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Pietro Liuzzo edited this page Mar 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

Switch Keyboard for string search


the user needs to be able to

  • enter text to search in ethiopic

  • entering text to search in normalized latin, as in EthioSPaRe

  • enter easypeasy e for shwa, etc. done in search query

but search all those variants.



for entry like syriaca

guidelines to create layout

for data entry, use this and enhance for normalized (only the official project one!)

for search app:createQuery needs to be enriched with this options.

for each term in the lucene query syntax there should be options for the others


the entered string shall be recognized and converted to the other forms.

recognition might take place with a tick option (are you entering geez, latin, something else? default on latin)

conversion needs a script that include the recognition and performs the translations/replacements. ASSUMING the text entered is correct.

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