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federico-bongiorno committed Jul 4, 2020
1 parent 2d2e9fb commit 855e86f
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Showing 5 changed files with 87 additions and 162 deletions.
205 changes: 44 additions & 161 deletions Math/NumberTheory/Primes/Factorisation/LinearAlgebra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.LinearAlgebra

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Debug.Trace
-- import Debug.Trace
import Data.Semigroup()
import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe
Expand All @@ -32,39 +32,42 @@ instance Monoid SBVector where
mempty = SBVector mempty

dot :: SBVector -> SBVector -> Bit
dot (SBVector v1) (SBVector v2) = if even (S.size (v1 `S.intersection` v2)) then Bit True else Bit False
dot (SBVector v1) (SBVector v2) = Bit (even (S.size (v1 `S.intersection` v2)))
-- Sparse Binary Matrix
newtype SBMatrix = SBMatrix (I.IntMap SBVector) deriving (Show)
newtype SBMatrix = SBMatrix (V.Vector SBVector) deriving (Show)

mult :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> SBVector
mult (SBMatrix matrix) (SBVector vector) = foldMap (matrix I.!) (S.toList vector)
mult (SBMatrix matrix) (SBVector vector) = foldMap (matrix V.!) (S.toList vector)

size :: SBMatrix -> Int
size (SBMatrix m) = I.size m
size (SBMatrix m) = V.length m

linearSolve :: SBMatrix -> SBVector
linearSolve matrix = linearSolveHelper 1 matrix randomVectors
linearSolve matrix = linearSolveHelper 1 matrix randomVectors 0 0
-- Make sure random vectors are not empty.
-- Make sure the rows have correct index
randomVectors = getRandomVectors [1..(size matrix - 1)] (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec)))
randomVectors = getRandomVectors [0..(size matrix - 1)] (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec)))

linearSolveHelper :: F2Poly -> SBMatrix -> [SBVector] -> SBVector
linearSolveHelper previousPoly matrix (z : x : otherVecs)
| potentialSolution == mempty = trace ("Bad z: " ++ show z ++ "\nBad x: " ++ show x) $ linearSolveHelper 1 matrix otherVecs
linearSolveHelper :: F2Poly -> SBMatrix -> [SBVector] -> Int -> Int -> SBVector
linearSolveHelper previousPoly matrix (z : x : otherVecs) counter totalCounter
| totalCounter > 99 = error "Fail"
| potentialSolution == mempty && counter <= 9 = linearSolveHelper potentialMinPoly matrix (z : otherVecs) (counter + 1) (totalCounter + 1)
| potentialSolution == mempty && counter > 9 = linearSolveHelper 1 matrix otherVecs 0 (totalCounter + 1)
-- This is a good solution.
| otherwise = potentialSolution
potentialSolution = findSolution singularities matrix almostZeroVector
almostZeroVector = evaluate matrix z reducedMinPoly
(singularities, reducedMinPoly) = L.break (== Bit True) (U.toList $ unF2Poly candidateMinPoly)
-- lowest common multiple of previousPoly and candidateMinPoly CHECK
-- potentialMinPoly = lcm previousPoly candidateMinPoly
(singularities, reducedMinPoly) = L.break (== Bit True) (U.toList $ unF2Poly potentialMinPoly)
-- lowest common multiple of previousPoly and candidateMinPoly
potentialMinPoly = lcm previousPoly candidateMinPoly
candidateMinPoly = findCandidatePoly matrix z x

findSolution :: [Bit] -> SBMatrix -> SBVector -> SBVector
findSolution [] _ _ = mempty
findSolution (_ : xs) matrix vector = if result == mempty then vector else findSolution xs matrix result
findSolution (_ : xs) matrix vector
| result == mempty = vector
| otherwise = findSolution xs matrix result
result = matrix `mult` vector

