// This is a template language object for A2J Author/Viewer // translations should replace their english equivalents, // keeping the single quotation marks around the translations, // and trailing comma at the end of each line. // // For example for Spanish: Language: 'English', would become: Language: 'EspaƱol', // if you don't know the 2 letter regional or locale code, you can leave it blank or as is and we will update it for you. // keep the commas between the months // --- begin template --- Languages.regional.en = { locale: 'en', Language: 'English', LanguageEN: 'English', AskYesNo_Yes: 'Yes', AskYesNo_No: 'No', Close: 'Close', Comment: 'Comment', GoBack: 'Back', GoNext: 'Next', LearnMore: 'Learn More', MyProgress: 'MY PROGRESS', ProvideFeedbackOrComment: 'Provide feedback or comment on this page', SaveAndExit: 'EXIT', ResumeExit: 'RESUME', SendFeedback: 'SEND FEEDBACK', SoundIsOff: 'SOUND IS OFF', SoundIsOn: 'SOUND IS ON', SoundPlay: 'Play', SoundStop: 'Stop', WhatDoYouMean: 'What do you mean?', Continue: 'Continue', Exit: 'Exit', Male: 'Male', Female: 'Female', ChooseListNumber: 'Choose: ', ChooseListText: 'Choose from this list: ', CheckBoxNOTALabel: 'None of the above', ZoomNormal: 'Normal Size', ZoomFull: 'Full screen', TextEnlarge: 'Enlarge text box', TextShrink: 'Shrink text box', TextSizeLetter: 'A', UploadAnswers: 'Exiting. Please wait...', CalcClear: 'Clear', CalcEnter: 'Enter', MonthNamesShort: 'Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec', MonthNamesLong: 'January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December', FieldPrompts_ResponseRequired: 'You must provide a response in the blanks next to the red labels before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_SelectionRequired: 'You must make a selection before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_text: 'You must type a response in the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_textlong: 'You must type a response in the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_textpick: 'You must make a selection from the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_number: 'You must type a number in the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_numberdollar: 'You must type a dollar amount in the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_numberssn: 'You must type a social security number in the highlighted spaces before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_numberphone: 'You must type a phone number in the highlighted spaces before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_numberzip: 'You must type a zip code in the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_numberpick: 'You must select a number from the highlighted space before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_datemdy: 'You must enter a month, day and year in the highlighted spaces before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_gender: 'Select an avatar to represent you.', FieldPrompts_radio: 'You must choose a response from the highlighted selection before you can continue.', FieldPrompts_checkbox: 'You must select one or more checkboxes to continue.', FieldPrompts_checkboxNOTA: 'Please select one or more checkboxes or "None of the above" to continue.', Ordinals_1: 'first', Ordinals_2: 'second', Ordinals_3: 'third', Ordinals_4: 'fourth', Ordinals_5: 'fifth', Ordinals_6: 'sixth', Ordinals_7: 'seventh', Ordinals_8: 'eighth', Ordinals_9: 'ninth', Ordinals_10: 'tenth', Ordinals_11: 'eleventh', Ordinals_12: 'twelfth', Ordinals_13: 'thirteenth', RepeatAnd: 'and', Required: 'Required' Show Navigation Navigation Panel Close Open }