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Add new logic for PTW
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Bohan-hu committed Jul 12, 2021
1 parent 530388e commit c50dd52
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Showing 11 changed files with 117 additions and 96 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions build.sbt
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ enablePlugins(PackPlugin)
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs",
version := "1.2",
scalaVersion := "2.12.4",
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.4", "2.11.12"),
scalaVersion := "2.12.13",
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.13"),
parallelExecution in Global := false,
traceLevel := 15,
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation","-unchecked","-Xsource:2.11"),
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ lazy val commonSettings = Seq(

lazy val chisel = (project in file("chisel3")).settings(commonSettings)
lazy val hardfloat = project.dependsOn(chisel).settings(commonSettings)
.settings(crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.11.12", "2.12.4"))
.settings(crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.13", "2.12.13"))
lazy val macros = (project in file("macros")).settings(commonSettings)
lazy val rocketchip = (project in file("."))
.settings(commonSettings, chipSettings)
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions fpga/
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ Set environment variables:
export RISCV=path/of/riscv-toolchain
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$RISCV/include

## Build RISC-V image
Expand Down
21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions fpga/emu/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
CHECK_RESULT = $(shell bash

base_dir = $(abspath ../..)
fpga_dir = $(abspath ..)
fpga_script_dir = $(fpga_dir)/scripts
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SEED ?=
# Emulator generation

original_emu = $(base_dir)/emulator/emulator-$(PROJECT)-$(CONFIG)
original_emu = $(base_dir)/emulator/emulator-$(PROJECT)-$(CONFIG)-debug
emu = $(build_dir)/emu
emu_bin_file = $(build_dir)/linux.bin
emu_gen_script =
Expand All @@ -32,11 +32,21 @@ ifdef HAS_MAX_CYCLES
OPT_MAX_CYCLE=-m $(max_cycles)

$(fsdbfile): ../build/debug.vcd
vcd2fsdb ../build/debug.vcd

fsdbfile: $(fsdbfile)
verdi -f ~/filelist.f -ssf debug.vcd.fsdb -nologo &

$(emu): $(original_emu)
echo $(original_emu)
ln -sf $< $@

$(MAKE) all -C $(base_dir)/emulator CONFIG=$(CONFIG) \
$(MAKE) debug -C $(base_dir)/emulator CONFIG=$(CONFIG) \

$(nohype_dtb): $(build_dir)/generated-src/freechips.rocketchip.system.$(CONFIG).dts
Expand All @@ -58,7 +68,10 @@ DEBUG_ARGS = +jtag_rbb_enable=1 -r 4040

run-emu: $(emu) $(emu_bin_hex_file) $(nohype_dtb_hex_file)
cd $(dir $(emu)) && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(RISCV)/lib time $< $(DEBUG_ARGS) $(SEED) +verbose $(OPT_MAX_CYCLE) . 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 \
echo $(original_emu)
# cd $(dir $(emu)) && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(RISCV)/lib time $< $(DEBUG_ARGS) $(SEED) -v debug.vcd +verbose $(OPT_MAX_CYCLE) . 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 \
cd $(dir $(emu)) && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(RISCV)/lib time $< $(DEBUG_ARGS) $(SEED) +verbose $(OPT_MAX_CYCLE) . 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 \
| spike-dasm > $(dir $(emu))/emu.log

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions fpga/emu/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export RISCV=/home/hubohan/ictwork/lvna/riscv-toolchain-2018.05.24/
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$RISCV/include
Binary file added fpga/emu/
Binary file not shown.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions fpga/set.env
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export RISCV=/home/hubohan/ictwork/lvna/riscv-toolchain-2018.05.24
export PATH=$PATH:$RISCV/bin
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$RISCV/include
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/lvna/LvNAConfigs.scala
Expand Up @@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ class LvNABoomFPGAConfigzcu102 extends Config(

