In April 2020 we reported on the change in GP appointments - from 80% being in person in 2019, to 7% during the coronavirus outbreak, according to Professor Martin Marshall, chairman of the Royal College of GPs.
The Shared Data Unit makes data journalism available to news organisations across the media industry, as part of a partnership between the BBC and the News Media Association. Stories generated by the partnership included:
- MK Citizen: How is your Milton Keynes GP surgery faring during the coronavirus crisis? 14 April 2020
- Lancashire Post: GPs using more phone appointments in Lancashire 16 April 2020
- Bedford Independent: GP surgeries in Bedford embrace new technology and adapt quickly to coronavirus challenges 16 April 2020
- Coventry Live: Pandemic forces massive shift in how GPs are seeing patients 17 April 2020
- Harrogate Advertiser: Concern as people in Harrogate stop seeking urgent treatment for non-coronavirus-related illnesses 21 April 2020
- Chichester Observer: Video and phone appointments on the rise as GPs in West Sussex adapt to lockdown 26 April 2020
- Teeside Live: Almost all Teesside GP appointments now being done by video or phone as doctors issue reminder 26 April 2020
- Sussex Express: GP appointments in East Sussex have dramatically changed since lockdown – here’s how 30 April 2020
- Wigan Today: Wigan GPs transforming the way they see patients to limit the spread of Covid-19 1 May 2020
- NHS Digital: Appointments in General Practice February 2020
- CSV: Type of GP appointments March 2019 - Feb 2020
- Professor Martin Marshall, chairman, Royal College of GPs (RCGP)
- Tom Gentry, senior health influencing manager, Age UK
- Sue Sharpe, taxi firm administration assistant from Calne, Wiltshire
- Clive Williams, fishing tackle supplier from Horsham in West Sussex
- Choropleth map: % GP appointments by phone or online, by CCG, year ending February 2020
- Bar chart: Appointments by mode in England, year ending February 2020
You can find all coronavirus-related stories by the BBC data units tagged 'coronavirus' here