec 6 22:24:26.902063 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:26 [INFO/lldpctl] lldpd should resume operations Dec 6 22:24:27.132268 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:27,131 INFO spawned: 'intfsyncd' with pid 102 Dec 6 22:24:27.147902 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfsyncd Listens to interface messages... Dec 6 22:24:27.273582 spine-1 INFO[19892]: Starting existing dhcp_relay container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:24:27.477860 spine-1 INFO[19892]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:24:27.482900 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:24:27.523448 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:27,521 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.545241 spine-1 INFO snmp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="20" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:19,945 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:19,945 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:20,028 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:20,029 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:21,032 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:22,035 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:22,684 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:23,687 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:23,883 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:24,886 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:25,069 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:26,072 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:26,097 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,370 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,371 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:29,375 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:32,379 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:35,384 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,006 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,007 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,336 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,338 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:54,341 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:55,341 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:55,348 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:56,350 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:56,538 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:57,541 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:57,725 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:58,729 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:58,750 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,716 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,717 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:21,721 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:24,725 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:27,730 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,364 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,365 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,694 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,695 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:38,699 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:39,701 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:39,804 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:40,807 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:40,999 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:42,002 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:42,186 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:43,189 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:43,210 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,779 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,779 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:49,783 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:52,787 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:55,792 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:06,782 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:06,783 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:07,114 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:07,116 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:08,119 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:09,123 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:09,168 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:10,171 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:10,366 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.547711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:11,368 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:11,552 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:12,555 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:12,577 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:49,607 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:49,607 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:52,611 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:55,615 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:58,619 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,927 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,927 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,249 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,250 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,253 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,257 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,359 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:20,362 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:20,575 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,579 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,785 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:22,789 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:22,811 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:50,850 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:50,850 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:53,855 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:56,857 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:59,860 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,299 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,299 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,631 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,632 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,635 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,637 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,673 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,675 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,893 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,895 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:19,101 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,106 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,128 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:53,461 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:53,462 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:56,466 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:59,470 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:02,474 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,216 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,216 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,541 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,542 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,545 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,549 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,623 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:23,627 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:23,952 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,957 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:25,158 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,162 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,183 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,145 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,145 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:04,150 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:07,155 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:10,159 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:45,811 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.547901 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:45,811 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:46,142 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:46,142 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:47,146 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:48,144 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:48,148 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:49,151 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:49,374 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:50,377 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:50,574 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:51,577 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:51,615 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:18,897 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:18,897 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:21,901 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:24,904 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:27,908 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,587 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,588 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,914 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,915 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,919 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,921 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,996 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:46,999 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,198 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,201 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,416 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:49,424 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:49,445 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,783 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,784 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:32,786 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:35,790 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:38,793 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:29,755 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:29,755 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:30,084 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:30,085 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:31,088 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:32,088 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:32,094 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:33,097 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:33,281 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:34,283 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548090 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:34,465 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.548234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:35,469 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:35,490 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.548234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:14,763 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.548234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:14,763 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:17,766 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548263 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:20,770 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548304 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:23,774 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548304 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,308 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.548304 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,309 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548304 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,639 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548331 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,640 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548347 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:04,643 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.548347 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:05,643 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548374 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:05,647 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.548374 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:06,650 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548416 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:06,834 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.548416 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:07,838 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548439 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:08,045 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.548439 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:09,048 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548481 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:09,069 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.548481 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:04,134 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.548481 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:04,134 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548481 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:07,138 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548521 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:10,142 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548521 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:13,145 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548549 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,222 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.548549 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,227 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548585 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,551 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548585 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,552 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548609 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,556 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.548625 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,558 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548625 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,639 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.548661 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,644 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548661 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,849 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.548684 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,854 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548700 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:35,072 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.548700 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,075 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.548735 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,099 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.548735 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,575 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.548758 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,576 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548774 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:40,580 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548774 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:43,583 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548798 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:46,586 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.548814 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,333 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.548814 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,333 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.548851 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,661 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.548851 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,662 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.548875 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:40,665 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.548875 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:41,652 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,655 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,656 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,848 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:43,851 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:44,046 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:45,049 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:45,072 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:12,989 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:12,989 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:15,993 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:18,996 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:21,999 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,220 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,221 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,543 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,544 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,547 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,549 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,676 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,679 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,915 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,918 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:45,123 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,126 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,146 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:14,122 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:14,123 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:17,126 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:20,130 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:23,134 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,066 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,066 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,396 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,399 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:43,402 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:44,303 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,307 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,307 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,531 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:46,535 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:46,719 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:47,723 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:47,743 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,883 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,883 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,887 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:18,892 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:21,895 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:24,875 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:24,876 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:25,196 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:25,197 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:26,201 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:27,201 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:27,212 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:28,215 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:28,416 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:29,419 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:29,622 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:30,625 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:30,645 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,542 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,542 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550220 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:52,546 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:55,550 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:58,554 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:26,955 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:26,956 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:27,287 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:27,289 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:28,293 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:29,297 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:29,502 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:30,505 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:30,704 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:31,707 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:31,916 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.550387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:32,922 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550424 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:32,983 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550424 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:41,305 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550462 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:41,305 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550462 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:44,308 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550462 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:47,311 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550505 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:50,316 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550505 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,469 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550528 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,469 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550543 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,798 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550543 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,799 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550580 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,802 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.550580 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,804 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550603 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,922 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.550619 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:10,925 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550619 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:11,125 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.550654 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,129 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550654 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,327 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.550691 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,331 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550691 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,354 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.550728 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,375 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.550728 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,375 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550764 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:51,378 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550764 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:54,381 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550787 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:57,386 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.550802 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,474 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.550802 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,475 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.550838 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,804 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.550838 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,805 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.550861 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:23,808 INFO spawned: '' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:24:27.550877 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:24,810 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550877 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:24,920 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:27.550913 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:25,923 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550913 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:26,143 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:24:27.550949 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:27,146 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550949 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:27,333 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:24:27.550973 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:28,335 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.550973 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:28,357 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.551011 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:49,221 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.551011 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:49,221 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551047 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:52,225 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551047 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:55,229 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551084 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:58,231 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551084 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,299 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.551120 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,300 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.551120 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,634 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.551143 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,634 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.551159 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:16,637 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.551159 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,639 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551195 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,660 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.551195 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:18,663 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551219 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,067 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.551219 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,071 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,301 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.551252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:21,303 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551275 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:21,331 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.551275 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:36,677 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.551310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:36,677 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:39,681 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551347 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:42,684 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551347 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:45,688 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.551384 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,449 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.551384 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,450 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.551408 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,775 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.551408 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,776 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.551445 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:04,780 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.551445 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,787 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551469 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,973 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.551469 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:06,981 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551507 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,314 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.551507 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,326 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.551529 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,544 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.551529 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:09,547 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:09,569 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:38,122 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:38,122 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:41,125 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:44,128 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:47,131 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,864 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,864 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,202 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,205 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,210 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:09,215 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:09,512 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,519 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,871 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:11,890 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,093 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 30 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:13,096 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:13,123 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:12,827 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:12,828 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:15,831 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:18,835 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:21,839 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:18,987 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:18,988 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:19,323 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:19,324 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:20,328 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:21,328 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:21,337 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:22,339 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:22,524 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:23,528 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:23,712 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:24,716 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:24,739 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:10:58,738 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:10:58,739 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:01,742 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:04,746 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:07,750 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,144 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,144 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,467 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,470 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:29,473 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,480 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,843 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:31,847 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:32,139 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,142 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,348 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:34,351 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:34,372 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:02,492 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:02,493 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:05,497 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:08,501 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:11,505 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,868 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,868 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,192 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552415 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,193 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:28,196 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,198 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,289 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,291 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,506 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,509 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,781 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:32,784 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:32,805 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:01,556 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552574 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:01,557 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552628 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:04,561 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552628 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:07,564 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552628 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:10,567 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552670 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,987 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552670 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,987 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552693 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,318 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552693 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,319 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.552731 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:35,321 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.552731 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,323 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552755 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,516 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.552755 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,519 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552793 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,843 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.552793 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:38,853 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552830 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,067 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.552830 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:40,069 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.552853 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:40,094 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.552870 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:15,610 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.552870 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:15,611 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552906 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:18,613 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552906 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:21,617 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552929 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:24,621 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.552944 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,326 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.552944 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,326 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.552980 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,665 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.552980 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,666 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.553016 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:52,669 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.553016 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,671 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.553052 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:54,182 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.553052 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,186 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.553089 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,697 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.553089 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,711 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.553126 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:57,250 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.553126 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:58,255 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.553162 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:58,293 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.553162 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:55,410 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.553198 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:55,411 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.553198 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:58,413 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.553234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:20:01,418 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.553234 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:20:04,421 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.553270 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,281 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.553270 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,287 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.553307 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,613 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.553307 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,614 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.553329 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:32,617 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.553345 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,619 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.553345 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,883 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,886 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:35,343 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,346 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,720 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,730 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,755 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,685 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,685 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:17,689 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:20,693 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:23,696 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,022 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,022 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,351 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,352 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:04,356 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:05,357 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:05,367 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:06,371 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:06,566 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:07,569 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:07,754 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:08,757 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:08,778 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,974 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,975 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:58,979 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:01,983 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:05,063 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:09,874 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:09,875 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:10,247 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:10,248 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:11,251 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:12,253 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:12,281 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:13,284 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:13,473 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:14,478 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:14,659 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.554036 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:15,663 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554127 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:15,707 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.554127 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:05,938 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.554162 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:05,939 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554162 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:08,943 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554162 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:11,947 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554203 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:14,952 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554203 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,594 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.554227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,594 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.554227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,916 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.554264 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,918 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.554264 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,925 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.554301 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:29,927 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554301 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,011 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.554324 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,018 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554324 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,213 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:27.554361 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,216 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554361 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,457 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:27.554397 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,463 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.554397 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,486 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:27.554435 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:27.554435 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554472 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:49,257 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554472 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:52,261 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554495 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:55,265 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:24:27.554495 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,246 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:27.554532 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,246 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:27.554532 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,572 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:27.554568 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,573 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:27.554568 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,577 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:24:27.554605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:27,521 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:24:27.655753 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:24:27.656399 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (5) for Dec 6 22:24:27.656881 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:24:27.904289 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:27,903 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:27.916355 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd: started Dec 6 22:24:28.086372 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,085 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:28.149625 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,149 INFO success: intfsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:28.164192 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfsyncd: started Dec 6 22:24:28.223503 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: Starting SONiC LLDP sync daemon... Dec 6 22:24:28.239809 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: [lldp dbsyncd] Connected to configdb Dec 6 22:24:28.263877 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.263877 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.344363 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.344502 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.344967 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.347941 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.350758 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.353708 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.356482 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.359382 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.362229 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.364963 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.367565 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.370431 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.373284 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.376117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.378874 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.381509 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.384187 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.386729 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.389387 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.392065 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.402617 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.402888 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.478302 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.479118 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.479735 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.482250 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.485056 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.487928 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.490527 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.493105 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.495706 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.498279 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.501049 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.503857 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.506426 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.509014 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.511645 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.514281 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.516847 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.520090 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.523331 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.524803 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:28.527162 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:28.533322 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:28.537988 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.554247 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,553 INFO spawned: 'neighsyncd' with pid 105 Dec 6 22:24:28.562892 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.563197 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.564105 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.578622 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: neighsyncd Listens to neigh messages... Dec 6 22:24:28.581828 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.585011 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.587767 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.590427 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.593177 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.595544 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.598440 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.600981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.603812 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.606496 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.609234 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.611922 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.614533 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.617206 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.619803 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.622764 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.626153 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.635792 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.637617 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.637788 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.640302 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.642964 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.645537 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.647999 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.650322 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.652704 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.655080 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.657569 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.659989 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.662255 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.664610 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.666821 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.669169 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.671696 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.674328 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.676763 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.679482 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.689328 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.689549 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.689647 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.692073 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.694451 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.696911 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.699299 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.701722 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.704162 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.706528 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.708938 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.711296 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.713628 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.716125 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.718416 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.720855 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.723316 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.726180 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.728626 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.731331 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.743298 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,742 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:28.749256 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.749757 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.754879 spine-1 INFO[19981]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:24:28.755574 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:24:28.773493 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,772 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:28.774432 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,773 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:28.797339 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,796 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:28.798329 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:28,797 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:28.835346 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.835533 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.835674 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.838045 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.840187 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.842322 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.844501 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.846610 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.848830 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.850952 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.853126 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.855490 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.857707 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.859881 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.862023 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.864184 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.866300 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.868437 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.870563 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.872838 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.881457 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.881677 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.881784 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.884006 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.886146 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.888559 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.890690 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.892872 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.894999 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.897185 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.899337 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.901476 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.903598 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.905792 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.907963 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.910096 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.912297 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.914446 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.916592 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.918726 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.927652 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.927883 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.927996 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.930162 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.932342 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.934459 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.936581 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.938910 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.941060 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.943160 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.945359 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.947463 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.949592 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.951729 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.953812 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.956001 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.958117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.960286 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.962365 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.964560 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:28.973267 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.973444 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:28.973552 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.975774 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.977934 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.980059 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.982197 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.984454 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.986424 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.988602 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.990970 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.993117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.995239 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.997474 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:28.999600 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.001759 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.003992 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.006053 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:28 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.008234 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.010347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:29.019106 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.019332 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.019443 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.021602 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.023769 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.026645 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.028903 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.031018 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.033138 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.035246 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.037429 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.039550 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.041954 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.044114 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.046230 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.048440 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.050530 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.052715 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.054824 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.056939 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:29.065505 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.065728 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.065835 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.068057 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.070192 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.072351 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.074460 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.076636 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.078761 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.080990 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.083150 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.085325 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.085937 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,085 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:29.088213 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.090509 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.093012 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd: started Dec 6 22:24:29.101938 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.104342 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.106724 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.109112 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.111565 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.115647 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:29.130042 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.130209 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.211228 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.211434 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:24:29.211888 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.214354 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet0. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.215833 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet4. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.218005 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet8. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.220236 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet12. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.222411 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet16. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.224650 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet20. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.227363 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet24. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.229673 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet28. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.232021 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet32. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.234319 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet36. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.236668 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet40. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.238854 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet44. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.241240 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet48. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.243500 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet52. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.245771 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet56. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.248029 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for Ethernet60. No error Dec 6 22:24:29.250195 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:24:29 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:24:29.252297 spine-1 ERR lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] ERROR: No IPv4 management interface found Dec 6 22:24:29.252438 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: [lldp dbsyncd] Subscribed to configdb PORT table Dec 6 22:24:29.310736 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,309 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:24:29.359586 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:24:29.431463 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[25]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 61: Warning: Unknown token: disk. Dec 6 22:24:29.431463 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[25]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 62: Warning: Unknown token: disk. Dec 6 22:24:29.431463 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[25]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 63: Warning: Unknown token: includeAllDisks. Dec 6 22:24:29.580630 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,579 INFO success: neighsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:29.585531 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: neighsyncd: started Dec 6 22:24:29.746994 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,746 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:29.749964 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: snmpd: started Dec 6 22:24:29.801349 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,800 INFO spawned: '' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:29.942596 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,941 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:29.959265 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,958 INFO spawned: 'swssconfig' with pid 108 Dec 6 22:24:29.961092 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:29,960 INFO success: swssconfig entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:29.970230 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: swssconfig: started Dec 6 22:24:30.006799 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,005 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="24" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,623 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,624 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,952 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,571 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,571 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:24:30.032457 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,578 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:24:30.032508 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,772 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:24:30.032549 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,773 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:24:30.032549 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,796 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:24:30.032549 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,797 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:24:30.032549 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,800 INFO spawned: '' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:24:30.032585 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,005 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:24:30.313533 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,312 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.320136 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:30.335923 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,311 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.335923 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,311 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.335923 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:21,549 INFO spawned: 'teammgrd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:30.335923 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,553 INFO success: teammgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.335923 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,789 INFO spawned: 'teamsyncd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:24:30.335970 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,825 INFO success: teamsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.335970 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,847 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:30.343285 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,342 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:30.398906 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,398 INFO spawned: 'vlanmgrd' with pid 118 Dec 6 22:24:30.400010 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/00-copp.config.json... Dec 6 22:24:30.417357 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vlanmgrd: :- main: --- Starting vlanmgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:30.440192 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[25]: removal request for address of fe80::b80d:a9ff:fef8:7507%26, but no knowledge of it Dec 6 22:24:30.440405 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:24:30 [INFO/netlink] removal request for address of fe80::b80d:a9ff:fef8:7507%26, but no knowledge of it Dec 6 22:24:30.468603 spine-1 WARNING systemd-udevd[20087]: Could not generate persistent MAC address for Bridge: No such file or directory Dec 6 22:24:30.474171 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vlanmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:24:30.628075 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] INFO: Starting agent with PID: 27 Dec 6 22:24:30.629573 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] INFO: Connection loop starting... Dec 6 22:24:30.629793 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] INFO: Attempting AgentX socket bind... Dec 6 22:24:30.947096 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,946 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:30.951889 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: snmp-subagent: started Dec 6 22:24:30.969767 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:24:30,969 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:31.011531 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:31,010 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.012717 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:31,011 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.015473 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:24:31.216962 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:24:31,216 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:31.403810 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:31,403 INFO success: vlanmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.408832 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: vlanmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:31.416691 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/ipinip.json... Dec 6 22:24:31.655757 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:24:31.656421 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (6) for Dec 6 22:24:31.656937 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:24:31.776022 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:31,775 INFO spawned: 'intfmgrd' with pid 131 Dec 6 22:24:31.780668 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:22,753 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.780805 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,220 INFO spawned: 'orchagent' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:24:31.780894 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,223 INFO success: orchagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.780979 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,748 INFO spawned: 'restore_neighbors' with pid 54 Dec 6 22:24:31.781062 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,750 INFO success: restore_neighbors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.781146 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,537 INFO spawned: 'portsyncd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:24:31.781229 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,654 INFO exited: restore_neighbors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:31.781312 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,715 INFO success: portsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.781394 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:27,131 INFO spawned: 'intfsyncd' with pid 102 Dec 6 22:24:31.781477 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,149 INFO success: intfsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.781560 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,553 INFO spawned: 'neighsyncd' with pid 105 Dec 6 22:24:31.781642 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,579 INFO success: neighsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.781725 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,958 INFO spawned: 'swssconfig' with pid 108 Dec 6 22:24:31.781809 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,960 INFO success: swssconfig entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.781891 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,398 INFO spawned: 'vlanmgrd' with pid 118 Dec 6 22:24:31.781974 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:31,403 INFO success: vlanmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:31.782081 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:31,775 INFO spawned: 'intfmgrd' with pid 131 Dec 6 22:24:31.791382 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- main: --- Starting intfmgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:31.794947 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:24:32.428024 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/ports.json... Dec 6 22:24:32.779866 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:32,779 INFO success: intfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:32.786346 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,785 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,985 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,986 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,181 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,182 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,384 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:24:32.816369 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,384 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:32.816421 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,407 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:32.816451 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,508 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:32.816451 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,425 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:33.153451 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:33,152 INFO spawned: 'portmgrd' with pid 136 Dec 6 22:24:33.169918 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- main: --- Starting portmgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:33.457201 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/switch.json... Dec 6 22:24:34.156362 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:34,155 INFO success: portmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:34.160559 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:34.464114 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:34,463 INFO exited: swssconfig (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:34.532871 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:34,531 INFO spawned: 'buffermgrd' with pid 141 Dec 6 22:24:34.548224 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- main: --- Starting buffermgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:34.551809 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: Read lookup configuration file... Dec 6 22:24:34.551981 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552010 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552010 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552029 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552046 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 5m is: size:36864, xon:18432, xoff:18432, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 40m is: size:36864, xon:18432, xoff:18432, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 40m is: size:39936, xon:18432, xoff:21504, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 40m is: size:41984, xon:18432, xoff:23552, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 40m is: size:41984, xon:18432, xoff:23552, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 40m is: size:54272, xon:18432, xoff:35840, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 300m is: size:49152, xon:18432, xoff:30720, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 300m is: size:71680, xon:18432, xoff:53248, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 300m is: size:94208, xon:18432, xoff:75776, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 300m is: size:94208, xon:18432, xoff:75776, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 300m is: size:184320, xon:18432, xoff:165888, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:24:34.552436 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:24:35.304866 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.304866 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.304866 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,466 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:24:35.304923 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:27,903 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.304923 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,085 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:35.304983 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,085 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.304983 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,309 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:24:35.305015 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,312 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.305043 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,342 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:35.536415 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:35,535 INFO success: buffermgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:35.542275 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: buffermgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:35.911175 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:35,910 INFO spawned: 'enable_counters' with pid 144 Dec 6 22:24:36.914999 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:36,914 INFO success: enable_counters entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:36.918669 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: enable_counters: started Dec 6 22:24:37.287181 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:37,286 INFO spawned: 'vrfmgrd' with pid 148 Dec 6 22:24:37.302629 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vrfmgrd: :- main: --- Starting vrfmgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:37.308508 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vrfmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:24:37.545880 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:37.545880 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:37.545880 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,742 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:24:37.545880 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,746 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:37.545880 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,941 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:24:37.545930 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,946 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:37.545930 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,969 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:38.290637 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:38,290 INFO success: vrfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:38.294732 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: vrfmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:38.664373 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:38,663 INFO spawned: 'nbrmgrd' with pid 153 Dec 6 22:24:38.680657 spine-1 NOTICE swss#nbrmgrd: :- main: --- Starting nbrmgrd --- Dec 6 22:24:38.682487 spine-1 NOTICE swss#nbrmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:24:39.668527 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:39,667 INFO success: nbrmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:39.674395 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: nbrmgrd: started Dec 6 22:24:40.026821 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:24:40,026 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:40.038762 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:31,010 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:40.038762 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:31,011 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:40.038762 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:31,216 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:41.791001 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:32,779 INFO success: intfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791001 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:33,152 INFO spawned: 'portmgrd' with pid 136 Dec 6 22:24:41.791001 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:34,155 INFO success: portmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791001 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:34,463 INFO exited: swssconfig (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:24:41.791063 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:34,531 INFO spawned: 'buffermgrd' with pid 141 Dec 6 22:24:41.791063 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:35,535 INFO success: buffermgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791123 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:35,910 INFO spawned: 'enable_counters' with pid 144 Dec 6 22:24:41.791123 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:36,914 INFO success: enable_counters entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791154 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:37,286 INFO spawned: 'vrfmgrd' with pid 148 Dec 6 22:24:41.791182 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:38,290 INFO success: vrfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791182 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:38,663 INFO spawned: 'nbrmgrd' with pid 153 Dec 6 22:24:41.791252 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:39,667 INFO success: nbrmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:24:41.791335 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:40,026 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:25:33.715984 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 38, in reinit_data#012 self.oid_name_map = mibs.init_sync_d_interface_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 178, in init_sync_d_interface_tables#012 if_name_map, if_id_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 51, in get_interface_oid_map#012 if_name_map = db.get_all('COUNTERS_DB', 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP', blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:25:36.081575 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:25:36,080 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:25:41.845871 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:25:36,080 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:26:13.367104 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:26:13.366877134Z" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/exec/1a8022e13dad43261cee2be3bac24956ee590370ea9b794767ceb855d3f78315/resize returned error: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"containerd: processs not found for container\"" Dec 6 22:26:38.759811 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 78, in reinit_data#012 self.oid_name_map = mibs.init_sync_d_interface_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 178, in init_sync_d_interface_tables#012 if_name_map, if_id_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 51, in get_interface_oid_map#012 if_name_map = db.get_all('COUNTERS_DB', 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP', blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:27:39.019369 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/ietf/", line 181, in reinit_data#012 self.oid_name_map = mibs.init_sync_d_interface_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 178, in init_sync_d_interface_tables#012 if_name_map, if_id_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 51, in get_interface_oid_map#012 if_name_map = db.get_all('COUNTERS_DB', 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP', blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:28:39.262480 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 386, in reinit_data#012 self.oid_name_map = mibs.init_sync_d_interface_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 178, in init_sync_d_interface_tables#012 if_name_map, if_id_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 51, in get_interface_oid_map#012 if_name_map = db.get_all('COUNTERS_DB', 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP', blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:28:41.656005 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:28:41.657189 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (7) for Dec 6 22:28:41.658111 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:29:37.051384 spine-1 INFO config: 'reload' executing... Dec 6 22:29:37.065849 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:29:37.110901 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:29:37,110 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:29:37.112192 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:29:37,110 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:29:37.120129 spine-1 INFO[19981]: 2018-12-06 22:29:37,112 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:29:37.254773 spine-1 INFO[20531]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:29:37.262784 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:29:37.281819 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping SNMP container... Dec 6 22:29:37.323329 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:29:37.324292 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:29:37.779541 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:29:37.779541 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:29:39.515275 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 38, in reinit_data#012 self.oid_name_map = mibs.init_sync_d_interface_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 178, in init_sync_d_interface_tables#012 if_name_map, if_id_map = port_util.get_interface_oid_map(db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 51, in get_interface_oid_map#012 if_name_map = db.get_all('COUNTERS_DB', 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP', blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'COUNTERS_PORT_NAME_MAP' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:29:40.328197 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:29:40,327 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:29:43.332764 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:29:43,331 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:29:46.337175 spine-1 INFO[19814]: 2018-12-06 22:29:46,336 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:29:47.323129 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:29:47.322825056Z" level=info msg="Container 6edf099728713a20d3ccf973b8fc8b64c3129ec64df4133cd108a66972acdc5a failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:29:47.448746 spine-1 INFO[20557]: snmp Dec 6 22:29:47.452933 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: snmp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:29:47.455325 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped SNMP container. Dec 6 22:29:47.456215 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: snmp.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:29:47.457083 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: snmp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:29:47.457980 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping switch state service... Dec 6 22:29:47.766095 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:47,765 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:29:47.767073 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:47,766 INFO waiting for vrfmgrd, neighsyncd, intfsyncd, orchagent, portmgrd, buffermgrd, portsyncd, intfmgrd, vlanmgrd, nbrmgrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:29:47.768096 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:47,767 INFO stopped: nbrmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:48.772377 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:48,771 INFO stopped: vrfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:49.776539 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:49,775 INFO stopped: buffermgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:49.778841 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:49,778 INFO stopped: portmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:49.781097 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:49,780 INFO stopped: intfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:49.783428 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:49,782 INFO stopped: vlanmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:50.786410 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:50,785 INFO waiting for neighsyncd, intfsyncd, orchagent, portsyncd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:29:51.790050 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:51,788 INFO stopped: neighsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:51.794220 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:51,793 INFO stopped: intfsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:51.797610 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:51,797 INFO stopped: portsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:51.799773 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:51,799 INFO stopped: orchagent (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:29:51.803186 spine-1 INFO[18016]: 2018-12-06 22:29:51,802 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:29:51.950482 spine-1 INFO[20581]: swss Dec 6 22:29:51.976161 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping syncd service... Dec 6 22:29:52.352085 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd_request_shutdown: :- main: requested COLD shutdown Dec 6 22:29:52.353111 spine-1 INFO[20675]: requested COLD shutdown Dec 6 22:31:17.588292 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: swss.service: Stopping timed out. Terminating. Dec 6 22:31:17.589283 spine-1 INFO[20581]: Terminated Dec 6 22:31:17.593733 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: swss.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=143 Dec 6 22:31:17.595525 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped switch state service. Dec 6 22:31:17.596206 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: swss.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:31:17.596777 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: swss.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 6 22:31:17.634349 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping LLDP container... Dec 6 22:31:17.672847 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:31:17.673523 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:20.676624 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:31:20,676 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:22.089112 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: syncd.service: Stopping timed out. Terminating. Dec 6 22:31:22.090548 spine-1 INFO[18477]: Terminated Dec 6 22:31:22.092536 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Terminated Dec 6 22:31:22.096323 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=143/n/a Dec 6 22:31:22.252094 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:31:22.251873982Z" level=error msg="attach: stdout: write unix /var/run/docker.sock->@: write: broken pipe" Dec 6 22:31:22.252768 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:31:22.252139242Z" level=error msg="attach: stdout: write unix /var/run/docker.sock->@: write: broken pipe" Dec 6 22:31:23.681585 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:31:23,680 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:25.630117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:31:25.630117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:25.630117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:20,676 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:25.630117 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:23,680 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:26.686431 spine-1 INFO[19601]: 2018-12-06 22:31:26,685 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:27.672984 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:31:27.672682597Z" level=info msg="Container 36e93ec2bd25580d4d974ee953ba696bbcc82ba07b197b436105bc48037d6b1b failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:31:28.047427 spine-1 INFO[24941]: lldp Dec 6 22:31:28.052482 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: lldp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:31:28.056036 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped LLDP container. Dec 6 22:31:28.057972 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: lldp.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:31:28.058704 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: lldp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:31:28.075798 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping Platform monitor container... Dec 6 22:31:28.118261 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:31:28,117 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:31:28.119259 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:31:28,118 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:31:28.634139 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:22,251 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:31:28.634139 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:22,251 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:31:28.634139 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:25,256 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:31:28.634139 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:28,261 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:31:29.119691 spine-1 INFO pmon#xcvrd: Caught SIGTERM - exiting... Dec 6 22:31:29.134907 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:31:29,134 INFO stopped: xcvrd (exit status 143) Dec 6 22:31:31.138595 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:31:31,137 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:31:32.143517 spine-1 INFO[19394]: 2018-12-06 22:31:32,142 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:31:32.252955 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:31:32.252709900Z" level=info msg="Container 18d9263a5260093f0752e4f6c1d40d1f0442c77e157fc13c495dedcb85572565 failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:31:32.291909 spine-1 INFO[25223]: pmon Dec 6 22:31:32.300889 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped Platform monitor container. Dec 6 22:31:32.316320 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping BGP container... Dec 6 22:31:32.419872 spine-1 INFO[20675]: syncd Dec 6 22:31:32.494632 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1656.069389] Kernel BFD start deinit Dec 6 22:31:32.494665 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1656.069394] BFD char-device deinitialized. Dec 6 22:31:33.093402 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1656.666551] Kernel BFD deinitialized Dec 6 22:31:33.163771 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738371] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_cleanup Dec 6 22:31:33.163806 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738388] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:31:33.163813 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738434] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163817 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738436] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:31:33.163821 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738448] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163825 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738449] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:31:33.163837 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738462] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163844 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738527] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:31:33.163848 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738540] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163852 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738541] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:31:33.163856 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738554] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163860 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738555] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:31:33.163870 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738568] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163876 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738575] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:31:33.163880 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738591] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163884 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738593] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:31:33.163887 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738606] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163891 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738613] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:31:33.163941 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738628] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163956 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738629] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:31:33.163962 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738642] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163966 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738643] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:31:33.163977 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738655] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163982 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738657] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:31:33.163985 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738669] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.163989 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738670] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:31:33.163999 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738682] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.164005 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738684] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:31:33.164009 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738696] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.164013 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738697] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:31:33.164017 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738710] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.164020 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738711] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: called for Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:31:33.164030 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.738724] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_dellink: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.199882 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.771043] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: called Dec 6 22:31:33.199938 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771048] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199952 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771049] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199958 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771050] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199963 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771051] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199967 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771052] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199979 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771053] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199985 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771054] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199990 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771055] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199994 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771056] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.199999 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771057] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200003 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771057] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200008 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771058] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200012 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771059] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200016 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771060] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200020 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771061] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200054 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771062] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200062 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771063] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200067 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771064] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200072 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771065] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200076 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771066] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200081 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771067] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200085 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771068] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200089 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771069] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200094 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771070] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200098 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771071] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200102 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771072] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200107 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771073] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200111 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771074] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200115 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771074] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200119 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771075] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200124 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771076] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200128 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771077] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200133 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771078] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200137 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771079] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200142 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771080] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200146 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771081] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200183 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771082] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200192 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771083] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200196 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771084] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200201 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771085] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200205 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771086] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200209 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771087] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200214 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771088] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200218 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771089] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200222 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771089] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200227 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771090] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200231 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771091] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200235 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771092] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200239 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771093] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200244 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1656.771094] sx_core: sx_core_remove_synd: no matching listener was found Dec 6 22:31:33.200248 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.771095] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_stop: exit Dec 6 22:31:33.283672 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1656.857968] sx_core: sx_core_cleanup_module Dec 6 22:31:33.287645 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1656.860093] sx_core: sx_disconnect_all_trap_groups: succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.655689 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:31:34.656704 spine-1 ERR ntpd[17996]: unable to create socket on eth0 (8) for Dec 6 22:31:34.657519 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:31:34.727794 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.298480] terminating new device's low-priotiy CQ handler thread Dec 6 22:31:34.727835 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1658.298752] __sx_dpt_remove_dev() Remove dev 255 Dec 6 22:31:34.727843 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.298755] sx_core: Successfully removed device 255 from the DPT Dec 6 22:31:34.727849 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1658.298757] __sx_dpt_remove_dev() Remove dev 1 Dec 6 22:31:34.727854 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.298759] sx_core: Successfully removed device 1 from the DPT Dec 6 22:31:34.727859 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1658.298771] sx_core: sx_core_dev_deinit_cb done successfully. Dec 6 22:31:34.727864 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1658.299392] Deinit char dev: ffffffffc0cf76e0 , usage:1 Dec 6 22:31:34.727869 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299398] sx_core: sx_core_listeners_cleanup Dec 6 22:31:34.727874 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299425] remove proc counters succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727879 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299429] remove proc counters_active_since_startup succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727884 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299432] remove proc counters_active_since_clear succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727889 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299435] remove proc counters_active_since_show succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727893 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299438] remove proc clear_counters succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727898 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299441] remove proc monitor_rdq_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727903 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299444] remove proc ptp_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727908 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299447] remove proc tele_thrs_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727913 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299450] remove proc ber_monitor_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727917 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299452] remove proc cq_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727922 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299455] remove proc unconsumed_pkt_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.727927 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1658.299457] remove proc trap_reg_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:31:34.946235 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Unloading SX driver:[ OK ] Dec 6 22:31:36.256365 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Stopping MST (Mellanox Software Tools) driver set Dec 6 22:31:36.336483 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Unloading MST PCI configuration module - Success Dec 6 22:31:36.360681 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Unloading MST PCI module - Success Dec 6 22:31:36.392640 spine-1 INFO[20675]: Unloading i2c driver - Success Dec 6 22:31:36.412879 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped syncd service. Dec 6 22:31:36.413723 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: syncd.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:31:36.414711 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: syncd.