#@;Armor #th;Armor;Cost;Armor Class (AC);Strength;Stealth;Weight #st;Light Armor Combat suit;100 cr;11 + Dex modifier;-;-;10 lb. Fiber armor;450 cr;12 + Dex modifier;-;-;13 lb. #st;Medium Armor Mesh armor;500 cr;13 + Dex modifier (max 2);-;-;20 lb. Weave armor;1,000 cr;14 + Dex modifier (max 2);-;-;25 lb. Composite armor;2,500 cr;15 + Dex modifier (max 2);-;Disadvantage;45 lb. #st;Heavy Armor Battle armor;750 cr;16;13;Disadvantage;55 lb. Assault armor;2,000 cr;17;15;Disadvantage;60 lb. Heavy exoskeleton;9,000 cr;18;17;Disadvantage;65 lb. #st;Shield Light physical shield;50 cr;+1;-;-;6 lb. Light shield generator;125 cr;+1;-;-;2 lb. Medium physical shield;150 cr;+2;13;-;18 lb. Medium shield generator;375 cr;+2;-;-;6 lb. Heavy physical shield;500 cr;+3;15;Disadvantage;36 lb. Heavy shield generator;1,250 cr;+3;-;-;12 lb. #@;Weapon #th;Name;Cost;Damage;Weight;Properties #st;Simple Blasters Blaster carbine;300 cr;1d6 energy;8 lb.;Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 16, two-handed Bowcaster;400 cr;1d10 energy;16 lb.;Ammunition (range 50/200), burst 4, reload 4, strength 11, two-handed Ion carbine;300 cr;1d3 ion;8 lb.;Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 16, two-handed Light pistol;350 cr;1d4 energy;2 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), light, reload 12 Light repeater;900 cr;1d6 energy;12 lb.;Ammunition (range 60/240), auto, burst 8, reload 16, two-handed Light slugpistol;250 cr;1d4 kinetic;2 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), hidden, light, reload 8 Hold-out;250 cr;1d4 energy;1 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), hidden, light, reload 6 Needler;275 cr;1d4 kinetic;3 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), rapid 10, reload 20, special Scattergun;200 cr;1d6 kinetic;3 lb.;Ammunition (range 20/80), burst 4, reload 4 Shotgun;350 cr;2d4 kinetic;12 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), burst 2, reload 4, strength 11, two-handed Slugpistol;100 cr;1d6 kinetic;3 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), rapid 8, reload 16, strength 11 Tranquilizer rifle;200 cr;1d4 kinetic;10 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 4, two-handed, special Wristblaster;250 cr;1d4 energy;1 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), disguised, fixed, light, reload 12 Wrist launcher;450 cr;-;1 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), fixed, reload 1, special #st;Martial Blasters Assault cannon;500 cr;1d10 energy;24 lb.;Ammunition (range 80/320), burst 4, reload 8, strength 11, two-handed Blaster cannon;1,600 cr;1d12 energy;36 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), auto, burst 2, reload 4, strength 15, two-handed Blaster pistol;200 cr;1d6 energy;3 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), reload 16 Blaster rifle;400 cr;1d8 energy;11 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 12, two-handed Carbine rifle;800 cr;1d8 energy;10 lb.;Ammunition (range 80/320), auto, rapid 3, reload 12, two-handed Chaingun;1,500 cr;1d10 energy;42 lb.;Ammunition (range 60/240), auto, rapid 6, reload 12, strength 15, two-handed Cycler rifle;450 cr;1d8 kinetic;10 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), rapid 2, reload 8, two-handed Heavy bowcaster;1,100 cr;1d12 energy;26 lb.;Ammunition (range 60/240), burst 4, reload 8, strength 15, two-handed Heavy pistol;300 cr;1d8 energy;4 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), reload 12, strength 11 Heavy repeater;1,200 cr;2d4 energy;16 lb.;Ammunition (range 80/320), auto, burst 4, rapid 2, reload 8, strength 15, two-handed Heavy shotgun;400 cr;2d4 kinetic;16 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), burst 4, reload 12, strength 13, two-handed Heavy slugpistol;750 cr;1d8 kinetic;5 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), rapid 2, reload 8, strength 13 Hunting rifle;600 cr;1d12 kinetic;12 lb.;Ammunition (range 150/600), reload 2, strength 13, two-handed Ion pistol;200 cr;1d3 ion;3 lb.;Ammunition (range 40/160), reload 16 Ion rifle;400 cr;1d4 ion;11 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 12, two-handed Repeating blaster;1,200 cr;2d4 energy;18 lb.;Ammunition (range 80/320), auto, burst 4, rapid 4, reload 8, strength 13, two-handed Revolver;750 cr;1d8 kinetic;4 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), rapid 6, reload 6, strength 11 Slugthrower;350 cr;1d8 kinetic;14 lb.;Ammunition (range 100/400), burst 6, reload 12, two-handed Sniper rifle;750 cr;1d12 energy;12 lb.;Ammunition (range 150/600), reload 2, strength 13, two-handed Subrepeater;1,200 cr;1d6 energy;4 lb.;Ammunition (range 30/120), auto, rapid 8, light, reload 16 #st;Simple Lightweapons Lightclub;150 cr;1d10 energy;5 lb.;Luminous, two-handed Lightdagger;100 cr;1d4 energy;1 lb.;Finesse, hidden, light, luminous, thrown (range 20/60) Lightsaber;200 cr;1d6 energy;3 lb.;Hidden, luminous, versatile (1d8) Shotosaber;500 cr;1d6 energy;2 lb.;Finesse, hidden, light, luminous #st;Martial Lightweapons Doublesaber;1,400 cr;1d8 energy;4 lb.;Double (1d8 energy), finesse, luminous Doubleshoto;1,250 cr;1d6 energy;4 lb.;Double (1d6 energy), finesse, light, luminous Greatsaber;1,000 cr;2d6 energy;4 lb.;Dexterity 11, luminous, two-handed Lightfoil;500 cr;1d8 energy;2 lb.;Finesse, hidden, luminous