class LvNAConfigemu extends Config(
new WithoutFPU
++ new WithNonblockingL1(8)
// ++ new WithNonblockingL1(8)
++ new WithNL2CacheCapacity(256)
++ new WithNBigCores(2)
++ new WithNBigCores(1)
++ new WithEmu
++ new WithRationalRocketTiles
++ new WithExtMemSize(0x8000000L) // 32MB
Expand Down
160 changes: 75 additions & 85 deletions src/main/scala/rocket/PTW.scala
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

class PTWReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val addr = UInt(width = vpnBits)
val cmd = UInt(width = M_SZ)

class PTWResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,12 +66,14 @@ class PTE(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val v = Bool()

def table(dummy: Int = 0) = v && !r && !w && !x
def leaf(dummy: Int = 0) = v && (r || (x && !w)) && a
def leaf(dummy: Int = 0) = v && (r || (x && !w))
def leaf_a_not_set(dummy: Int = 0) = v && (r || (x && !w)) && a
def ur(dummy: Int = 0) = sr() && u
def uw(dummy: Int = 0) = sw() && u
def ux(dummy: Int = 0) = sx() && u
def sr(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && r
def sw(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && w && d
def sw(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && w
def sw_d_not_set(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && w
def sx(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && x

Expand All @@ -82,7 +85,8 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val dpath = new DatapathPTWIO

val s_ready :: s_req :: s_wait1 :: s_dummy1 :: s_wait2 :: s_wait3 :: s_dummy2 :: s_fragment_superpage :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 8)
val s_ready :: s_req :: s_wait1 :: s_dummy1 :: s_wait2 :: s_wait3 :: s_dummy2 :: s_bitset :: s_fragment_superpage :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 9)
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
val state = Reg(init=s_ready)

val arb = Module(new RRArbiter(Valid(new PTWReq), n))
Expand All @@ -107,6 +111,14 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val r_req_dest = Reg(Bits())
val r_pte = Reg(new PTE)

// Responding PTE (also to be written back to memory)
val resp_pte_accessed = new PTE().fromBits(r_pte.asUInt)
val lrscWaitCnt = RegInit(0.U(2.W))
resp_pte_accessed.a := true.B
val resp_pte_dirty = Wire(init = resp_pte_accessed)
resp_pte_dirty.d := true.B
val resp_pte = Mux(~r_pte.leaf(), r_pte,
Mux(isWrite(, resp_pte_dirty, resp_pte_accessed))
val (pte, invalid_paddr) = {
val tmp = new PTE().fromBits(io.mem.resp.bits.data_word_bypass)
val res = Wire(init = new PTE().fromBits(io.mem.resp.bits.data_word_bypass))
Expand All @@ -118,18 +130,34 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
(res, (tmp.ppn >> ppnBits) =/= 0)
val r_invalid_paddr = {
val tmp = Wire(new PTE())
val res = Wire(new PTE())
tmp := r_pte
res := r_pte
res.ppn := tmp.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0)
when (tmp.r || tmp.w || tmp.x) {
// for superpage mappings, make sure PPN LSBs are zero
for (i <- 0 until pgLevels-1)
when (count <= i && tmp.ppn((pgLevels-1-i)*pgLevelBits-1, (pgLevels-2-i)*pgLevelBits) =/= 0) { res.v := false }
(tmp.ppn >> ppnBits) =/= 0
val pte_addr_hold = RegInit(false.B)
val leaf_pte_addr = Reg(UInt())
val traverse = pte.table() && !invalid_paddr && count < pgLevels-1
val pte_addr = if (!usingVM) 0.U else {
val vpn_idxs = (0 until pgLevels).map(i => (r_req.addr >> (pgLevels-i-1)*pgLevelBits)(pgLevelBits-1,0))
val vpn_idx = vpn_idxs(count)
Cat(r_pte.ppn, vpn_idx) << log2Ceil(xLen/8)
Mux(pte_addr_hold, leaf_pte_addr, Cat(r_pte.ppn, vpn_idx) << log2Ceil(xLen/8))
val fragmented_superpage_ppn = {
val choices = (pgLevels-1 until 0 by -1).map(i => Cat(r_pte.ppn >> (pgLevelBits*i), r_req.addr(pgLevelBits*i-1, 0)))