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 6 22:31:42.360202 spine-1 INFO docker[405]: time="2018-12-06T22:31:42.359693500Z" level=info msg="Container cb104541808f8e642701c2842e50d825cbf828dbfa979b1cd969f4b9c7375335 failed to exit within 10 seconds of signal 15 - using the force" Dec 6 22:31:42.465191 spine-1 INFO[25246]: bgp Dec 6 22:31:42.475534 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: bgp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a Dec 6 22:31:42.480430 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped BGP container. Dec 6 22:31:42.481060 spine-1 NOTICE systemd[1]: bgp.service: Unit entered failed state. Dec 6 22:31:42.481721 spine-1 WARNING systemd[1]: bgp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Dec 6 22:31:42.493662 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping TEAMD container... Dec 6 22:31:42.537350 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:31:42,535 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:31:42.538272 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:31:42,536 INFO waiting for teamsyncd, rsyslogd, teammgrd to die Dec 6 22:31:42.538823 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:31:42,536 INFO stopped: teammgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:31:42.539469 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:31:42,537 INFO stopped: teamsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:31:42.540801 spine-1 INFO[18717]: 2018-12-06 22:31:42,540 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:31:42.668347 spine-1 INFO[25396]: teamd Dec 6 22:31:42.677181 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped TEAMD container. Dec 6 22:31:43.265692 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update hostname based on configdb... Dec 6 22:31:43.852452 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update hostname based on configdb. Dec 6 22:31:43.871871 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update interfaces configuration... Dec 6 22:31:44.039183 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25439]: Killed old client process Dec 6 22:31:44.040040 spine-1 INFO[25434]: Killed old client process Dec 6 22:31:45.059739 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25439]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:31:45.060632 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25439]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:31:45.061367 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25439]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:31:45.062073 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25439]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:31:45.503442 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25461]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:31:45.504293 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25461]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:31:45.504959 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25461]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:31:45.505828 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25461]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:31:46.655446 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Deleting interface #3 eth0, fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2#123, interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=452 secs Dec 6 22:31:47.029193 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping ifupdown2 networking initialization... Dec 6 22:31:47.051429 spine-1 INFO networking[25488]: networking: Deconfiguring network interfaces Dec 6 22:31:47.333170 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped ifupdown2 networking initialization. Dec 6 22:31:47.335975 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting ifupdown2 networking initialization... Dec 6 22:31:47.345509 spine-1 INFO networking[25505]: networking: Configuring network interfaces Dec 6 22:31:47.723170 spine-1 WARNING systemd-udevd[25526]: Could not generate persistent MAC address for mgmt: No such file or directory Dec 6 22:31:47.755627 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25527]: DHCPRELEASE on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:31:47.756559 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25527]: send_packet: Network is unreachable Dec 6 22:31:47.757228 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25527]: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address. Dec 6 22:31:47.757867 spine-1 ERR dhclient[25527]: dhclient.c:2733: Failed to send 300 byte long packet over fallback interface. Dec 6 22:31:48.179725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1671.751572] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready Dec 6 22:31:48.224811 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25548]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7 Dec 6 22:31:48.292125 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8 Dec 6 22:31:51.131700 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1674.702211] igb 0000:00:14.0 eth0: igb: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX Dec 6 22:31:51.239703 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1674.809956] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready Dec 6 22:31:52.655810 spine-1 INFO ntpd[17996]: Listen normally on 9 eth0 [fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2]:123 Dec 6 22:31:56.619048 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 12 Dec 6 22:31:56.620288 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67 Dec 6 22:31:56.621375 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: DHCPOFFER of from Dec 6 22:31:56.622369 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: DHCPACK of from Dec 6 22:31:56.669073 spine-1 INFO dhclient[25566]: bound to -- renewal in 3581 seconds. Dec 6 22:31:56.877133 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started ifupdown2 networking initialization. Dec 6 22:31:57.263763 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update interfaces configuration. Dec 6 22:31:57.285190 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update NTP configuration... Dec 6 22:31:57.880417 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Start NTP daemon... Dec 6 22:31:57.906289 spine-1 NOTICE ntpd[17996]: ntpd exiting on signal 15 (Terminated) Dec 6 22:31:57.926688 spine-1 INFO ntp[25641]: Stopping NTP server: ntpd. Dec 6 22:31:57.931201 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Start NTP daemon. Dec 6 22:31:57.936544 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start NTP daemon... Dec 6 22:31:57.963709 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1681.536907] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135517.955:21): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="sbin" pid=25659 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:31:57.963740 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1681.536942] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135517.955:22): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="bin" pid=25659 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:31:57.963747 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1681.536974] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135517.955:23): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="image-master.0-dirty-20181203.155003/rw/usr/sbin" pid=25659 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:31:57.963752 spine-1 NOTICE kernel: [ 1681.537004] audit: type=1400 audit(1544135517.955:24): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/ntpd" name="image-master.0-dirty-20181203.155003/rw/usr/bin" pid=25659 comm="ntpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=0 Dec 6 22:31:57.964751 spine-1 NOTICE ntpd[25659]: ntpd 4.2.8p10@1.3728-o Sun Feb 25 21:22:55 UTC 2018 (1): Starting Dec 6 22:31:57.965162 spine-1 INFO ntp[25651]: Starting NTP server: ntpd. Dec 6 22:31:57.965801 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25659]: Command line: /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ -g -u 105:109 Dec 6 22:31:57.966166 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started LSB: Start NTP daemon. Dec 6 22:31:57.967042 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: proto: precision = 0.220 usec (-22) Dec 6 22:31:57.967848 spine-1 WARNING ntpd[25662]: restrict KOD does nothing without LIMITED. Dec 6 22:31:57.968517 spine-1 WARNING ntpd[25662]: restrict ::: KOD does nothing without LIMITED. Dec 6 22:31:57.969311 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: Listen normally on 0 lo Dec 6 22:31:57.969998 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: bind(17) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:31:57.970703 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update NTP configuration. Dec 6 22:31:57.971345 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: unable to create socket on eth0 (1) for Dec 6 22:31:57.972076 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:31:57.972713 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: Listen normally on 2 lo [::1]:123 Dec 6 22:31:57.973342 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: Listen normally on 3 eth0 [fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004%2]:123 Dec 6 22:31:57.973992 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: Listening on routing socket on fd #19 for interface updates Dec 6 22:31:57.988957 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Update rsyslog configuration... Dec 6 22:31:58.579232 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging Service... Dec 6 22:31:58.579885 spine-1 INFO liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="18007" x-info=""] exiting on signal 15. Dec 6 22:31:58.583147 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped System Logging Service. Dec 6 22:31:58.586109 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting System Logging Service... Dec 6 22:31:58.594236 spine-1 INFO liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="25673" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:31:58.595136 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started System Logging Service. Dec 6 22:31:58.597907 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Update rsyslog configuration. Dec 6 22:31:58.615968 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started switch state service. Dec 6 22:31:58.636905 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting BGP container... Dec 6 22:31:59.207372 spine-1 INFO[25682]: OK Dec 6 22:31:59.320674 spine-1 INFO[25682]: OK Dec 6 22:31:59.436720 spine-1 INFO[25682]: OK Dec 6 22:31:59.965580 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:31:59.966278 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: unable to create socket on eth0 (4) for Dec 6 22:31:59.966829 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:32:00.154306 spine-1 INFO[25693]: Starting existing bgp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:00.322682 spine-1 INFO[25693]: bgp Dec 6 22:32:00.324045 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started BGP container. Dec 6 22:32:00.351888 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting TEAMD container... Dec 6 22:32:01.110405 spine-1 INFO[25682]: Starting existing swss container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:01.294343 spine-1 INFO[25682]: swss Dec 6 22:32:01.527893 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started syncd service. Dec 6 22:32:01.669115 spine-1 INFO[25682]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:01.669771 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:01.710777 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:01,710 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:01.711479 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:01,710 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:01.731445 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:01,730 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:01.732424 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:01,731 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:01.997096 spine-1 INFO[25996]: Starting existing teamd container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:02.128761 spine-1 INFO bgp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="34" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:02.168891 spine-1 INFO[25996]: teamd Dec 6 22:32:02.182517 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started TEAMD container. Dec 6 22:32:02.183267 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:32:02.196737 spine-1 INFO[25986]: [....] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd#033[?25l#0337#033[1G[#033[32m ok #033[39;49m#0338#033[?12l#033[?25h. Dec 6 22:32:02.197481 spine-1 INFO[26136]: OK Dec 6 22:32:02.212007 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting Platform monitor container... Dec 6 22:32:02.346777 spine-1 INFO[26364]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:02.347467 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:02.373670 spine-1 INFO[25986]: Starting Frr daemons (prio:10):. zebra2018/12/06 22:32:02 warnings: ZEBRA: Disabling MPLS support (no kernel support) Dec 6 22:32:02.374977 spine-1 INFO[25986]: 2018/12/06 22:32:02 errors: ZEBRA: vty_read_config: failed to open configuration file /etc/frr/zebra.conf: Permission denied Dec 6 22:32:02.375593 spine-1 INFO[25986]: 2018/12/06 22:32:02 errors: ZEBRA: can't open configuration file [/etc/frr/zebra.conf] Dec 6 22:32:02.390192 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:02,389 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:02.390863 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:02,389 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:02.420055 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:02,410 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:02.420720 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:02,411 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:02.493871 spine-1 INFO[25986]: . bgpd2018/12/06 22:32:02 errors: BGP: vty_read_config: failed to open configuration file /etc/frr/bgpd.conf: Permission denied Dec 6 22:32:02.494491 spine-1 INFO[25986]: 2018/12/06 22:32:02 errors: BGP: can't open configuration file [/etc/frr/bgpd.conf] Dec 6 22:32:02.512133 spine-1 INFO[25986]: . Dec 6 22:32:02.537367 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: watchfrr 4.0 watching [zebra bgpd] Dec 6 22:32:02.744088 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:02,734 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:02.749215 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Starting MST (Mellanox Software Tools) driver set Dec 6 22:32:02.765482 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Loading MST PCI module - Success Dec 6 22:32:02.782991 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Loading MST PCI configuration module - Success Dec 6 22:32:02.783937 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Create devices Dec 6 22:32:03.261401 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: zebra state -> up : connect succeeded Dec 6 22:32:03.363439 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: bgpd state -> up : connect succeeded Dec 6 22:32:03.363439 spine-1 NOTICE bgp#watchfrr[91]: Watchfrr: Notifying Systemd we are up and running Dec 6 22:32:03.424063 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:03,413 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:03.543785 spine-1 INFO[25986]: Starting Frr monitor daemon: watchfrr. Dec 6 22:32:03.629873 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:03,628 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:42,535 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:42,536 INFO waiting for teamsyncd, rsyslogd, teammgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:42,536 INFO stopped: teammgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:42,537 INFO stopped: teamsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:42,540 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:02,389 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:02,389 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:02,410 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:02,411 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:03.669640 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:03,413 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:03.669704 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:03,628 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:03.669734 spine-1 INFO teamd#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="13" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:03.740468 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:03,739 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:03.757243 spine-1 INFO[25986]: line 4: Failure to communicate[13] to zebra, line: log file /var/log/frr/frr.log Dec 6 22:32:03.764522 spine-1 INFO[25986]: #015 Dec 6 22:32:03.765193 spine-1 INFO[25986]: Configuration file[/etc/frr/frr.conf] processing failure: 13 Dec 6 22:32:03.765737 spine-1 INFO[25986]: Exiting from the script Dec 6 22:32:03.780376 spine-1 INFO[25986]: root@spine-1:/# Waiting for fpm-client connection... Dec 6 22:32:03.951306 spine-1 INFO[26387]: Starting existing pmon container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:03.976945 spine-1 INFO[26366]: Starting existing dhcp_relay container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:04.168271 spine-1 INFO[26387]: pmon Dec 6 22:32:04.172414 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started Platform monitor container. Dec 6 22:32:04.198693 spine-1 INFO[26366]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:32:04.199403 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting LLDP container... Dec 6 22:32:04.205428 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:32:04.376067 spine-1 INFO[26990]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:04.376783 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:04.397213 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,396 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:04.398143 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,396 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:04.418626 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,418 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:04.419579 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,418 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:04.569717 spine-1 ERR mlxfwmanager: LIBMVPD: MVPD_READ4 failed on offset:0, RC[2] Dec 6 22:32:04.631405 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,630 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:04.632107 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,631 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:04.644943 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:04.652421 spine-1 ERR mlxfwmanager: LIBMVPD: MVPD_READ4 failed on offset:0, RC[2] Dec 6 22:32:04.739310 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Mellanox firmware is up to date Dec 6 22:32:04.771676 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.343739] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Dec 6 22:32:04.771723 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.343758] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0 Dec 6 22:32:04.798186 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.367710] sx_core: Mellanox SwitchX Core Driver 2.00 (May, 2011) Dec 6 22:32:04.798231 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368188] create proc sx_core successed Dec 6 22:32:04.798236 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368217] create proc trap_reg_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798240 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368220] create proc unconsumed_pkt_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798243 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368223] create proc cq_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798246 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368226] create proc ber_monitor_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798256 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368229] create proc tele_thrs_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798261 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368231] create proc ptp_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798264 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368234] create proc monitor_rdq_dump succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798267 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368237] create proc counters succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798270 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368239] create proc counters_active_since_startup succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798273 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368242] create proc counters_active_since_clear succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798281 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368245] create proc counters_active_since_show succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798286 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368247] create proc clear_counters succeeded Dec 6 22:32:04.798289 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.368297] sx_core: Probe sx_core_init_one_pci(10162) device 52100 Dec 6 22:32:04.798292 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.371667] sx_core: Successfully added path I2C to device 255 Dec 6 22:32:04.798295 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.371670] sx_core: Successfully set CR_ACCESS path for device 255 to I2C Dec 6 22:32:04.811689 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381296] sx_core 0000:01:00.0: PCI->APIC IRQ transform: INT A -> IRQ 16 Dec 6 22:32:04.811724 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381361] sx_core 0000:01:00.0: map cmd: phys: 0xdf871000 , virt: ffffa62a00d23000 Dec 6 22:32:04.811729 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1688.381364] Called sx_dpt_init_dev_pci with device_id: 255 Dec 6 22:32:04.811732 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1688.381366] sx_dpt_build_pci_dev_id: Build pci_dev_id: 0x10000 , bus:1 , slot(dev):0, fn:0 Dec 6 22:32:04.811735 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.381368] sx_dpt_find_pci_dev(): lookup for sx_pci_dev_id: 0x10000 pci addr 1:0:0 Dec 6 22:32:04.811738 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.381370] sx_dpt_find_pci_dev(): CHECK vendor: 0x15b3 , device : 0xcb84 ,pci addr 1:0:0 Dec 6 22:32:04.811741 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381371] sx_core: Successfully added path PCIE] to device 255 pci_dev_id 65536 Dec 6 22:32:04.811744 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381372] sx_core: Successfully added path PCIE] to device 255 Dec 6 22:32:04.811747 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381374] sx_core: Successfully set CR_ACCESS path for device 255 to PCIE] Dec 6 22:32:04.811750 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.381376] sx_core 0000:01:00.0: reset trigger is already set Dec 6 22:32:04.811753 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.381377] Did not perform chip reset in this phase Dec 6 22:32:04.811756 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.381455] sx_core: sx_core_dev_init_switchx_cb chip_type [6] Dec 6 22:32:04.811759 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.384388] sx_core 0000:01:00.0: MSI-X interrupts were enabled successfully Dec 6 22:32:04.811761 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.384398] sx_map_doorbell_area(): bar: 0 dev->db_base phys: 0xdf860000 , virt: ffffa62a00fb9000 Dec 6 22:32:04.817098 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Reloading udev: Dec 6 22:32:04.819722 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1688.389329] sx_init_char_dev: Create char dev with major:231 minor:193 Dec 6 22:32:04.819756 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.390808] starting new device's low-priotiy CQ handler thread Dec 6 22:32:04.876310 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,875 INFO spawned: 'teammgrd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:04.915877 spine-1 NOTICE teamd#teammgrd: :- main: --- Starting teammrgd --- Dec 6 22:32:04.941391 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:04,940 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:32:04.969406 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:47,765 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:04.969492 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:47,766 INFO waiting for vrfmgrd, neighsyncd, intfsyncd, orchagent, portmgrd, buffermgrd, portsyncd, intfmgrd, vlanmgrd, nbrmgrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:04.969537 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:47,767 INFO stopped: nbrmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969581 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:48,771 INFO stopped: vrfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969625 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:49,775 INFO stopped: buffermgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969668 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:49,778 INFO stopped: portmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969712 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:49,780 INFO stopped: intfmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969756 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:49,782 INFO stopped: vlanmgrd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969800 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:50,785 INFO waiting for neighsyncd, intfsyncd, orchagent, portsyncd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:04.969844 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:51,788 INFO stopped: neighsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969888 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:51,793 INFO stopped: intfsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969932 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:51,797 INFO stopped: portsyncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.969976 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:51,799 INFO stopped: orchagent (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:04.970039 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:51,802 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:01,710 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:01,710 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:01,730 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:01,731 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:02,734 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:03,739 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,940 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:32:04.970241 spine-1 INFO swss#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="37" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:04.983697 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.552320] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_init Dec 6 22:32:05.019680 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.561279] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_init_one Dec 6 22:32:05.019708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.561282] sx_netdev: Mellanox SwitchX Network Device Driver 1.0 (Jan, 2012) Dec 6 22:32:05.024989 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.597978] Creating char device with major:232 minor:193 Dec 6 22:32:05.025023 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.597984] BFD char-device initialized. Dec 6 22:32:05.027767 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1688.599948] Kernel BFD initialized Dec 6 22:32:05.033020 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Loading SX driver:[ OK ] Dec 6 22:32:05.039766 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1688.610886] i2c /dev entries driver Dec 6 22:32:05.428114 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,421 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:05.623339 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,621 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:05.632971 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,632 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:28,117 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:28,118 INFO waiting for xcvrd, rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:29,134 INFO stopped: xcvrd (exit status 143) Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:31,137 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:32,142 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,396 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,396 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:05.650883 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,418 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:05.650933 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,418 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:05.650933 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,421 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:05.650970 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,621 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:05.650970 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,632 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:32:05.650970 spine-1 INFO pmon#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="12" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:05.798711 spine-1 INFO[27003]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:05.799424 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:05.816665 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,815 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:05.817322 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,816 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:05.835602 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,835 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:05.836363 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,835 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:05.880188 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,879 INFO success: teammgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:05.884687 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teammgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:05.946105 spine-1 INFO[27001]: Starting existing lldp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:05.960188 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:05,949 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:05.961476 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:06.088099 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,085 INFO spawned: 'teamsyncd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:06.109041 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teamsyncd Listens to teamd events... Dec 6 22:32:06.159206 spine-1 INFO[27001]: lldp Dec 6 22:32:06.168146 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started LLDP container. Dec 6 22:32:06.187942 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting SNMP container... Dec 6 22:32:06.329380 spine-1 INFO[27271]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:06.330093 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:06.352869 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,352 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:06.353533 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:06.356712 spine-1 INFO[27271]: Unlinking stale socket /var/run/supervisor.sock Dec 6 22:32:06.374538 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,373 INFO spawned: 'orchagent' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:06.635931 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,635 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:06.640411 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:06.685274 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,684 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:06.687057 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,686 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:06.747823 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- main: --- Starting Orchestration Agent --- Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- clear_local_state: clearing local state Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_log_set: not implemented Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- startRecording: started recording: /var/log/swss/sairedis.rec Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initSaiRedis: Enable redis pipeline Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: sending syncd INIT view Dec 6 22:32:06.752721 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_internal_notify_syncd: wait for notify response Dec 6 22:32:06.753100 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Starting existing syncd container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:06.843982 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,838 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:06.868151 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,862 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:32:06.868822 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:06,863 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:06.880175 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors: started Dec 6 22:32:06.940025 spine-1 INFO[26136]: syncd Dec 6 22:32:07.069536 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,068 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:07.090488 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,110 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:07.090654 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,110 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:07.090736 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,112 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:07.090816 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,815 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:07.090897 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,816 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:07.090975 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,835 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:07.091054 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,835 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:07.091138 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,838 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:07.091219 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,068 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:07.091298 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="23" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:07.110594 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,109 INFO success: teamsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:07.117175 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord: teamsyncd: started Dec 6 22:32:07.119665 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: ledd: started Dec 6 22:32:07.114579 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,113 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:07.115531 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,114 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:07.133225 spine-1 INFO[26364]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,132 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:07.184775 spine-1 INFO pmon#ledd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:32:07.184676 spine-1 INFO[26136]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:07.185350 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:07.207109 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,206 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:07.212085 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,206 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:07.213762 spine-1 INFO[26136]: Unlinking stale socket /var/run/supervisor.sock Dec 6 22:32:07.315291 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors Starting sensor daemon: sensord Dec 6 22:32:07.332135 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: lm-sensors . Dec 6 22:32:07.332548 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: sensord started Dec 6 22:32:07.333091 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,332 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:07.333551 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: mlxsw-virtual-0 Dec 6 22:32:07.333711 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: Virtual device Dec 6 22:32:07.336866 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,336 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:32:07.337852 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,336 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:07.344382 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord: xcvrd: started Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 41.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: coretemp-isa-0000 Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: ISA adapter Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 0: 23.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 1: 23.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 2: 24.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Core 3: 24.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: lm75-i2c-7-4a Dec 6 22:32:07.359496 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6) Dec 6 22:32:07.361107 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,360 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:07.361337 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 27.0 C (limit = 80.0 C, hysteresis = 75.0 C) Dec 6 22:32:07.361337 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: pmbus-i2c-5-27 Dec 6 22:32:07.361337 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 4) Dec 6 22:32:07.361337 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vin: +11.89 V (min = +10.00 V, max = +15.00 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.361337 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout1: +3.31 V (min = +3.04 V, max = +3.56 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.361390 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout2: +1.20 V (min = +1.10 V, max = +1.29 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.361559 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 27.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.362097 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp2: 27.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.362097 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: mlxsw-i2c-2-48 Dec 6 22:32:07.362097 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 1) Dec 6 22:32:07.377766 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,377 INFO success: orchagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:07.380316 spine-1 INFO[25986]: Connected! Dec 6 22:32:07.383907 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: orchagent: started Dec 6 22:32:07.390427 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan1: 15932 RPM Dec 6 22:32:07.405040 spine-1 INFO pmon#xcvrd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:32:07.420155 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan2: 16528 RPM Dec 6 22:32:07.444055 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan3: 17171 RPM Dec 6 22:32:07.468070 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: fan4: 17396 RPM Dec 6 22:32:07.504078 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 40.0 C Dec 6 22:32:07.504078 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: lm75-i2c-7-4b Dec 6 22:32:07.504078 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 6) Dec 6 22:32:07.508096 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 26.5 C (limit = 80.0 C, hysteresis = 75.0 C) Dec 6 22:32:07.508096 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Chip: pmbus-i2c-5-41 Dec 6 22:32:07.508096 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: Adapter: i2c-1-mux (chan_id 4) Dec 6 22:32:07.508707 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vin: +11.89 V (min = +10.00 V, max = +15.00 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.509126 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout1: +0.95 V (min = +0.87 V, max = +1.02 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.509557 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: vout2: +1.82 V (min = +1.66 V, max = +1.94 V) Dec 6 22:32:07.509833 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp1: 24.4 C Dec 6 22:32:07.510126 spine-1 INFO pmon#sensord: temp2: 24.3 C Dec 6 22:32:07.607773 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,607 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:07.609725 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,609 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:07.690127 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,689 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:07.811913 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,809 INFO spawned: 'restore_neighbors' with pid 54 Dec 6 22:32:07.812595 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:07,810 INFO success: restore_neighbors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:07.831877 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors: started Dec 6 22:32:07.840027 spine-1 INFO[27282]: Starting existing snmp container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:08.053472 spine-1 INFO[27282]: snmp Dec 6 22:32:08.056535 spine-1 INFO pmon#ledd: Failed to locate platform-specific led_control module. Dec 6 22:32:08.072051 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,071 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.072710 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,071 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.083104 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:08.097173 spine-1 INFO[26990]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,096 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.310384 spine-1 INFO[27282]: /usr/bin/ line 31: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input Dec 6 22:32:08.465430 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,464 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.470846 spine-1 INFO[27282]: 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.482491 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started SNMP container. Dec 6 22:32:08.513399 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopping DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:32:08.568307 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,567 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.569002 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,568 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.573457 spine-1 INFO[27003]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,572 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:08.613332 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,612 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.638889 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,638 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.690816 spine-1 INFO lldp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="16" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:08.693715 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,057 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.697501 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,057 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.697684 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,078 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.697782 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:16,079 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.697867 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:17,081 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.697948 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:17,659 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.698055 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,662 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.698141 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,663 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.698222 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:18,848 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.698298 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:19,933 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.698373 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:20,114 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.698448 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:21,118 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.698525 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:21,300 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.698599 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:22,303 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.698680 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:38:22,331 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.698759 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,378 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.698839 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,379 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.698920 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:29,382 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.699000 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:32,386 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.699080 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:35,389 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.699161 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,278 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.699242 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,278 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.699323 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,603 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.699401 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:34,605 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.699482 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:35,608 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:32:08.699561 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:36,178 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:08.699676 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,181 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.699768 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,182 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.699849 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:37,381 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:08.699928 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:38,454 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.700008 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:38,637 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:08.700086 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:39,990 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.700164 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:40,171 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:32:08.700242 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:41,175 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.700322 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:54:41,202 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.700422 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,736 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.700503 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,736 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.700582 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:21,741 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.700659 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:24,745 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.700740 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:27,750 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.700819 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:26,704 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.700898 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:26,706 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.700976 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:27,035 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.701057 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:27,036 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.701136 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:28,039 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.701217 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:28,608 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.701303 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,611 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.701390 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,611 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.701471 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:29,810 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.701551 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:30,906 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.701632 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:31,086 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.701710 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:32,090 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.701788 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:32,272 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.701868 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:34,219 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.701947 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:10:34,248 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.702028 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,764 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.702107 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,764 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.702184 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:49,769 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.702265 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:52,773 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.702344 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:55,778 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.702423 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:55,804 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.702503 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:55,805 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.702584 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:56,131 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.702664 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:56,132 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.702744 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:57,135 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.702845 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:57,713 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:32:08.702928 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,715 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.703011 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,716 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.703091 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:38:58,908 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:32:08.703173 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:00,003 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.703254 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:00,201 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:08.703337 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:01,545 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.703422 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:01,730 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 68 Dec 6 22:32:08.703504 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:02,733 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.703582 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:39:02,762 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.703894 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:19,729 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.704018 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:19,730 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.704099 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:22,733 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.704180 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:25,737 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.704260 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:03:28,741 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.704337 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,606 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.704418 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,607 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.704496 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,948 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.704576 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:14,949 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.704656 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:15,952 INFO spawned: '' with pid 15 Dec 6 22:32:08.704735 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,954 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.704816 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,053 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:08.704894 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,055 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.704975 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,305 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:32:08.705053 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,406 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.705133 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,610 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:08.705211 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,218 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.705292 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,407 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:32:08.705371 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:23,271 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.705476 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:23,298 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.705558 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:19,450 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.705640 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:19,451 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.705718 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:22,454 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.705795 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:25,458 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.705875 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:05:28,464 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.705953 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,252 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.706033 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,252 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.706113 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,573 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.706194 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:12,574 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.706275 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:13,577 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.706354 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,490 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.706434 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,492 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.706516 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,492 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.706596 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,714 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:32:08.706676 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,818 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.706759 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,059 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:32:08.706840 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,576 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.706923 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,802 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:32:08.707005 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,638 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.707082 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,673 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.707158 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:24,492 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.707235 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:24,492 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.707315 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:27,496 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.707391 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:30,500 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.707466 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:33,505 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.707544 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,190 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.707644 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,190 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.707737 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,513 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.707814 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:18,515 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.707911 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:19,522 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.707988 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,367 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.708065 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,371 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.708141 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,371 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.708217 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,607 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:32:08.708295 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,706 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.708372 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,953 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:08.708452 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,699 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.708538 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,916 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 88 Dec 6 22:32:08.708618 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,679 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.708695 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,716 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.708771 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,182 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.708847 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,183 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.708927 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:04,187 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.709004 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:07,191 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.709078 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:10,196 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.709155 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:09,720 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.709234 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:09,720 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.709312 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:10,043 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.709386 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:10,044 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.709472 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:11,048 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.709550 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:11,597 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.709627 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,599 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.709703 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,600 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.709782 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:12,805 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.709861 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:13,885 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.709938 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:14,067 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.710013 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:15,363 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.710091 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:15,548 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.710168 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:16,551 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.710263 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:52:16,581 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.710340 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:48,368 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.710420 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:48,368 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.710500 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:51,373 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.710582 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:54,377 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.710661 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:57,381 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.710739 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,365 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.710816 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,365 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.710897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,688 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.712166 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,711 INFO spawned: 'portsyncd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.730384 spine-1 INFO[27503]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:41,689 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:42,692 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,566 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,571 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,571 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,801 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,878 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:46,099 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,527 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,735 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,738 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,771 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,796 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,797 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:32,801 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:35,803 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:38,807 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,206 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,206 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,529 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:02,531 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:03,535 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:04,088 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,091 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,092 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:05,283 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:06,371 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:06,552 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:07,858 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:08,041 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 