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Releases: BeipDev/BeipMU

Undockable Tabs, Auto Input History, More Network Debugging

19 Nov 07:19
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  • Tabs can now drag between windows and into new windows
  • Added voice selector in Settings for speech playback
  • Fixed Windows 10 bug where recording icon doesn't appear on taskbar
  • Fixed crash on wine when connecting to sample characters
  • Add keyboard shortcut for "Close all windows and exit"
  • Add .clientOutput and .clientInput CSS styles to WebViews for easy matching of main window styles
  • Add AddToInputHistory to WebView API
  • Add "Mute Audio" right click option for tabs
  • Add "Automatically show history window while navigating input history" global option
  • Default input history window to off due to above item, users can still set it to always be visible
  • Improve Network Debugger telnet display, now processes more of telnet to better display options and subnegotiations

Multiline Triggers, UI Colors, and more

15 Apr 07:03
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4.00.327 - 2024-4-14

  • Added multiline triggers, that run their child triggers for 'n' lines or 'x' time after first hitting
  • Added custom UI theme support
  • Added 'Clear Activity In Current Tab' keyboard shortcut so people can clear the 'Last Read' like indicators without clicking away then back
  • Added script functions to work with window variables window.GetVariable, window.SetVariable, window.DeleteVariable
  • Added Server option "Send NAWS on window resize" to do equivalent of /naws auto on negotiation and on window resize
  • Fixed glitch with 'Paste all window settings' causing tabbing between input windows to not work
  • Fixed weird undo behavior in input window, should work more as expected now.
  • Fixed a couple map editing crashes, one due to undoing a delete, and another when moving exit end points
  • Added 'removelast' command to remove the last line of text in the output window
  • Update last modified time on restore.dat on exit (was confusing some backup software that it was never being modified)
  • Escape HTML < and & chars inside HTML replacement triggers so that received text won't be interpreted as HTML
  • New HTML log headers, far better performance as log files get larger
  • Add horizontal splitter to Triggers/Macros/Aliases windows so they stretch horizontally better
  • Add import/export of aliases & macros

Lots of little improvements

16 Jan 09:18
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4.00.326 - 2024-1-15

  • Fixed possible flicker in spawn windows by optimizing away drawing the background
  • Restore log Pueblo issue caused the opposite problem, tweaked it to hopefully fix it
  • Improve WebView2 GMCP handling
  • Changed HTML copy to use

    tags around each line vs

  • Puppets can now be copied in worlds dialog
  • Puppets now work properly with multiline aliases (prefix sent per line vs once at the start)
  • Puppets can now optionally log their text into the character's log (with an optional prefix too)
  • In connect dialog, current puppet now gets selected (previously only server/character did)
  • Fix minor WebView bug where popup menus in web pages are in the wrong spot once if the window was moved
  • Fix minor logging issue with 'log from..' options writing out a 0x01 byte for lines with inline images or icons
  • Fix minor glitch in ping command, it was sending an extra pair of CRLF sequences after it

Web Views!

21 Nov 09:08
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4.00.325 - 2023-11-20

  • Added WebView /webview url="<url>"
  • Remove border around tabbed spawn text windows
  • Added /script command to run a 1-line script, so that simple scripts can run in more places like aliases
  • Added minimize button to trigger/aliases/macros dialogs
  • Added Spawn trigger option "If in tab group, switch to this tab" to show the tab with the latest activity
  • Added 'ranges' parameter to script triggers that holds the regex matched ranges of the line of text
  • Fixed script errors not showing up when using script triggers & callbacks
  • Updated to PCRE 10.42 (from PCRE 10.34)
  • Changed regexes so that zero length matches are allowed (so can match empty lines) they're only once per line at most
  • Fixed message box popups (yes/no question popups) from blocking output window updates
  • Added connection.SetOnGMCP(function, userdata) so scripts can handle GMCP
  • Added app.ActiveXObject(name) to replace missing ActiveScript 'new ActiveXObject' function
  • Added text selection right click option 'Delete selected lines'
  • Added 'Choose' button to startup script dialog
  • Fix Trigger bug with non regex searches involving 'Whole Word'
  • Fix stats window crash if range stat is used with a non zero minimum
  • Fix restore log strikeout text issue when using Pueblo enabled servers (room exit with sent)