Light ring;500 cr;1d6 energy;3 lb.;Finesse, hidden, luminous, returning, thrown (range 30/90) Lightsaber pike;400 cr;1d10 energy;6 lb.;Dexterity 11, luminous, reach, two-handed Martial lightsaber;300 cr;1d8 energy;2 lb.;Hidden, luminous, versatile (1d10) Saberspear;450 cr;2d4 energy;2 lb.;Luminous Saberwhip;300 cr;1d4 energy;2 lb.;Finesse, hidden, luminous, reach #st;Simple Vibroweapons Techaxe;75 cr;1d6 kinetic;2 lb.;Light, thrown (range 20/60) Vibrodagger;50 cr;1d4 kinetic;1 lb.;Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) Vibrodart;5 cr;1d4 kinetic;1/4 lb.;Finesse, special, thrown (range 20/60) Vibroknuckler;60 cr;1d6 kinetic;2 lb.;Hidden, light Vibromace;80 cr;1d8 kinetic;12 lb.;Heavy, two-handed Vibrostaff;100 cr;1d6 kinetic;4 lb.;Versatile (2d4) Vibrospear;120 cr;1d6 kinetic;3 lb.;Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) #st;Martial Vibroweapons Chakram;250 cr;1d6 kinetic;3 lb.;Finesse, returning, thrown (range 30/90) Doubleblade;625 cr;1d6 kinetic;5 lb.;Double (1d6 kinetic), finesse, light Doublesword;700 cr;1d8 kinetic;5 lb.;Double (1d8 kinetic), finesse Hidden blade;200 cr;1d4 kinetic;1 lb.;Finesse, fixed, hidden, light Net;100 cr;-;3 lb.;Light, special, thrown (range 15) Techblade;250 cr;1d6 kinetic;3 lb.;Finesse, light Techstaff;600 cr;2d4 kinetic;8 lb.;Double (2d4 kinetic) Vibroaxe;300 cr;1d10 kinetic;11 lb.;Dexterity 11, heavy, two-handed Vibrobaton;225 cr;2d4 kinetic;4 lb.;- Vibroblade;150 cr;1d8 kinetic;2 lb.;Versatile (1d10) Vibrolance;100 cr;1d12 kinetic;6 lb.;Reach, special Vibropike;200 cr;1d10 kinetic;6 lb.;Dexterity 11, reach, two-handed Vibrorapier;250 cr;1d8 kinetic;2 lb.;Finesse Vibrosword;500 cr;2d6 kinetic;6 lb.;Dexterity 11, two-handed Vibrowhip;150 cr;1d4 kinetic;3 lb.;Finesse, reach #@;Adventuring Gear #th;Item;Cost;Weight #st;Standard Backpack;50 cr;5 lb. Canteen;10 cr;3 lb. Chest;50 cr;25 lb. Crate;20 cr;70 lb. Pouch;5 cr;1 lb. Bedroll;10 cr;7 lb. Blanket;5 cr;3 lb. Binders;50 cr;6 lb. Chronometer;100 cr;1 lb. Fibercord cable, 50 ft (rolled);20 cr;2 lb. Field rations (one day's);5 cr;1 lb. Fusion cutter;25 cr;2 lb. Glowrod;10 cr;2 lb. Grappling hook;50 cr;4 lb. Heat generator;400 cr;4 lb. Homing beacon;450 cr;1 lb. Hydrospanner;10 cr;2 lb. Macrobinoculars;750 cr;1 lb. Mess kit;20 cr;1 lb. Mirror;50 cr;1/2 lb. Ram, portable;40 cr;35 lb. Restraining bolt;350 cr;1 lb. Shovel;7 cr;5 lb. Tent, two-person;20 cr;5 lb. #st;Medical Antitoxkit;600 cr;4 lb. Emergency battery;70 cr;5 lb. Traumakit;50 cr;3 lb. Medpac;300 cr;1/2 lb. Poison;125 cr;1/2 lb. Repair kit;750 cr;3 lb. #st;Clothing Clothes, common;5 cr;3 lb. Clothes, costume;50 cr;4 lb. Clothes, dress uniform;100 cr;8 lb. Clothes, fine;150 cr;6 lb. Clothes, traveler's;20 cr;4 lb. #st;Communications Commlink;50 cr;1/2 lb. Comm jammer;450 cr;3 lb. Headcomm;200 cr;1 lb. Holocomm;300 cr;2 lb. Holotrace device;1,000 cr;5 lb. Pocket scrambler;800 cr;1 lb. #st;Data Recording and Storage Code cylinder;20 cr;1/2 lb. Datacard;5 cr;- Datacron;1,000 cr;2 lb. Datapad;100 cr;1/2 lb. Holocron;1,000 cr;2 lb. Holorecorder;100 cr;1 lb. Stylus pen;10 cr;1/2 lb. Wristpad;600 cr;2 lb. #st;Weapon and Armor Accessories Bandolier;100 cr;2 lb. Bipod;200 cr;2 lb. Friction-grip gear;2,000 cr;12 lb. Jetpack;4,500 cr;20 lb. Remote detonator;150 cr;1 lb. Rocket boots;2,500 cr;3 lb. Stealth field generator;8,000 cr;3 lb. Tracker utility vest;150 cr;3 lb. Tripod;450 cr;16 lb. #st;Ammunition Dart;5 cr;- Missile, fragmentation;100 cr;1/2 lb. Power cell;10 cr;1 lb. Projector canister, cryo;350 cr;2 lb. Projector canister, incendiary;325 cr;2 lb. Slug cartridge;2 cr;- #st;Explosives Grenade, fragmentation;100 cr;1 lb. Grenade, gas;300 cr;1 lb. Grenade, ion;250 cr;1 lb. Grenade, plasma;125 cr;1 lb. Mine, fragmentation;200 cr;2 lb. Mine, gas;625 cr;2 lb. Mine, incendiary;550 cr;2 lb. Thermal detonator;2,000 cr;1 lb. #st;Life Support Aquatic rebreather;100 cr;2 lb. Enviro-suit;2,000 cr;15 lb. Flight suit;1,000 cr;5 lb. Respirator;200 cr;1 lb. #@;Tools #th;Item;Cost;Weight #st;Artisan's tools Armormech's implements;200 cr;8 lb. Armstech's implements;250 cr;9 lb. Artificer's implements;300 cr;5 lb. Artist's implements;100 cr;5 lb. Astrotech's implements;400 cr;12 lb. Biotech's implements;450 cr;6 lb. Constructor's implements;100 cr;7 lb. Cybertech's implements;500 cr;10 lb. Gadgeteer's implements;350 cr;7 lb. Jeweler's implements;250 cr;2 lb. Surveyor's implements;500 cr;6 lb. Synthweaver's implements;250 cr;2 lb. Tinker's implements;500 cr;10 lb. #st;Specialist's kit Biochemist's kit;500 cr;8 lb. Chef's kit;70 cr;8 lb. Demolitions kit;400 cr;4 lb. Disguise kit;250 cr;3 lb. Forgery kit;150 cr;5 lb. Mechanic's kit;650 cr;25 lb. Poisoner's kit;500 cr;2 lb. Security kit;650 cr;3 lb. Slicer's kit;800 cr;6 lb. #st;Gaming set Chance cubes;1 cr;- Dejarik set;300 cr;8 lb. Pazaak deck;100 cr;- Sabacc deck;150 cr;- #st;Musical instrument Bandfill;300 cr;2 lb. Chindinkalu horn;120 cr;7 lb. Drum;60 cr;3 lb. Fanfar;220 cr;4 lb. Fizzz;160 cr;3 lb. Flute;20 cr;1 lb. Kloo horn;330 cr;2 lb. Lute;350 cr;2 lb. Mandoviol;425 cr;1 lb. Ommni box;250 cr;10 lb. Slitherhorn;120 cr;2 lb. Shawm;20 cr;1 lb. Traz;300 cr;6 lb. Valahorn;340 cr;4 lb. Xantha;170 cr;7 lb. #@;Mounts and Other Animals #th;Item;Cost;Speed;Carrying Capacity #st;Mounts and Animals Tauntaun;500 cr;50 ft.;480 