68 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:09,043 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:08:09,073 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:44,861 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:44,862 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:47,866 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:50,870 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:53,874 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,173 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,175 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,501 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:47,502 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:48,505 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:49,072 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,075 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,075 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:50,279 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:51,362 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:51,547 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:52,861 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:53,045 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:54,048 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:42:54,076 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:33,690 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:33,691 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:36,696 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:39,700 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:42,705 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,222 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,222 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,543 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:28,544 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:29,546 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,463 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.732543 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,470 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,470 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,809 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,886 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,118 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,595 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,799 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,778 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,804 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,587 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,587 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:40,592 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:43,596 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:46,599 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,421 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,422 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,746 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:11,748 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:12,752 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:13,328 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,331 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,332 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:14,525 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:15,667 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:15,849 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:17,158 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.732783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:17,342 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:32:08.733599 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:18,345 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.733724 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:42:18,376 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.733806 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:43,717 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.734614 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:43,717 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.734776 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:46,721 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.734871 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:49,725 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.734956 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:52,729 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.735041 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,159 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.735127 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,159 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.735245 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,480 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.735341 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:38,481 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.735426 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:39,485 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.735506 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,369 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:08.735587 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,373 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.735716 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,373 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.735804 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,739 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:32:08.735891 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,826 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.735979 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,086 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 37 Dec 6 22:32:08.736062 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,609 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.736176 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,816 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 82 Dec 6 22:32:08.736264 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,057 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.736349 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,084 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.736432 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:43,130 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.736518 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:43,130 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.736599 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:46,134 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.736680 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:49,138 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.736764 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:52,142 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.736852 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:32,911 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.736937 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:32,911 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.737028 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:33,237 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.737112 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:33,243 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.737192 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:34,246 INFO spawned: '' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:08.737274 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:35,028 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.737353 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,031 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.737431 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,031 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.737784 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:36,231 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 36 Dec 6 22:32:08.739779 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Stopped DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:32:08.740040 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:37,293 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.740150 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:37,487 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 46 Dec 6 22:32:08.740235 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:38,819 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.740319 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:39,004 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:32:08.740400 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:40,007 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.740481 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:40,043 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.740474 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Starting DHCP relay container... Dec 6 22:32:08.740568 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:00,684 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.740662 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:00,685 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.740746 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:03,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.740828 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:06,694 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.740909 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:09,698 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.741013 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,990 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.741096 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,991 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.741176 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:13,318 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.741255 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:13,319 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.741334 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:14,322 INFO spawned: '' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.741412 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:14,861 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:32:08.744068 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,863 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.744231 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,864 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.744313 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:16,049 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:32:08.744391 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:17,471 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.744468 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:17,656 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:32:08.744545 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:19,637 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.744623 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:19,824 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 73 Dec 6 22:32:08.744700 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:20,941 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.744777 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:20,967 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.744857 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,493 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.744936 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,493 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.745013 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:52,496 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.745090 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:55,499 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.745166 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:58,503 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.745245 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,334 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.745324 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,335 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.745402 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,660 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.745480 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:55,661 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.745560 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:56,664 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.745640 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:57,232 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.745720 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,235 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.745807 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,235 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.745892 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:58,432 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.745973 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:59,510 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.746077 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:57:59,690 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.746157 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:01,002 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.746235 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:01,185 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.746310 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:02,187 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.746387 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:58:02,216 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.746462 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:10,761 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.746538 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:10,762 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.746614 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:13,767 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.746690 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:16,770 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.746767 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:06:19,775 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.746844 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,322 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.746922 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,322 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.746999 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,650 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.747077 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:05,652 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.747161 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:06,654 INFO spawned: '' with pid 15 Dec 6 22:32:08.747241 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,609 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:08.747325 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,611 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.747409 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,612 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.747493 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,861 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:32:08.747574 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,935 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.747680 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:10,147 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:08.747761 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:11,909 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.747842 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,138 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:32:08.747918 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,814 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.747998 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,847 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.748077 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,379 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.751848 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,380 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.752121 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:51,383 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.752175 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:54,387 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.752219 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:57,392 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.752263 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,291 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.752313 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,291 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.752571 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,615 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.752632 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:55,616 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.752687 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:56,619 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.752826 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:57,184 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.752998 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,187 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.753294 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,187 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.753360 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:58,389 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.753404 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:59,486 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.753448 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:08:59,668 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.753491 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:00,974 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.753537 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:01,158 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.753581 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:02,161 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.753625 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:09:02,189 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.753668 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:19,341 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.753714 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:19,342 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.753757 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:22,346 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.753801 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:25,350 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.753844 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:24:28,354 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.753888 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,572 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.753931 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,572 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.753975 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,903 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.754018 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:12,910 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.754062 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:13,913 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:32:08.754140 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:14,759 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:08.754184 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,762 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.754228 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,762 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.754271 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:16,022 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:08.754314 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,109 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.754358 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,533 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:08.754401 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,158 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.754445 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,702 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:32:08.754490 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,826 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.754533 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,894 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.754576 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:07,980 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.754635 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:07,980 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.754680 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:10,985 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.754723 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:13,989 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.754767 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:34:16,994 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.754810 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,622 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.754853 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,622 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.754897 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,957 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.754941 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:00,958 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.754987 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:01,965 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.755032 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:02,922 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.755075 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,925 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.755119 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,925 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.755162 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:04,234 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:32:08.755205 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,330 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.755248 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,564 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:32:08.755292 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,263 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.755337 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,591 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:32:08.755381 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,605 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.755426 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,655 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.755470 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:09,380 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.755513 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:09,380 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.755557 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:12,384 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.755600 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:15,387 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.755872 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:36:18,391 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.755922 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:03,917 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.755965 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:03,917 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.756009 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:04,253 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.756094 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:04,258 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.756152 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:05,261 INFO spawned: '' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.756230 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:05,978 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:32:08.756318 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,982 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.756365 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,982 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.756408 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,320 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 35 Dec 6 22:32:08.756452 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,374 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.756495 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,791 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 44 Dec 6 22:32:08.756538 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,472 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.756581 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,932 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 89 Dec 6 22:32:08.756625 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,769 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.756668 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,831 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.756711 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:54,203 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.756754 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:54,204 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.756798 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:57,208 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.756841 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:45:00,213 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.756885 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:45:03,218 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.756928 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:54,866 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.756971 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:54,866 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.757014 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:55,189 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.757057 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:55,191 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.757100 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:56,195 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.757144 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:56,755 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.757187 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,758 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.757231 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,758 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.757274 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:57,963 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:08.757317 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:59,058 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.757361 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:46:59,240 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.757405 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:00,564 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.757448 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:00,747 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:32:08.757492 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:01,750 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.757536 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:47:01,780 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.757602 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:39,127 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.757602 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:39,128 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.757648 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:42,132 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.757692 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,136 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.757736 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:48,140 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.757779 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,298 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.757823 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,299 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.757868 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,644 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.757912 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:25,646 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.757964 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:26,649 INFO spawned: '' with pid 15 Dec 6 22:32:08.758015 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,650 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.758065 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,720 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:08.758116 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,725 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.758167 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,982 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 33 Dec 6 22:32:08.758366 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,073 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.758425 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,435 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:08.758480 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:32,058 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.758531 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:32,482 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 87 Dec 6 22:32:08.758581 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,490 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.758632 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,554 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.758682 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:32,729 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.758733 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:32,729 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.758783 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:35,733 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.758832 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:38,737 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.758876 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:41,741 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.758926 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:23,763 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.758977 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:23,764 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.759026 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,088 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.759076 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:24,092 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.759126 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:25,096 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.759175 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,111 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.759224 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,316 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.759275 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,325 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.759329 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,588 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:32:08.759379 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:28,679 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.759428 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:28,895 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:32:08.759477 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,579 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.759527 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,859 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 85 Dec 6 22:32:08.759577 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,863 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.759645 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,945 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.759692 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:33,649 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.759743 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:33,650 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.759794 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:36,654 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.759843 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:39,658 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.759894 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:42,662 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.759946 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,099 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.759997 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,099 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.760047 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,428 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.760097 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:31,429 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.760147 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:32,433 INFO spawned: '' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.760197 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,436 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.760248 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,487 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.760296 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,491 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.760347 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,789 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:32:08.760391 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:35,889 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.760441 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,162 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 40 Dec 6 22:32:08.760491 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,773 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.760864 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:38,182 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:32:08.760939 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,782 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.760983 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,840 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.761036 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:55,902 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.761085 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:55,903 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.761136 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:11:58,907 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.761186 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:01,912 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.761237 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:04,915 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.761288 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,522 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.761339 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,522 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.761389 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,856 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.761441 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:48,859 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.761491 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:49,863 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.761541 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:50,707 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.761592 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,710 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.761641 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,710 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.761693 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,958 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:08.761744 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,026 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.761794 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,295 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.761844 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,204 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.761894 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,783 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:32:08.761945 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,787 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.761996 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,864 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.762046 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:35,896 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.762097 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:35,897 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.762147 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:38,902 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.762198 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:41,906 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.762241 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:44,910 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.762290 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,143 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.762340 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,143 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.762390 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,472 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.762439 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:28,479 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.762489 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:29,485 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.762539 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:30,475 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.762591 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,479 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.762642 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,480 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.762693 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,712 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.762743 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:32,781 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.762793 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,210 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.762843 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,638 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.762893 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:35,023 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.762943 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,047 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.762993 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,090 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.763043 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,684 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.763094 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,684 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.763145 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:17,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.763195 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:20,692 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.763246 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:23,696 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.763296 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,312 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.763346 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,313 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.763397 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,638 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.763447 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:47,639 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.763497 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:48,642 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.763548 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:49,196 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.763603 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,199 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.763671 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,199 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.763722 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:50,417 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.763766 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:51,517 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.763816 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:51,715 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.763867 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:53,021 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.763918 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:53,205 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.763969 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:54,209 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.764019 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:32:54,237 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.764069 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,985 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.764119 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,986 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.764169 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:58,990 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.764219 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:01,995 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.764270 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:05,064 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.764320 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,420 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.764370 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,423 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.764421 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,744 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.764470 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:15,745 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.764521 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:16,748 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.764571 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:17,293 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.764623 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,295 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.764674 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,296 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.764724 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:18,496 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:08.764774 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:19,605 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.764825 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:19,787 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:08.764875 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:21,104 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.764925 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:21,287 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 66 Dec 6 22:32:08.764975 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:22,289 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.765025 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:04:22,320 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.765076 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:36,134 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.765127 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:36,135 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.765177 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:39,139 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.765221 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:42,144 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.765272 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:45,147 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.765328 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,431 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.765385 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,431 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.765435 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,753 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.765485 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:25,754 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.765535 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,757 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.765585 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,739 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.765635 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,743 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.765686 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,745 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.765737 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,994 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:08.765786 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,103 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.765836 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,330 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:08.765885 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,918 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.765935 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,237 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:08.765985 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,781 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.766034 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,809 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.766083 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.766134 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:26,689 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.766184 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:29,693 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.766233 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:32,697 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.766283 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:22:35,701 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.766332 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,152 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.766381 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,153 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.766430 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,478 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.766481 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:23,479 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.766531 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:24,482 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:32:08.766580 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,269 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:08.766630 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.766679 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,274 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.766729 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,466 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:08.766772 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:27,903 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.766822 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,085 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:08.766871 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,085 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.766922 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,309 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 67 Dec 6 22:32:08.766971 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,312 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.767021 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,342 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.767071 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.767122 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:17,672 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.767171 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:20,676 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.767221 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:23,680 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.767270 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:26,685 INFO waiting for lldp-syncd, rsyslogd, lldpd, lldpmgrd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.767321 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,352 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.767370 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.767420 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,684 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.767470 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,686 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.767519 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,689 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.767569 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,638 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.785786 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,785 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.787043 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,786 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Listen to link messages... Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Read port configuration file... Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'name' Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'lanes' Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'speed' Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'index' Dec 6 22:32:08.812632 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd Adding column header 'alias' Dec 6 22:32:08.812681 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors restore_neighbors service is started Dec 6 22:32:08.812681 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: restore_neighbors restore_neighbors service is skipped as warm restart not enabled Dec 6 22:32:08.817831 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,817 INFO exited: restore_neighbors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.887116 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:08,886 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,691 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,704 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,797 INFO stopped: mlnx-sfpd (exit status 143) Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,799 INFO stopped: syncd (terminated by SIGTERM) Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:12:45,802 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:08.905822 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,874 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.905875 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,875 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.905909 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,944 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.905909 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:27,945 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.906122 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,948 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.906122 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:29,176 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.906122 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,179 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906161 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,179 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906161 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,552 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.906275 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:31,558 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906275 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:32,018 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 41 Dec 6 22:32:08.906296 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,029 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906296 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,080 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.906327 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:17,540 INFO exited: syncd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.906426 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:17,841 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.906426 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:17,841 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.906446 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:20,845 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.906469 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:23,849 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.906469 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:26,853 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.906572 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,630 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.906572 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,630 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.906593 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,992 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.906617 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,993 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.906617 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,996 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.906720 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:28,291 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.906720 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,294 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906740 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,294 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906763 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,640 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.906763 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,686 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906891 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,131 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 52 Dec 6 22:32:08.906891 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:33,077 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.906911 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:33,098 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.906934 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:17,200 INFO exited: syncd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.906934 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:17,540 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.907052 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:17,541 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907052 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:20,545 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907052 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:23,550 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907074 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:26,556 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907097 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,244 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.907097 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,244 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.907205 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,614 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.907205 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,614 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.907224 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,617 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.907246 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,932 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.907329 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:35,935 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907329 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:35,935 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907360 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,282 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.907360 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,289 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907458 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,807 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 48 Dec 6 22:32:08.907458 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:38,950 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907477 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:38,973 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.907500 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:00,914 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.907500 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:00,914 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907602 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:03,919 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907602 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:06,922 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907681 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:09,927 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.907764 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,698 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.907764 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,698 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.907783 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:52,107 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.907805 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:52,108 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.907805 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,111 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.907939 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,571 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.907939 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:54,582 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907959 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:54,582 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.907959 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:54,799 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.907989 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,805 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908083 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,676 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 41 Dec 6 22:32:08.908083 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:57,804 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908102 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:57,882 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.908124 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:41,885 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.908207 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:41,886 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908207 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:44,890 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908207 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:47,893 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908250 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:21:50,897 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908332 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,381 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.908332 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,382 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.908363 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,762 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.908363 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,763 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.908460 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:32,765 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.908460 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,158 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.908479 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,169 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908501 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,169 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908584 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,433 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:08.908584 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:35,437 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908615 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,057 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:08.908615 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,104 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.908714 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,173 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.908714 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:31:44,512 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.908733 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:31:44,512 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908755 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:31:47,517 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908861 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:31:50,522 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908861 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:31:53,526 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.908882 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:00,371 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.908904 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:00,372 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.908989 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:00,745 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.908989 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:00,745 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.909020 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:01,748 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.909020 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:01,944 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:32:08.909113 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:02,947 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909113 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:02,947 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909144 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:03,138 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.909229 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:05,042 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909229 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:05,225 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 36 Dec 6 22:32:08.909248 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:06,560 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909270 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:33:06,583 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.909355 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:42:06,033 INFO exited: syncd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.909355 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:56,673 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.909355 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:56,674 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.909401 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:59,678 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.909401 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:02,683 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.909501 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:05,687 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.909501 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:12,183 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.909531 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:12,183 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.909612 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:12,553 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.909612 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:12,554 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.909632 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:13,557 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:08.909655 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:13,753 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:32:08.909655 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:14,756 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909757 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:14,756 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909757 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:14,941 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 17 Dec 6 22:32:08.909777 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:16,005 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909800 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:16,199 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 53 Dec 6 22:32:08.909800 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:17,665 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.909924 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:06:17,688 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.909924 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:21,275 INFO exited: syncd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.909945 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:21,471 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.909945 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:21,471 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.909975 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:24,475 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910069 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:27,480 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910069 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:30,484 INFO waiting for rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910088 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,011 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.910110 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,011 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.910193 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,380 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.910193 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:26,381 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.910212 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,384 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:32:08.910235 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,826 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 13 Dec 6 22:32:08.910316 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,830 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.910316 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,830 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.910347 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:29,128 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:08.910347 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,184 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.910441 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,475 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 54 Dec 6 22:32:08.910441 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,934 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:08.910471 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,959 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:08.910471 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:22,251 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:08.910566 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:22,251 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910566 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:25,256 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910585 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:28,261 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910607 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:31:31,265 INFO waiting for syncd, rsyslogd, mlnx-sfpd to die Dec 6 22:32:08.910689 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,206 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:08.910689 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,206 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:08.910719 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,607 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:08.910719 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,609 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:08.910835 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,612 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:08.910835 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,886 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:08.910855 spine-1 INFO syncd#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="11" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:09.642560 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,641 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:09.643258 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,642 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:09.646167 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:09.791281 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,789 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:09.820146 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,819 INFO success: portsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:09.823879 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portsyncd: started Dec 6 22:32:09.835571 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,834 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:09.872839 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol LLDP enabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872839 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol CDPv1 disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872839 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol CDPv2 disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872839 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol SONMP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872905 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol EDP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872905 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: protocol FDP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.872922 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method Dec 6 22:32:09.873340 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol LLDP enabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873434 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol CDPv1 disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873511 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol CDPv2 disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873594 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol SONMP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873676 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol EDP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873760 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/main] protocol FDP disabled Dec 6 22:32:09.873846 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/event] libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method Dec 6 22:32:09.890920 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,890 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:09.892067 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:09,890 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:09.895668 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:09.897338 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpcli[22]: lldpd should resume operations Dec 6 22:32:09.897762 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:09 [INFO/lldpctl] lldpd should resume operations Dec 6 22:32:10.095100 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:10,094 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:10.279743 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:10,278 INFO spawned: 'intfsyncd' with pid 70 Dec 6 22:32:10.305192 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfsyncd Listens to interface messages... Dec 6 22:32:10.315315 spine-1 INFO[27533]: Starting existing dhcp_relay container with HWSKU ACS-MSN2100 Dec 6 22:32:10.493027 spine-1 INFO[27533]: dhcp_relay Dec 6 22:32:10.502025 spine-1 INFO systemd[1]: Started DHCP relay container. Dec 6 22:32:10.778747 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:10,777 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.795759 spine-1 INFO snmp#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="21" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:19,945 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:19,945 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:20,028 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:20,029 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:21,032 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:22,035 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:22,684 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.798718 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:23,687 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798718 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:23,883 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.798759 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:24,886 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798759 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:25,069 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.798759 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:26,072 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798784 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:42:26,097 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.798784 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,370 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:26,371 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:29,375 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:32,379 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:53:35,384 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,006 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,007 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,336 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:53,338 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:54,341 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:55,341 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:55,348 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:56,350 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:56,538 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.798967 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:57,541 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799025 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:57,725 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.799025 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:58,729 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799044 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 22:57:58,750 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.799044 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,716 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:18,717 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:21,721 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:24,725 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:09:27,730 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,364 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,365 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,694 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:37,695 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:38,699 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:39,701 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:39,804 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:40,807 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:40,999 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:42,002 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799238 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:42,186 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.799295 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:43,189 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799295 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-04 23:14:43,210 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.799295 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,779 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:46,779 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:49,783 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:52,787 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:37:55,792 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:06,782 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:06,783 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:07,114 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:07,116 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:08,119 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:09,123 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:09,168 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.799454 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:10,171 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799491 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:10,366 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.799491 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:11,368 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799523 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:11,552 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.799523 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:12,555 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799547 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 00:43:12,577 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.799547 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:49,607 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:49,607 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:52,611 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:55,615 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:02:58,619 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,927 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:16,927 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,249 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:17,250 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:18,253 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,257 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:19,359 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:20,362 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:20,575 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,579 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799772 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:21,785 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.799818 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:22,789 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.799818 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:22,811 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.799852 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:50,850 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.799852 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:50,850 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.799870 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:53,855 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:56,857 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:04:59,860 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,299 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,299 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,631 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:14,632 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:15,635 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,637 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:16,673 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,675 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:17,893 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:18,895 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:19,101 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,106 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800057 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:06:20,128 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.800098 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:53,461 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.800123 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:53,462 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800123 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:56,466 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800141 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:45:59,470 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800141 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:46:02,474 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,216 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,216 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,541 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:20,542 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:21,545 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,549 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:22,623 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:23,627 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:23,952 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:24,957 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:25,158 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,162 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:47:26,183 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.800363 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,145 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.800363 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:01,145 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800381 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:04,150 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800381 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:07,155 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:51:10,159 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:45,811 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:45,811 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:46,142 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:46,142 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:47,146 INFO spawned: '' with pid 10 Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:48,144 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:48,148 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 22 Dec 6 22:32:10.800555 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:49,151 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800599 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:49,374 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.800599 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:50,377 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800617 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:50,574 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:32:10.800632 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:51,577 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800632 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:55:51,615 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:18,897 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:18,897 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:21,901 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:24,904 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:58:27,908 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,587 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,588 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,914 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:43,915 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:44,919 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.800776 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,921 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800814 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:45,996 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.800840 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:46,999 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.800840 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:47,198 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.800840 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,201 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:48,416 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:49,424 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 01:59:49,445 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,783 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:29,784 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:32,786 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:35,790 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:05:38,793 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:29,755 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:29,755 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:30,084 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.801003 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:30,085 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.801038 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:31,088 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.801038 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:32,088 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801066 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:32,094 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.801066 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:33,097 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801089 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:33,281 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.801089 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:34,283 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:34,465 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:35,469 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 02:11:35,490 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:14,763 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:14,763 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:17,766 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:20,770 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:35:23,774 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,308 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,309 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,639 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.801239 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:03,640 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.801287 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:04,643 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.801287 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:05,643 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:05,647 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.801310 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:06,650 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:06,834 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:07,838 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:08,045 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:09,048 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 04:46:09,069 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:04,134 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:04,134 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:07,138 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:10,142 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:17:13,145 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,222 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,227 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.801480 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,551 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.801518 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:30,552 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.801542 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:31,556 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.801542 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,558 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801560 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:32,639 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.801576 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,644 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801576 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:33,849 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:34,854 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:35,072 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,075 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:18:36,099 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,575 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:37,576 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:40,580 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:43,583 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:39:46,586 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,333 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,333 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,661 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:39,662 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.801757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:40,665 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.801796 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:41,652 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.801796 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,655 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801827 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,656 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801827 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:42,848 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.801851 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:43,851 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.801851 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:44,046 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:45,049 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:45:45,072 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:12,989 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:12,989 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:15,993 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:18,996 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:47:21,999 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,220 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,221 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,543 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:40,544 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:41,547 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,549 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802032 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:42,676 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.802071 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,679 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802096 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:43,915 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.802096 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:44,918 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802114 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:45,123 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.802114 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,126 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:48:46,146 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:14,122 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:14,123 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:17,126 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:20,130 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:49:23,134 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,066 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,066 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,396 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.802289 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:42,399 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.802781 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:43,402 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.802781 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:44,303 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.802781 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,307 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802781 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,307 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802781 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:45,531 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.802832 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:46,535 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802832 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:46,719 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.802852 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:47,723 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.802852 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:50:47,743 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,883 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:12,883 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:15,887 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:18,892 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:21,895 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:24,875 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:24,876 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:25,196 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:25,197 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.802979 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:26,201 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.803026 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:27,201 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803026 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:27,212 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.803045 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:28,215 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803061 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:28,416 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.803061 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:29,419 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:29,622 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:30,625 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:51:30,645 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,542 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:49,542 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:52,546 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:55,550 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 05:53:58,554 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:26,955 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:26,956 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:27,287 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:27,289 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.803227 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:28,293 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.803264 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:29,297 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803288 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:29,502 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.803288 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:30,505 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803305 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:30,704 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.803321 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:31,707 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803321 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:31,916 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:32,922 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:01:32,983 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:41,305 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:41,305 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:44,308 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:47,311 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:05:50,316 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,469 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,469 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,798 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:07,799 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:08,802 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,804 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803500 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:09,922 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.803541 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:10,925 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803541 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:11,125 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.803580 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,129 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803580 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:12,327 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.803580 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,331 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:13,354 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,375 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:48,375 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:51,378 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:54,381 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:07:57,386 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,474 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,475 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,804 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:22,805 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:23,808 INFO spawned: '' with pid 12 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:24,810 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:24,920 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 24 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:25,923 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:26,143 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 29 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:27,146 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:27,333 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 31 Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:28,335 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-05 06:12:28,357 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.803605 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:49,221 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.803970 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:49,221 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803970 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:52,225 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803970 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:55,229 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.803988 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:23:58,231 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804018 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,299 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.804018 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,300 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.804018 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,634 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.804043 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:15,634 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.804059 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:16,637 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.804059 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,639 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:17,660 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:18,663 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:19,067 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,071 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:20,301 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:21,303 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:25:21,331 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:36,677 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:36,677 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:39,681 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:42,684 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:33:45,688 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,449 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,450 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,775 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:03,776 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:04,780 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,787 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:05,973 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.804309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:06,981 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804360 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:07,314 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.804387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,326 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:08,544 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.804387 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:09,547 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:09,569 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:38,122 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:38,122 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:41,125 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:44,128 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:35:47,131 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,864 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:06,864 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,202 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:07,205 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:08,210 INFO spawned: '' with pid 11 Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:09,215 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:09,512 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,519 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:10,871 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:11,890 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804595 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:12,093 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 30 Dec 6 22:32:10.804654 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:13,096 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804654 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:37:13,123 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.804672 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:12,827 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.804687 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:12,828 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804687 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:15,831 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:18,835 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:44:21,839 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:18,987 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:18,988 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:19,323 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:19,324 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:20,328 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:21,328 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:21,337 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:22,339 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:22,524 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:23,528 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:23,712 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:24,716 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.804881 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 01:50:24,739 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.804921 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:10:58,738 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.804946 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:10:58,739 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804946 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:01,742 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804965 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:04,746 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.804965 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:11:07,750 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,144 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,144 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,467 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:28,470 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:29,473 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,480 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:30,843 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:31,847 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:32,139 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,142 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:33,348 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:34,351 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805131 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:13:34,372 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.805170 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:02,492 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.805193 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:02,493 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805193 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:05,497 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805210 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:08,501 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805226 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:14:11,505 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805226 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,868 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:26,868 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,192 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:27,193 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:28,196 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,198 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:29,289 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,291 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:30,506 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,509 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:31,781 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:32,784 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 02:15:32,805 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:01,556 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.805404 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:01,557 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805445 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:04,561 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805472 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:07,564 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805472 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:53:10,567 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805472 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,987 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:33,987 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,318 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:34,319 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:35,321 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,323 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:36,516 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,519 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:37,843 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:38,853 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:39,067 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:40,069 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 18:54:40,094 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:15,610 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:15,611 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805669 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:18,613 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:21,617 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805711 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:10:24,621 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805742 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,326 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.805742 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,326 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.805759 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,665 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.805775 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:51,666 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.805775 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:52,669 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:53,671 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:54,182 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,186 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:55,697 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:56,711 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:57,250 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:58,255 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:12:58,293 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:55,410 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:55,411 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:19:58,413 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:20:01,418 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:20:04,421 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,281 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.805960 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,287 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.806015 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,613 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.806015 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:31,614 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.806033 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:32,617 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.806049 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,619 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806049 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:33,883 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:34,886 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:35,343 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,346 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:36,720 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,730 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:22:37,755 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,685 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:14,685 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:17,689 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:20,693 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:30:23,696 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,022 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,022 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.806222 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,351 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.806274 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:03,352 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.806274 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:04,356 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.806292 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:05,357 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:05,367 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.806309 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:06,371 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806575 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:06,566 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:10.806575 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:07,569 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806575 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:07,754 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.806575 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:08,757 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806575 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:36:08,778 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.806607 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,974 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.806635 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:55,975 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806635 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:43:58,979 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806635 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:01,983 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 19:44:05,063 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:09,874 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:09,875 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:10,247 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:10,248 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:11,251 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:12,253 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:12,281 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.806757 