diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 26cfcbfd5..7a8a8716b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -59,13 +59,16 @@ To avoid dependency issues (e.g. in [junit-pioneer#343](https://github.com/junit To not add to user's [JAR hell](https://nipafx.dev/jar-hell/), JUnit Pioneer is not taking on any runtime dependencies besides JUnit 5. Pioneer always depends on the lowest JUnit 5 version that supports its feature set, but that should not keep you from using 5's latest and greatest. +Since 1.7.0 we also have an **optional** runtime dependency on [Jackson](https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson), for our JSON-based extensions. +You can read a bit more about our approach to dependencies in the [contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md#others). + For our own infrastructure, we rely on the following compile and test dependencies: -* JSR-305 (for static analysis) * AssertJ (assertions for our tests) * Mockito (mocking for our tests) * Log4J (to configure logging during test runs) * Jimfs (as an in-memory file system for our test) +* Equalsverifier (for easier assertion of simple things) ## Contributing @@ -105,8 +108,6 @@ In lexicographic order, these are:
Bearded guy in Lederhosen, who loves to code, and loves to explore code quality, testing, and other tools that can improve the live of a software craftsman. Passionated couchsurfer and hobby event planner. Maintainer since April 2020.
Steve Moyer aka smoyer64
Co-founded the project in November 2016.
### Contributors @@ -129,10 +130,10 @@ The least we can do is to thank them and list some of their accomplishments here * [Daniel Kraus](https://github.com/beatngu13) fixed bugs in the environment variable and system property extensions (#432 / #433, #448 / #449, and more), revamped their annotation handling (#460 / #485), and improved the build process (#482 / #483) before becoming a maintainer * [Gabriel Diegel](https://github.com/gdiegel) contributed the `@DisabledUntil` extension in [Temporarily disable a test](https://junit-pioneer.org/docs/disabled-until/) (#366) * [John Lehne](https://github.com/johnlehne) resolved an issue with the latest build status not showing correctly in README.md (#530) +* [Jonathan Bluett-Duncan](https://github.com/jbduncan) contributed a fix to `buildSrc/build.gradle` which was failing when a `.idea` directory did not contain a `vcs.xml` file (#532) * [Scott Leberknight](https://github.com/sleberknight) resolved a javadoc issue (#547 / #548) * [Slawomir Jaranowski](https://github.com/slawekjaranowski) Migrate to new Shipkit plugins (#410 / #419) * [Stefano Cordio](https://github.com/scordio) contributed [the Cartesian Enum source](https://junit-pioneer.org/docs/cartesian-product/#cartesianenumsource) (#379 / #409 and #414 / #453) -* [Jonathan Bluett-Duncan](https://github.com/jbduncan) contributed a fix to `buildSrc/build.gradle` which was failing when a `.idea` directory did not contain a `vcs.xml` file (#532) #### 2020 diff --git a/build.gradle.kts b/build.gradle.kts index fd5f015ef..ba4e1da9e 100644 --- a/build.gradle.kts +++ b/build.gradle.kts @@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ publishing { developers { mapOf( "nipafx" to "Nicolai Parlog", - "smoyer64" to "Steve Moyer", "Bukama" to "Matthias Bünger", "aepfli" to "Simon Schrottner", "Michael1993" to "Mihály Verhás",