lb. Kaadu;450 cr;40 ft.;620 lb. Rancor;2,000 cr;40 ft.;3,320 lb. Sleen;500 cr;40 ft.;740 lb. Varactyl;750 cr;60 ft.;2,200 lb. Bantha;1,200 cr;40 ft.;8,000 lb. Dewback;900 cr;50 ft.;1,140 lb. #@;Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles #th;Item;Cost;Weight #st;Tack and Harness Barding (Tiny);x1/3;x1/2 Barding (Small or Medium);x1;x1 Barding (Large);x3;x2 Barding (Huge);x9;x4 Barding (Gargantuan);x27;x8 Bit and bridle;20 cr;1 lb. Cart;150 cr;200 lb. Feed (per day);1 cr;10 lb. #st;Saddle Exotic;600 cr;40 lb. Military;200 cr;30 lb. Pack;50 cr;15 lb. Riding;100 cr;25 lb. Saddlebags;40 cr;8 lb. Stabling (per day);5 cr;- Wagon;350 cr;400 lb. #@;Waterborne Vehicles #th;Item;Cost;Speed #st;Surface Vehicles Airspeeder;14,500 cr;750 mph Landspeeder;10,000 cr;220 mph Speederbike;6,000 cr;300 mph Combat Suit. Combat suits are seen all over the galaxy, and can be found for sale by almost any merchant who dealt in weapons and armor, many such suits are used by military organizations, such as the Galactic Republic's military, as well as by mercenaries, criminals, bounty hunters and even some Jedi, the suit itself offers decent protection from most types of attacks while maintaining maximum flexibility and minimum weight, however this armor is only recommended for light skirmishes. Fiber Armor. Fiber armor is a type of armor that offers more protection than the lighter combat suit, Fiber armor is heavier overall than combat suits, and not quite as flexible, but many consider the trade-offs worthwhile, It is a good source of defense from physical attacks and light blaster fire. Mesh armor. Providing solid protection for a minimal cost, mesh armor is considered excellent protection for entrenched troops or guards, However, this protection comes at a cost of mobility, limiting its uses by rapidly advancing infantry, Still, it provides more mobility than battle armor. Weave Armor. Weave armor was constructed from a mesh of metal or composite plates and a padded jumpsuit. Variants of the armor included less plates and more padding for a lighter, though less protect-ive armor, and heavier plating with molded pieces to fit the wearer. Though the armor was available unmodified, most users personalized their armor. Composite Armor. Composite armor is a type of armored suit that offers a good balance of mobility and protection against most types of weapons. The micro-hydraulics of this type of powered armor provide the operator with protection, but are more bulky than mesh or weave armors. This type of armor is rarely seen outside of professional mercenaries' and soldiers' use. Battle Armor. Battle armor is an armor that reduced weight, but restricts movement. The armor is commonly used by mercenaries, bounty hunters, soldiers, and civilians that live in dangerous areas. Assault Armor. Assault armor improved on battle armor, with the benefit of micro-hydraulics that boost the efficacy of the operator. It offers better protection, but increased weight. Heavy Exoskeleton. Heavy exoskeletons are virtually the heaviest armor acquirable during the Galactic War. It is ideal for extreme combat situations that involved direct damage and also offers a very good level of protection in sacrifice of dexterity. Some consider it claustrophobic but that was the trade-off for safety. Light physical shield. A light shield is generally affixed to the forearm. While a light shield does not fill the hand slot, you gain no benefit from it while the hand is full. You gain no benefit from a light shield while wielding a weapon with the heavy property. Light shield generator. A light shield is generally affixed to the forearm. While a light shield does not fill the hand slot, you gain no benefit from it while the hand is full. You gain no benefit from a light shield while wielding a weapon with the heavy property. Medium physical shield. A medium shield was a common defensive technology that protect the user from blaster fire, the elements, or other hazards. Medium shields are used in conjunction with any one-handed weapon. Medium shield generator. A medium shield was a common defensive technology that protect the user from blaster fire, the elements, or other hazards. Medium shields are used in conjunction with any one-handed weapon. Heavy physical shield. Heavy shields are much larger and more cumbersome, but they offer more protection than their smaller counterparts. Their obtrusive size, however, makes them unwieldy, requiring the use of a one-handed weapon with the light property in the other hand. Heavy shield generator. Heavy shields are much larger and more cumbersome, but they offer more protection than their smaller counterparts. Their obtrusive size, however, makes them unwieldy, requiring the use of a one-handed weapon with the light property in the other hand. Needler. The needler includes a specialized compartment for poison. One dose of poison, when installed in this compartment, retains its potency for 1 hour before drying. One dose of poison is effective for the next 10 shots fired by the weapon. Net. