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Bones is a Haskell based skeleton library which builds on HdpH for doing distributed memory branch-and-bound experimentation. We distribute three test applications with the library:

  • maxclique: Find the maximum clique in a (DIMACS formatted) graph
  • knapsack: Find the optimal packing for a knapsack
  • tsp: Find the shortest tour between cities


The easiest way to install is to use the provided stack.yaml file and the stack tool. This manages downloading the correct compiler (GHC 8.0.1), HdpH and additional dependencies.


Each test application comes with it's own help output. A common command will look like this following:

stack exec bones-<appname> -- -a <skeletonType> -f <inputfile> -d <spawnDepth> +HdpH numProcs=1 scheds=3 -HdpH +RTS -N4 -RTS

Generally you will want to use a job launcher to launch multiple processes. In this case you can't use stack exec due to file locking. Instead use the raw binary path:

mpiexec -n 2 ./.stackwork/install/bin/<system>/lts-7.9/8.0.1/bones-<appname> -a <skeletonType> -f <inputfile> -d <spawnDepth> +HdpH numProcs=2 scheds=3 -HdpH +RTS -N4 -RTS