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Brass Band Results 5th Version

This is the source repository for the next incarnation of, and is a complete rewrite in Java, targetting Azure.


  • Java Spring Boot application in Docker container deployed on Azure App Service
  • Azure SQL Server database
  • Azure Storage Account for static assets

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used by the site.

  • BBR_DATABASE_URL - url for the sqlserver database, something like jdbc:sqlserver://timpi;database=bbr;trustServerCertificate=true
  • BBR_DATABASE_USERNAME - database username
  • BBR_DATABASE_PASSWORD - database password
  • BBR_SMTP_SERVER_HOST - hostname for the SMTP server to use, probably
  • BBR_SMTP_SERVER_USERNAME - username for SMTP server
  • BBR_SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD - password for SMTP server
  • BBR_STATIC_FILES_HOST - hostname for static files, probably
  • BBR_WEB_SITE_PREFIX - website domain prefix, this provides the ability to have per-environment urls in emails
  • BBR_STRIPE_PUBLIC_BUY_BUTTON - Stripe buy button, starts with buy_btn_
  • BBR_STRIPE_PUBLIC_PUBLISHABLE_KEY - Stripe publishable key, starts with pk_
  • BBR_STRIPE_PRIVATE_API_KEY - Stripe private key, starts with sk_

Running Locally

Clone the git repository to your local machine. From here the unit test suite can be run. In order to run the application locally, you'll need a running sql server database. The easiest way to do this is to deploy the image using docker. Specify the MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable to be a password, and then put this password in site/src/main/resources/ You'll also need to change timpi in this file to point at the hostname that you are running your database server on. Startup the server by running the site/ script, designed for a mac, or run.bat designed for Windows. It is also possible to run the app locally with docker compose:-

cd site
docker-compose up