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on formless or Huge or larger creatures. A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. The net has an AC of 10, 5 hit points, and immunity to all damage not dealt by melee weapons. Destroying the net frees the creature without harming it and immediately ends the net's effects. While a creature is restrained by a net, you can make no further attacks with it. Tranquilizer Rifle. The tranquilizer rifle includes a specialized compartment for poison. One dose of poison, when installed in this compartment, retains its potency for 1 hour before drying. One dose of poison is effective for the next 4 shots fired by the weapon. Vibrodart. Due to their diminutive size, vibrodarts make ineffective melee weapons. Melee attack rolls made with them are made at disadvantage. Vibrolance. You have disadvantage when you use a vibrolance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. Wrist Launcher. Rather than traditional power cells, the wrist launcher fires specialized projectiles in the form of darts, small missiles, or specialized canisters. Blaster carbine. A blaster carbine is a shortened variant of an already existing weapon, traditionally blaster rifles, had a short barrel and compact two-handed grip, making it look more like a long pistol than a rifle, carbines offered distinct advantages from other weapons, first and foremost, they are generally shorter and lighter than their heavier cousins, and allowed for more capabilities especially in confined environments, they also had a faster rate of fire than a typical blaster rifle, in addition, carbines are often cheaper to produce than ordinary rifles. Bowcaster. Also known as a laser crossbow, was a type of traditional, handcrafted projectile weapon commonly used by Wookiees, through the use of magnetic acceleration, bowcasters are more powerful and accurate than the average blaster, designs differed through the materials used and the creator's artistic approach, although the end result was visually similar to a crossbow-like weapon. Ion carbine. The ion carbine is a rifle-like weapon designed primarily to disable droids, as with other ion weapons, it fired ion energy which disrupted electrical systems, but was not very effective against organic targets, it was similar to an ion rifle, however it had the advantage of having a more compact design, giving the user an edge on that regard if needed. Light pistol. A more compact and discrete version of the standard blaster pistol, their light variance are usually used by diplomats and people in need of a stealthy punch and defense. Blaster cannon. A blaster cannon was a limited-range, heavy artillery weapon that utilized high-energy blaster gas to produce a visible beam of intense energy. Assault cannon. A more compact limited version of the Blaster cannon. Blaster pistol. The blaster pistol is a common weapon used by both military personnel and civilians alike, serves as the standard mark for galactic defense. Blaster rifle. Blaster rifles are weapons more powerful and larger than other types of blasters, such as blaster pistols, Carbine rifle. A compact yet more versatile version of the blaster rifle, bigger fire rate. Chaingun. Chainguns are extremely powerful ranged weapons that fired small blaster bolts at a very high volume, and at extremely high speeds, the sound of a chaingun would horrify targets, as hundreds of blaster bolts struck their bodies, Chainguns made short work of large groups of enemies, and operated off an automatically recharging power source, however it was a large, heavy, and unwieldy weapon. Heavy bowcaster. A bigger and heavier version of the Bowcaster. Heavy pistol. Also known as Heavy blaster pistols are a class of blaster pistol which are in use during the reign of the Galactic Empire, a considerably higher energy load, translating in a more powerful version of the standard blaster pistol. Ion pistol. The ion pistol is a type of ion gun that fired ion energy instead of blaster bolts, this type of energy disrupted electrical systems, making it an effective weapon against droids, vehicles, electronic devices, and cybernetically enhanced creatures, it is designed to be much more portable and less cumbersome than the ion rifle, unlike the ion rifle, this weapon could be operated one-handed Ion rifle. The ion rifle is a type of ion blaster that fired ion energy instead of blaster bolts, this type of energy disrupted electrical systems, making it an effective weapon against droids, vehicles, electronic devices, and cybernetically enhanced creatures, it is larger and more powerful that the ion pistol. Repeating blaster. A repeating blaster or repeating cannon is a category of rapid-fire blaster which are either handheld or mounted. Sniper rifle. Known as long-range weapons, with the sole purpose of killing a target at extreme distances, a sniper blaster rifle fires a long beam of energy, capable of taking out a target with a single shot, sniper blaster rifles often had a bipod and targeting scope mounted on them. Subrepeater. A subrepeating blaster is a pistol-sized repeating blaster with a built-in folding stock, they are popular with space pirates and bounty hunters who wanted a small, easy-to-wield weapon with a lot of firepower. Lightsaber. The lightsaber, also referred to as a laser sword by those who were unfamiliar with it, is a weapon usually used by the Jedi, the Sith, and other Force-sensitives, the weapon consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will. Shotosaber. Shoto