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:13,284 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806788 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:13,473 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.806810 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:14,478 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806810 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:14,659 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.806828 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:15,663 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806845 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:08:15,707 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.806845 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:05,938 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:05,939 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:08,943 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:11,947 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:13:14,952 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,594 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,594 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,916 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:27,918 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:28,925 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:29,927 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:30,011 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.806991 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,018 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807045 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:31,213 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.807045 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,216 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807063 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:32,457 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.807079 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,463 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807079 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:14:33,486 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:46,252 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:49,257 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:52,261 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:20:55,265 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,246 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,246 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,572 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:25,573 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:26,577 INFO spawned: '' with pid 8 Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:27,521 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,524 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807252 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:28,742 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:10.807294 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,746 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807317 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:29,941 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.807317 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,946 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.807335 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:24:30,969 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:10.807351 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:10.807351 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:37,322 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:40,327 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:43,331 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:29:46,336 INFO waiting for snmpd, rsyslogd, snmp-subagent to die Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,457 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,457 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,785 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,786 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,789 INFO spawned: '' with pid 9 Dec 6 22:32:10.807539 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:10,777 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:10.899534 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:10,898 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:10.903317 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd: started Dec 6 22:32:10.975804 spine-1 DEBUG syncd#syncd: :> syncd_main: enter Dec 6 22:32:10.976629 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SWITCH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.977259 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_PORT to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.977783 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_FDB to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.978377 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VLAN to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.978917 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VIRTUAL_ROUTER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.979504 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.980047 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.980636 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.981240 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTER_INTERFACE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.981969 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEIGHBOR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.982579 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ACL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.983180 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HOSTIF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.983864 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_MIRROR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.984505 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SAMPLEPACKET to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.985264 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_STP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.985963 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_LAG to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.986726 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_POLICER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.987504 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_WRED to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.988208 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QOS_MAP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.988964 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QUEUE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.989612 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.990144 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.990836 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BUFFER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.991420 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HASH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.992116 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_UDF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.992673 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_TUNNEL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.994782 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 27 Dec 6 22:32:10.994987 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 28 Dec 6 22:32:10.995084 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 29 Dec 6 22:32:10.995194 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_L2MC_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.996019 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 31 Dec 6 22:32:10.996697 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 32 Dec 6 22:32:10.996845 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BRIDGE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:10.997618 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 34 Dec 6 22:32:10.998593 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 35 Dec 6 22:32:10.998754 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 36 Dec 6 22:32:10.999132 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 37 Dec 6 22:32:10.999857 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 38 Dec 6 22:32:11.000565 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 39 Dec 6 22:32:11.002678 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- handleCmdLine: enable use temp view Dec 6 22:32:11.002886 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- handleCmdLine: profile map file: /tmp/sai.profile Dec 6 22:32:11.010079 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- isVeryFirstRun: First Run: True Dec 6 22:32:11.010513 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_BFD: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.010650 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_DTEL: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.010735 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_IPMC: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.010822 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_IPMC_GROUP: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.010901 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_L2MC: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011128 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_MCAST_FDB: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011223 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_MPLS: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011303 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_RPF_GROUP: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011381 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_SEGMENTROUTE: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011460 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_TAM: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011537 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sai_metadata_apis_query: :- failed to query api SAI_API_UBURST: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (-5) Dec 6 22:32:11.011712 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: sai_api_query failed for 11 apis Dec 6 22:32:11.011804 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: syncd started Dec 6 22:32:11.011882 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: before onSyncdStart Dec 6 22:32:11.011961 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- onSyncdStart: performing hard reinit since COLD start was performed Dec 6 22:32:11.012039 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- readAsicState: read asic state took 0.000184 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.012162 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- processRoutes: apply routes took 0.000000 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.012266 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- processRoutes: apply routes took 0.000000 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.012266 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: 22e4ca16cf37e220c92df33903a0e95585ab76fd Dec 6 22:32:11.012366 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- hardReinit: create 0.000000, set: 0.000000 Dec 6 22:32:11.012446 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- hardReinit: hard reinit took 0.000353 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.012526 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- onSyncdStart: on syncd start took 0.000381 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.012605 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: after onSyncdStart Dec 6 22:32:11.012682 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: syncd listening for events Dec 6 22:32:11.012761 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_internal_notify_syncd: notify response: SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: notify syncd succeeded Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: clearing current local state since init view is called on initialized switch Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- clear_local_state: clearing local state Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initSaiRedis: Notify syncd INIT_VIEW Dec 6 22:32:11.013536 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- redis_get_free_switch_id_index: got new switch index 0x0 Dec 6 22:32:11.013582 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- main: Create a switch Dec 6 22:32:11.015293 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: 22e4ca16cf37e220c92df33903a0e95585ab76fd Dec 6 22:32:11.015837 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- notifySyncd: very first run is TRUE, op = INIT_VIEW Dec 6 22:32:11.015978 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- clearTempView: clearing current TEMP VIEW Dec 6 22:32:11.016060 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- clearTempView: clear temp view took 0.000056 sec Dec 6 22:32:11.016138 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sendNotifyResponse: sending response: SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS Dec 6 22:32:11.016218 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: SAI_INIT_CONFIG_FILE: /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/sai_2100.xml Dec 6 22:32:11.020537 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: SAI_BOOT_TYPE: 0 Dec 6 22:32:11.022599 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: DEVICE_MAC_ADDRESS: ec:0d:9a:4e:5a:00 Dec 6 22:32:11.042083 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd rm: cannot remove '/tmp/sdk_ready': No such file or directory Dec 6 22:32:11.055804 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 INFO LOG: Initializing SX log with STDOUT as output file. Dec 6 22:32:11.056976 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE POLICER_COM: policer_log_verbosity_level_set callback not initialized Dec 6 22:32:11.057885 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE CORE_API: router_log_verbosity_level_set callback not initialized yet Dec 6 22:32:11.058689 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE BRIDGE_COM: bridge_log_verbosity_level_set callback not initialized Dec 6 22:32:11.065399 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE CORE: /tmp/sdk_ready file created Dec 6 22:32:11.065560 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 39 Dec 6 22:32:11.065667 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 38 Dec 6 22:32:11.065745 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 28 Dec 6 22:32:11.065821 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 31 Dec 6 22:32:11.065896 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 27 Dec 6 22:32:11.065975 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 32 Dec 6 22:32:11.066050 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 36 Dec 6 22:32:11.066127 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 29 Dec 6 22:32:11.066208 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 35 Dec 6 22:32:11.066284 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 34 Dec 6 22:32:11.066359 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 37 Dec 6 22:32:11.066438 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Create switch, #0 INIT_SWITCH=true #1 FDB_EVENT_NOTIFY=42fc90 #2 PORT_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFY=4300f0 #3 SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST_NOTIFY=430320 Dec 6 22:32:11.066516 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Chip type - CHIP_TYPE_SPECTRUM Dec 6 22:32:11.066591 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Loading port map from /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/sai_2100.xml ... Dec 6 22:32:11.066666 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd mac k/v: ec:0d:9a:4e:5a:00 Dec 6 22:32:11.066742 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd ports num: 16 Dec 6 22:32:11.066818 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 1 {local=25 module=0 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.066894 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 2 {local=29 module=1 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.066970 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 3 {local=17 module=2 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067047 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 4 {local=21 module=3 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067122 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 5 {local=9 module=4 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067199 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 6 {local=13 module=5 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067277 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 7 {local=1 module=6 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067354 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 8 {local=5 module=7 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067429 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 9 {local=37 module=8 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067506 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 10 {local=33 module=9 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067581 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 11 {local=45 module=10 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067657 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.638659] sx_core: Successfully added path I2C to device 1 Dec 6 22:32:11.067665 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.638665] sx_dpt_find_pci_dev(): lookup for sx_pci_dev_id: 0x100 pci addr 0:1:0 Dec 6 22:32:11.067669 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.638668] sx_dpt_find_pci_dev(): CHECK vendor: 0x15b3 , device : 0xcb84 ,pci addr 1:0:0 Dec 6 22:32:11.067672 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.638669] sx_core: Successfully added path PCIE] to device 1 pci_dev_id 256 Dec 6 22:32:11.067675 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.638670] sx_core: Successfully added path PCIE] to device 1 Dec 6 22:32:11.067678 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.638677] sx_core: Successfully set CR_ACCESS path for device 1 to PCIE] Dec 6 22:32:11.067681 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.638682] sx_core: ioctl set pci profile called Dec 6 22:32:11.067684 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.638685] sx_core: ioctl set pci profile: set cqe version (1) Dec 6 22:32:11.067831 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 12 {local=41 module=11 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.067939 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 13 {local=53 module=12 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.068017 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 14 {local=49 module=13 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.068094 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 15 {local=61 module=14 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.068185 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Port 16 {local=57 module=15 width=4 lanes=0xf breakout-modes=3 split=0, port-speed=98368} Dec 6 22:32:11.068262 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd init_buffer_resource_limits[ Dec 6 22:32:11.068337 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd num_ingress_pools:8 Dec 6 22:32:11.068413 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd num_egress_pools:8 Dec 6 22:32:11.068488 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd num_total_pools:21 Dec 6 22:32:11.068563 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd num_port_queue_buff:16 Dec 6 22:32:11.068639 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd num_port_pg_buff:8 Dec 6 22:32:11.068714 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd unit_size:96 Dec 6 22:32:11.068792 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd max_buffers_per_port:93 Dec 6 22:32:11.068867 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd init_buffer_resource_limits] Dec 6 22:32:11.068945 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd unable to remove sdk_ready Dec 6 22:32:11.069022 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 INFO LOG: Initializing SX log with STDOUT as output file. Dec 6 22:32:11.069740 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE COMMAND_IFC: COMMAND IFC: COMMAND IFC INIT DONE Dec 6 22:32:11.069894 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE ACCESS_REG_INIT: ACCESS REG: ACCESS REG INIT DONE Dec 6 22:32:11.078951 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.652102] sx_core: ioctl enable_swid called with swid 0 Dec 6 22:32:11.097389 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,096 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:11.147423 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1694.711129] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:11.147459 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711137] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ETH swid up event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, swid = 0, synd = 0x1c0, mac = 0xec0d9a4e5a00 Dec 6 22:32:11.147465 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711139] sx_netdev: Initializing Dec 6 22:32:11.147468 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711160] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device swid0_eth Dec 6 22:32:11.147471 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711594] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:11.147474 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711598] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:11.147477 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711664] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device swid0_eth Dec 6 22:32:11.147480 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1694.711695] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:11.151156 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: SAI_WARM_BOOT_WRITE_FILE: /var/warmboot/ Dec 6 22:32:11.150637 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,149 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:11.152178 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE BRG: ### sx_brg_db_dev_chip_init_cb(): chip type CHIP_TYPE_SPECTRUM ### Dec 6 22:32:11.152314 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE ADVISER: adviser Init Success. Dec 6 22:32:11.152394 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE COMMAND_IFC: COMMAND IFC: COMMAND IFC INIT DONE Dec 6 22:32:11.152471 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE ACCESS_REG_INIT: ACCESS REG: ACCESS REG INIT DONE Dec 6 22:32:11.152547 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee82d40 initialized 4 groups 2 types 455168 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.152625 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE COUNTER_MANAGER: Memory used: 1068 bytes Dec 6 22:32:11.160145 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE LAG_SINK: LAG sink initialized Dec 6 22:32:11.171766 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd: started Dec 6 22:32:11.171766 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE FDB: Initialization started: Dec 6 22:32:11.253724 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: Starting SONiC LLDP sync daemon... Dec 6 22:32:11.255491 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: [lldp dbsyncd] Connected to configdb Dec 6 22:32:11.294858 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.295059 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.304472 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,303 INFO success: intfsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:11.305397 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.305514 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.305598 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.307390 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.311368 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfsyncd: started Dec 6 22:32:11.319312 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.319312 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.331878 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.331878 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.331878 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.334507 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.359829 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.359829 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.359829 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.359829 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.377053 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.377053 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.378153 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.379259 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.397503 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.397503 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.397503 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.399758 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.412245 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.412245 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.413796 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,412 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 52 Dec 6 22:32:11.453113 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.453539 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.454330 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.455517 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.472959 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.473328 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.474236 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.475538 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.496847 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.497178 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.497817 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.499152 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.516810 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.517128 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.517812 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.519218 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.528804 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.529113 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.530083 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.531568 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.533858 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE COS_DB: COS LAG PORTS DB (MAX PORTS: 32) initialized successfully Dec 6 22:32:11.533858 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE COS_DB: COS port policers DB (Min: 64 , Max: 4096 , Grow: 4096) initialized successfully Dec 6 22:32:11.544841 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.545173 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.545989 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.547407 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.560829 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.561118 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.588681 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.589660 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port eth0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:11.589895 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for eth0. No error Dec 6 22:32:11.589977 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd 2018-12-06T22:32:11 [WARN/lldpctl] unable to set LLDP Port Description for (default). No error Dec 6 22:32:11.591296 spine-1 ERR lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] ERROR: No IPv4 management interface found Dec 6 22:32:11.591296 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldp-syncd [lldp_syncd] INFO: [lldp dbsyncd] Subscribed to configdb PORT table Dec 6 22:32:11.615560 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE BRG: Bridge initialized Dec 6 22:32:11.617848 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee854d0 initialized 26 groups 2 types 343552 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.618287 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE PGT: PGT module is initialized Dec 6 22:32:11.623233 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee87c60 initialized 16 groups 2 types 438784 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.640128 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE CORE_API: Loading policer library Dec 6 22:32:11.641095 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE POLICER_COM: is loaded Dec 6 22:32:11.641095 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE POLICER_LIB: SDK POLICER LIB is loaded Dec 6 22:32:11.641095 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee8a3f0 initialized 1 groups 1 types 336680 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.641095 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee8cb80 initialized 1 groups 1 types 324512 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.641138 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE GBIN_ALLOCATOR: User 0x7fb1cee8f310 initialized 1 groups 1 types 328256 bytes used Dec 6 22:32:11.643692 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214559] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643726 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214564] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643731 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214567] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643734 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214570] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643737 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214573] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643740 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214575] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643743 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214578] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643746 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214581] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643749 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214584] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643751 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214587] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643754 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214589] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643757 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214592] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643760 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214595] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.643763 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.214598] sx_core: this listener is already listening for that trap Dec 6 22:32:11.660924 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE CORE_API: Loading bridge library Dec 6 22:32:11.662034 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE BRIDGE_COM: is loaded Dec 6 22:32:11.662034 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE BRIDGE_LIB: SDK BRIDGE LIB is loaded Dec 6 22:32:11.662672 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE CORE_API: Loading router library Dec 6 22:32:11.663594 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE ROUTER: is loaded Dec 6 22:32:11.664179 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE REDECN: ENTER Dec 6 22:32:11.664721 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE SAI_SWITCH: mlnx_sai_switch.c[2112]- mlnx_chassis_mng_stage: SDK initialized successfully Dec 6 22:32:11.782319 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,781 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:11.783794 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,781 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:11.784505 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,783 INFO spawned: 'neighsyncd' with pid 73 Dec 6 22:32:11.788834 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:11.815707 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386347] sx_core: profile->set_mask_0_63[117471231] was changed to 117470984 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815745 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386350] sx_core: profile->max_vepa_channels[0] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815750 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386352] sx_core: profile->max_lag[64] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815753 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386353] sx_core: profile->max_port_per_lag[32] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815756 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386354] sx_core: profile->max_pgt[0] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815759 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386355] sx_core: profile->max_system_port[64] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815762 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386356] sx_core: profile->max_active_vlans[127] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.815765 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1695.386357] sx_core: profile->max_regions[400] is set to 0 according to FW's restrictions. Dec 6 22:32:11.819829 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: neighsyncd Listens to neigh messages... Dec 6 22:32:11.824544 spine-1 INFO syncd#mlnx-sfpd: starting mlnx-sfpd... Dec 6 22:32:11.824755 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: mlnx-sfpd Dec 06 22:32:11 INFO LOG: Initializing SX log with STDOUT as output file. Dec 6 22:32:11.827284 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE SXD_DPT: sxd_dpt_path_add: Path for device (1) was changed to EMAD_PATH Dec 6 22:32:11.827284 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:11 NOTICE HOST_INTERFACE: Host-Interface Capabilities initialized successfully. Maximum CPU Traffic Class: 32, Maximum Traffic Groups: 37 Dec 6 22:32:11.987354 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:11,986 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:11.996600 spine-1 INFO[27622]: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security. Dec 6 22:32:11.997256 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching ' Dec 6 22:32:12.013912 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,013 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:12.014615 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,013 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:12.034335 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,033 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:12.035028 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,034 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:12.591394 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,590 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:12.593906 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldp-syncd: started Dec 6 22:32:12.665223 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[26]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 61: Warning: Unknown token: disk. Dec 6 22:32:12.665223 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[26]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 62: Warning: Unknown token: disk. Dec 6 22:32:12.665223 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmpd[26]: /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 63: Warning: Unknown token: includeAllDisks. Dec 6 22:32:12.801964 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,800 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:12.819779 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,819 INFO success: neighsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:12.822958 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: neighsyncd: started Dec 6 22:32:12.828548 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,827 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:12.834197 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: mlnx-sfpd: started Dec 6 22:32:12.856472 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Starting up... Dec 6 22:32:12.859137 spine-1 INFO[26136]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,858 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:12.965585 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:32:12.966220 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: unable to create socket on eth0 (5) for Dec 6 22:32:12.966727 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:32:12.989998 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:12,989 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:12.993262 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: snmpd: started Dec 6 22:32:13.038079 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,037 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:13.187431 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,186 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:13.236332 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,235 INFO spawned: 'swssconfig' with pid 76 Dec 6 22:32:13.237507 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,236 INFO success: swssconfig entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.244192 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: swssconfig: started Dec 6 22:32:13.263824 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,262 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:13.291844 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,071 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.291844 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,071 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.291844 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,464 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:13.291844 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,567 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request Dec 6 22:32:13.291844 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,568 INFO waiting for rsyslogd to die Dec 6 22:32:13.291892 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,572 INFO stopped: rsyslogd (exit status 0) Dec 6 22:32:13.291892 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,013 CRIT Set uid to user 0 Dec 6 22:32:13.291933 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,013 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf" during parsing Dec 6 22:32:13.291933 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,033 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized Dec 6 22:32:13.291933 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,034 INFO supervisord started with pid 1 Dec 6 22:32:13.291958 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,037 INFO spawned: '' with pid 20 Dec 6 22:32:13.291958 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,262 INFO spawned: 'rsyslogd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:13.292138 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.23.0" x-pid="23" x-info=""] start Dec 6 22:32:13.675894 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,630 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.675894 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,631 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.675894 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:04,875 INFO spawned: 'teammgrd' with pid 18 Dec 6 22:32:13.675894 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,879 INFO success: teammgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.675894 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,085 INFO spawned: 'teamsyncd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:13.675940 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,109 INFO success: teamsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:13.675940 spine-1 INFO teamd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,132 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:13.722407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/00-copp.config.json... Dec 6 22:32:13.733768 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:13,732 INFO spawned: 'vlanmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:32:13.752942 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vlanmgrd: :- main: --- Starting vlanmgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:13.780588 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: removal request for address of fe80::ccde:4fff:fe9c:6ceb%44, but no knowledge of it Dec 6 22:32:13.780588 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:13 [INFO/netlink] removal request for address of fe80::ccde:4fff:fe9c:6ceb%44, but no knowledge of it Dec 6 22:32:13.819651 spine-1 WARNING systemd-udevd[27773]: Could not generate persistent MAC address for Bridge: No such file or directory Dec 6 22:32:13.834854 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vlanmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:13.957898 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] INFO: Starting agent with PID: 28 Dec 6 22:32:13.959438 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] INFO: Connection loop starting... Dec 6 22:32:13.959551 spine-1 INFO snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] INFO: Attempting AgentX socket bind... Dec 6 22:32:14.191949 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,191 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.195951 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord: snmp-subagent: started Dec 6 22:32:14.214232 spine-1 INFO[27493]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,213 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:14.267097 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,266 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.267854 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,266 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.270109 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord: rsyslogd: started Dec 6 22:32:14.491118 spine-1 INFO[27622]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,490 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:14.580952 spine-1 INFO syncd#mlnx-sfpd: mlnx-sfpd started Dec 6 22:32:14.738959 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,738 INFO success: vlanmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.744715 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: vlanmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:14.746716 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/ipinip.json... Dec 6 22:32:14.782939 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,782 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.787419 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:14.810694 spine-1 INFO[27271]: 2018-12-06 22:32:14,810 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:14.965591 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:32:14.966236 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: unable to create socket on eth0 (6) for Dec 6 22:32:14.966731 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:05,949 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,373 INFO spawned: 'orchagent' with pid 42 Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,377 INFO success: orchagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,809 INFO spawned: 'restore_neighbors' with pid 54 Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,810 INFO success: restore_neighbors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,711 INFO spawned: 'portsyncd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:14.975962 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,817 INFO exited: restore_neighbors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:14.976028 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,819 INFO success: portsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.976028 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:10,278 INFO spawned: 'intfsyncd' with pid 70 Dec 6 22:32:14.976028 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,303 INFO success: intfsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.976072 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,783 INFO spawned: 'neighsyncd' with pid 73 Dec 6 22:32:14.976072 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,819 INFO success: neighsyncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.976072 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,235 INFO spawned: 'swssconfig' with pid 76 Dec 6 22:32:14.976096 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,236 INFO success: swssconfig entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:14.976096 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,732 INFO spawned: 'vlanmgrd' with pid 86 Dec 6 22:32:14.976138 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,738 INFO success: vlanmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:15.120659 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:15,119 INFO spawned: 'intfmgrd' with pid 99 Dec 6 22:32:15.139010 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- main: --- Starting intfmgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:15.142854 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:15.660822 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,635 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:15.660822 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,862 INFO spawned: 'lm-sensors' with pid 19 Dec 6 22:32:15.660822 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:06,863 INFO success: lm-sensors entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:15.660822 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,113 INFO spawned: 'ledd' with pid 23 Dec 6 22:32:15.660875 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,114 INFO success: ledd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:15.660875 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,332 INFO exited: lm-sensors (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:15.660917 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,336 INFO spawned: 'xcvrd' with pid 32 Dec 6 22:32:15.660917 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,336 INFO success: xcvrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:15.660975 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:07,360 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:15.660975 spine-1 INFO pmon#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:08,096 INFO exited: ledd (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:15.759105 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/ports.json... Dec 6 22:32:16.124012 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:16,123 INFO success: intfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:16.135183 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: intfmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:16.518525 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:16,517 INFO spawned: 'portmgrd' with pid 104 Dec 6 22:32:16.534785 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- main: --- Starting portmgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:16.795295 spine-1 NOTICE swss#swssconfig: :- main: Loading config from JSON file:/etc/swss/config.d/switch.json... Dec 6 22:32:17.522505 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:17,521 INFO success: portmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:17.527807 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: portmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:17.703141 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: SAI_L3_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE: NULL Dec 6 22:32:17.703370 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- profile_get_value: SAI_L3_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE: NULL Dec 6 22:32:17.803135 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:17,802 INFO exited: swssconfig (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:17.816072 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 NOTICE SAI_SWITCH: mlnx_sai_switch.c[3312]- event_thread_func: Event packet buffer size 10500 Dec 6 22:32:17.892851 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SWITCH_HARDWARE_INFO (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.893192 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:Switch ID 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.893380 spine-1 WARNING syncd#syncd: :- saiGetHardwareInfo: failed to get switch hardware info: SAI_STATUS_ATTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_0 Dec 6 22:32:17.893518 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SWITCH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.893814 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_PORT to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894042 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_FDB to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894283 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VLAN to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894660 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VIRTUAL_ROUTER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894660 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894660 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894701 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894701 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTER_INTERFACE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.894701 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEIGHBOR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.895204 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ACL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.895521 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HOSTIF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.895933 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_MIRROR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.895933 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SAMPLEPACKET to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.896265 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_STP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.896576 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_LAG to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.896936 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_POLICER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.897240 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_WRED to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.897543 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QOS_MAP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.897819 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QUEUE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.898163 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.898380 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.898635 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BUFFER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.898635 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HASH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.898889 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_UDF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.899772 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_TUNNEL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.899772 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 27 Dec 6 22:32:17.899772 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 28 Dec 6 22:32:17.899772 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 29 Dec 6 22:32:17.899812 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_L2MC_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.899840 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BRIDGE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL Dec 6 22:32:17.900167 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 31 Dec 6 22:32:17.900237 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 32 Dec 6 22:32:17.900661 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 34 Dec 6 22:32:17.900729 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 35 Dec 6 22:32:17.900774 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 36 Dec 6 22:32:17.900824 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 37 Dec 6 22:32:17.900873 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 38 Dec 6 22:32:17.900921 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 39 Dec 6 22:32:17.902857 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.902942 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.902987 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.908270 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.908270 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.908270 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.913729 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.913729 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.913729 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.922563 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.922563 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.922563 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.926257 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:17,925 INFO spawned: 'buffermgrd' with pid 109 Dec 6 22:32:17.935811 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.935893 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.935953 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.937443 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.937443 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.937443 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.942329 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.942329 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.942329 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.943396 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- main: --- Starting buffermgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:17.946786 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.946786 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.946786 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.947177 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: Read lookup configuration file... Dec 6 22:32:17.947248 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947464 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947553 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947657 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 5m is: size:34816, xon:18432, xoff:16384, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947716 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 5m is: size:36864, xon:18432, xoff:18432, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947774 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 40m is: size:36864, xon:18432, xoff:18432, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947774 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 40m is: size:39936, xon:18432, xoff:21504, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947797 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 40m is: size:41984, xon:18432, xoff:23552, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947797 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 40m is: size:41984, xon:18432, xoff:23552, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947828 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 40m is: size:54272, xon:18432, xoff:35840, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947828 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 10000 and cable 300m is: size:49152, xon:18432, xoff:30720, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947855 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 25000 and cable 300m is: size:71680, xon:18432, xoff:53248, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947855 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 40000 and cable 300m is: size:94208, xon:18432, xoff:75776, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947898 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 50000 and cable 300m is: size:94208, xon:18432, xoff:75776, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.947898 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- readPgProfileLookupFile: PG profile for speed 100000 and cable 300m is: size:184320, xon:18432, xoff:165888, th:0, xon_offset: Dec 6 22:32:17.948007 spine-1 NOTICE swss#buffermgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:17.952060 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.952060 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.952060 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.956640 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.956712 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.956776 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.961549 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.961549 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.961549 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.966417 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.966417 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.966417 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.971308 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.971308 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.971308 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.976386 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.976386 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.976386 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.981503 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.981503 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.981503 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.987340 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.987340 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.987340 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.991971 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_PORT: mlnx_sai_port.c[2387]- mlnx_port_samplepacket_session_get: Egress samplepacket on port is not supported yet Dec 6 22:32:17.991971 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_PORT_ATTR_EGRESS_SAMPLEPACKET_ENABLE Dec 6 22:32:17.991971 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.992687 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[1264]- mlnx_bridge_port_lag_or_port_get: Invalid port type - 2 Dec 6 22:32:17.992687 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2369]- get_dispatch_attribs_handler: Failed getting attrib SAI_BRIDGE_PORT_ATTR_PORT_ID Dec 6 22:32:17.992687 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2494]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs dispatch Dec 6 22:32:17.992746 spine-1 WARNING syncd#syncd: :- saiDiscover: skipping since it causes crash: SAI_STP_ATTR_BRIDGE_ID Dec 6 22:32:17.992746 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2181]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_BRIDGE_ATTR_UNKNOWN_UNICAST_FLOOD_GROUP Dec 6 22:32:17.992771 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:bridge 4097 (.1q) Dec 6 22:32:17.992817 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2181]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_BRIDGE_ATTR_UNKNOWN_MULTICAST_FLOOD_GROUP Dec 6 22:32:17.992817 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:bridge 4097 (.1q) Dec 6 22:32:17.992849 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2181]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_BRIDGE_ATTR_BROADCAST_FLOOD_GROUP Dec 6 22:32:17.992949 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:bridge 4097 (.1q) Dec 6 22:32:17.993536 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_NON_IP_MCAST_OUTPUT_GROUP_ID (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.993536 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.993536 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_IPV4_MCAST_OUTPUT_GROUP_ID (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.993577 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.993607 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_IPV6_MCAST_OUTPUT_GROUP_ID (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.993800 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.993800 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_LINKLOCAL_MCAST_OUTPUT_GROUP_ID (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.993829 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.993857 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2175]- check_attribs_metadata: Not supported attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_EGRESS_ACL Dec 6 22:32:17.993857 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.993890 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_UNICAST_FLOOD_GROUP (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.993890 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.994108 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_MULTICAST_FLOOD_GROUP (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.994108 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.994138 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2142]- check_attribs_metadata: Not implemented attribute SAI_VLAN_ATTR_BROADCAST_FLOOD_GROUP (vendor data not found) Dec 6 22:32:17.994138 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.994176 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2175]- check_attribs_metadata: Not supported attribute SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_INGRESS_ACL Dec 6 22:32:17.994176 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:Switch ID 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.994230 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2175]- check_attribs_metadata: Not supported attribute SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_EGRESS_ACL Dec 6 22:32:17.994390 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2482]- sai_get_attributes: Failed attribs check, key:Switch ID 1 Dec 6 22:32:17.995078 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR HOST_INTERFACE: HOST_IFC: policer_id is not enabled for trap_group [0]. Dec 6 22:32:17.995174 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:17 ERROR HOST_INTERFACE: Failed in host_ifc_policer_bind_get, return value: [Entry Not Found] Dec 6 22:32:17.995174 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SWITCH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.995588 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_PORT to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996140 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_FDB to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996359 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VLAN to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996722 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_VIRTUAL_ROUTER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996722 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996722 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996774 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEXT_HOP_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996774 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ROUTER_INTERFACE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.996798 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_NEIGHBOR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.997400 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_ACL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.997641 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HOSTIF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.997917 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_MIRROR to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.998110 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SAMPLEPACKET to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.998193 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_STP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.998543 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_LAG to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.998831 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_POLICER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.999125 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_WRED to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.999443 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QOS_MAP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:17.999773 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_QUEUE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.000041 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.000325 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_SCHEDULER_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.000586 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BUFFER to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.000765 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_HASH to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.000898 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_UDF to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.001170 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_TUNNEL to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.001461 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_L2MC_GROUP to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.001709 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- saiLoglevelNotify: Setting SAI loglevel SAI_API_BRIDGE to SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE Dec 6 22:32:18.001793 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: discover took 0.108331 sec Dec 6 22:32:18.001853 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: discovered objects count: 698 Dec 6 22:32:18.001967 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_PORT: 17 Dec 6 22:32:18.002059 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_VIRTUAL_ROUTER: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002157 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_STP: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002157 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_HOSTIF_TRAP_GROUP: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002221 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_QUEUE: 256 Dec 6 22:32:18.002268 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SCHEDULER_GROUP: 256 Dec 6 22:32:18.002268 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_INGRESS_PRIORITY_GROUP: 128 Dec 6 22:32:18.002297 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_HASH: 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.002297 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002340 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_VLAN: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002400 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_VLAN_MEMBER: 16 Dec 6 22:32:18.002552 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_BRIDGE: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.002655 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperDiscover: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_BRIDGE_PORT: 17 Dec 6 22:32:18.002773 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperSaveDiscoveredObjectsToRedis: objects in ASIC state table present: 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.004137 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperSaveDiscoveredObjectsToRedis: putting ALL discovered objects to redis Dec 6 22:32:18.004430 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 27 Dec 6 22:32:18.004588 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 28 Dec 6 22:32:18.004688 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 29 Dec 6 22:32:18.004792 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 31 Dec 6 22:32:18.004946 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 32 Dec 6 22:32:18.005050 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 34 Dec 6 22:32:18.005146 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 35 Dec 6 22:32:18.005241 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 36 Dec 6 22:32:18.005336 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 37 Dec 6 22:32:18.005431 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 38 Dec 6 22:32:18.005531 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Invalid API type 39 Dec 6 22:32:18.299149 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- redisSaveColdBootDiscoveredVids: put default discovered vids to redis Dec 6 22:32:18.299308 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperSaveDiscoveredObjectsToRedis: save discovered objects to redis took 0.296952 sec Dec 6 22:32:18.359347 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- helperLoadColdVids: read 698 COLD VIDS Dec 6 22:32:18.360300 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- SaiSwitch: constructor took 0.467556 sec Dec 6 22:32:18.360300 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- handle_generic: Initialize gSwitchId with ID = 0x100000021 Dec 6 22:32:18.363569 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- main: Get switch virtual router ID 3000000000002 Dec 6 22:32:18.364210 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- main: Created underlay router interface ID 60000000002ba Dec 6 22:32:18.364294 spine-1 ERR swss#orchagent: :- meta_generic_validate_non_object_on_create: object don't exist 0x26000000000012 (bv_id) Dec 6 22:32:18.364347 spine-1 ERR swss#orchagent: :- meta_sai_on_fdb_event_single: failed to insert SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_FDB_ENTRY:{"bvid":"oid:0x26000000000012","mac":"28:99:3A:21:48:97","switch_id":"oid:0x21000000000000"} received in notification: SAI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Dec 6 22:32:18.371592 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- addQueueCounterPlugin: Queue counters plugin 3a6159b8386c08e7285e34a85f4d2c68ad0f1168 registered Dec 6 22:32:18.372264 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_RIF: mlnx_sai_rif.c[532]- mlnx_create_router_interface: Create rif, #0 VIRTUAL_ROUTER_ID=VIRTUAL_ROUTER,(0:0),0,0000,0 #1 TYPE=LOOPBACK Dec 6 22:32:18.373139 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: 3a6159b8386c08e7285e34a85f4d2c68ad0f1168 Dec 6 22:32:18.373139 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: bcf34ae9158bb04b86095f829f890234e38613ff Dec 6 22:32:18.376572 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_RIF: mlnx_sai_rif.c[835]- mlnx_create_router_interface: Created rif rif idx 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.377074 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- addPriorityGroupCounterPlugin: Priority group counters plugin bcf34ae9158bb04b86095f829f890234e38613ff registered Dec 6 22:32:18.378711 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get 16 ports Dec 6 22:32:18.383394 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000170 lanes:0 1 2 3 Dec 6 22:32:18.385509 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000191 lanes:4 5 6 7 Dec 6 22:32:18.387902 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:100000000012e lanes:8 9 10 11 Dec 6 22:32:18.389984 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:100000000014f lanes:12 13 14 15 Dec 6 22:32:18.392230 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000000ec lanes:16 17 18 19 Dec 6 22:32:18.394244 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:100000000010d lanes:20 21 22 23 Dec 6 22:32:18.396407 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000000aa lanes:24 25 26 27 Dec 6 22:32:18.398538 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000000cb lanes:28 29 30 31 Dec 6 22:32:18.400690 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000001d3 lanes:32 33 34 35 Dec 6 22:32:18.402688 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000001b2 lanes:36 37 38 39 Dec 6 22:32:18.404822 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000215 lanes:40 41 42 43 Dec 6 22:32:18.406942 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:10000000001f4 lanes:44 45 46 47 Dec 6 22:32:18.409063 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000257 lanes:48 49 50 51 Dec 6 22:32:18.410962 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000236 lanes:52 53 54 55 Dec 6 22:32:18.413333 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000299 lanes:56 57 58 59 Dec 6 22:32:18.415337 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- PortsOrch: Get port with lanes pid:1000000000278 lanes:60 61 62 63 Dec 6 22:32:18.420913 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- removeDefaultVlanMembers: Remove 16 VLAN members from default VLAN Dec 6 22:32:18.423144 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 11900 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.425748 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 11d00 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.428302 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 11100 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.430562 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 11500 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.432780 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 10900 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.434918 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 10d00 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.436896 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 10100 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.439127 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 10500 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.441291 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 12500 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.443604 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 12100 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.446027 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 12d00 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.448325 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 12900 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.450585 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 13500 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.453090 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 13100 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.455653 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 13d00 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.457806 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_VLAN: mlnx_sai_vlan.c[1205]- mlnx_remove_vlan_member: Remove vlan member interface Vlan member port 13900 vlan 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.464842 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.466311 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.468267 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.469416 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 3 Dec 6 22:32:18.470939 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 4 Dec 6 22:32:18.472383 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 5 Dec 6 22:32:18.473581 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 6 Dec 6 22:32:18.474804 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 7 Dec 6 22:32:18.476235 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 8 Dec 6 22:32:18.477624 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx 9 Dec 6 22:32:18.478869 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx a Dec 6 22:32:18.480140 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx b Dec 6 22:32:18.481378 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx c Dec 6 22:32:18.482568 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx d Dec 6 22:32:18.483859 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx e Dec 6 22:32:18.484994 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_BRIDGE: mlnx_sai_bridge.c[2445]- mlnx_remove_bridge_port: Remove bridge port idx f Dec 6 22:32:18.485511 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- removeDefaultBridgePorts: Remove bridge ports from default 1Q bridge Dec 6 22:32:18.490418 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- RouteOrch: Maximum number of ECMP groups supported is 2048 Dec 6 22:32:18.490866 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- RouteOrch: Create IPv4 default route with packet action drop Dec 6 22:32:18.491201 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- RouteOrch: Create IPv6 default route with packet action drop Dec 6 22:32:18.491941 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initDefaultHostIntfTable: Create default host interface table Dec 6 22:32:18.494858 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[3265]- mlnx_create_hostif_table_entry: Create host table entry, #0 TYPE=WILDCARD #1 CHANNEL_TYPE=NETDEV_PHYSICAL_PORT Dec 6 22:32:18.495694 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.067702] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.495745 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.067711] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.495752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.067715] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x10 Dec 6 22:32:18.495755 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.067925] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.495758 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.067931] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.495762 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.067934] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x11 Dec 6 22:32:18.495765 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.068122] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.495768 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.068174] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.495770 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.068177] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x12 Dec 6 22:32:18.495774 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.068318] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.495777 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.068322] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.495779 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.068325] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x13 Dec 6 22:32:18.495783 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.068507] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.495785 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.068510] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.495788 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.068513] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x16 Dec 6 22:32:18.496919 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.069028] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.496947 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.069035] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.496952 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.069038] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x30 Dec 6 22:32:18.496955 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.069211] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.496959 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.069216] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.496962 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.069219] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x33 Dec 6 22:32:18.496965 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.069406] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.496968 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.069410] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.496971 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.069413] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x31 Dec 6 22:32:18.496974 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.069594] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.496977 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.069598] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.496980 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.069600] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x32 Dec 6 22:32:18.496982 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.069838] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.496985 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.069895] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.496988 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.069904] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x34 Dec 6 22:32:18.497453 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.070274] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.497477 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.070280] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.497482 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.070283] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x38 Dec 6 22:32:18.497496 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.070465] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.497501 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.070473] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.497504 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.070475] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x18 Dec 6 22:32:18.499691 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.070821] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499716 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.070829] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.070878] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x28 Dec 6 22:32:18.499730 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.071061] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499734 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.071087] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499737 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.071090] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x29 Dec 6 22:32:18.499740 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.071308] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499743 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.071312] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499746 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.071314] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x2d Dec 6 22:32:18.499749 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.071479] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499752 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.071485] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499755 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.071489] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x2e Dec 6 22:32:18.499758 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.071708] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499761 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.071713] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499763 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.071716] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xe0 Dec 6 22:32:18.499766 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.071950] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499769 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.071955] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499772 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.071959] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xe1 Dec 6 22:32:18.499811 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.072165] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499818 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.072170] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499822 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.072173] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x19 Dec 6 22:32:18.499825 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.072366] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499828 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.072370] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499831 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.072373] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x55 Dec 6 22:32:18.499834 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.072562] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.499845 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.072567] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.499851 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.072570] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x58 Dec 6 22:32:18.503750 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.073072] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503777 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.073081] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503807 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.073084] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x59 Dec 6 22:32:18.503812 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.073268] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503816 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.073274] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503819 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.073277] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x88 Dec 6 22:32:18.503822 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.073475] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503825 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.073480] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503828 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.073483] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x69 Dec 6 22:32:18.503831 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.073670] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503834 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.073675] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503837 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.073677] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x64 Dec 6 22:32:18.503840 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.073861] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503843 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.073866] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503846 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.073868] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x89 Dec 6 22:32:18.503849 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.074053] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503852 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.074058] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503854 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.074061] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x8a Dec 6 22:32:18.503858 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.074308] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503861 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.074334] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503878 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.074337] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x8b Dec 6 22:32:18.503901 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.074511] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503907 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.074515] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503911 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.074517] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x8c Dec 6 22:32:18.503914 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.074676] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503917 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.074681] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503920 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.074684] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x8d Dec 6 22:32:18.503923 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.074884] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503926 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.074889] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503929 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.074891] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x8e Dec 6 22:32:18.503931 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.075091] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503940 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.075096] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503945 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.075098] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x65 Dec 6 22:32:18.503948 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.075319] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503951 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.075346] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503954 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.075349] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x66 Dec 6 22:32:18.503957 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.075523] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503965 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.075527] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503970 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.075529] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x67 Dec 6 22:32:18.503973 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.075688] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.503976 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.075694] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.503979 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.075696] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x68 Dec 6 22:32:18.503982 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.075887] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.504010 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.075892] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.504015 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.075895] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x5f Dec 6 22:32:18.504019 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.076158] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.504022 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.076163] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.504025 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.076165] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xd2 Dec 6 22:32:18.504028 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.076388] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.504031 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.076414] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.504034 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.076417] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xd3 Dec 6 22:32:18.504037 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.076595] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.504040 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.076599] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.504043 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.076602] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xda Dec 6 22:32:18.507678 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.077262] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507710 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.077268] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507716 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.077272] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0xdb Dec 6 22:32:18.507720 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.077465] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507724 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.077469] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507728 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.077472] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x52 Dec 6 22:32:18.507731 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.077639] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507735 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.077646] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.077649] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x53 Dec 6 22:32:18.507742 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.077852] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507745 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.077857] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507749 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.077859] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x1cf Dec 6 22:32:18.507752 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.078064] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507756 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.078068] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507759 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.078071] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x70 Dec 6 22:32:18.507762 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.078658] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507766 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.078664] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507769 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.078667] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x71 Dec 6 22:32:18.507773 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.078821] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507776 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.078827] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507780 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.078830] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x80 Dec 6 22:32:18.507783 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.079403] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507786 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.079407] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507790 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.079410] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x81 Dec 6 22:32:18.507794 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.079565] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507797 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.079667] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507800 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.079671] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x90 Dec 6 22:32:18.507804 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.080394] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.507807 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.080402] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.507811 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.080405] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x92 Dec 6 22:32:18.509081 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[3435]- mlnx_create_hostif_table_entry: Created host table entry host table entry 0,ind 0,4 Dec 6 22:32:18.511688 spine-1 WARNING kernel: [ 1702.081595] sx_core_ioctl: Adding SX_KU_USER_CHANNEL_TYPE_PHY_NETDEV Dec 6 22:32:18.511715 spine-1 DEBUG kernel: [ 1702.081604] sx_core: sx_core_dispatch_event: dispatching the event Dec 6 22:32:18.511720 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.081620] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_event: Got ADD_SYND_PHY event. dev = ffffa62a08001000, dev_id = 1, trap_id = 0x206 Dec 6 22:32:18.516952 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initSystemAclTable: Create a system ACL table for ECN coloring Dec 6 22:32:18.516952 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initSystemAclTable: Bind the system ACL table globally Dec 6 22:32:18.523680 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[1684]- mlnx_create_hostif_trap: Create trap, #0 TRAP_TYPE=TTL_ERROR #1 PACKET_ACTION=TRAP #2 TRAP_GROUP=HOSTIF_TRAP_GROUP,(0:0),0,0000,0 Dec 6 22:32:18.524564 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[1771]- mlnx_create_hostif_trap: Created trap trap 6001 TTL error Dec 6 22:32:18.525605 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[9389]- mlnx_create_acl_table: Create ACL Table, #0 ACL_BIND_POINT_TYPE_LIST=[PORT ] #1 ACL_STAGE=INGRESS #2 FIELD_ECN=true #3 FIELD_DSCP=true Dec 6 22:32:18.529904 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[9627]- mlnx_create_acl_table: Created acl table ACL Table [0] Dec 6 22:32:18.529904 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[8615]- mlnx_create_acl_entry: Create ACL Entry, #0 TABLE_ID=ACL_TABLE,(0:0),0,0000,0 #1 PRIORITY=1000 #2 FIELD_ECN=true,00,03 #3 FIELD_DSCP=true,08,3f #4 ACTION_SET_PACKET_COLOR=true,YELLOW Dec 6 22:32:18.531409 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[9282]- mlnx_create_acl_entry: Created acl entry ACL Entry [0] Dec 6 22:32:18.531409 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[8615]- mlnx_create_acl_entry: Create ACL Entry, #0 TABLE_ID=ACL_TABLE,(0:0),0,0000,0 #1 PRIORITY=999 #2 FIELD_ECN=true,00,03 #3 FIELD_DSCP=true,00,3f #4 ACTION_SET_PACKET_COLOR=true,YELLOW Dec 6 22:32:18.532923 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_ACL: mlnx_sai_acl.c[9282]- mlnx_create_acl_entry: Created acl entry ACL Entry [1] Dec 6 22:32:18.533716 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- init: Get ACL entry priority values, min: 0, max: 16381 Dec 6 22:32:18.536114 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: fdb7b6f91eea17286b96f8a806afd51b539fa0f2 Dec 6 22:32:18.536365 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: 06408cecff8851f7422f9b1c136e96b0c3a450ea Dec 6 22:32:18.537364 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- addQueueCounterPlugin: Queue counters plugin fdb7b6f91eea17286b96f8a806afd51b539fa0f2 registered Dec 6 22:32:18.537364 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- addQueueCounterPlugin: Queue counters plugin 06408cecff8851f7422f9b1c136e96b0c3a450ea registered Dec 6 22:32:18.537716 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- syncd_apply_view: Notify syncd APPLY_VIEW Dec 6 22:32:18.537716 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: sending syncd APPLY view Dec 6 22:32:18.538478 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_internal_notify_syncd: wait for notify response Dec 6 22:32:18.538478 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- notifySyncd: very first run is TRUE, op = APPLY_VIEW Dec 6 22:32:18.538478 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- notifySyncd: setting very first run to FALSE, op = APPLY_VIEW Dec 6 22:32:18.538478 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- sendNotifyResponse: sending response: SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS Dec 6 22:32:18.538800 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_internal_notify_syncd: notify response: SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS Dec 6 22:32:18.538992 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- sai_redis_notify_syncd: notify syncd succeeded Dec 6 22:32:18.539576 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- loadRedisScript: lua script loaded, sha: 88270a7c5c90583e56425aca8af8a4b8c39fe757 Dec 6 22:32:18.540855 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doTask: Set switch attribute ecmp_hash_seed to 10 Dec 6 22:32:18.540855 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doTask: Set switch attribute lag_hash_seed to 10 Dec 6 22:32:18.545504 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet0 pid:1000000000170 Dec 6 22:32:18.545984 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ECMP_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED, key:Switch ID 1, val:10 Dec 6 22:32:18.561049 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set LAG_DEFAULT_HASH_SEED, key:Switch ID 1, val:10 Dec 6 22:32:18.574168 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:18.575128 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:18.575128 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet4 pid:1000000000191 Dec 6 22:32:18.632774 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),11900,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:18.647718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.219704] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.647756 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.219708] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.647763 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.219722] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.647767 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.219726] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.647771 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.220396] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x11900 = 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.647775 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.220490] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet0 log port 0x11900 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a18 Dec 6 22:32:18.647780 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.220493] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:18.650028 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.220874] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.650065 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.220877] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.651687 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.223315] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet0: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.651687 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet0.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.655386 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet0'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.656048 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.656048 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 0, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.662793 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:18.663599 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:18.663599 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet8 pid:100000000012e Dec 6 22:32:18.665155 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),11d00,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:18.679676 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250365] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.679714 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250369] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.679721 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250384] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.679726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250388] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.679730 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250463] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x11d00 = 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.679734 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250550] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet4 log port 0x11d00 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a1c Dec 6 22:32:18.679739 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250553] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:18.679742 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250841] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.679746 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.250843] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.681418 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet4.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.682895 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet4'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.683674 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.253884] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet4: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.685271 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.685271 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 1, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.693569 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:18.695060 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:18.695060 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet12 pid:100000000014f Dec 6 22:32:18.695930 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),11100,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:18.699981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,641 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.699981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,642 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.699981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,834 INFO spawned: 'lldpd' with pid 21 Dec 6 22:32:18.699981 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:10,898 INFO success: lldpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.700030 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,096 INFO spawned: 'lldp-syncd' with pid 25 Dec 6 22:32:18.700030 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,590 INFO success: lldp-syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.700057 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,800 INFO spawned: 'lldpmgrd' with pid 65 Dec 6 22:32:18.700057 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,782 INFO success: lldpmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.700108 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,810 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:18.711691 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281216] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.711727 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281219] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.711770 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281232] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.711776 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281235] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.711781 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281323] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x11100 = 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.711785 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281403] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet8 log port 0x11100 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a10 Dec 6 22:32:18.711789 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281406] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:18.711793 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281697] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.711797 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.281699] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.711801 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.284478] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet8: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.711718 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet8'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.712562 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet8.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.715092 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.715456 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 2, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.723195 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:18.724069 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:18.724069 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet16 pid:10000000000ec Dec 6 22:32:18.725529 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),11500,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:18.739696 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.309920] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.739729 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.309923] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.739735 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.309936] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.739738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.309940] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.739742 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.310031] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x11500 = 1 Dec 6 22:32:18.739745 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.310105] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet12 log port 0x11500 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a14 Dec 6 22:32:18.739749 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.310110] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:18.739752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.310398] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.739755 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.310400] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.740596 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet12'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.742369 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet12.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.743920 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.314613] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet12: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.744678 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 3 Dec 6 22:32:18.745453 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 3, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.753328 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:32:18.754053 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:32:18.754053 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet20 pid:100000000010d Dec 6 22:32:18.755692 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),10900,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:32:18.767721 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.340540] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.767753 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.340544] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.767758 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.340556] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.767762 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.340560] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.771840 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.341305] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x10900 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.771875 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.341392] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet16 log port 0x10900 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a08 Dec 6 22:32:18.771880 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.341394] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:32:18.771884 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.341672] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.771888 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.341674] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.771891 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.344170] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet16: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.771921 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet16.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.772844 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet16'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.775303 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 4 Dec 6 22:32:18.775788 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 4, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.783805 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:32:18.784630 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:32:18.784630 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet24 pid:10000000000aa Dec 6 22:32:18.786101 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),10d00,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:32:18.799706 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.370920] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.799742 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.370924] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.799748 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.370937] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.799752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.370942] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.799756 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.371040] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x10d00 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.799759 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.371110] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet20 log port 0x10d00 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a0c Dec 6 22:32:18.799763 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.371112] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:32:18.799766 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.371396] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.799769 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.371397] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.801838 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet20.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.802516 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet20'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.803677 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.373711] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet20: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.804338 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 5 Dec 6 22:32:18.805358 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 5, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.814240 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:32:18.815026 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:32:18.815026 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet28 pid:10000000000cb Dec 6 22:32:18.816248 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),10100,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:32:18.831674 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.400771] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.831711 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.400775] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.831717 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.400787] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.831721 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.400791] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.831725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.402752] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x10100 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.831728 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.402815] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet24 log port 0x10100 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a00 Dec 6 22:32:18.831732 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.402821] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:32:18.831735 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.403112] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.831739 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.403114] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.833701 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet24.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.835312 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet24'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.835699 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.405159] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet24: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.837380 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 6 Dec 6 22:32:18.838252 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 6, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.845341 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:32:18.846160 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:32:18.846160 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet32 pid:10000000001d3 Dec 6 22:32:18.847670 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),10500,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:32:18.861775 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.432923] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.861811 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.432927] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.861817 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.432941] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.861822 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.432945] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.861826 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.433038] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x10500 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.861830 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.433113] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet28 log port 0x10500 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a04 Dec 6 22:32:18.861834 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.433119] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:32:18.861838 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.433434] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.861842 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.433436] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.863671 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.436553] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet28: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.864391 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet28.