Get notified any time your door is opened and closed.
Connect a reed switch to your door, wire the leads into the Raspberry Pi's' GPIO pins to complete the circuit, and get email alerts.
- Create a circuit connecting the reed switch leads to the Pi's GPIO pins
In addition to the switch itself, you will need a single 330 ohm resistor, as shown here:
![Circuit schematic](schematic/RPi Reed Switch.png?raw=true "Circuit schematic")
Be sure to look at the [interactive schematic](schematic/RPi Reed Switch.fzz) using the Fritzing desktop application.
Test on a breadboard before soldering things together.
- Install the reed switch on the door (make sure the door opens cleanly with the switch in place)
- Final assembly, with resistor connected and plugged in to the GPIO pins on the Pi:
In addition to running OpenSesamePi, this particular Pi is doing double duty as a PiScan implementation.
- Login to the Pi and install this Software:
git clone
- Configure the Pi to send email:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install ssmtp mailutils
Then edit the SSMTP configuration file:
sudo vi /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
You need these lines defined at a minimum, replacing the gmail coordinates with your own (you can of course use any other SMTP mailserver of your choice):
Note: if you do use gmail, you will also need to update the Allow less secure apps setting for this method to work.
- Define the list of email addresses that should get the opened/closed alerts
Create a new file called in the same folder where you cloned this repo (by default, it will be the /home/pi/OpenSesamePi/ folder), add a line like this, and save the file:
NOTIFY_LIST = ['', '']
Each of the email addresses defined here will get an email alert when the DoorChecker script is triggered.
This file overrides the NOTIFY_LIST defined in the generic file.
- Have the DoorChecker script start automatically, every time the Pi does:
sudo crontab -e
Then add this line at the bottom, and save the file:
@reboot python /home/pi/OpenSesamePi/ &
At the moment, the DoorChecker script's notification action is to send email, but that can be extended to triggering an alarm, taking a camera snapshot, etc.
Just change the implementation of the notify(door_state) function to something more elaborate.