Expand All @@ -73,13 +76,13 @@ findSolution (_ : xs) matrix vector = if result == mempty then vector else findS
-- in particular that it is non empty. This makes the implementation
-- easier as there is no need to write the identity matrix.
evaluate :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> [Bit] -> SBVector
evaluate matrix w = foldr (\coeff acc -> (matrix `mult` acc) <> (if coeff == Bit True then w else mempty)) mempty
evaluate matrix w = foldr (\coeff acc -> (matrix `mult` acc) <> (if unBit coeff then w else mempty)) mempty

findCandidatePoly :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> SBVector -> F2Poly
findCandidatePoly matrix z x = berlekampMassey dim errorPoly randomSequence
randomSequence = generateData matrix z x
errorPoly = fromInteger (1 `shiftL` (2*dim)) :: F2Poly
errorPoly = fromInteger (1 `shiftL` (2 * dim)) :: F2Poly
dim = size matrix

berlekampMassey :: Int -> F2Poly -> F2Poly -> F2Poly
Expand All @@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ berlekampMassey dim = go 1 0

-- The input is a matrix B and a random vector z
generateData :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> SBVector -> F2Poly
generateData matrix z x = toF2Poly $ U.fromList $ reverse $ traceShowId $ map (x `dot`) matrixPowers
generateData matrix z x = toF2Poly $ U.fromList $ reverse $ map (x `dot`) matrixPowers
matrixPowers = L.take (2 * size matrix) $ L.iterate (matrix `mult`) z
-- Make sure x is not empty.
Expand All @@ -117,147 +120,27 @@ getRandomVectors rows gen = go randomEntries

-- Informal way of testing large matrices
-- Input number of columns of matrix and sparsity coefficient
testLinearSolver :: Int -> Double -> [Int]
testLinearSolver dim sparsity = S.toList . set $ linearSolve matrix
testLinearSolver :: Int -> Double -> Bool
testLinearSolver dim sparsity = mat `mult` sol == mempty
numberOfRows = dim - 1
randomColumn :: StdGen -> [Int]
randomColumn gen = fmap fst $ filter (\(_, rDouble) -> rDouble < sparsity) $ zip [1..numberOfRows] (randomRs (0, 1) gen)
listMatrix = snd $ L.mapAccumR choose (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec))) [1..dim]
choose :: StdGen -> Int -> (StdGen, (Int, SBVector))
choose seed index = (mkStdGen (fst (random seed)), (index, SBVector (S.fromList (randomColumn seed))))
matrix = SBMatrix (I.fromList listMatrix)
-- trace ("Number of on-zero entries: " ++ show (foldr (\vec acc -> acc + (S.size (set vec))) 0 (fmap snd listMatrix))) $

-- 1) Correct random matrix
-- 2) Correct random initial vectors
-- 3) Think about matrix indices
-- 4) Facilitate for monoids


