Turtle language support for Code Mirror 6 that uses an RDFS + SHACL graph to provide auto completion.
You can test Shacled Turtle online on this page: https://bruy.at/demo/shacled-turtle/demo.html
npm install
cd demo
npm run start
- http://localhost:12345/index.html
demo is the folder for the demonstration. It currently contains two demos:
- The index demo with a code editor. You are able to test the autocompletion and modify the schema graph
lang-turtle is the basic turtle language support for Code Mirror. It only provide syntactic coloration
shacled-turtle is a Code Mirror extension that provides both Turtle language support and an autocompletion engine based on a schema graph.
This work is dual-licensed under the MIT license and the CeCILL-B license by INSA Lyon / Julian Bruyat. You can choose between one of them.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR CECILL-B