VR version of Mantaflow, using OpenVR
Note: Currently only Win64 is supported
- Arrow_Up: Increase scale
- Arrow_Down: Decrease scale
- Arrow_Right: Rotate right
- Arrow_Left: Rotate left
- Keypad_8: Change plane
- Q or ESC: Exit
For now these are the only controls that have been ported over from the original project, hopefully in the future I can enable more of the original functionality
Mantaflow is an open-source framework targeted at fluid simulation research in Computer Graphics. Its parallelized C++ solver core, python scene definition interface and plugin system allow for quickly prototyping and testing new algorithms. For more information on how to install, run and code with Mantaflow, please head over to our home page at http://mantaflow.com
Check out the original Mantaflow repository at https://github.com/tum-pbs/mantaflow.
In addition, it provides a toolbox of for deep learning experiments with fluids. For a tighter integration with deep learning, please check out our differentiable solving framework phiflow: https://github.com/tum-pbs/PhiFlow