lightsabers are scaled lightsabers whose blades are considerably shorter than the normal, they are used by diminutive combatants like Yoda, whose stature made it impractical to wield a full-scale lightsaber, and also as off-hand weapons for those duelists who employed twin-bladed techniques. Doublesaber. The double-bladed lightsaber is, simply, a lightsaber with blade emitters on both ends, such a weapon could be wielded like a typical single-bladed lightsaber if only one blade was ignited. Greatsaber. The great lightsaber is a type of oversized lightsaber built for use by large individuals, as such, they were heavy, often awkward and difficult to use, and they featured reinforced hilts with heavy-duty power and emitter systems which made a blade that were longer than two meters in length. Lightfoil. Are small and elegant energy swords based upon lightsaber design. Light ring. Similiar in style to a chakram, like the lightwhip, the light ring is not a lightsaber in the formal term. Lightsaber pike. The lightsaber pike was a thick, imposing lightsaber variant similar in design to the double-bladed lightsaber, in that it was a staff-shaped weapon that featured two rare and distinctive plasma blades projecting from either end, some lightsaber pikes had a haft that when activated had a shoto blade that made it two to three meters long. Martial lightsaber. A more combat focused variation of the lightsaber, focusing in a bigger hilt that allowed the user to easily handle the weapon with both hands and use a more aggresive form of combat with it. Saberwhip. Also known as Lightwhips were a heavily modified lightsaber variant, unlike lightsabers, lightwhips' internal workings permitted the containment field of their plasma blades to be flexible, allowing dozens of small emitters to create thin and flexible blades which could reach several meters in length. Dart. This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic damage on a hit. Missile, Fragmentation. This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the missile then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 kinetic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Power Cell. Power cells fuel blaster weapons that deal energy or ion damage. Additionally, power cells are used to energize certain tools. Projector Canister, Cryo. When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition produces a beam of carbonite energy in a line 15 feet long and 5 feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel canister holds enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a single attack in a cone. Each creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d4 cold damage and gains 1 slowed level until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't slowed. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, that creature is frozen in carbonite for 1 hour. If you lack proficiency in the wrist launcher, you must roll the damage dice twice and take the lesser total. Projector Canister, Incendiary. When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition produces a burst of flame in a line 15 feet long and 5 feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel canister holds enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a single attack in a cone. Each creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage or half as much on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. If you lack proficiency in the wrist launcher, you must roll the damage dice twice and take the lesser total. Slug Cartridge. Slug cartridges are ammunition for blaster weapons that deal kinetic damage. When you reload a weapon that uses cartridges, you can reload any number of cartridges up to the weapon's reload number as a part of the same action. Commlink. Commlinks are standard handheld communication devices, fitted with microphones and receivers. A standard, personal commlinks have a range of up to 30 miles, but are reduced in dense, urban areas or areas of high level interference. Comm Jammer. A comm jammer is a device used to scramble communications. A comm jammer can block transmissions from unenhanced communications devices in a 100 foot radius. Headcomm. A headcomm can be installed in a helmet or worn independently. It functions as a hands-free commlink. Holocomm. A holocomm is a communications unit that utilizes the HoloNet. It enables users to send and receive messages through holographic-based transmission networks. Holotrace Device. A holotrace device is a wrist-worn gadget that can be used to trace a holographic transmission back to its source. Pocket Scrambler. A pocket scrambler is a simple add-on to any commlink that automatically encodes any messages sent out. The transmitted message can only be read by a device equipped with a matched scrambler. Code Cylinder. Code cylinders are security devices in the shape of short cylinders that contain coded information about their bearers and grant them access to secure areas. Datacard. A datacard or data disk is a flat, hand-held device used in conjunction with a datapad to store information. Datacron. A datacron is a type of holocron that can be accessed by non-Force-sensitives and are mainly used to store encrypted data. They are complete with an interactive