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BREG-DCAT Mapping Tool

The BRegDCAT-AP v2 Mapping Tool will allow European public administrations to create mappings in order to harmonise different data models used for describing base registries, either within a country or across borders, to another data model, being the BRegDCAT-AP v2 or any other data model.

This tool can also visualise the mappings, export them in a machine-readable format, and analyse the coverage between the two mapped data models.



A self-contained docker-compose configuration file is provided to ease the deployment process:

$ cd path_to_mapping
$ docker-compose up --build

The application can be then accessed on http://localhost:40081/

Local deployment

The tool is based on Drupal, please see Drupal's documentation for more information.

The requirements and service dependencies for the local environment are:

  • PHP 5.6.
  • Drupal 7.42.
  • Virtuoso triple store.
  • MySQL.

The configuration of the MySQL database can be modified in sites/default/settings.php. It points to the mysql hostname of the container defined in the Compose file by default:


$databases = array (
  'default' => 
  array (
    'default' => 
    array (
      'database' => 'dcat-mapping',
      'username' => 'root',
      'password' => 'root',
      'host' => 'mysql',
      'port' => '',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',


Modifying the configuration of the Virtuoso triple store would require replacing all hardcoded references to the virtuoso hostname in:

  • sites/all/modules/CPSVAPmapping/CPSVAPmapping.module
  • sites/all/modules/editmapping/editmapping.module
  • sites/all/modules/mapping/mapping.module

Once the Drupal application is up and running please make sure to also update the SPARQL endpoint in the following configuration pages:

  • ARC2 store settings: admin/config/services/arc2_store
  • SPARQL Endpoints Registry: admin/structure/sparql_registry