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Binary Linear Algebra (#208)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Matrix multiplication

* Removing rows

* First step of linear algebra algorithm

* Initial implementation of linear algebra algorithm

* Using bitvec package instead

* Modified extended Euclid's algorithm. It now stops before reaching gcd

* Working version of linear algebra solver. Gives a solution a third of the times.

* Time and space improvements

* Several bug fixes

* Modified .gitignore

* Proper random vectors

* Wrote tests and debuged

* Sparse z and x

* New implementation of mult

* Faster implementation of mult

* Dense binary vectors

* Deterministic vector z is chosen

* Dense binary vectors of fixed length

* Added cabal file

* Comparison with Gauss. Matrices and sparse vectors are of given size

* Started joining the two algorithms

* Debugging for memory issue

* Slight modification to generateInterval

* Performing sieve in blocks

* Draft of sieve finding smooth numbers

* Changed from storing factorisations in lists to vectors

* Improved comments

* Deleted smoothSieve from master

* Changed arithmoi cabal

* Modified test-suite

* Fixed a bug

* Testing

* Testing

* Testing

* Checking how many smooth numbers are found

* Testing

* Speed improvement

* Solves linear system until a factor is found

* Log sieving and hlint suggestions

* Draft of sieve finding smooth numbers

* Changed from storing factorisations in lists to vectors

* Improved comments

* Deleted smoothSieve from master

* Changed arithmoi cabal

* Log sieving

* Removed Log Sieving

* Changed testing

* Changed testing again

* Wrote documentation

* Studied a bug where sometimes linearSolve produces the same solution

* Corrected testing

* Minor changes to comments

* Removed Data.Set

* Removed $

* Implementing suggestions

* One second

* Implemented suggestions

* Travis suggestion

* Tiny hlint suggestion
  • Loading branch information
federico-bongiorno committed Aug 5, 2020
1 parent 691a353 commit d6653e6
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Showing 9 changed files with 389 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ dist-newstyle
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions Math/NumberTheory/Primes/Factorisation/LinearAlgebra.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.LinearAlgebra
( SBVector(..)
, DBVector(..)
, SBMatrix(..)
, dot
, mult
, linearSolve
) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 803
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Sized as SU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable.Sized as SMU
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal as GSI
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Sized.Internal as GMSI
import Math.NumberTheory.Utils.FromIntegral
import Control.Monad.ST
import GHC.TypeNats (Nat, KnownNat, natVal)
import Data.Proxy
import System.Random
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Mod.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Bit
import Data.Bits

-- | Sparse Binary Vector of size @k.
newtype SBVector (k :: Nat) = SBVector { unSBVector :: U.Vector (Mod k) }

-- | Dense Binary Vector of size @k@.
newtype DBVector (k :: Nat) = DBVector { unDBVector :: SU.Vector k Bit }
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Sparse Binary square Matrix of size @k@. It is formed of columns
-- of sparse binary vectors.
newtype SBMatrix (k :: Nat) = SBMatrix { unSBMatrix :: SV.Vector k (SBVector k) }

-- | Addition of two dense Binary Vectors.
instance KnownNat k => Semigroup (DBVector k) where
DBVector v1 <> DBVector v2 = DBVector $ SU.withVectorUnsafe (zipBits xor (SU.fromSized v1)) v2

-- | Dense Binary Vectors of given length form a group under addition.
instance KnownNat k => Monoid (DBVector k) where
mempty = DBVector $ SU.replicate (Bit False)
mappend = (<>)

-- | Dot product of two dense Binary Vectors of the same size.
dot :: KnownNat k => DBVector k -> DBVector k -> Bit
dot (DBVector v1) (DBVector v2) = Bit $ odd . countBits $ zipBits (.&.) (SU.fromSized v1) (SU.fromSized v2)

-- | Multiplication of a square matrix and a dense vector.
mult :: KnownNat k => SBMatrix k -> DBVector k -> DBVector k
mult matrix vector = runST $ do
vs <-
traverse_ (U.mapM_ (flipBit' vs . wordToInt . unMod) . unSBVector . (matrix `index'`)) $ listBits' vector
ws <- SU.unsafeFreeze vs
pure $ DBVector ws

listBits' :: KnownNat k => DBVector k -> [Int]
listBits' (DBVector (GSI.Vector v)) = listBits v

flipBit' :: KnownNat k => SMU.MVector k s Bit -> Int -> ST s ()
flipBit' (GMSI.MVector v) = unsafeFlipBit v

index' :: KnownNat k => SBMatrix k -> Int -> SBVector k
index' (SBMatrix (GSI.Vector v)) = V.unsafeIndex v