projection to access the infor-mation. Datapad. A datapad is a small electronic device used for the input, storage and displaying of inform-ation. It features a holoprojective surface for 3D viewing. Holocron. Holocrons are information-storage devices used by force wielders that contain ancient lessons or valuable information in holographic form. They appear as palm-sized, glowing polyhedrons of crystalline material and hardware, and can only be activated and used through the power of the Force. Holorecorder. A holorecorder is a device used to record and project holograms. Some droid models are equipped with internal holorecorders. Stylus Pen. A stylus pen is designed to write on both solid surfaces and touch screen interfaces. Wristpad. A wristpad is a harness with an integrated datapad and holoprojector interface that fits on the forearm and includes self-charging battery packs. Grenade, Fragmentation. Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a timer that causes them to explode on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 kinetic damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Grenade, Gas. Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a timer that causes them to explode on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. The grenade explodes, filling the air in a 10-foot-radius sphere with yellow-green fog for 1 minute. The fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses it. When a creature enters the fog or starts its turn there, it creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, on a failed save, the creature is poisoned while it is in the cloud. Droids, constructs and humanoids wearing appropriate protective equipment are unaffected. Grenade, Ion. Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a timer that causes them to explode on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 ion damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Any electronics within the blast radius are disabled until rebooted. Grenade, Plasma. Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a timer that causes them to explode on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 energy damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Mine, Fragmentation. Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of your next turn. When detonated, each creature within 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 kinetic damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Mine, Gas. Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of your next turn. When detonated, the mine sets fills the air in a 15-foot-radius sphere with yellow-green fog for 1 minute. The fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses it. When a creature enters the fog or starts its turn there, it creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 2d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, on a failed save, the creature is poisoned while it is in the cloud. Droids, constructs and humanoids wearing appropriate protective equipment are unaffected. Mine, Incendiary. Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of your next turn. When detonated, the mine sets the ground in a 15-foot radius ablaze for 1 minute. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. When a creature enters the fire or starts its turn there, it creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Thermal Detonator. Thermal detonators are unique in that can only be turned off by whoever turned them on. They can be set to detonate on impact or with a timer that causes them to explode on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. Each creature within 20 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire and 2d10 kinetic damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Additionally, on a failed save, the creature is knocked prone. Aquatic Rebreather. Aquatic breathers are breath masks designed to operate underwater. While worn, the wearer can breathe both air and water. Enviro-suit. Environment suits, atmospheric suits, or EVA suits, are pressure suits that enabled wearers to survive and operate in zero gravity space and other dangerous conditions. Flight Suit. Flight suits, or jumpsuits, are a type of outfit worn by pilots. They are worn in conjunction with flight helmets. They come in a variety of different colors and provide life support, and protect from hostile environments. Respirator. A respirator, or breath mask, is a portable device that allowed an oxygen-breather to survive in low-oxygen atmospheres. Although not suitable for use in outer-space, these hands-free masks were essential equipment for deep-space travel that might require activity outside of a starship. Antitoxkit. An antitoxkit contained a variety of wide-spectrum antidote hypospray injectors that were designed to neutralize all known poisons. A kit has five charges. As an action, you can administer a charge of the kit to cure a target of one poison affecting them or to give them advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to droids or constructs. Emergency Battery. All non-expendable droids need recharging as they are used. The battery has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a droid that has 0 hit points, without needing to make an