Bug fixes, a few random features

27 Jul 02:34
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4.00.324 - 2023-7-26

  • Added taskbar option to show/hide logging indicator
  • Added /roll command for simulated dice rolls
  • Added regex searching to the find dialog
  • Replaced old remaining 16-color icons in various dialogs with modern images
  • Fixed minor issue in settings where setting a keyboard shortcut then pressing 'ok' loses the just set shortcut
  • Fixed inactive output window not drawing under high output volume issue caused by Taskbar going to Direct2D
  • Stats window is now Direct2D, so emojis in stats are now multcolored. Also no chance of flicker anymore
  • Minor fix to undocked spawn windows, so they minimize to the taskbar vs to a corner of the desktop
  • Fixed issue where taskbar stops updating after internal device loss

Burger Menu, New Taskbar, New Settings Dialog

02 Jul 06:58
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4.00.323 - 2023-7-1

  • No more menu bar! Menu is now a burger menu on the left of the taskbar (alt still works to activate it)
  • Rewritten settings dialogs, all in one place and hopefully much easier to use
  • Dark mode now applies to the title bar now that there is no menu bar
  • Taskbar is rewritten in Direct2D, so prettier icons and an updated design
  • Menus now show current keyboard shortcuts vs the defaults
  • Added inline image support for Tenor links
  • Change GUI font to match size chosen in dialog (previously it didn't match, it was incorrectly using cell height vs font height)
  • Fixed a weird issue with setting the input window font, where it wouldn't 'stick' if you have multiple keyboard input languages.
  • Fixed docked windows being able to be sized down to zero, now will have a minimum size.
  • Add line/column display to editor windows
  • Added right click option to show/hide 'Typed #' indicator on taskbar to give more room for tabs

Variables, Passwords, World Import/Export & More

22 Apr 02:18
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4.00.322 - 2023-4-21

  • Added Password field for characters, so can use %PASSWORD% in connect strings (also added %NAME% for completeness)
  • Added per tab variables, see /set /unset /printenv commands. Available in the send trigger action, and aliases
  • Removed "Explore other worlds" in favor of new "Sample Worlds" section (to be populated more soon)
  • Added ability to import/export worlds (includes all characters, their triggers, etc, be sure to copy and remove your passwords/notes before exporting!)
  • Made /@ work in all places that / commands will work (like send triggers)
  • Shift+Double click on text in the output window will select the whole paragraph. Double clicking by itself just selects the word
  • Reworked tooltips to not use TrackMouseEvent, so should work better on Wine
  • Added option to ignore errors when trying to connect in preferences
  • Added option for puppets, "Remove accidentally typed send prefix" (Tofof)
  • Added option to hide title bars on docked windows, View->Show Hidden Captions to override
    Fixed resizing of the window to prevent docked windows from moving things offscreen, now they will shrink to fit when space runs out
  • Added 'prepend' and 'append' parameters to /newedit command

More Bug Fixes

24 Jan 18:35
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4.00.321 - 2023-1-23

  • Fixed a potential hang in certain conditions (posted message processing message while background thread posts a message)
  • Fixed a crash in triggers where if an empty child trigger is created, then the app restarted, it will crash opening the trigger dialog
  • Fixed Midnight logging rollover, it was accidentally broken in a code simplification in the last release
  • Fixed 'Use Global Settings' on input history window

Bug fixes

31 Dec 06:31
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4.00.320 - 2022-12-30

  • Fixed a bug where if the window is maximized on startup it gets shifted slightly. Some overzealous "ensure window on screen" code added in 318 was the cause.
  • Fixed a potentially crashing bug in regex handling when 'null' capture groups are in the match (for example, a capture group in an OR expression that doesn't get hit)
  • Fixed a crash when trying to send text in a new tab (tries to process aliases but there's no server yet)
  • Fixed a crash if selecting text, right clicking while still selected and doing 'Trigger on' in a new unconnected tab
  • Fixed a bug in scripts calling Connection.Receive(...) during a Connection.Receive(...) now will output an error message vs recursing incorrectly
  • Moved 'Show new content marker' into the text window dialog, and made it take effect properly (applies globally, previously required changing the text window settings for it to apply, which is broken)

Tab completion crash fix

15 Nov 05:12
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4.00.319 - 2022-11-14

  • Fixed crash in tab completion, use after free (bug has existed for ages, only just made aware of it)
  • Added "Animated images start as paused" option in preferences, so animated gifs do not play until unpaused