The NodeJS CADViewer Conversion Server (nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/) is used in a multitude of CADViewer different implementations: Angular,ReactJS, Laravel, Rails7 , VueJS and as an alternative server in the Apache / PHP installation.
The CADViewer Conversion Server can also be used as a RESTFUL API server for CAD conversions and data extraction, see: CADViewer RESTFUL API
The repository contains a full setup including converters and NodeJS controlling script.
It contains all components to run on either a Windows server or a Linux Server.
NOTE: The CAD converters are of such as size that Git LFS is used, therefore prior to making a git pull, you must first install Git LFS: sudo apt-get install git-lfs and git lfs install .
1: NodeJS script library for controlling CAD Conversions and communication with CADViewer - in its preferred folder structure
2: AutoXchange AX2025 Converter, LinkList2025 Converterand DWGMerge2025 Converter - in their preferred folder structure
3: All structures for file-conversion, rest-API calls, sample drawings, redlines, etc.
4: The converter folder structure contains a larger set of fonts, installed in /cadviewer/converters/ax2024/fonts/, but a fuller set of fonts can be installed.
Read the sections on installing and handling Fonts in AutoXchange 2024TechDocs and TroubleShooting.
The CADViewer_config.json contains all settings for running under Windows and Linux.
In the CADViewer_config.json the default settings of the variable autodetect_platform is true and the variable autodetect_location is true. With these settings running cadviewer_server will automatically set up all folder paths for conversions when running on either Windows or Linux.
If a user sets autodetect_platform to false and the variable autodetect_location to false, all paths in CADViewer_config.json MUST correspond to the actual server setting.
The variable ServerUrl sets the URL of the server with its port, the default setup is http://localhost:3000.
When running on Linux, ensure the following:
5A: Ensure the converter ax2023_L64_12_xx_yy has full chmod 777 permissions (or 755).
5B: Ensure the folder with temporary files /converters/files has full read and write permissions.
Run by using the npm start script or node cadviewer_server from the command line.
7: The CAD converter AutoXchange 2025, - and other converters -, needs to be installed and referenced through the configuration file. The converters typically are in the /cadviewer-conversion-server/converters/ folder structure and comes pre-installed with this package. If using autodetect_ under 2. above, then paths will be set up automatically
9: The CADViewer front-end can be found from our download resources, or installed directly from npm with: npm i cadviewer. Use the following online sample encapsulations from our repository to run CADViewer: for example React CADViewer sample - cadviewer-testapp-react-01, Apache CADViewer - cadviewer-script-library, and many other platform implementations.
9: See Business Extensions to Handlers and CADViewer RESTFUL API to extend the back-end with a customExtension for reading of Blobs/internal datastructure, etc.
NOTE: Make sure the converter version number in CADViwer_config.json match the converters you install, and change any paths settings to correspond to your install folders.
Run: Run by using the npm start script or node cadviewer_server from the command line.
The installation provides a template Dockerfile and docker-compose-yml, which can be updated according to platform. When running under Docker the internal url is, and therefore the following fields in the CADViewer_config.json needs to be configured, note that callbackMethod_gatewayUrl is the external url when calling the container, which also needs to be updated appropriately:
"ServerUrl" : ""
"fileLocationUrl" : ""
"callbackMethod_gatewayUrl_flag" : true
"callbackMethod_gatewayUrl" : "http://localhost:3000"
All these modifications are already in the file CADViewer_config-docker.json, so therefore simply copy the Docker template file CADViewer_config-docker.json to CADViewer_config.json , and then execute: docker compose up.
The config file file CADViewer_config-windows-linux.json is a copy of the standard config file CADViewer_config.json.
The user controlled parameters in the configuration file CADViewer_config.json has the following default settings:
"ServerPort" : 3000,
"ServerUrl" : "http://localhost:3000",
"https" : false,
"ServerFrontEndUrl" : "",
"ServerFrontEndUrlAsAllowedOriginOnly" : false,
"cvjs_svgz_compress" : false,
"cached_conversion" : false,
"remainOnServer" : true,
"cvjs_debug" : true,
"autodetect_platform" : true,
"platform" :"windows or linux",
"autodetect_location" : true,
"ServerLocation" : "/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/",
"ServerLocation_windows" : "/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/",
"ServerLocation_linux" : "/opt/cadviewer-conversion-server/",
"fileLocation" : "/converters/files/",
"fileLocationUrl" : "http://localhost:3000/converters/files/",
"converterLocation" : "/converters/ax2024/",
"converterpathWin": "windows/",
"converterpathLin": "linux/",
"fontLocation" : "fonts/",
"ax2024_executable" : "AX2025_W64_25_04_135a.exe",
"ax2024_executable_windows" : "AX2025_W64_25_04_135a.exe",
"ax2024_executable_linux" : "ax2023_L64_23_12_134",
"licenseLocation" : "/converters/ax2024/",
"xpathLocation" : "/converters/xpath/",
"temp_print_folder" : "/temp_print",
"callbackMethod_gatewayUrl_flag" : false,
"callbackMethod_gatewayUrl" : "http://localhost:3000",
"callbackMethod" : "getcadviewercontent",
"dwgmergeLocation" : "/converters/dwgmerge2024",
"dwgmerge2023_executable" : "DwgMerge2023_W32_23_01_01.exe",
"dwgmerge2023_executable_windows" : "DwgMerge2023_W32_23_01_01.exe",
"dwgmerge2023_executable_linux" : "DwgMerge_2023_L64_23_12_03",
"linklistLocation" : "/converters/linklist2024/",
"linklist2023_executable" : "LinkList_2024_W64_24_01_03.exe",
"linklist2023_executable_windows" : "LinkList_2024_W64_24_01_03.exe",
"linklist2023_executable_linux" : "LinkList_2024_L64_24_01_03",
"custom_bearerAutentication" : "d5d483e8-2f8d-463e-cc01-f41a78b1d94c",
"setup_mysqlHost" : true,
"mysqlHost" : "localhost",
"mysqlUsername" : "root",
"mysqlPassword" : "",
"mysqlDatabase" : "vizquery",
"ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly" : true,
"ContentSecurityPolicy" : "default-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self' 'nonce-INSERTNONCE'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src 'self'",
"fileLoad_PasswordAuthentication" : false,
"fileLoad_UserName" : "myusername",
"fileLoad_Password" : "mypassword",
"contentLocationCheck" : true,
"version" : "v9.64.3",
"folderLocation" : "/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/",
"folderLocation_windows" : "/nodejs/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/",
"folderLocation_linux" : "/opt/cadviewer-conversion-server/content/",
"jwtSecretKey" : "a45f6g7h8j9k0l193skdlmdj",
"bcryptSaltRounds" : 10,
"userFolderMaximumFiles" : 10,
"userFolderMaximumSizeInMB" : 100,
"globalApplicationSasToken" : "?si=testread1&spr=https&sv=2022-11-02&sr=c&sig=xx",
"globalBearerAutentication" : false,
"globalBearerAutenticationToken" : "t-7614f875-8423-4f20-a674-d7cf3096290e"
This repository should contain the latest converters, but in case you need to update any of the back-end converters please follow:
Download AutoXchange (and other converters), install (unzip) AX2025 in /converters/ax2024/windows or /converters/ax2024/linux or in the designated folder structure.
Read the sections on installing and handling Fonts in AutoXchange 2024 TechDocs and TroubleShooting.
Try out the samples and build your own application!