Intelligence (Technology) check. Medpac. A medpac is a quick-acting syringe filled with a concentrated dose of kolto. As an action, you can use this medpac to restore hit points to a beast or humanoid within 5 feet. The creature rolls one die equal to the size of their Hit Die and regains hit points equal to the amount rolled + their Constitution modifier (minimum of one hit point). If the creature has Hit Dice of different sizes, use whichever Hit Die size they have the most of. Poison. As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 2d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying. Repair Kit. A repair kit included the basic tools needed to repair a droid after being damaged in combat. The kit has three uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to restore hit points to a droid or construct within 5 feet. The creature rolls one die equal to the size of their Hit Die and regains hit points equal to the amount rolled + their Constitution modifier (minimum of one hit point). If the creature has Hit Dice of different sizes, use whichever Hit Die size they have the most of. Traumakit. A common traumakit can be stocked with bacta packs, and contains spray-bandages, bone stabilizers, antiseptics, and other essentials for the treatment of wounds. As an action, you can expend a use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check. A traumakit can be used to stabilize 5 times before it must be restocked at its original cost. Backpack. A backpack stores 30 lb.., not exceeding 1 cubic foot. Canteen. A canteen stores 4 pints of liquid. Crate. A crate stores 40 gallons of liquid or 4 cubic feet of solid. Chest. A chest stores 300 lb.., not exceeding 12 cubic feet. Pouch. A pouch stores 6 lb.., not exceeding 1/5 cubic foot. Binders. Binders can used to restrain a Small or Medium creature with appropriate appendages. Applying binders takes an action, and the target must make a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (the target chooses the ability to use). A hostile creature makes this save with advantage. Breaking the binders requires a DC 20 Strength check. Escaping them requires a DC 20 Dexterity check. A set of binders comes with one key. Without the key, unlocking the binders requires a DC 15 security kit to force open. Binders have an AC of 10 and 15 hit points. Destroying the binders frees the creature without harming it. Chronometer. A chronometer is a device that measures and keeps linear time. Field Rations (One day's). Ration packs consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, and are used when other food is scarce. Each pack is divided into portions and can provide enough food for one person per day. Fusion Cutter. A fusion cutter is a handheld cutting tool popular among technicians. It cut through almost any reinforced material, given enough time. The internal power cell supplies an hour's worth of continuous operation. Glowrod. Glowrods create a beam of light illuminating the area around you in bright light for a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The glowrod lasts for 10 hours and can be recharged by connecting to a power source or by replacing the power cell. Grappling Hook. A grappling hook allows a user to climb or ascend large objects. It can be mounted to a blaster, belt, or elsewhere. It has a 50-foot length. Heat Generator. Heat generators are special devices typically worn on belts that function as a portable, personal heat supply. Activating or deactivating the generator requires a bonus action and, while active, you are adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. The generator lasts for 10 minutes and can be recharged by a power source or replacing the power cell. Homing Beacon. A homing beacon is a device used to track starships or any other entity being transported. Homing beacons transmit using non-mass HoloNet transceivers able to be tracked through hyperspace. Homing beacons are small enough that they can easily be hidden inside a ship, or tucked into some crevice on its exterior. Macrobinoculars. Macrobinoculars are handheld viewing devices that allow users to observe distant objects. Some models are able to see into space from the surface of a planet. Mess Kit. This box contains a cup and simple cutlery. The box clamps together, and one side can be used as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl. Ram, Portable. You can use a portable ram to break down doors. When doing so, you gain a +4 bonus on the Strength check. One other character can help you use the ram, giving you advantage on this check. Restraining Bolt. Restraining bolts are small, cylindrical devices that can be affixed to a droid in order to limit its functions and enforce its obedience. When inserted, a restraining bolt restricts the droid from any movement its master does not desire, and also forced it to respond to signals produced by a hand-held control unit. Installing a restraining bolt takes 1 minute. The droid must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. A hostile droid makes this save with advantage. On a successful save, the restraining bolt overloads and is rendered useless. On a failed save, the restraining bolt is correctly installed, and the control unit can be used to actively control the droid. While the