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Updating the BCN3D Electronics firmware

Marc edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 14 revisions

In this page you will find all the steps in order to update the firmware version of your BCN3D 3D Printer. For now, it only works with the new BCN3D Sigma, but we're working on supporting earlier machines like the BCN3D+ and the BCN3DR.

The process is very simple. Our custom Cura gets the latest version of the firmware from our Github repository and updates the electronics. You only need to connect the printer to the PC with the supplied USB cable.

We've detected that some printers only connect to Desktop Computers, not laptops. It seems to be a hardware issue. We 're working on solving that as soon as possible. If you experience this problem, please contact us with subject "Laptop not connecting" as soon as posible to solve the issue.

As always, if you have any problem or suggestion, post an issue or contact us as usual.

This wiki-page explains how to update the firmware "automagically" but if you are looking for a way of uploading a diferent firmware manually, without arduino and compiling, better check this page.

☝️ We've made a video showing all the process to update the firmware and the display SD files. You can view it on youtube.

##Let's get started

First of all, you will need at least Cura BCN3D 0.0.9 to update automatically the firmware. Be sure to get it on our repository before doing anything. If you have a newer version, you are set to go.

Go to Machine -> Check for firmware updates...

Check for firmware updates

A window will appear letting you select your 3D printer model

Select BCN3D Sigma and click Next. For now it's the only one working.

Click on "Upgrade Firmware".

Automatic Firmware updater

Now you should see the Printer connection window.

Connect your printer with the supplied USB cable and press "Connect Printer".

Upgrade BCN3D Sigma Firm Printer connection

The software now is going to connect to the Board. If everything went ok you should see Connected on the status as shown on the snapshot.

Connecting to machine Succesfully connected

Now you can press "Get firmware version". The software will get your current version and check online if there is a newer version.

Firmware version print

If you've said yes to download the new version, a window will pop up in a few seconds letting you choose the firmware. Cura creates a folder called BCN3DSigma in your Documents folder in order to store the Firmware versions. You can delete it or keep it, you choose!

Select "BCN3DSigma-Firmware-XX-X.X.X" folder. The latest firmware!

File Selection

Select "Compiled Firmware" Folder

Compiled Firmware

Select "Marlin.hex" and click open. This is the hexadecimal file Cura will upload to the Printer.


Then, Cura will start uploading the firmware. You can check the progress with the progress bar. Wait until it's done.

###Caution! During this process don't disconnect the printer!

Uploading firmware Done!

Now you can disconnect the USB cable from the printer and reboot it. You should see the new version in the bottom right corner.