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fixes an incorrect store operation introduced by #806 (#816)
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* fixes an incorrect store operation introduced by #806

It was possible to store a word of arbitrary width in our byte
storage. It is fixed now, and I've also updated documentation and
added few sanity checks.

* fixes the endianess bug in the memory primitives

even for one byte write the endianness matters, when the argument is
not a byte.
  • Loading branch information
ivg committed Apr 9, 2018
1 parent 12deb0f commit 878e39c
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Showing 4 changed files with 21 additions and 10 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion lib/bap_primus/bap_primus.mli
Expand Up @@ -1316,7 +1316,10 @@ module Std : sig
val get : addr -> value Machine.t

(** [set a x] stores the byte [x] at the address [a]. *)
(** [set a x] stores the byte [x] at the address [a].
Precondition: [Value.bitwidth x = 8].
val set : addr -> value -> unit Machine.t

(** [load a] loads a byte from the given address [a].
Expand All @@ -1328,6 +1331,8 @@ module Std : sig
(** [store a x] stores the byte [x] at the address [a].
Same as [Value.of_word x >>= set a].
Precondition: [Value.bitwidth x = 8].
val store : addr -> word -> unit Machine.t

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12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions lib/bap_primus/
Expand Up @@ -340,13 +340,11 @@ module Make (Machine : Machine) = struct
do_store a x (s - 8) hd tl

let store a x e s =
if s = `r8 then store_byte a x
let open Bil.Types in
let s = Size.in_bits s in
match e with
| LittleEndian -> do_store a x s LOW HIGH
| BigEndian -> do_store a x s HIGH LOW
let open Bil.Types in
let s = Size.in_bits s in
match e with
| LittleEndian -> do_store a x s LOW HIGH
| BigEndian -> do_store a x s HIGH LOW

let update_pc t =
match Term.get_attr t address with
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lib/bap_primus/
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,11 @@ module Make(Machine : Machine) = struct
let get addr =
Machine.Local.get state >>= read addr

let set addr value =
if Value.bitwidth value <> 8
then invalid_argf "Memory.set %a %a: value is not a byte"
Addr.pps addr Value.pps value ();
Machine.Local.get state >>=
write addr value >>=
Machine.Local.put state
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions plugins/primus_lisp/
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ module Lib(Machine : Primus.Machine.S) = struct
let all f args = List.exists args ~f |> Value.of_bool
let addr_width =
Machine.arch >>| Arch.addr_size >>| Size.in_bits
let endian =
Machine.arch >>| Arch.endian
let null = addr_width >>=
let negone = null >>= Value.lnot
let false_ = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,15 +96,17 @@ end
module MemoryRead(Machine : Primus.Machine.S) = struct
include Lib(Machine)
let run = function
| [x] -> Eval.load x LittleEndian `r8
| [x] ->
endian >>= fun e -> Eval.load x e `r8
| _ -> Lisp.failf "memory-read requires one argument" ()

module MemoryWrite(Machine : Primus.Machine.S) = struct
include Lib(Machine)
let run = function
| [a;x] -> a x LittleEndian `r8 >>= fun () ->
endian >>= fun e -> a x e `r8 >>= fun () ->
Value.succ a
| _ -> Lisp.failf "memory-write requires two arguments" ()
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