control unit is inactive, the droid can act freely but it can not attempt to remove the restraining bolt. Bandolier. A bandolier is worn across the chest. It has 12 slots that can each hold a single item that weighs less than 2 lb., such as a vibrodagger, a fragmentation grenade, or a power cell. Once per turn, drawing an item from a bandolier does not require your object interaction. Bipod. A bipod is a device mounted to a two-handed blaster weapon to offer increased stability while prone. As an action, you can deploy or collapse the bipod. While deployed, you ignore the Strength requirement on ranged weapons with the strength property while you are prone, and your speed is reduced to 0. Friction-Grip Gear. A special set of gloves and boots that allow the wearer to stick to and climb surfaces. While wearing these items, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and ceilings while leaving your hands free. You also gain a climbing speed equal your walking speed. Jetpack. Jetpacks are personal aerial transportation devices that allow the operator to fly into and through the air with great mobility. Activating or deactivating the jetpack requires a bonus action and, while active, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. The jetpack last for 1 minute per power cell (to a maximum of 10 minutes) and can be recharged by a power source or replacing the power cells. Remote Detonator. A small handhold device with a single button, used to activate explosives. Over the course of 1 minute, you can pair the detonator with up to two mines within 10 feet. As an action, you can remotely detonate all of the paired mines. You must be within 30 feet of the mines to detonate them. Rocket Boots. Rocket boots are a form of rocket propulsion system affixed to a pair of boots instead of being worn on the back like a standard jetpack. Activating or deactivating the boots requires a bonus action and, while active, you have a flying speed of 25 feet. The rocket boots last for 1 minute and can be recharged by a power source or replacing the power cells. Stealth Field Generator. Stealth field generators are special devices typically worn on belts that function as a portable, personal cloaking device. Activating or deactivating the generator requires a bonus action and, while active, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks that rely on sight. The generator lasts for 1 minute and can be recharged by a power source or replacing the power cell. This effect ends early if you make an attack or cast a force- or tech- power. Tracker Utility Vest. A utility vest is a sleeveless item of clothing that includes several evenly-distributed pockets, popular among hunters, smugglers, and adventurers. The vest is made of leathery, hide material to resist rips, corrosion and water. The wearer can carry up to 10 light items (up to 1 lb. each) without increasing their total encumbrance. Tripod. A tripod is a device used to mount a two-handed blaster weapon to offer increased stability. Over the course of 1 minute, you can deploy or collapse the tripod. While deployed, you ignore the Strength requirement on ranged weapons with the strength property, and your speed is reduced to 0. Armormech's Implements. Armormech's implements are for crafting and repairing armor and shields. Armstech's Implements. Armstech's implements are for crafting and repairing blasters and vibroweapons Artificer's Implements. Artificer's implements are for creating lightweapons. Artist's Implements. Artist's implements encompasses any set of tools designed to create art. Astrotech's Implements. Astrotech's implements are for crafting and modifying droids. Biotech's Implements. Biotech's implements are used to create cybernetic augmentations. Constructor's Implements. Constructor's implements are for creating and fortifying structures. Cybertech's Implements. Cybertech's implements are used for crafting and modifying wristpads. Gadgeteer's Implements. Gadgeteer's implements are used for crafting many types of adventuring gear, such as jet packs or friction-grip gear. Jeweler's Implements. Jeweler's implements are used to appraise gemstones and create jewelry. Surveyor's Implements. Surveyor's implements are used to create both physical and digital maps. Synthweaver's Implements. Synthweaver's implements create and modify articles of clothing. Tinker's Implements. Tinker's implements are general use tools that can craft small and versatile trinkets. Biochemist's Kit. Biochemist's kits are used to create and enhance medpacs and other healing implements. Chef's Kit. Chef's kits are used to prepare food and identify food that might be spoiled or tampered with. Demolitions Kit. Demolitions kits are used to create, enhance, and disarm explosives. Disguise Kit. Disguise kits are used to modify a creature's appearance, to hide their appearance or to mimic the appearance of others. Forgery Kit. Forgery kits create false document and certifications, both physical and digital. Mechanic's Kit. Mechanic's kits are used to craft and repair vehicles and starships. Poisoner's Kit. Poisoner's kits are designed to create and identify poisons. Security Kit. Security kits are used to bypass physical locks. Slicer's Kit. Slicer's kits can bypass computerized defenses and locks.