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Postgres Helm Installation

We use the single-pod Bitnami Postgresql Helm Chart to install a Postgres database. the pg-values.yaml file contains several configurable parameters for the Helm chart, you can read the comments in the file or look at this documentation for the details of the options. The pg-values.yaml file sets up a database, user, and the password for accessing the database.

Once you are satisfied with the values, install the Helm chart, like so:

cd kubernetes-automation-toolkit/code/k8s-common-code/postgres-db # This directory
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
# For microk8s
helm upgrade --install pgdb bitnami/postgresql -f pg-values.yaml --namespace pg --create-namespace


# Delete the Postgres database
helm delete pgdb --namespace pg

Deleting the Postgres database Helm chart does not delete the persistent volume (storage). To remove the storage permanently:

kubectl -n pg get pvc
kubectl -n pg delete pvc <pvc-name-from-above-command>

# Delete the namespace if you wish
kubectl delete namespace pg