when ( {
println("received request")
r_req :=
r_req_dest :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,81 +191,19 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(

val l2_refill = RegNext(false.B)
io.dpath.perf.l2miss := false
val (l2_hit, l2_error, l2_pte, l2_tlb_ram) = if (coreParams.nL2TLBEntries == 0) (false.B, false.B, Wire(new PTE), None) else {
val code = new ParityCode
val idxBits = log2Ceil(coreParams.nL2TLBEntries)
val tagBits = vpnBits - idxBits

class Entry extends Bundle {
val tag = UInt(width = tagBits)
val ppn = UInt(width = ppnBits)
val d = Bool()
val a = Bool()
val u = Bool()
val x = Bool()
val w = Bool()
val r = Bool()

override def cloneType = new Entry().asInstanceOf[this.type]

val ram = DescribedSRAM(
name = "l2_tlb_ram",
desc = "L2 TLB",
size = coreParams.nL2TLBEntries,
data = UInt(width = code.width(new Entry().getWidth))

val g = Reg(UInt(width = coreParams.nL2TLBEntries))
val valid = RegInit(UInt(0, coreParams.nL2TLBEntries))
val (r_tag, r_idx) = Split(r_req.addr, idxBits)
when (l2_refill && !invalidated) {
val entry = Wire(new Entry)
entry := r_pte
entry.tag := r_tag
ram.write(r_idx, code.encode(entry.asUInt))

val mask = UIntToOH(r_idx)
valid := valid | mask
g := Mux(r_pte.g, g | mask, g & ~mask)
when (io.dpath.sfence.valid) {
valid :=
Mux(io.dpath.sfence.bits.rs1, valid & ~UIntToOH(io.dpath.sfence.bits.addr(idxBits+pgIdxBits-1, pgIdxBits)),
Mux(io.dpath.sfence.bits.rs2, valid & g, 0.U))

val s0_valid = !l2_refill &&
val s1_valid = RegNext(s0_valid &&
val s2_valid = RegNext(s1_valid)
val s1_rdata =, 0), s0_valid)
val s2_rdata = code.decode(RegEnable(s1_rdata, s1_valid))
val s2_valid_bit = RegEnable(valid(r_idx), s1_valid)
val s2_g = RegEnable(g(r_idx), s1_valid)
when (s2_valid && s2_valid_bit && s2_rdata.error) { valid := 0.U }

val s2_entry = s2_rdata.uncorrected.asTypeOf(new Entry)
val s2_hit = s2_valid && s2_valid_bit && r_tag === s2_entry.tag
io.dpath.perf.l2miss := s2_valid && !(s2_valid_bit && r_tag === s2_entry.tag)
val s2_pte = Wire(new PTE)
s2_pte := s2_entry
s2_pte.g := s2_g
s2_pte.v := true

ccover(s2_hit, "L2_TLB_HIT", "L2 TLB hit")

(s2_hit, s2_rdata.error, s2_pte, Some(ram))
val (l2_hit, l2_error, l2_pte, l2_tlb_ram) = (false.B, false.B, Wire(new PTE), None)

// if SFENCE occurs during walk, don't refill PTE cache or L2 TLB until next walk
invalidated := io.dpath.sfence.valid || (invalidated && state =/= s_ready)

io.mem.req.valid := state === s_req || state === s_dummy1
io.mem.req.valid := state === s_req || state === s_dummy1 || (state === s_bitset && r_pte.leaf())
io.mem.req.bits.phys := Bool(true)
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := M_XLR
io.mem.req.bits.typ := log2Ceil(xLen/8)
io.mem.req.bits.addr := pte_addr
// := resp_pte.asUInt := RegNext(resp_pte.asUInt)
io.mem.s1_data.mask := "b11111111".U
io.mem.s1_kill := l2_hit || state =/= s_wait1
io.mem.s2_kill := Bool(false)