-- module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.LinearAlgebra
-- ( SBVector(..)
-- , SBMatrix(..)
-- , mult
-- , linearSolve
-- , testLinearSolver
-- ) where
-- import Data.Semigroup()
-- import System.Random
-- import Debug.Trace
-- import qualified Data.List as L
-- import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
-- import qualified Data.IntSet as S
-- import qualified Data.IntMap as I
-- import System.IO.Unsafe
-- import GHC.Clock
-- import Data.Bit
-- import Data.Bits
-- -- Sparse Binary Vector
-- newtype SBVector = SBVector
-- { set :: S.IntSet
-- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-- -- Vectors form a group (in particular a monoid) under addition.
-- instance Semigroup SBVector where
-- SBVector v1 <> SBVector v2 = SBVector ((v1 S.\\ v2) <> (v2 S.\\ v1))
-- instance Monoid SBVector where
-- mempty = SBVector mempty
-- -- Sparse Binary Matrix
-- newtype SBMatrix = SBMatrix (I.IntMap SBVector) deriving (Show)
-- mult :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> SBVector
-- mult (SBMatrix matrix) (SBVector vector) = foldMap (matrix I.!) (S.toList vector)
-- size :: SBMatrix -> Int
-- size (SBMatrix m) = I.size m
-- linearSolve :: SBMatrix -> SBVector
-- -- If (length singularities > 0), there is no guarantee that the algorithm is
-- -- going to work. To have absolute certainty, one would need to check that the
-- -- polynomial annihilates the sequence matrix ^ k `mult` z, however this seems
-- -- expensive and, in my view, it is quicker to find another solution.
-- linearSolve matrix@(SBMatrix m) = trace ("Is estimate of minimal polynomial good? " ++ show (length singularities > 0)) $ findSolution singularities almostZeroVector
-- where
-- z = SBVector (S.fromList $ randomSublist (I.keys m) (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec))))
-- randomSequence = generateData matrix z
-- dim = size matrix
-- errorPoly = fromInteger (1 `shiftL` (2*dim)) :: F2Poly
-- -- Is it better to convert to a list straight away?
-- minPoly = berlekampMassey dim errorPoly randomSequence
-- -- Highest n such that x^n | minPoly
-- (singularities, reducedMinPoly) = L.break (== Bit True) (U.toList $ unF2Poly minPoly)
-- -- If @singularities@ has positive length, then a generic w should work.
-- -- It should be changed until one is reached.
-- almostZeroVector = evaluate matrix z reducedMinPoly
-- -- This can be made clearer. The solution is always found at the very last
-- -- iteration (when xs == []).
-- findSolution :: [Bit] -> SBVector -> SBVector
-- findSolution [] _ = error "Linear Algebra failed."
-- findSolution (_ : xs) vector = if result == mempty then vector else findSolution xs result
-- where
-- result = matrix `mult` vector
-- -- The input is a matrix B and a random vector z
-- generateData :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> F2Poly
-- generateData matrix z = toF2Poly $ U.fromList $ reverse $ map (\v -> Bit (not $ S.null (set (x `mult` v)))) matrixPowers
-- where
-- matrixPowers = L.take (2 * size matrix) $ L.iterate (matrix `mult`) z
-- x = SBMatrix (foldr (\p acc -> I.insert p (SBVector (S.singleton 1)) acc) initialMap randomPrimes)
-- randomPrimes = randomSublist primes (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec)))
-- initialMap = I.fromList ([(p, mempty) | p <- primes])
-- -- This should be replaced by factorBase = [nextPrime 2..precPrime b]
-- -- This assumes rows are indexed in the same way as columns are.
-- primes = [1..(size matrix)]
-- randomSublist :: [Int] -> StdGen -> [Int]
-- randomSublist list gen = fmap fst $ filter snd $ zip list (randoms gen)
-- berlekampMassey :: Int -> F2Poly -> F2Poly -> F2Poly
-- berlekampMassey dim = go 1 0
-- where
-- -- Is there a better way to implement recursion in this situation?
-- go :: F2Poly -> F2Poly -> F2Poly ->F2Poly -> F2Poly
-- go oneBefore twoBefore a b
-- | U.length (unF2Poly b) <= dim = oneBefore
-- -- Updated value is given by @twoBefore - oneBefore * q@
-- | otherwise = go (twoBefore - oneBefore * q) oneBefore b r
-- where
-- (q, r) = quotRem a b
-- -- This routine takes a polynomial p, a matrix A and a vector w and
-- -- returns p(A)w. It assumes the first coefficient of p is non zero,
-- -- in particular that it is non empty. This makes the implementation
-- -- easier as there is no need to write the identity matrix.
-- evaluate :: SBMatrix -> SBVector -> [Bit] -> SBVector
-- evaluate matrix w = foldr (\coeff acc -> (matrix `mult` acc) <> (if coeff == Bit True then w else mempty)) mempty
-- -- Informal way of testing large matrices
-- -- Input number of columns of matrix and sparsity coefficient
-- testLinearSolver :: Int -> Double -> [Int]
-- testLinearSolver dim sparsity = S.toList . set $ linearSolve matrix
-- where
-- -- 5 is arbitraty
-- numberOfRows = dim - 5
-- randomColumn :: StdGen -> [Int]
-- randomColumn gen = fmap fst $ filter (\(_, rDouble) -> rDouble < sparsity) $ zip [1..numberOfRows] (randomRs (0, 1) gen)
-- listMatrix = map (\index -> (index, SBVector (S.fromList $ randomColumn (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec)))))) [1..dim]
-- matrix = SBMatrix (I.fromList listMatrix)
sol = linearSolve mat
mat = SBMatrix (V.fromList listOfColumns)
-- -2 is arbitrary. It means that the number of rows is at most one less than
-- the number of columns
listOfColumns = L.take dim $ getRandomColumns [0..(dim - 2)] sparsity $ mkStdGen $ fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec

getRandomColumns :: [Int] -> Double -> StdGen -> [SBVector]
getRandomColumns rows sparsity gen = go randomEntries
randomEntries = zip (cycle rows) (randomRs (0, 1) gen)
go :: [(Int, Double)] -> [SBVector]
go list = newVector : go backOfList
newVector = SBVector (S.fromList listOfEntries)
listOfEntries = fmap fst $ filter (\(_, rDouble) -> rDouble < sparsity) frontOfList
(frontOfList, backOfList) = L.splitAt (length rows) list

-- randomMatrix :: Int -> Double -> SBMatrix
-- randomMatrix dim sparsity = SBMatrix (I.fromList listMatrix)
-- where
-- listMatrix = map (\index -> (index, SBVector (S.fromList $ randomColumn (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec)))))) [1..dim]
-- randomColumn :: StdGen -> [Int]
-- randomColumn gen = fmap fst $ filter (\(_, rDouble) -> rDouble < sparsity) $ zip [1..numberOfRows] (randomRs (0, 1) gen)
-- numberOfRows = dim - 1
-- randomVector :: Int -> SBVector
-- randomVector dim = SBVector (S.fromList $ randomSublist [1..dim] (mkStdGen (fromIntegral (unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec))))
-- 1) Write proper code that always terminates
-- 2) Good implementation of vectors
-- 3) Other suggestions on GitHub
-- 4) More detailed performance analysis
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/LinearAlgebra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.LinearAlgebra

main :: IO ()
main = print $ testLinearSolver 100 0.1
main = print $ testLinearSolver 10 0.2
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions arithmoi.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ test-suite arithmoi-tests
QuickCheck >=2.10,
quickcheck-classes >=0.6.3,
random >=1.0 && <1.2,
semirings >=0.2,
smallcheck >=1.2 && <1.3,
tasty >=0.10,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ test-suite arithmoi-tests
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/Math/NumberTheory/Primes/LinearAlgebraTests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.LinearAlgebraTests
( testSuite
) where

import Test.Tasty
import Math.NumberTheory.TestUtils
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.LinearAlgebra
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Clock

testLinear :: Int -> Bool
testLinear dim = dim < 2 || (mat `mult` sol == mempty)
sol = linearSolve mat
mat = SBMatrix (V.fromList listOfColumns)
-- -2 is arbitrary. It means that the number of rows is at most one less than
-- the number of columns
listOfColumns = L.take dim $ getRandomColumns [0..(dim - 2)] 0.3 $ mkStdGen $ fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO getMonotonicTimeNSec

getRandomColumns :: [Int] -> Double -> StdGen -> [SBVector]
getRandomColumns rows sparsity gen = go randomEntries
randomEntries = zip (cycle rows) (randomRs (0, 1) gen)
go :: [(Int, Double)] -> [SBVector]
go list = newVector : go backOfList
newVector = SBVector (S.fromList listOfEntries)
listOfEntries = fmap fst $ filter (\(_, rDouble) -> rDouble < sparsity) frontOfList
(frontOfList, backOfList) = L.splitAt (length rows) list

testSuite :: TestTree
testSuite = testGroup "QuadraticSieve"
[ testSmallAndQuick "LinearSolver" testLinear
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/Test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import qualified Math.NumberTheory.PrefactoredTests as Prefactored
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.PrimesTests as Primes
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.CountingTests as Counting
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.FactorisationTests as Factorisation
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.LinearAlgebraTests as LinearAlgebra
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.QuadraticSieveTests as QuadraticSieve
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.SequenceTests as Sequence
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes.SieveTests as Sieve
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ tests = testGroup "All"
[ Primes.testSuite
, Counting.testSuite
, Factorisation.testSuite
, LinearAlgebra.testSuite
, QuadraticSieve.testSuite
, Sequence.testSuite
, Sieve.testSuite
Expand Down

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