intVal :: KnownNat k => a k -> Int
intVal = naturalToInt . natVal

-- | It takes a random seed and a square singular matrix and it returns an
-- elemnent of its kernel. It does not check if the matrix is singular.
linearSolve :: KnownNat k => Int -> SBMatrix k -> DBVector k
linearSolve seed matrix = linearSolveHelper 1 matrix randomVectors 1
-- The floating point number is the density of the random vectors.
randomVectors = getRandomDBVectors 0.5 $ mkStdGen seed

linearSolveHelper :: KnownNat k => F2Poly -> SBMatrix k -> [DBVector k] -> Int -> DBVector k
linearSolveHelper _ _ [] _ = error "Not enough random vectors"
linearSolveHelper _ _ [_] _ = error "Not enough random vectors"
linearSolveHelper previousPoly matrix (z : x : otherVecs) counter = case potentialSolution of
-- This is a good solution.
Just solution -> solution
-- If the algorithm does not find a solution, try another random vector @x@.
| counter <= 5 -> linearSolveHelper potentialMinPoly matrix (z : otherVecs) (counter + 1)
-- If the algorithm does not find a solution after five iterations,
-- most likely (>90%), it means that it picked a bad random vector @z@
-- in the image of the matrix. This changes @z@.
| otherwise -> linearSolveHelper 1 matrix otherVecs 1
potentialSolution = findSolution countOfSingularities matrix almostZeroVector
almostZeroVector = evaluate matrix z $ toF2Poly $ U.drop countOfSingularities vectorMinPoly
countOfSingularities = fromMaybe (U.length vectorMinPoly) $ bitIndex (Bit True) vectorMinPoly
-- Information gathered from the previous random vector @x@ is used in
-- the subsequent iteration.
vectorMinPoly = unF2Poly potentialMinPoly
potentialMinPoly = lcm previousPoly candidateMinPoly
candidateMinPoly = findCandidatePoly matrix z x

-- Infinite lists of random DBVectors.
getRandomDBVectors :: forall k. KnownNat k => Double -> StdGen -> [DBVector k]
getRandomDBVectors density gen = go $ randomRs (0, 1) gen
numberOfColumns = intVal (Proxy :: Proxy k)
go :: KnownNat k => [Double] -> [DBVector k]
go list = newVector `seq` newVector : go backOfList
newVector = DBVector $ fromJust $ SU.fromList $ map (\d -> Bit (d < density)) frontOfList
(frontOfList, backOfList) = L.splitAt numberOfColumns list

-- The input is a matrix @B@ and random vectors @z@ and @x@. It returns the
-- sequence @x A ^ k z@ as k runs from 0 to the size of the matrix.
generateData :: KnownNat k => SBMatrix k -> DBVector k -> DBVector k -> F2Poly
generateData matrix z x = toF2Poly $ U.fromList $ reverse $ map (x `dot`) matrixPowers
matrixPowers = take (((*2) . intVal) matrix) $ L.iterate (matrix `mult`) z

-- This routine finds the generating polynomial of the random sequence computed
-- in @generateData@.
berlekampMassey :: Int -> F2Poly -> F2Poly -> F2Poly
berlekampMassey dim = go 1 0
go :: F2Poly -> F2Poly -> F2Poly ->F2Poly -> F2Poly
go oneBefore twoBefore a b
| U.length (unF2Poly b) <= dim = oneBefore
| otherwise = go (twoBefore - oneBefore * q) oneBefore b r
(q, r) = quotRem a b

findCandidatePoly :: KnownNat k => SBMatrix k -> DBVector k -> DBVector k -> F2Poly
findCandidatePoly matrix z x = berlekampMassey dim errorPoly randomSequence
randomSequence = generateData matrix z x
errorPoly = fromInteger (1 `shiftL` (2 * dim)) :: F2Poly
dim = intVal matrix

-- This routine takes a polynomial @p@, a @matrix@ and a vector @w@ and
-- returns @p(A)w@.
evaluate :: KnownNat k => SBMatrix k -> DBVector k -> F2Poly -> DBVector k
evaluate matrix w poly = U.foldr (\coeff acc -> (matrix `mult` acc) <> (if unBit coeff then w else mempty)) mempty $ unF2Poly poly

-- Tries to infer a solution. If it does not succeed, it returns an empty solution.
findSolution :: KnownNat k => Int -> SBMatrix k -> DBVector k -> Maybe (DBVector k)
findSolution len matrix vector = fst <$> find ((== mempty) . snd) (zip vectors (tail vectors))
vectors = take (len + 1) $ L.iterate (matrix `mult`) vector

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