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Upgrade v1 to v2

Bleddyn Richards edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 5 revisions


With the release of version 2 the extension has been re-written from the ground up using Node.js and includes a number of breaking changes.

Task Split

Version 1 consisted of a single task which set the assembly data for Net Core, Net Standard and Net Framework projects. This approach proved difficult to maintain as the .Net Framework consists of different attributes compared with Net Core and Net Standard. For this reason the extension was split into 2 separate tasks: .Net Framework and .Net Core & .Net Standard, this allows each tasks to perform a specific purpose and allows us to target specific values much easier.

The new tasks as they appear in Azure DevOps:

Upgrade New Tasks Example

Upgrade Path

To ensure a smooth upgrade we recommend:

  1. Disable v1 of the task in your build pipeline.
  2. Add a new assembly info task, ensure you choose the correct task for your project (Net Core/Standard or Net Framework) and ensure the tasks targets v2 of the extension.
  3. Copy the parameter values from task v1 to task v2.

Upgrade Disable Task Example

Source Files

A file matching pattern is now required for all files listed within the Source files task parameter. Files previously listed as the following:


must now be listed using a match pattern:


Date and Time Formatting

A new implementation of the date & time formatting has been implemented. Please see the dedicated wiki page for further explanation.

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