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.865307 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet28'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.866642 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 7 Dec 6 22:32:18.867380 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 7, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.875373 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:32:18.876074 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:32:18.876074 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet36 pid:10000000001b2 Dec 6 22:32:18.877579 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),12500,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:32:18.891701 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462342] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.891740 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462346] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.891747 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462359] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.891751 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462363] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.891755 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462435] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x12500 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.891759 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462497] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet32 log port 0x12500 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a24 Dec 6 22:32:18.891763 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462500] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:32:18.891767 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462792] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.891770 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.462794] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.892675 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet32.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.894539 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet32'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.895180 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 8 Dec 6 22:32:18.895696 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.464824] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet32: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.896319 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 8, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.903408 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:32:18.904379 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:32:18.904379 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet40 pid:1000000000215 Dec 6 22:32:18.905890 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),12100,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:32:18.911929 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,890 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.911929 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:09,890 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.911929 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:10,094 INFO spawned: 'syncd' with pid 16 Dec 6 22:32:18.911929 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,149 INFO success: syncd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.911929 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,412 INFO spawned: 'mlnx-sfpd' with pid 52 Dec 6 22:32:18.911971 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,827 INFO success: mlnx-sfpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.911971 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,858 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:18.919254 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490545] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.919287 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490549] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.919313 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490561] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.919319 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490565] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.919323 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490636] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x12100 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.919326 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490725] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet36 log port 0x12100 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a20 Dec 6 22:32:18.919330 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490727] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:32:18.919333 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.490999] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.919336 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.491001] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.922004 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.494697] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet36: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.922528 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet36'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.922735 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet36.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.925816 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 9 Dec 6 22:32:18.926058 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 9, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.934099 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: buffermgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:18.930104 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:18,929 INFO success: buffermgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:18.936065 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:32:18.937029 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:32:18.937029 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet44 pid:10000000001f4 Dec 6 22:32:18.941961 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),12d00,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:32:18.951685 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524184] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.951720 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524188] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.951725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524200] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.951729 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524203] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.951732 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524303] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x12d00 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.951735 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524394] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet40 log port 0x12d00 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a2c Dec 6 22:32:18.951738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524399] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:32:18.955697 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524741] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.955731 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.524745] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.956599 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet40.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.956725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.528794] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet40: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.956894 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet40'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.959812 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 10 Dec 6 22:32:18.960694 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 10, val:false Dec 6 22:32:18.968501 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:32:18.969326 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:32:18.969326 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet48 pid:1000000000257 Dec 6 22:32:18.976274 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),12900,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:32:18.983670 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.555945] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:18.983704 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.555949] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.983710 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.555959] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:18.983713 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.555962] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:18.983716 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.556012] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x12900 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:18.983719 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.556064] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet44 log port 0x12900 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a28 Dec 6 22:32:18.983723 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.556067] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:32:18.983726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.556346] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.983728 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.556347] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:18.987667 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.559656] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet44: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:18.989086 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet44'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:18.990360 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet44.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:18.992539 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 11 Dec 6 22:32:18.995250 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:18 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 11, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.000166 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:32:19.000982 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:32:19.001085 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet52 pid:1000000000236 Dec 6 22:32:19.002667 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),13500,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:32:19.015677 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587287] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:19.015709 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587291] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.015714 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587303] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:19.015718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587307] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:19.015721 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587377] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x13500 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:19.015724 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587431] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet48 log port 0x13500 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a34 Dec 6 22:32:19.015727 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587434] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:32:19.015730 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587701] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.015733 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.587703] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.019117 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet48'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:19.025359 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet48.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:19.027665 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.596904] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet48: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.029174 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 12 Dec 6 22:32:19.029711 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 12, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.035960 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:32:19.036764 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:32:19.036837 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet56 pid:1000000000299 Dec 6 22:32:19.038628 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),13100,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:32:19.052189 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622743] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:19.052222 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622746] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.052228 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622758] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:19.052231 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622762] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:19.052234 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622818] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x13100 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:19.052238 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622876] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet52 log port 0x13100 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a30 Dec 6 22:32:19.052241 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.622879] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:32:19.052244 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.623151] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.052247 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.623153] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.054124 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet52.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:19.054212 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.625908] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet52: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.057240 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet52'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:19.057240 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 13 Dec 6 22:32:19.057991 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 13, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.066353 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:32:19.067177 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:32:19.067177 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initializePort: Initializing port alias:Ethernet60 pid:1000000000278 Dec 6 22:32:19.070349 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),13d00,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:32:19.079668 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652209] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:19.079700 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652213] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.079705 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652228] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:19.079708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652232] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:19.079711 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652304] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x13d00 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:19.079714 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652378] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet56 log port 0x13d00 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a3c Dec 6 22:32:19.079718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652380] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:32:19.079731 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652696] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.079736 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.652698] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.082933 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet56'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:19.083821 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet56.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:19.083823 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.654415] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet56: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.086368 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 14 Dec 6 22:32:19.087269 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 14, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.095867 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addHostIntfs: Create host interface for port Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:32:19.096626 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- initPort: Initialized port Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:32:19.100562 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[670]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Create host interface, #0 TYPE=NETDEV #1 OBJ_ID=PORT,(0:0),13900,0000,0 #2 NAME=Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:32:19.111688 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682452] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: called Dec 6 22:32:19.111721 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682456] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_validate: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.111726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682471] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_setup: called Dec 6 22:32:19.111730 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682475] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: called Dec 6 22:32:19.111733 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682545] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_oper_state_get: Port state for 0x13900 = 2 Dec 6 22:32:19.111736 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682582] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: Newly device Ethernet60 log port 0x13900 MAC address = ec0d9a4e5a38 Dec 6 22:32:19.111739 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682585] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: called for device Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:32:19.111742 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682876] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_register_device: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.111745 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.682878] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_newlink: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.112864 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpmgrd: Unable to retrieve neighbor information for port 'Ethernet60'. Not adding port description. Dec 6 22:32:19.115280 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1702.684734] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet60: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.116748 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portsyncd: :- main: PortInitDone Dec 6 22:32:19.121698 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd net.ipv6.conf.Ethernet60.disable_ipv6 = 0 Dec 6 22:32:19.121841 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_HOST_INTERFACE: mlnx_sai_host_interface.c[787]- mlnx_create_host_interface: Created host interface host interface 15 Dec 6 22:32:19.121841 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set OPER_STATUS, key:host interface 15, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.134526 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet16 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.136001 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10900, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.138166 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 10900, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.141998 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet20 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.142943 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10d00, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.144480 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 10d00, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.148697 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet24 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.150046 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10100, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.154274 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 10100, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.154521 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- doTask: Add to Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:19.155852 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet28 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.157565 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10500, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.159118 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 10500, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.160502 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- doTask: Add to Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:19.164396 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- doTask: Add to Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:19.165591 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet32 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.166651 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12500, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.168093 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 12500, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.171195 spine-1 NOTICE swss#intfmgrd: :- doTask: Add to Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:19.173783 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet36 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.174705 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12100, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.176257 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 12100, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.183995 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet40 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.185204 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12d00, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.186213 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 12d00, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.189827 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet44 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.190965 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12900, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.192216 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 12900, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.195994 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet48 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.196964 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13500, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.198249 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 13500, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.202199 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet52 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.203309 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13100, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.204175 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 13100, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.207995 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet56 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.209298 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13d00, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.209952 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 13d00, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.213762 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet60 speed to 100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.214919 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13900, val:false Dec 6 22:32:19.216142 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set SPEED, key:port 13900, val:100000 Dec 6 22:32:19.228796 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet0 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.228845 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet12 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229036 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet16 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229207 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet20 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229365 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet24 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229521 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet28 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229673 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet32 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.229869 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet36 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230000 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet4 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230141 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet40 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230297 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet44 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230450 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet48 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230596 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet52 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230751 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet56 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.230924 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet60 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.231155 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doPortTask: Set port Ethernet8 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.231674 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addRouterIntfs: Create router interface Ethernet0 MTU 1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.232017 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addSubnetRoute: Create subnet route to from Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:19.232357 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addIp2MeRoute: Create IP2me route ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.232695 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addRouterIntfs: Create router interface Ethernet12 MTU 1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.233034 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addSubnetRoute: Create subnet route to from Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:19.233344 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addIp2MeRoute: Create IP2me route ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.233648 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addRouterIntfs: Create router interface Ethernet4 MTU 1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.233999 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addSubnetRoute: Create subnet route to from Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:19.234310 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addIp2MeRoute: Create IP2me route ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.234624 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addRouterIntfs: Create router interface Ethernet8 MTU 1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.234921 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addSubnetRoute: Create subnet route to from Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:19.235256 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addIp2MeRoute: Create IP2me route ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.235601 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addIp2MeRoute: Create IP2me route ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.236165 spine-1 WARNING swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Creating policer for existing Trap group:11000000000004 (name:default). Dec 6 22:32:19.236468 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Create policer for trap group default Dec 6 22:32:19.236631 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Bind policer to trap group default: Dec 6 22:32:19.236765 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Set trap group default to host interface Dec 6 22:32:19.237016 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Create host interface trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.237268 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Create policer for trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.237426 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Bind policer to trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.238395 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Create host interface trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.239379 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Create host interface trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.239651 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Create policer for trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.239845 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- createPolicer: Bind policer to trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.240239 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- processCoppRule: Create host interface trap group Dec 6 22:32:19.241108 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addDecapTunnel: Create overlay loopback router interface oid:60000000002e5 Dec 6 22:32:19.241688 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- addDecapTunnelTermEntries: Created tunnel entry for ip: Dec 6 22:32:19.241688 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- doTask: Tunnel(s) added to ASIC_DB. Dec 6 22:32:19.250422 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 11900, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.251420 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 11500, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.252330 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10900, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.253230 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10d00, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.254060 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10100, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.255242 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 10500, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.256445 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12500, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.257553 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12100, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.258587 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 11d00, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.259667 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12d00, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.260824 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 12900, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.262201 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13500, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.263346 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13100, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.264723 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13d00, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.265883 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 13900, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.266826 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_UTILS: mlnx_sai_utils.c[2290]- set_dispatch_attrib_handler: Set ADMIN_STATE, key:port 11100, val:true Dec 6 22:32:19.268164 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 NOTICE SAI_RIF: mlnx_sai_rif.c[532]- mlnx_create_router_interface: Create rif, #0 VIRTUAL_ROUTER_ID=VIRTUAL_ROUTER,(0:0),0,0000,0 #1 SRC_MAC_ADDRESS=[ec:0d:9a:4e:5a:00] #2 TYPE=PORT #3 PORT_ID=PORT,(0:0),11900,0000,0 #4 MTU=1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.276506 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR EMAD_TRANSPORT: EMAD [27000058D13FD1] completed with status : [BAD PARAMETER] Dec 6 22:32:19.277120 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR REG_BULK: sx_reg_layer_sxd_reg_call - Error at access reg call reg_id 0x8002, error: FW RETURN VALUE != SUCCESS Dec 6 22:32:19.277120 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR REG_BULK: __reg_bulk_post_completion_cb Error got in completion data sxd_status [15]-[FW RETURN VALUE != SUCCESS]. Dec 6 22:32:19.277120 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR ROUTER: Failed to RITR set: [FW RETURN VALUE != SUCCESS]. Dec 6 22:32:19.277167 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR ROUTER: Failed to create router interface RITR Failed , err = Driver's Return Status is Non-Zero Dec 6 22:32:19.277752 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR ROUTER: Failed to create router interface in HWD layer, err= Driver's Return Status is Non-Zero. Dec 6 22:32:19.280441 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: attr: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_VIRTUAL_ROUTER_ID: oid:0x3000000000002 Dec 6 22:32:19.280560 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: attr: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_SRC_MAC_ADDRESS: EC:0D:9A:4E:5A:00 Dec 6 22:32:19.281235 spine-1 NOTICE swss#orchagent: :- handle_switch_shutdown_request: switch shutdown request Dec 6 22:32:19.281335 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: attr: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_TYPE: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE_PORT Dec 6 22:32:19.281387 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: attr: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_PORT_ID: oid:0x1000000000170 Dec 6 22:32:19.281437 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: attr: SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_MTU: 1492 Dec 6 22:32:19.281487 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- processEvent: failed to execute api: create, key: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_ROUTER_INTERFACE:oid:0x60000000002d0, status: SAI_STATUS_FAILURE Dec 6 22:32:19.281536 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR ROUTER: Failed to create rif Port Vlan, err = Driver's Return Status is Non-Zero Dec 6 22:32:19.281586 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:32:19 ERROR SAI_RIF: mlnx_sai_rif.c[422]- mlnx_rif_sx_init: Failed to create router interface - Driver's Return Status is Non-Zero. Dec 6 22:32:19.281657 spine-1 ERR syncd#syncd: :- syncd_main: Runtime error: :- processEvent: failed to execute api: create, key: SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_ROUTER_INTERFACE:oid:0x60000000002d0, status: SAI_STATUS_FAILURE Dec 6 22:32:19.281706 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- exit_and_notify: sending switch_shutdown_request notification to OA Dec 6 22:32:19.281885 spine-1 NOTICE syncd#syncd: :- exit_and_notify: notification send successfull Dec 6 22:32:19.282013 spine-1 WARNING syncd#syncd: :- exit_and_notify: sleep forever to keep data plane active Dec 6 22:32:19.282600 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: orchagent terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' Dec 6 22:32:19.282600 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: orchagent what(): parse error - unexpected end of input Dec 6 22:32:19.335403 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:19,334 INFO spawned: 'enable_counters' with pid 120 Dec 6 22:32:19.479006 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:19,478 INFO exited: orchagent (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected) Dec 6 22:32:19.551720 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet0 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.555678 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.128064] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.555718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.128071] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.555726 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.128391] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet0: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.555732 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.128395] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet0 Dec 6 22:32:19.557552 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet0 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.562544 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet12 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.567298 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet12 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.567685 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.138686] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.567711 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.138691] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.567718 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.138868] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet12 Dec 6 22:32:19.571845 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet16 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.575574 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.147551] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.575715 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.147555] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.575723 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.147638] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet16: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.575729 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.147641] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet16 Dec 6 22:32:19.576548 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet16 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.580509 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet20 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.583738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.156275] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.583770 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.156280] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.583777 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.156470] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet20: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.583781 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.156474] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet20 Dec 6 22:32:19.585392 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet20 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.589434 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet24 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.593182 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet24 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.595715 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.165019] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.595746 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.165023] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.595751 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.165188] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet24: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.595756 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.165191] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet24 Dec 6 22:32:19.597120 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet28 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.600855 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet28 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.603667 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.172695] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.603698 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.172699] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.603704 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.172853] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet28: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.603708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.172856] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet28 Dec 6 22:32:19.604581 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet32 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.607708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.179901] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.607740 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.179905] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.607745 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.180067] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet32: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.607749 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.180070] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet32 Dec 6 22:32:19.608289 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet32 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.612015 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet36 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.615541 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet36 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.615705 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.187394] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.615733 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.187398] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.615738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.187566] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet36: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.615743 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.187569] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet36 Dec 6 22:32:19.619338 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet4 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.623338 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet4 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.623707 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.194925] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.623733 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.194929] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.623739 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.195212] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet4 Dec 6 22:32:19.627374 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet40 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.630076 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.202908] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.630108 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.202912] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.631085 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet40 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.631704 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.203112] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet40: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.631728 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.203116] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet40 Dec 6 22:32:19.634829 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet44 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.638395 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet44 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.639686 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.210271] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.639716 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.210275] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.639722 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.210439] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet44: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.639729 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.210442] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet44 Dec 6 22:32:19.642139 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet48 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.645819 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet48 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.647725 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.217674] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.647750 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.217679] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.647755 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.217844] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet48: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.647760 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.217846] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet48 Dec 6 22:32:19.649547 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet52 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.654190 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet52 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.655664 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.225670] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): Ethernet0: link becomes ready Dec 6 22:32:19.655699 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.226087] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.655704 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.226091] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.655708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.226149] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet52: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.655712 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.226152] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet52 Dec 6 22:32:19.658312 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet56 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.661815 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet56 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.663703 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.233800] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.663738 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.233804] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.663745 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.233869] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet56: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.663750 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.233871] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet56 Dec 6 22:32:19.666183 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet60 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.670430 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet60 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.670715 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.242143] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.670745 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.242148] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.670752 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.242328] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet60: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.670757 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.242332] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet60 Dec 6 22:32:19.674418 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet8 MTU to 9100 Dec 6 22:32:19.678212 spine-1 NOTICE swss#portmgrd: :- doTask: Configure Ethernet8 admin status to up Dec 6 22:32:19.679708 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.249964] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: called Dec 6 22:32:19.679733 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.249972] sx_netdev: sx_netdev_open: exit Dec 6 22:32:19.679739 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.250190] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): Ethernet8: link is not ready Dec 6 22:32:19.679744 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1703.250193] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device Ethernet8 Dec 6 22:32:20.481894 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:20,481 INFO success: enable_counters entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:20.487054 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: enable_counters: started Dec 6 22:32:20.679665 spine-1 INFO kernel: [ 1704.248562] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): Ethernet8: link becomes ready Dec 6 22:32:20.807882 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,781 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:20.808039 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,781 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:20.808129 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:11,986 INFO spawned: 'snmpd' with pid 26 Dec 6 22:32:20.808212 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:12,989 INFO success: snmpd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:20.808308 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:13,186 INFO spawned: 'snmp-subagent' with pid 28 Dec 6 22:32:20.808385 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,191 INFO success: snmp-subagent entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:20.808462 spine-1 INFO snmp#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,213 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:20.856133 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:20,855 INFO spawned: 'vrfmgrd' with pid 188 Dec 6 22:32:20.872741 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vrfmgrd: :- main: --- Starting vrfmgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:20.878478 spine-1 NOTICE swss#vrfmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:21.588005 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: No managment ports found in b'MGMT_PORT|' Dec 6 22:32:21.592829 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: Invalid interface name in *' in APP_DB, skipping Dec 6 22:32:21.612903 spine-1 WARNING snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] WARNING: Invalid interface name in TRANSCEIVER_INFO|* in STATE_DB, skipping Dec 6 22:32:21.860201 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:21,859 INFO success: vrfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:21.865569 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: vrfmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:21.965712 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: bind(22) AF_INET flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address Dec 6 22:32:21.966347 spine-1 ERR ntpd[25662]: unable to create socket on eth0 (7) for Dec 6 22:32:21.966891 spine-1 INFO ntpd[25662]: failed to init interface for address Dec 6 22:32:22.232855 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:22,232 INFO spawned: 'nbrmgrd' with pid 193 Dec 6 22:32:22.247339 spine-1 NOTICE swss#nbrmgrd: :- main: --- Starting nbrmgrd --- Dec 6 22:32:22.249152 spine-1 NOTICE swss#nbrmgrd: :- main: starting main loop Dec 6 22:32:23.236743 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:23,235 INFO success: nbrmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:23.241875 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord: nbrmgrd: started Dec 6 22:32:23.301744 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,266 INFO success: entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:23.301744 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,266 INFO success: rsyslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:23.301744 spine-1 INFO dhcp_relay#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:14,490 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:23.593481 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:32:23,592 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:24.976911 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:15,119 INFO spawned: 'intfmgrd' with pid 99 Dec 6 22:32:24.976911 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:16,123 INFO success: intfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.976911 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:16,517 INFO spawned: 'portmgrd' with pid 104 Dec 6 22:32:24.976911 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:17,521 INFO success: portmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.976976 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:17,802 INFO exited: swssconfig (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:24.977018 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:17,925 INFO spawned: 'buffermgrd' with pid 109 Dec 6 22:32:24.977018 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:18,929 INFO success: buffermgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.977053 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:19,334 INFO spawned: 'enable_counters' with pid 120 Dec 6 22:32:24.977085 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:19,478 INFO exited: orchagent (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected) Dec 6 22:32:24.977085 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:20,481 INFO success: enable_counters entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.977154 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:20,855 INFO spawned: 'vrfmgrd' with pid 188 Dec 6 22:32:24.977154 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:21,859 INFO success: vrfmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.977202 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:22,232 INFO spawned: 'nbrmgrd' with pid 193 Dec 6 22:32:24.977202 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:23,235 INFO success: nbrmgrd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Dec 6 22:32:24.977269 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:32:23,592 INFO exited: (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:32:29.120300 spine-1 DEBUG lldp#lldpmgrd: Running command: 'lldpcli configure ports Ethernet8 lldp portidsubtype local Ethernet8' Dec 6 22:32:29.132076 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port Ethernet8, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.132708 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port Ethernet8, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.133179 spine-1 DEBUG lldp#lldpmgrd: Running command: 'lldpcli configure ports Ethernet0 lldp portidsubtype local Ethernet0' Dec 6 22:32:29.141428 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port Ethernet0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.141800 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port Ethernet0, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.142597 spine-1 DEBUG lldp#lldpmgrd: Running command: 'lldpcli configure ports Ethernet4 lldp portidsubtype local Ethernet4' Dec 6 22:32:29.150909 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port Ethernet4, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.151181 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port Ethernet4, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.152671 spine-1 DEBUG lldp#lldpmgrd: Running command: 'lldpcli configure ports Ethernet12 lldp portidsubtype local Ethernet12' Dec 6 22:32:29.160620 spine-1 INFO lldp#lldpd[23]: MSAP has changed for port Ethernet12, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:29.160851 spine-1 INFO lldp#supervisord: lldpd 2018-12-06T22:32:29 [INFO/lldp] MSAP has changed for port Ethernet12, sending a shutdown LLDPDU Dec 6 22:32:39.764503 spine-1 INFO pmon#xcvrd: Start main loop Dec 6 22:33:16.637418 spine-1 INFO syncd#supervisord: syncd Dec 06 22:33:16 NOTICE CORE_API: Initialize Bin Allocator delay: 56 Dec 6 22:33:19.508316 spine-1 INFO[25682]: 2018-12-06 22:33:19,507 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:33:25.018432 spine-1 INFO swss#supervisord 2018-12-06 22:33:19,507 INFO exited: enable_counters (exit status 0; expected) Dec 6 22:33:31.543900 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [ax_interface] ERROR: MIBUpdater.start() caught an unexpected exception during update_data()#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ax_interface/", line 40, in start#012 self.reinit_data()#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/vendor/cisco/", line 79, in reinit_data#012 mibs.init_sync_d_queue_tables(self.db_conn)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sonic_ax_impl/mibs/", line 277, in init_sync_d_queue_tables#012 queue_name_map = db_conn.get_all(COUNTERS_DB, COUNTERS_QUEUE_NAME_MAP, blocking=True)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 38, in wrapped#012 ret_data = f(inst, db_name, *args, **kwargs)#012 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/swsssdk/", line 324, in get_all#012 raise UnavailableDataError(message, _hash)#012swsssdk.exceptions.UnavailableDataError: Key 'b'COUNTERS_QUEUE_NAME_MAP'' unavailable in database 'COUNTERS_DB' Dec 6 22:33:31.545460 spine-1 ERR snmp#snmp-subagent [sonic_ax_impl] ERROR: Invalid local mgmt IP [u'', u'fe80::ee0d:9aff:fe65:d004']