Expand All @@ -258,7 +224,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
for (i <- 0 until io.requestor.size) {
io.requestor(i).resp.valid := resp_valid(i)
io.requestor(i) := resp_ae
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.pte := r_pte
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.pte := resp_pte
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.level := count
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.homogeneous := homogeneous || pageGranularityPMPs
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.fragmented_superpage := resp_fragmented_superpage && pageGranularityPMPs
Expand All @@ -276,10 +242,12 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
is (s_ready) {
when ( {
next_state := Mux(, s_req, s_ready)
println("next state is s_req")
count := UInt(0)
is (s_req) {
println("PTE received request.")
when (pte_cache_hit) {
count := count + 1
}.otherwise {
Expand All @@ -298,6 +266,33 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
is (s_bitset) {
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := M_XSC
lrscWaitCnt := lrscWaitCnt + 1.U
when(r_pte.leaf()) { // It's a leaf, request sent
l2_refill := r_pte.v && !r_invalid_paddr && count === pgLevels-1
when(lrscWaitCnt === 2.U) { // Response get
lrscWaitCnt := 0.U
val ae = r_pte.v && r_invalid_paddr
resp_ae := ae
when( === 0.U) { // SC success
pte_addr_hold := false.B
when (pageGranularityPMPs && count =/= pgLevels-1 && !ae) {
next_state := s_fragment_superpage
}.otherwise {
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
}.otherwise{ // SC failed, replay
next_state := s_req
}.otherwise{ // Not a leaf, may cause page fault
pte_addr_hold := false.B
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
is (s_fragment_superpage) {
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
Expand All @@ -315,15 +310,16 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
r_pte := OptimizationBarrier(
Mux(state === s_bitset, r_pte,
Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, pte,
Mux(l2_hit && !l2_error, l2_pte,
Mux(state === s_fragment_superpage && !homogeneous, makePTE(fragmented_superpage_ppn, r_pte),
Mux(state === s_req && pte_cache_hit, makePTE(pte_cache_data, l2_pte),
Mux(, makePTE(io.dpath.ptbr.ppn, r_pte),

when (l2_hit && !l2_error) {
assert(state === s_req || state === s_wait1)
assert(state === s_wait1)
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
resp_ae := false
Expand All @@ -334,20 +330,14 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
next_state := s_req
when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
assert(state === s_wait2 || state === s_wait3)
assert(state === s_wait2 || state === s_wait3 || state =/= s_bitset)
leaf_pte_addr := pte_addr // Last PTE Addr
when (traverse) {
next_state := s_req
count := count + 1
}.otherwise {
l2_refill := pte.v && !invalid_paddr && count === pgLevels-1
val ae = pte.v && invalid_paddr
resp_ae := ae
when (pageGranularityPMPs && count =/= pgLevels-1 && !ae) {
next_state := s_fragment_superpage
}.otherwise {
next_state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
pte_addr_hold := true.B
next_state := s_bitset

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/rocket/RocketCore.scala
Expand Up @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)

val wb_reg_valid = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_xcpt = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_replay = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_replay = Reg(Bool()) // WB Replay if DCache Missed
val wb_reg_flush_pipe = Reg(Bool())
val wb_reg_cause = Reg(UInt())
val wb_reg_sfence = Reg(Bool())
Expand All @@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ class Rocket(tile: RocketTile)(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val wb_reg_wdata = Reg(Bits())
val wb_reg_rs2 = Reg(Bits())
val take_pc_wb = Wire(Bool())
when(wb_reg_valid) {
printf("wb pc = %x\n", wb_reg_pc)

val take_pc_mem_wb = take_pc_wb || take_pc_mem
val take_pc = take_pc_mem_wb
Expand Down

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